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abhimana see erotic arousal
Abhira an ancient region and a king in Gujarat and Maharashtra xi, 49, 60, 124, 128
Adam’s apple, nandyavarta Tabernaemontana coronaria 94
Ahalya wife of Gautama, seduced by the god Indra xxix, 12, 116–17, 179, 185–6, 195, 204–5
Ahichattra an ancient city in Rohilkhand in North India, the present Ramnagar 67
aksha see myrobalan
alabu see gourd, bottle
almond, priyala Buchanania latifolia 164
amalaka see gooseberry
amaranth, red, kuranta Marsilea quadrifolia 17, 94, 161; yellow 174
Amaru poet, author of the Amarushataka xxxviii, 192
amrataka see hog-plum
Anangaranga 15th-cent. Sanskrit erotic text xi–xii, xvi, lii–liii, lviii–lix, lxix, 189, 192, 210
Andhra the Telugu-speaking area between the Godavari and Krishna rivers in Southeast India xi, 49, 54, 124
Anga an ancient country in the area of the present West Bengal 129
anjanika see ‘kohl-black’
ant, upajihvika; jihvika 169–70
anuloma/pratiloma see grain, with or against
Arbuthnot, Foster Fitzgerald co-translator with Richard Burton xi, xvi, li–lxi, lxix
arka see hemp, bowstring
arrowroot lvii 96, 125
arsenic, red, manahshila 163, 170
arsenic, yellow, haritala, 170
artha power or money, one of the three aims of human life xiii, xlvii, 3, 181, 185, 192, 206, 208–9; see also power
Arthashastra the textbook of power, attributed to Kautilya xi, xxxiii, lxix, 4, 180–1, 184, 188, 197, 205–6
ashvagandha see cherry, ground
asparagus, shatavari Asparagus racemosus 165
Asuras anti-gods or demons see demons
Atharva Veda the fourth of the ancient Vedas, largely about magic spells xlviii, 161, 166, 173, 201, 210
Auddalaki son of Uddalaka, surname of Shvetaketu xii, xiv, xl, 4, 30, 118, 157, 182–3, 190–1
avalguja see kinka-oil plant
Avanti, Avantika an ancient country northeast of the present Bombay; Ujjain is its capital 49
Avimaraka hero of a play by Bhasa 117, 204
Ayurveda ‘the Veda of long life,’ the ancient Indian science of medicine xx–xxiii, xxviii, 174, 183, 209
Babhravya author of an earlier textbook of kama xii, 4–5, 16, 22, 26, 32, 34, 36, 39–41, 54, 73, 78, 100, 118, 129, 137, 147, 158, 167, 171, 183–4, 190–1, 194, 202, 206
Bahlika an ancient country and people in the far northwest of India, the area of the present Pakistan and Afghanistan 49, 56
bahupadika see mint
balaka see lemon grass
Bali a demon who usurped Indra’s throne 11
baluka see cucumber
bay, rose, East Indian, tagara Tabernaemontana coronaria 94, 161, 164, 170
bay-tree, cinnamon, tamala Xanthchymus pictorius, Crataeva rox-burghii (a tree with very dark bark and white blossoms, also called garlic pear) 94
bean, mashaka Phaseolus radiatus (a bean with black and grey spots) 164
beard-grass, ushiraka fragrant root of Andropogon muricatus 94
betel, tambula, nowadays called paan a delicacy made of a betel leaf rolled up around a paste lxvii, 17–18, 27, 49, 70, 79–80, 84, 88, 96, 111–12, 118, 136–7, 154, 187
Bhagavata Purana 10th-cent. Sanskrit text devoted primarily to the god Krishna xix, xxii
bhallataka see marking-nut
Bhargava a descendant of the sage Bhrigu 11, 185
Bhide, Shivaram Parashuram one of the pandits who translated the Kamasutra for Richard Burton l