Book Read Free


Page 30

by Katie Holland

  “Hey honey, how are you doing? Your dad filled me in on what happened yesterday.”

  “Well, I guess I’m ok. I’m actually still a little mad about the whole coin situation.”

  “I’m really sorry about that. Your dad and I didn’t know what to do so we listened to what Natalie and Rick told us. We just wanted to keep you safe.”

  “I know. And I get why you did it, but it still scared me, and I can’t help that I’m still a little mad about the whole thing.”

  “Did Shay stay over last night?”

  “Yeah, she’s still sleeping. I did wake everyone up pretty early yesterday.”

  “Alix, I don’t think I’ve said this to you yet but I’m so proud of you. You’ve had so much thrown at you in such a short amount of time and you’re handling it very well, at least on the outside. How are you handling everything really? I know that brain of yours never stops. Are you as okay as you seem?”

  “For the most part yes. There’s a part of me that’s scared, part of me that’s excited and part of me that thinks there’s no way I can do this. I know I need to stay positive but sometimes it’s really hard mom. I mean the biggest question I have is why me? Why was I chosen for this? Most of the time I think the universe or whatever has made a big mistake.”

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all of this, but I don’t think it was a mistake at all. You’re intelligent, kind, caring, practical, independent and determined. To me, that sounds like the perfect person to be chosen to save the world.”

  “You’re just saying that because you’re my mom and you have to.”

  “No, I’m not Alix. You have become a wonderful young woman capable of anything you set your mind to. You may not see it, but I could tell that the others yesterday were very impressed with you and how you’ve been handling everything. Give yourself some credit honey and also give yourself a break. Don’t try to do everything all at once and accept the help that’s given to you.”

  Alix took a moment to absorb her mom’s words. It seemed like everyone had confidence in her except her. “It’s just hard mom. I feel so lost most of the time.”

  “I’m sure you do and yes, it is hard, but that’s life and part of growing up. You’re just having to do it a little sooner than most kids your age and have a few more burdens to deal with. But I know you can do it, Alix. You have your mother’s strong will and your father’s fighting spirit. They would be so proud of you.”

  With those words, Alix’s eyes teared up a little. She loved her parents more than anything, but she sometimes wished she could have gotten to know her birth parents.

  “Thanks, mom,” Alix said, with a small smile.

  “Can I come in now?” Shay said from the kitchen entrance. “I think I’ve been standing here forever,” She grinned in Alix’s direction. “And just for the record, your mom is right … and I think I said some of the same things to you, didn’t I? You should listen to us, we know what we’re talking about.”

  Heather let out a small laugh and Alix had to smile.

  “I’m starving, what’s for breakfast?” Shay said, as if this was a normal conversation, but that was Shay.

  “Well,” Heather said trying to hide her smile, “I was thinking I would make French toast. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect,” Shay answered her.


  A while later as they were relaxing in the living room after breakfast Alix got a text from Ben.

  Ben: Kris is back from his scouting mission. How soon can you get here?

  Alix: What did he tell you?

  Ben: Nothing yet. He’s waiting until you get here to tell us what happened.

  Alix: Should we all come?

  Ben: Yes

  Alix: We’ll be there in less than 15 minutes

  “Hey guys, we need to get over to Ben’s as soon as we can. Kris is back and he’s waiting to tell us how his scouting trip went. Let’s get going.”

  Alix, her mom, dad, and Shay were ready and over to Ben’s within ten minutes. They went into the house and eventually found everyone in one of the rooms Alix had only seen on the tour the first time they were there. It was quite a large room with lots of furniture. It looked very formal to Alix.

  “Hey everyone,” Alix said, as she walked into the room. “I thought we’d find you in the kitchen. How come we’re meeting in here?”

  “We figured it would be more comfortable in here rather than the kitchen. Come in, have a seat anywhere,” Natalie said welcoming them.

  Everyone sat down except Alix, she was too anxious. She needed to know what Kris found. “Okay, I can’t wait anymore. Kris, what did you find? Is it the place?”

  “Look for yourself,” Kris said, handing her his camera.

  Alix took the camera and eagerly started looking at the pictures he took. “Can we download them onto a computer or something? I need to see them bigger to be sure.”

  “Do you have a TV with a USB plugin?” Kris asked.

  “Sure,” Ben answered. “Follow me.”

  Everyone got up and followed Ben to the den. Kris proceeded to hook up his camera to the TV. He gave Alix the camera, so she could go through the pictures at her own pace. The first shots were from quite far away. When Alix got to one particular picture she stopped. It was the scene from her dream. She looked at a few more just to be sure. There was no mistake, this was where the hikers were.

  “We did it. We found where they are.” Alix paused for a minute as her thoughts caught up with her. “Oh my God, we found them, now what are we going to do? There was a little panic in her voice as she finished talking.

  “We’re going to come up with a plan,” Ben said taking over the conversation. “Kris, did you see anyone else there? Or signs someone had been there?”

  “No, but if they had been there they could have covered their tracks. I didn’t want to use any magic in case they sensed it?”

  “Wait,” Alix stopped him, “Grynn can sense our magic?”

  “Some of them can. Just like Nykara, Grynn has many different abilities. There are some Nykara that are able to sense when Grynn magic is being used,” Kris answered her.

  “Can you sense it?” she asked him.


  “Hang on a second, I never actually got a look at your tattoo yesterday. What are you?”

  Kris held up his hand for Alix to see. His tattoo was a grizzly bear.

  “So, you’re a Warrior. Well, that explains a few things then. How do you sense their magic?”

  “It’s just something that’s part of me. Just like I can see something in front of me I can sense if magic is being used close to me.”

  “Huh, that’s cool. Sorry for interrupting guys. Please continue.”

  “It’s okay Alix,” Ben told her, “Anytime you need to stop and ask a question please feel free. So, Kris, did you sense any magic being used?”

  “Yes, but it was faint. I have a feeling that it’s the spell or whatever is keeping the hikers in the sleep state.”

  “So, you didn’t feel any traps or anything like that?” Ben asked.

  “Not that I could tell. But they might be using something that I’m not familiar with. It also didn’t look like anyone was coming or going. There were no worn paths or signs of people. If they check on them they don’t do it often.”

  “So, there’s a good chance we won’t run into any Grynn?” Ben asked Kris.

  “I would say so, but we need to be prepared just in case.”

  “Okay, good to know,” Ben said. “How long would it take us to get there?”

  “I think it’ll take us just under an hour and a half to drive there as long as it doesn’t snow. I also didn’t go the way Alix went in her dream, that way would take forever,” he smiled. “There’s a much shorter path. It took me roughly an hour to hike in there. With all of us, it will take longer, maybe an hour and a half.”

  “Wow, they are kind of in the middle of nowhere huh?”

�Yes, it’s definitely somewhere you wouldn’t accidentally find them. We would have never found them without Alix’s dream.”

  “So,” Ben started, “We know where they are, and we can get to them. Awesome job Kris. Now we need to figure out how to get the hikers out of the sleep they are in. And we need to learn some defensive magic in case there are Grynn there. Kris, can you help us with that?”

  “Of course, I will. You should probably learn some offensive magic as well. I’d like to prepare you as much as I can. We have no idea what we might face.”

  “Good, we’re at least making some progress with some type of plan,” Ben smiled at Alix. “Does anyone have anything to add right now?”

  “I do,” Alix said. “Has anyone talked to Karin or Mike to see if they found out anything? They were going to talk to some friends of theirs.”

  Everyone in the room shook their head no. Rick took out his cell phone. “I’ll give them a call to see if they have any information.” He moved away from the group to make his calls.

  “So, when can we get started on learning how to defend ourselves?” Alix asked.

  “I’m ready anytime. I’m just unsure as to who is going to be learning.”

  “My guess is everyone but Shay and my parents. Sorry, Shay.” Alix looked at Shay, she shrugged.

  “It’s ok,” Shay said. “But if you ever find a way to make me magical I’m in!”

  Alix had to laugh. “You got it, Shay. Kris, will it be ok for Shay and my parents to be with us when we learn?”

  “Actually, that’s a really good idea. We can use them for practice.”

  “What do you mean use us for practice?” Shay asked.

  “Alix can learn to defend herself as well as defend someone else,” Kris answered.

  “They’ll be safe right?” Alix asked.

  “Yes, perfectly safe,” he replied.

  “Are you ok with this Shay, mom, dad?” Alix asked.

  “Of course, I want to help in any way I can,” Shay replied.

  “Us too,” her mom said.

  Rick came back from making his calls. “Karin and Mike will be here right away to tell us if they have any helpful information.”

  “Okay,” Kris said. “I think we’ll wait until they get here, find out what they know then we can start training.”

  Everyone agreed to that. Natalie and Heather went to the kitchen to get snacks while they were waiting. Rick, Ted, and Kris were talking on one side of the room. Ben, Alix, and Shay went and sat on the couch.

  “How are you doing?” Ben asked Alix. “Yesterday was quite a day.”

  “I’m nervous, excited, scared and probably twenty other emotions.”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard this a hundred times already but you’re handling this way better than I’m sure anyone else would have, at least on the outside. I’m not sure your brain has stopped though,” Ben said with a smile.

  “That’s true, my brain hasn’t stopped thinking, but then again, I don’t think my brain ever stopped, even before all this happened.”

  “Except when you’re reading,” Shay said grinning at Alix. “You practically have to be hit over the head to get your attention when you’re really into a book.”

  Alix had to laugh at that, it was true. Natalie and Heather brought some snacks in. There were cookies, so Shay was all over them.

  “Leave some for the rest of us,” Alix teased her. Shay just gave her a dirty look which only made Alix laugh harder. Shay came back to sit with them, cookies in hand, it didn’t look like she was going to share, but she eventually gave in and handed Alix a cookie.

  “Hey Ben,” Alix said to him, “Something you said to me has been bugging me for a while.”

  “Just one thing?” Shay laughed

  “Anyway,” Alix continued giving Shay the eye. “Not too long after we met you said something about my eyes changing color. That’s been bugging me, my eyes do not change color.”

  “That’s the one thing that’s been bothering you the most?” Ben asked kind of confused but laughing at the same time. “Not the magic, not that you’re the Chosen One, not about your parents, but that I said your eyes change color? You are one funny girl Alix Dracon.”

  Shay was staying quiet, but Alix could tell she was holding back a laugh. “Just let it out Shay before you burst.” And Shay did. She laughed until she had tears in her eyes.

  “I know it’s not that funny, it must be the stress,” Alix mumbled.

  After Shay was finished Ben continued.

  “Like I said before maybe it was a trick of the light or a reflection from something, but I was sure I saw your eyes get some green in them that one day. If it makes you feel better your eyes are the prettiest blue I’ve ever seen.”

  That made Alix blush. She didn’t know what to say. Luckily, Mike and Karin arrived at that moment and saved her from having to take that conversation any further.

  Chapter 35

  Everyone gathered around to see if Karin or Mike had new information. Mike took the lead.

  “I spoke to several friends and acquaintances last night to see if anyone knew anything about a sleep stasis or how to reverse it. I had no luck until I got in touch with a friend who works for a government research facility. He’s had several encounters with the Grynn. The good news is that he’s seen something like this before. The bad news is that he doesn’t know how to reverse it. When he goes into work tomorrow he’s going to do some research and see what he can find.”

  “At least it’s a start,” Rick stated. “Karin, did you find out anything?”

  “Unfortunately, I didn’t. No one I talked to had any information. Sorry.”

  “No need to apologize, Karin,” Rick said, as he patted her shoulder. “This is a new situation for most of us. We’re all just doing our best.”

  Alix was both happy and disappointed with the information. She was hoping for more but would take anything she could get at that point.

  “Are we ready to start Grynn training?” she asked the room.

  “Grynn training?” Ben laughed.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m calling it. I’m ready to start learning.”

  “Okay,” Kris said, “I can start anytime, we just need a space big enough for all of us to have room to move comfortably. If we need to go outside that’s fine.”

  “Probably outside then,” Rick said heading to the door. “You can follow me to the kitchen.”

  Everyone started putting on their coats and gloves. Alix wanted to learn but didn’t find the thought of spending hours in the chilly weather very appealing. She was wishing that her biological parents had told her mom and dad to move to California instead of Montana or maybe that this house had a gym like a school, just somewhere warmer to practice.

  As they began to leave the room Alix got a peculiar feeling that she couldn’t ignore. “Wait.”

  “What is it honey?” her dad asked.

  “I’m not sure how to explain it. All of a sudden, I had this strange feeling come over me. Let me concentrate for a second and see if I can figure it out.”

  The room went silent. Alix knew they were all staring at her and she couldn’t think so she closed her eyes to really concentrate on what she was feeling. After a minute she recognized what it was. It was the same feeling she got when she and Ben went to Yellowstone and he had her do that meditation thing and she found the coin. Only this time it was much stronger.

  “Ben, remember at Yellowstone when I was able to find the coin by kinda just knowing where to go? Well, that’s sort of what I’m feeling now but stronger. I have to follow this and see what I’m supposed to find.”

  “Lead the way,” was all Ben said.

  Alix left the room with everyone following her. She was drawn to the staircase. Her feeling was telling her to go to the second floor. She went up the stairs and stopped at that small door right next to the stairs that wouldn’t open last time they tried.

  “Whatever I’m supposed to find is behind that door,
Ben. Did you ever get it open?”

  “No … we didn’t. Dad looked at it, but we couldn’t find a way to get the door open. It’s never even budged a bit. The handle doesn’t even turn. See.” Ben went to turn the handle to prove that it wouldn’t open but this time it turned with ease and the door swung open.

  Alix, Ben, and Shay just looked at each other, they knew that was weird. They looked in the room and found that it was just a linen closet. The two sides had shelves on them and the back wall was bare. It was big enough that the three of them could easily stand in it.

  “There’s nothing in here Alix. Are you sure this is where you’re supposed to be?” Shay asked her.

  “Yes, this is the right place, but I can feel that we have to go further.”

  Alix closed her eyes and tried to listen to what the feeling was telling her. She turned and faced the back wall. She held up her left hand and touched her tattoo to the wall and felt that familiar tingle on her palm. She opened her eyes to see a door was forming on the wall. She heard gasps behind her. Everyone had squeezed together to see what she was doing, and they were stunned by what they saw. In a matter of a few seconds after she touched the wall, an old ornate door had formed. Alix went to open the door when Ben grabbed her hand to stop her.

  “Wait, how do we know it’s safe?”

  “There is nothing in this house or on this property that will harm any Nykara or friends of the Nykara. It will be safe,” Natalie answered.

  With that statement, Alix opened the door. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to see but it certainly wasn’t what she saw. It was a set of stairs that appeared to go down. It was dark, so she couldn’t see very much of it, but it looked to possibly be a spiral staircase and it seemed to be made entirely out of solid rock.

  “What can you see?” her mom asked.

  “There a set of stairs that seem to lead down. It’s dark so I can’t see very much. Let me see if there’s a light switch,” Alix said.

  As she stepped through the door a soft glow emanated from the ceiling. “Cool,” She whispered to herself. She went over to the edge of the stairs and her guess was right. The stairs looked to be a huge stone spiral staircase. She turned to tell everyone what she was seeing and smacked right into Ben. He had to grab onto her to stop them both from falling over. She realized that she was really close to his chest.


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