Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5) Page 21

by Hayley Faiman

  “You okay?” he asks, taking me away from my thoughts.

  “I need to get cleaned up. I’m leaking,” I whisper, my face heating from my words.

  His lips twitch into a smile, one of his hands gently cupping my cheek. “Your cheeks still turn pink and I’ve been inside of you how many times? I’ve seen every single part of your body, tasted it too and you still are shy, cuoricino.”

  “I’m sorry. I just, this is the first time I’ve been in a relationship like this before, a real one,” I admit and hate that I’m truly admitting it aloud.

  Renzo’s lips turn up into a grin, his thumb traces my bottom lip as he watches me, but all I can focus on is the way his cum is leaking down my thigh. No matter how tightly I squeeze my legs together, it still creeps down.

  “Sorry? Don’t even be sorry, Siobahn. It’s fucking beautiful.”

  Then, before I know what’s happening, he shifts his hand from my face to between my legs. Naturally, I widen my legs for him, because my body is not my own when it comes to being near Renzo.

  His fingers shift between my legs, I feel him gather that cum before he gently slips his fingers inside of me, then he leans forward, his lips touching mine.

  “Take all of me, Siobahn. Every last drop. Let’s make a baby, cuoricino.”

  My entire body shivers and my knees buckle, but his hand on my waist moves and becomes an arm around my waist. He picks me up slightly, holding me just off of the floor, then walks us backward until we’re in the bathroom, his fingers still working between my legs and for whatever reason, I want him again.

  I’m so sore, so sensitive, but now that his fingers are there, touching me gently, filling me, I want him all over again. Sliding my tongue along his bottom lip, I taste him.

  “Please, Renzo.”

  He chuckles against my lips, as if I’m funny in some way. I’m not being funny, I’m not funny, I’m aching with need. He walks me over to the vanity, his fingers leaving my pussy, before he wraps both hands around my waist and picks me up, setting me on the edge.

  I’m panting heavily as I watch him. He takes a step back, then strips out of his clothes. “Take the dress off, and the shoes,” he demands.

  I do what he asks. Peeling the dress over my head before I gently kick the shoes to the floor. “Spread,” he demands.

  I don’t even ask him what he wants me to do with my legs or feet. Instead, I lift my legs, spreading them wide and put the bottoms of my feet on the edge of the vanity, my hands gripping it as well.

  My entire body is so sore and achy, this position does nothing but intensify that feeling, but I don’t care. I know that this is exactly what he wants by the way his lips curve up into a grin, and his eyes sparkle just a little.

  Moving my eyes down his strong chest, then taking in his hips and all of the muscle dips of his body, I can’t help but suck in a breath at the sight of his hardening length.

  I know what he feels like inside of me, stretching me to a point where I don’t think that I can take him, but every time I’m able. I know what he feels like in my mouth, at least what I can take inside of my mouth, but there is still something awe-inspiring just seeing him hardening right before my eyes.

  “You should see yourself right now,” he rasps.

  I don’t say anything, I can feel my face heat and I know it’s bright red. He reaches for the shower and turns the knob, starting the water. When he turns to me, his hardening cock is now completely ready for me.

  “Cuoricino,” he purrs. “Spread your pussy for me, I want to see.”

  Pressing my lips together, I pinch my eyes closed and inhale a deep breath before I do exactly what he’s asked. Reaching between my legs, I spread my fingers apart and pull the lips of my cunt to each side, exposing everything of myself to him under the harsh bathroom lighting.

  “Fuck,” he hisses.

  Slowly, I open my eyes to look at him. He’s grinning, his gaze dipped between my thighs and he lets out a grunt. “Better than I could have dreamed up. All pink and swollen because of me and for me. Fucking perfection.”

  “Is my anatomy the only reason you brought me here to the city?” I ask breathlessly.

  He hums, his lips turning up into a grin. “You know it’s not, Siobahn. Don’t pretend, yeah?”

  I nod my head once. “I know,” I murmur.

  “Can’t pretend that beautiful pussy wasn’t a serious perk though.” He chuckles as he takes a step toward me. “Was my dick a factor in you joining me?” he asks when he’s standing between my legs, so close that it wouldn’t take much for me to reach out and pull him closer so that he could slide right inside of where I want him.

  Lifting my gaze from his length, I look into his amber eyes. “It was a contributing factor,” I whisper, reaching out with my hand and wrapping my fingers around his hard length.

  I stroke him once causing a groan to escape his lips. “Please,” I quietly beg.

  He lifts his hand, cupping my cheek as he looks into my eyes. “Only you, cuoricino. You’re going to be my wife, you are going to be the mother of my children. You are never second, not to anyone. You will always hold your head up high and you bow to nobody except your man.”

  “Bow to you?” I ask, arching a brow. “How about I bow to no one?”

  He snorts, leaning forward and touches his mouth to mine, but doesn’t deepen the kiss at all. “You bow to me, Siobahn. You’re mine.”

  “And you are?”

  “I’ll explain that after we’re married, yeah?”

  His tongue fills my mouth at the same time his cock slams inside of me and any questions that I had, they completely die as he fucks me hard and unyieldingly until we both come.


  She sleeps.

  Leaving her alone in the bed, I make my way outside, a blunt in one hand, a whiskey in the other. I’m naked as I sit out on my balcony, my blunt and my whiskey, two orgasms and alone in my thoughts.

  My phone rings on the table next to me a few moments later and I grunt as I reach for the device, sliding my thumb across the screen before I hold it up to my ear.

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “She’s thought about it for a few days, says she wants to meet your girl.”

  I didn’t want these words to ever find their way to my ears, but I knew that they would nonetheless. It’s Arlo on the other end, he is telling me everything I knew that I needed to hear and didn’t want to all at the same time.

  “She come to you tonight?” I ask.

  He clears his throat. “Yeah, she had a client here at the card room. After I dropped off Lenora, I came down here to finish up some paperwork for Tiziano’s trade and the auction that’s coming up.”

  “That’s still weird, that he is demanding a virgin to buy.”

  Arlo chuckles. “Yeah, but is he that much different than any of us and the demands that we have on our women. They aren’t free, no matter how much they think they are. They’re bound to us for life.”

  An image of my mother flashes in my head. She was bound to my father for life, but not because she wanted to be, but because he killed her when she tried to leave him. That is the way of the famiglia. At least the way it used to be and probably still is, just not as obvious.

  “When does she want to do this?” I ask.

  There is a moment of silence, I hear some shuffling and whispering, then he finally speaks. “Two weeks.”

  “Set it up, get me the info, I’ll have her there.”

  Two weeks.

  I have to marry her in less than two weeks and hope that if she isn’t pregnant already, she will be by then. She has to realize that she’s tied to me, that she can’t just walk away from me, even when she’s angry, because I know without a doubt, she will be angry.

  She’s going to hate me.

  She’s going to despise me.

  She’s going to want to leave me.

  I won’t kill her, but she’s not going anywhere, no matter how much she hates me.

; Ending the call, I continue to smoke and drink on the cool balcony. The solitude doesn’t last long. I hear the door open, then close, and I know that she’s standing behind me. She clears her throat before she makes her approach.

  “Renzo?” she asks.

  Looking back over my shoulder, I give her a small smile. “C’mon, cuoricino.”

  Her legs bring her closer to me, then she sinks down on my thigh. She’s wearing my shirt from dinner and nothing else, her blonde hair a tousled mess from my hands. Leaning forward, I touch my mouth to hers in a quick kiss.

  “You’re not in bed, again,” she says, pointing out the obvious. I don’t respond with anything other than a hum. “Are you ever going to sleep next to me, Renzo?”

  Her question makes me feel something, I’m not sure what it is, but I don’t like it. Sliding my hand up her outer thigh, I wrap my fingers around her hip and squeeze gently.

  “Marry me, Siobahn.”

  The words come out without me even thinking, I blurt them out. Her body jerks before she looks down at me, her eyes wide.


  I shrug a shoulder. “Never second choice, Siobahn. Be my wife, yeah?”

  “I don’t… I don’t know what to say,” she whispers.


  She presses her lips together, looking to the side, then back to me. “Yes,” she breathes.

  My lips curve up into a smile. “I’d fuck you again, but my cock is raw and I don’t think your pussy could handle it so soon.”

  “Probably not,” she agrees. “What happens now?” she asks.

  “I only have those people you met as family. No blood relatives, want to just do something small?”

  She nods her head. “I don’t want to invite my dad, not after all that’s just happened, maybe next summer Kathleen, Andrea, and John could come out here?”

  She wants them here for her wedding and since I’m going to deny her, her long-lost sister for the event and I’ve already killed her father, I should bring them here.

  “Tell you what?” I say. Her eyes widen as she watches me, waiting to see what I’m going to offer. “If they can be here in ten days, I’ll pay for their trip, all expenses.”

  “I couldn’t, Renzo,” she rasps.

  I grin. “You’re not, I am.”

  I don’t allow her to counter, instead, I touch my mouth to hers, I fill her with my tongue and kiss her, claiming my fiancée for the whole world to see. In ten days, she’ll be my wife, in fourteen, she’ll try to leave me. And hopefully, by then she’ll be pregnant, tying her to me for eternity, no matter how fucking pissed off she is with me.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Kathleen is speechless. At least for a moment. Then she screams in my ear. My entire body jerks from the shrill sound and then Andrea takes the phone from her.

  “What’s this about?” she demands into the phone.

  “I’m getting married and Renzo would like to invite the three of you to come to America in ten days as our guests, all expenses paid,” I explain.

  There is a moment of silence, then she squeals as well before she speaks. “Lock up the shop in a week, cancel all our appointments, we’re headed to America.”

  There is some rustling around and then I hear John clear his throat. “You’ve got these two all worked up. You’re getting married, in ten days, we’re coming to you in about a week, this right?” he asks, sounding matter-of-fact and calm.

  Pressing my lips together for a moment, I inhale a deep breath. “The wedding is in ten days,” I say shakily.

  “I’d ask if you were up the duff, but I don’t think you’ve been together long enough to even know if that were the case.”

  Giggling, I hold my hand to my lips. I can hear Renzo’s voice traveling into the living room from his office and although I can’t hear his exact words, just the timbre of his husky voice sends chills up and down my spine.

  “I don’t think that I am. It’s Renzo, he asked and I said yes. Then he suggested ten days.”

  There is a moment of silence and neither John nor I speak. “We’ll be there.”

  “I’ll email you the tickets this afternoon, send me your full names so that I don’t mess anything up.”

  “This is what you want? Because you haven’t known him long and I get a feeling…”

  His words trail off and as much as I want to ask him what he means by them, I don’t want to know, not really. I want to be in denial that something could be wrong about all of this. He’s right though, I don’t know him, but then again, do we ever truly know anyone?

  “It’s what I want,” I say.

  I’m not sure that he believes my words, because I don’t even truly believe them myself. Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything else though. Instead, he clears his throat.

  “Then we will be there,” he confirms, again.

  Ending the call, I’m left feeling a bit… melancholy. This should be exciting, but it’s not. Instead, I feel as though there is a cloud of doom hanging over me, as if something bad is just around the corner, waiting for me—waiting to strike.

  “You call them?” Renzo’s deep voice echoes from behind me.

  Turning around, I give him a smile as he rounds the corner and walks straight over to me. He smiles down at me, reaching out, he slides his fingers through my hair near my temple, then bends and touches his lips to my forehead.

  “They’ll be here in about seven days. They’re going to send me their legal names so I can buy tickets and email them.”

  He smiles, nodding his head once. “A dress?” he asks.

  “I need one, and to plan an entire reception with zero idea what I’m doing or where to start,” I say.

  “I think a couple of the women used a planner for their weddings, some were bigger than others. Would you like me to find out if she can do it?”

  I was never a girl who imagined her own wedding. In all honesty, all of those thoughts disappeared around the same time that Emilyn did when I was fifteen years old. Thoughts of everything about the present and future, they just vanished. All I could and have thought about for ten years is how to find her.

  Even now, I feel incredibly guilty for this relationship with Renzo. The wedding and baby talk aren’t helping either. All I can think about is Emilyn and even when I try not to, the thought of her just appears in my head over and over, even more since he asked me last night.

  “That would be good. I’ve never really had an idea of what I wanted, so I’m okay with someone else doing the bulk of it all.”

  Renzo gives me a sad smile and nods his head a couple of times. “I understand, cuoricino.” And honestly, I think that he does. “The dress? Why don’t you call Luciana, yeah?”

  Shaking my head, I suck in a breath. “Your boss’s wife? I couldn’t do that.”

  He chuckles. “It’s Luci, she’d love to help. She’ll probably make a day of it with the other women. I’ll send Gavino a text to get it set up, but we have something more important to do right now.”

  “We do?”

  He grins, nodding his head. The only thing I can think that we would do is have more sex, but I’m still really sore and I need a few more hours to recoup. His lips curve up into a grin and he gives me a wink.

  “Not that, but be ready, we’re going to celebrate tonight.”

  Slowly he stands to his feet and holds out his hand for me. Lifting mine, I slip it into his palm and allow him to help me to my feet. Without a word, he leads me toward the door.

  The only thing I have with me are the clothes on my back and my phone, nothing else. Though, I haven’t even had to reach for my wallet once since arriving here, so I don’t really need a purse.

  When Renzo said that he would take care of me, of everything, I think that he truly meant it. At least, so far. I don’t know what the future holds and I can’t deny that I’m terrified of what’s to come, but if he continues to be the man that I’ve had in my life the past few weeks, I honestly c
an’t wait.

  He tugs me along behind him until we arrive at his car. I watch as he opens the door, then steps aside and dips his chin. “We’re going for a little ride,” he says, though it sounds as if he’s trying to hide the laughter in his voice.

  Pressing my lips together, I look from the passenger side of the car, to his amber eyes and my breath hitches. They’re almost smiling, they sparkle in the dim light of the parking garage, but more than that, they are almost smiling. It shouldn’t feel like the victory that it does, but it does, nonetheless.

  Without any more hesitation, I walk toward the car and sink down inside. He closes the door behind me, then I watch as he folds himself into the driver’s side. He starts the engine and shifts the car into reverse.

  He drives, not telling me a single word of where we’re going, but when we cross a gigantic bridge and head into the city, it doesn’t matter anymore, because all I can do is stare in awe at everything around me.

  It’s beautiful. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.


  Siobahn is quiet as I drive her toward the East Village. I wish that I knew what was going through her head, but judging by the way her lips are parted, I would guess that she is in awe of heading into the city.

  I forget that she wasn’t from a large city, and really, New York wouldn’t be like anything she’s ever seen before. I make a note to ask Vino for a few days off after the wedding. I want to take her on a true tourist vacation of New York, that is, before she hates me.

  Driving toward our destination, I hope that she likes what I’ve done. I started looking for places before we even left Ireland, but when I found this place, I knew it was the one. The building will have to be renovated, but the price was right and the location better.


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