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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

Page 5

by Hayley Faiman

  Then he leans forward and touches his lips to mine. “You’ll be okay, cuoricino.”

  He pulls me against his chest, turning us around and carries me over to the bed. Slowly, he lowers until I’m sitting on the edge. “You’ll be just fine,” he rasps as he shifts me farther up the mattress.

  I hold my breath as he moves me around until I’m at the top of the bed, then he clears his throat and shifts off of the bed. Looking over, I can’t look away from him as he starts to completely undress.

  Even the way he unbuttons his shirt causes my breath to hitch. When he opens his shirt and tugs it off, my eyes widen. He’s cut and not just a little bit. He has lean muscle packed with lean muscle.

  Then there’s his chest, it’s covered with a dark smattering of hair. I want to run my fingernails through it, I want to feel it against my bare skin. I just want to feel him against my skin. Licking my lips, I watch as he unbuttons his pants.

  He tugs them off, letting them fall to the floor, leaving him in just his boxer briefs, tight boxer briefs. I try not to look, but I can’t help myself. Lowering my gaze, I look down and try to see beneath his boxers, but I can’t really see anything.

  “Siobahn,” he murmurs. Lifting my gaze, I grin up at him. “You’re not a virgin, are you?” he asks.

  My lips part, and I feel my face heat. Shaking my head, I pinch my eyes closed before I open them. “No, Renzo, I’m not.”


  Clearing my throat, I nod my head once. “But I have only been with two men and only a few times. I haven’t had much time to date, with work and everything.”

  I don’t mention what everything is. That it’s working my fingers to the bone, providing for my father, and scrimping to save for a private detective that yielded absolutely nothing when it comes to finding my sister who was kidnapped ten years ago.

  His lips twitch into a grin, and then he moves, but I can’t look away from his amber eyes as they sparkle. I know that he’s probably completely nude and I really want to look, but I’m scared. Far too afraid that he’s too big and I’ll run.

  “Take that scrap of fabric off for me, yeah?” he asks on a rasp.

  Pressing my lips together, I wonder if I can do it, if I can get naked in front of him. The men that I’ve been with, the first we did it under sheets, every time. The second, we only did it a couple of times and it was in the back seat of his dark car because he still lived at home with his mother.

  Renzo has turned on some of the lights in the room, and while it’s not as bright as daylight, it’s a soft glow that’s just a little too illuminated. He doesn’t seem to mind though, and why should he? His body is perfect, as if it’s carved from marble.

  “Can you maybe turn the light off?” I ask on a whisper.

  Renzo’s lips twitch and he crosses his arms over his chest shaking his head slowly. “No, cuoricino, I don’t think that I can. I want to see all of you. I want to see every beautiful inch.”

  Pinching my eyes closed, I inhale a deep breath and shimmy out of Kathleen’s too tight, too short dress. It was so tight that I couldn’t even wear a bra, so once I’ve discarded the dress, I’m in nothing but a scrap of black thong panties.


  Keeping my legs as closed as possible, I try not to think about how wet I am. I shouldn’t be, but I am. This is hot, the way he’s ordering me to do things is sexy, even if I feel uncomfortable, I’m not that uncomfortable apparently.

  “Spread,” he growls.

  That’s when my eyes open. He’s standing at the end of the bed, his gaze on me, and he looks… hungry. He’s moving his arm and I flick my gaze down, gasping at the sight. He’s stroking himself slowly, his hand moving up and down his length.





  Chapter Six


  She’s stunning.

  I knew she was beautiful, but seeing her like this, bare and spread. My heart speeds up at the sight of her in a way that it never has before. The way her hungry gaze travels my body, then slightly jerks at the sight of me stroking my dick.

  Her entire body is trembling. If she’s more experienced than she claims, she’s a fucking grade A actress, but I’m pretty sure that she was telling me the truth. Releasing my dick, I crawl up the center of the bed, straight toward the sweet spot.

  “No, Renzo,” she whispers, realizing my intention.

  She starts to close her legs, but I don’t allow her. Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around the insides of her thighs and slowly push them open. Then wordlessly, I lower myself and press my mouth against her damp pussy.

  Looking up at her, I watch as her back arches and her hips lift against my face. She gasps, lifting her head, her eyes looking down at me in wonderment. Flattening my tongue, I taste all of her, every fucking inch.

  Her thighs fall open on their own, her hips lifting to meet my tongue’s strokes, gliding my hands beneath her ass, I grab hold of her cheeks and squeeze them, tipping her in the position that I know will give her the most pleasure.

  She gasps, one of her hands reaching down, her fingers gripping my hair. I don’t even think she’s doing it consciously, she is lost, her eyes rolling in the back of her head, her chest rising and falling with her panting breaths, it’s sexy as fuck.

  There is a slight sheen of sweat covering her body as I continue to eat her, to taste all of the sweetness that is Siobahn, and there is a lot of fucking sweetness to her. Moving one of my hands, I skim my fingers up her side until I find her nipple.

  Pinching her tightened bud, I tug and twist as I continue my assault on her clit, my tongue paying attention to just that part of her, knowing that she’s close. I can feel it, I can taste it, she’s seconds from coming against my tongue.

  “Oh God,” she cries out. “Don’t stop. Please, please, please,” she chants as her entire body trembles, then shakes, and finally jerks until she lets out a loud gasp and every muscle inside of her tenses.

  I don’t stop. Not until I know that she’s there and she is coming down from her high. Her fingers loosen against my hair, her body goes limp and I continue to lap her center until all of the evidence of her climax is completely gone, mainly because I’m going to make it happen all over again, except on my dick and this time she’s going to do all of the work.

  Reaching for the nightstand, I grab one of the condoms that I placed there earlier, before I walked over to the edge of the bed, before I climbed on, before I ate the sweetest pussy I’d ever tasted on my tongue.

  Ripping the foil open, I roll the rubber down my length, lifting my gaze to meet hers. Siobahn’s eyes are closed, she’s got a smile tipping her lips that I’m not sure she realizes she’s even wearing.

  Her cheeks are tinted pink, her chest the same. Once I’ve rolled the condom along my length, I reach for her legs, sliding my palms from her calves down to her knees, and lift them until she wraps her thighs around my hips.

  Dipping my chin, I look at her face until she opens her eyes. The small smile is still playing on her lips as she blinks her blue eyes up at me. “Wow,” she breathes.

  I hum, trying to hold back a chuckle and failing. My hands leave her knees, sliding up her thighs, then from her waist to her tits. Cupping them in my palms, I squeeze them, my gaze never leaving hers.

  “Gorgeous, cuoricino, every square inch of you. But I don’t want you this way,” I rasp.

  Her eyes widen and I watch as her cheeks tint an even darker shade of pink. My lips twitch into a grin. She thinks that I don’t want her at all, she’d be fucking insane to think that. One taste of her cunt and I could become addicted, it was that good.

  Leaning down, I pinch her nipples and tug gently as my lips touch hers. “I want to watch you ride me, Siobahn. I want to see all of you, I want to watch you move and take what you desire from me. I want to see everything,” I rasp against her lips.

  She inhales a sharp breath. “I don’t know if I
can,” she whispers.

  Humming against her mouth, I slide my tongue along the seam of her lips. “You can, and you will.”

  Releasing her, I climb over her body and sit up, resting my back against the headboard. I watch as she chews on her bottom lip, obviously nervous about what I want from her. I like that she’s innocent, that she’s inexperienced in this, but from what I see lurking behind her gaze, I don’t think that she’s inexperienced in life, just in this aspect of it.

  She inhales a deep breath, then I watch her push herself up to a seated position. Bravely, she does what I’ve asked. She climbs over my lap, straddling my hips as she looks down at me. Wrapping my fingers around her hips, I grip her tightly as I tilt my head back, resting it against the headboard and look up at her.

  “I’ve never… what you did, and this, not ever,” she admits on a whisper.

  My lips turn up into a smile. “Then you’ve chosen the wrong men, Siobahn.”

  She nods her head. “I know that I did. But are you saying you’re the right one?” she asks on a breathy whisper.

  With a snort, I lean forward slightly. “As a man, I’m not just the wrong one, I’m the worst one, cuoricino. But for this, I’m better than you could even imagine. You’ll never leave my bed unsatisfied. If you do, then I haven’t done my job properly and I’ll rectify it before I take you home.”

  She shivers. Releasing her waist, one of my hands slide up her spine, tangling at the back of her pretty blonde hair. The other shifts between us and I start to slowly glide my fingers through her folds.

  Siobahn gasps, leaving me the perfect opportunity to taste her again. Slipping my tongue inside of her, I consume her again, loving the way she tastes, the way her tongue feels, the warmth of her mouth—everything.

  Her hips jerk as I move my fingers between her legs. When she rips her mouth from mine, I know that she’s ready. Shifting my hand, I align my cock with her center. She’s breathing heavily as she looks down at me, her eyes wild.

  “Slowly, Siobahn, take me inside slowly,” I softly urge.

  Keeping my hand wrapped on the back of her head, I wrap my other hand around her hip and help guide her down along my length. I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone so inexperienced before. I’ve never had to have patience quite like this before.

  I’ve had to have patience, but nothing like this and I thought that it would be a turn-off. I never understood why men wanted virgins, or women who didn’t know exactly what they were doing.

  Confidence is sexy after all, but I understand it now.

  I get it.

  Watching every surprised expression that crosses Siobahn’s face, every shock, awe, and the way she looks so fucking surprised as her orgasm rolled through her, that’s just as sexy.

  I want to thrust my hips and pull her down, fucking her hard and relentless, but that’s where not only patience, but control comes in.

  I could do that, I’ll probably never see her again, but there’s something about her that makes me want to give her more. Give her more than she’s probably ever had.


  Clenching my teeth, I sink down as far as I can along his length. Yeah, I wasn’t kidding when I said that he was big, too big, and I wasn’t sure if I could do this. A fleeting thought also runs through my head, what if this ruins me for a regular man? What if sex never feels good again after this, for me or my hypothetical man?

  Then, Renzo releases my hip and I feel his thumb press against my clit. Opening my eyes, I find his gaze meeting my own. He’s grinning at me, though a muscle jumps in his cheek and I wonder what has him looking that way.

  “Relax, cuoricino, take me in.”

  Nodding my head, my jaw stays clenched as I inhale deeply, then let it out through my nose. His thumb starts to rub circles against my clit. It feels so good, I want to move my hips. With a whimper, I take him the rest of the way inside of me.

  My eyes flutter closed. He stretches me full, so full that I think I’m going to split in two, but where I thought it would be excruciating, the pressure actually feels really good. It’s an ache that I’m not sure I ever want to end.

  His thumb doesn’t stop moving against me, my body fills with heat and need, it’s clawing and climbing as he continues to play me.

  “Don’t move yet, just feel me,” he rasps. “Let your body relax. Let yourself just—feel.”

  Nodding, I pinch my eyes closed and try to breathe. I want to move. I need to move. It hurts, but it feels so good at the same time, I feel like I’m about to go completely insane.

  “Open your eyes for me,” he softly demands.

  I do as he asks, opening my eyes, I look down at him. He’s watching me, his jaw still clenched, the muscle in his cheek still jumping. But my body is finally calming, adjusting to the intrusion of his thick cock buried deep inside.

  “Now,” he purrs, his amber eyes sparkling up at me. “Move, cuoricino. Ride me, I want to see everything.”

  I should be completely embarrassed by his demands, especially since the lights aren’t any dimmer than they were earlier. He can see every aspect of my naked flesh, but somehow, I don’t mind. I feel comfortable with him—I feel sexy with him.

  Rolling my hips, I sigh as I begin to move the way my body begs to move. Renzo just watches, his hand tightening in the back of my hair, his other hand between my legs, his thumb continuing to move against my clit.

  “Play with your gorgeous tits,” he says, his words barely above a whisper, his teeth still clenched.

  Hesitantly, I lift my hands and cup my breasts. His eyes leave mine, shifting down to watch. I’ve never done anything like this before. It feels so brazen, almost naughty, but I like it. I like it because he’s the one giving me the orders to do it. I think that I could like just about anything if he was the one giving me the orders to do it.

  Squeezing my breasts, I pinch my nipples and tug on them just the way that he did and I liked so much. He groans, my hips moving faster with each roll.

  “You feel so amazing,” he rasps. “Warm, wet, tight.”

  I can’t stop myself from internally smiling and beaming from his praise. I’m sure he says it to everyone, and I’m sure there are a lot of everyones, but I don’t think about that. He’s saying it to me right now and that’s all that matters.

  My hips jerk and move, my body climbing higher and higher with each roll and jerk of my hips. I grind down against his thumb, gasping as if I’ve lost all of the air inside of my body.

  “Harder,” he grinds out.

  I do that. Just that. I start to move my hips harder and faster. My hands squeeze my breasts, pinch and pull my nipples, all the while my eyes can’t look away from his. I feel like I could fly away. Riding him, the way he’s watching me, the way his muscles in his neck strain, I’ve never felt this kind of euphoric power before.

  I do this to him. Me. I’m doing this to myself too. It hits me like a freight train, rushing through me, but I can’t stop or slow down, I come and come, and then I come some more as I cry out.

  My entire body trembles and shakes until I can no longer hold myself up. I start to slump over, but Renzo doesn’t let me. He tugs my neck back by my hair, his hand moving from between my legs to grip him, and he fucks me from beneath my body.

  His thrusts are hard, relentless, full of power that I didn’t know he had in this position, then he stills inside of me, and I feel him grow before his dick starts to twitch and he lets out a roar. His entire body is strained, every single muscle is tight, and then he jerks my face forward and forces me to bury it in his neck.

  Though it’s not much of a force because he smells delicious and as I inhale his scent, his hand starts to slowly glide up and down my back.

  “È stato il migliore che abbia mai avuto.”

  I don’t know what he’s said, but I don’t ask him for a translation either. Instead, I just bask in the postcoital afterglow and wonder if this could truly only be a one-night thing, or am I just being a foolish girl
in hoping for more?

  Chapter Seven


  Blinking awake, I roll over and am surprised to see that the bed is empty. Reaching out, I slide my hand along the sheets and bite the inside of my cheek as I feel that they are cold. Really cold. He hasn’t been here for a while. Rolling onto my back, I look up at the ceiling and wonder what I should do.

  It’s early in the morning, I must have only been asleep for a few hours. The sun hasn’t even risen completely yet, it’s only just dawn. Slipping out of bed, I rummage around on the floor and pick up my discarded dress.

  Instead of slipping the constricting fabric back on, I toss it on the bed and look for something else to wear. His shirt, the same white one that he was wearing, that he slowly unbuttoned and peeled off revealing his muscular body, is lying on the carpet.

  Bending down, I snatch the shirt from the floor and before I talk myself out of it I slide my arms through the sleeves, then I button the middle three buttons to cover my nakedness. Grabbing my scrap of skimpy panties, I glide them up my legs and go in search of the man himself.

  It doesn’t take me long to find him, this hotel suite is large, but it’s not that big. He’s standing with his back to me, a cigarette resting between his fingers as he leans over the railing of the small banister, the door to the room wide open.

  He’s shirtless, wearing just a pair of sweatpant joggers. His legs look long and lean, his waist and hips trim, his arse spectacular, and his back wide and muscular. He looks like a dream. If I could have dreamed up the perfect specimen, I don’t think I could have dreamed up someone as delicious as him.

  No wonder I was sleeping so well, fresh crisp air was flowing through. There is something about the fresh air, the breeze, no matter how cold or warm it blows it calms me.

  Renzo shifts his body, but he doesn’t look back. He moves his cigarette out of his hand, then extends his arm backward toward me, wriggling his fingers in a silent demand to come forward.


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