Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5) Page 25

by Hayley Faiman

  “I didn’t fuck you hard enough, apparently,” he murmurs groggily.

  My lips turn up into a smile and I watch as his eyes open slowly and look down at me when I don’t answer immediately.

  “You did,” I say. “But I’ve never seen you sleep before. I wanted to watch,” I admit.

  He doesn’t smile or make any expression right away. Instead, his eyes shift over my face as he takes me in, then slowly his lips curve up into a small smile.

  “Climb on top of me and put me to sleep again, cuoricino.”

  I feign being too tired as I climb over him and straddle his hips. He chuckles, wrapping his hands around my waist, careful not to cause pain to my injuries. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I look down at him, my hair hanging over and shielding us like curtains.

  “Take me slow, Siobahn. I want to watch you.”

  A shiver rolls through me at the way his voice rasps huskily. Reaching between us, I grip his length. He’s hard, naturally, because he always seems to be hard. Adjusting myself, I align him with my center.

  Closing my eyes, I realize that I’m not prepared for this as much as I should be, at least physically. Sucking in a breath, I sink down along his length, hissing as I feel him stretch me, my body not wet enough to take him easily, yet.

  “Siobahn,” he groans.

  I like the way he feels inside of me, wet or not quite wet enough, it doesn’t matter. Tilting my head between my shoulders, I arch my back and look up at the ceiling as I continue to sink down, taking all of him inside of me.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. “Ride me, cuoricino.” Placing my hands against his chest, I roll my hips. “Stay just like that, fuck me just like that.”

  His demands, his instructions send a chill throughout my entire body. I do what he wants, the way he wants it. I don’t know why, but pleasing him like that—in any way, it makes me feel powerful. I’m sure that it shouldn’t, maybe there is something wrong with me, but I’ve never felt this way before.

  Renzo’s fingers squeeze my waist, a silent urge to continue. He gives me instructions, he tells me to touch my breasts, to squeeze and pinch my nipples. My hips start moving faster, my skin breaking out in a sheen of sweat as I touch my breasts.

  “I need more,” I whimper.

  He only chuckles before I feel his hand slip from my waist and settle between us. His fingers start to play my clit. I let out a whimper, needing so much more from him, but he’s going to draw this out, he’s going to make me beg.

  I continue to ride, continue pinching and tugging on my nipples, continue feeling his hard length inside of me, stretching me with each move that I make. I’m close, so, so close. My hips buck and jerk as I climb higher.

  “Yes,” he growls. “Yes.”

  I fuck him harder and harder, my hips moving faster with each buck and roll. It happens before I realize it’s going to, it takes over my body, and I let out a cry as it does. My orgasm rolls throughout my entire body, starting from the inside and roaring out of me.

  My entire body collapses forward, landing against his chest. He lifts his hips, fucking me from beneath, hard and fast, his hands gripping my hips as he jacks his cock with my body. It only takes a few pumps and he lets out his own roar as he comes inside of me.

  “This made a girl,” he rasps.

  Lifting my head, I look down at him. “A girl?”

  He hums. “You gave yourself to me, you surrendered and it was beautiful. If tonight was the night, we made a girl.”

  Shaking my head, I lower myself and touch my lips to his. “You’re crazy, Renzo.”

  “I know. You’re good, cuoricino, yeah?”

  He’s asking me if I’m good with the fact that he’s in the mafia. He’s asking me if I’m good about Pippa. He’s asking me a lot of things with just a few simple words. My eyes search his amber ones and I nod my head once.

  “Yeah, Renzo, I’m good.”

  And I am, good. I’m good with it all, because, at the end of the day, I have no other choice but to be good with him, with his life. Then, there’s the simple fact that he’s who I have chosen. I’m going to be marrying him in just a few days.

  I could be pregnant with his baby, I have no choice but to be good with all of this. Even if none of those things were the case, I still think that I could be okay with everything.

  Renzo is my person. Even if he’s an ass. Even if he upsets me. He is just my person.


  I should cancel today. Especially after everything that happened yesterday, plus the fact that Siobahn didn’t get much sleep last night at all. Lifting my phone to my ear, I listen to it ring, then let out a sigh of relief when Gavino answers.

  “How is she? Where is her guard?” I demand.

  There is a moment of silence, then I hear his groan. “She is good. Stable now, and we’re home. They had to do some scans, make sure there was no swelling of the brain and to make sure the baby is okay.”

  He doesn’t say anything else right away, so I’m forced to wait in silence, then when he still doesn’t say anything I let out a low growl.

  “Her guard?” I ask.

  I’m not asking for her benefit, mostly for my own wife’s. I left her with Luciana, knowing that she had a guard and they would both be protected. I want to know what the fuck happened to him and why he wasn’t there when we arrived. I want to know if he’s been skinned alive or if I get my shot at him.

  “He ran because he knew the police were coming and he had some coke on him and a gun.”

  I press my lips together tightly and I close my eyes for a moment. “And he is where?” I ask slowly.

  There is a moment of silence and I can almost hear him smile. “He’s not an issue any longer. Anyone that is more worried about themselves than my wife, doesn’t deserve to be Made. Doesn’t deserve to breathe.”

  I can’t agree enough, though I’m disappointed that I wasn’t able to be in on that, because he left my own woman out on her ass as well, literally and figuratively.

  “What happens now? What do we know?” I demand.

  He doesn’t say anything immediately, again, as if he’s trying to take his sweet fucking time and it’s really starting to piss me off. He grunts before I hear some shuffling around, then he finally decides to speak again.

  “I think it’s D’Amore. I’ve had my man listening in on his phone. He doesn’t have property security detail and doesn’t have his phone protected. He knows we were involved with Orin’s disappearance and the halt of his girls being trafficked. He’s fucking pissed.”

  “He’s a coward. Going after women.”

  “Agreed,” Gavino grunts.

  Looking down at my bare feet, I think about the fact that these fuckers went after my woman, mine. Even if it wasn’t intentional, she was still there. This isn’t anything new in the mafia world, but it doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t mean that I’m okay with it.

  The guard got what he deserved and when I take D’Amore out, he will too. I’m not going to make his death painless either, no way in hell, not now.

  “Plan is still a go for D’Amore, I take it?” I ask, even though I don’t need to ask a damn thing.

  I don’t need his permission. He threatened my fiancée’s life, he’s fucking done. I don’t care what anyone says, even Gavino. I’m giving him the moment to agree, just to save face at this point.

  “It’s a go, you know this, cugino. Make it hurt, yeah?”

  “And his kids?”

  “Them too. I want them all gone.”

  I laugh softly. “Good,” I rumble. “That was my plan.”

  “Glad we’re on the same page.”

  “Give Luciana our love.”

  He ends the call and I turn my head to look behind me. Siobahn is standing at the mouth of the hallway, wearing nothing but my shirt from yesterday.

  “Luciana is okay?” she asks.

  I nod my head, holding out my arm for her. “She is. The guard isn’t an issue anymore and I’ll b
e going with you today.”

  “You’re going to go with me wedding dress shopping?” I ask. “Wedding dress shopping?”

  Smirking, I wrap my fingers around her hand when she slips it in mine. Tugging her forward, I grin at her. “I won’t go inside, cuoricino. Not unless you want me to.”

  She shakes her head, her eyes wide. “That would be bad luck, Renzo.”

  I hum, looking down into her eyes. “I suppose that it would. I’ll stay outside then, make sure you’re safe with the other girls.”

  She lifts her hand, cupping my cheek, her finger scraping through my beard. Her eyes search mine and I’m not sure what she’s looking for, but if it’s answers, she’s not going to find them. She knows everything now that she ever will.

  “You’re sure you want me, forever? I don’t believe in divorce, Renzo.”

  I hum, dipping my chin, I press my lips against hers. Hearing those words from her, it gives me a sense of hope for our future. If she’s willing to work on whatever we’re about to jump into, then I am too.

  “I don’t believe in divorce either, cuoricino.”

  I don’t tell her that there is another way out of a mafia union, she doesn’t need to know because as long as she doesn’t betray me or the famiglia, she is safe. I’ll keep her that way, always.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  The dress shop appears. Renzo parks along the street, ignoring the no parking signs completely. We aren’t the first to arrive, not judging by a man’s hulking body standing in the window. I assume that he is a guard of some kind. He has his back to the street, completely defeating his purpose of even being on this trip.

  I watch as Renzo jogs around the front of the car and tugs the door open for me. He stands to the side, watching and waiting for me to slip from the passenger seat, and I do, as gracefully as possible.

  Luckily, all of my clothes were saved and it doesn’t seem like any were taken from the street. I’m still nursing a bruised and pained side, but it all dissipates when Renzo slides his hand around me, placing his palm against my lower back to guide me into the bridal shop.

  I want to lean against him, curl into him, and ask him if we can just go home, but I don’t. He wants me to do this. He wants me to go wedding dress shopping with his friends’ wives. He wants me to get to know Pippa.

  It still doesn’t really matter what he says, I know what I know. I see the way he looks at her, the way his eyes smile when he even says her name. Nothing is going to make me believe that he holds zero romantic affection for her.

  We stop just outside the door. Turning to face him, I tilt my head back and look up into his eyes. They aren’t smiling, not that they ever do when it comes to me. Renzo lifts his hand, cupping my cheek, and my breath hitches when his thumb slides across my bottom lip.

  “Be good, I’ll be right out here. Scream if anything happens,” he rasps.

  He watches me with extreme intensity. Clearing my throat, I press my lips together and give him a small nod. “Okay,” I whisper.

  “You have no budget, cuoricino. Whatever you like, it’s yours.”

  “That’s crazy,” I breathe.

  He chuckles, then dips his chin, his mouth brushing against my own. “That’s what you deserve, the best.”

  Wordlessly, he opens the door and gently shoves me inside. I take a couple steps in, then turn my head to look back at him. I watch as he gives me a smirk with a wink, before taking a step backward and turning around.

  Taking a step farther inside, I’m surprised when a gorgeous woman makes her way toward me. I don’t recognize her from the dinner, so I freeze in fear. I shouldn’t be scared, but the fact that I was shot at yesterday has me on edge.

  “I’m Zeta,” she calls out, extending her hand as she approaches. I take her hand, shaking it gently. “I’m Siobahn.”

  “You’re my bride,” she announces.

  I watch as her cheeks tint pink and flick behind me. Turning my head, I see that hulking man in the window. He has an expressionless, hard look on his face, but just as I look up, he gives her a wink. Turning back to look at Zeta, I see her cheeks go from pink to bright red.

  “I am,” I whisper, too afraid to break the intimate moment.

  There is a commotion behind her, and I look around to see Nicola throwing her head back with laughter. Chloe and Lenora are there, along with Pippa. Naturally, Pippa showed and I hate that I’m so jealous of her on sight. I shouldn’t be. I know that I shouldn’t, but it doesn’t make that feeling go away.

  Zeta asks me a few questions about my wedding that I can’t answer, then guides me over to some dresses. I ask her about prices, but she only shakes her head.

  “We don’t put them on the dresses and I was informed by your fiancé that you had no budget.”

  “But I don’t want anything ridiculous,” I murmur.

  She gives me a small smile. “Just tell me what you see yourself in. Something soft and simple, or something more princess fairy tale? Lace or no lace? Once I can get a feel, I can pull some options for you and your body type.”

  I’m not sure what to tell her. I have no preferences, not really. I want something pretty that Renzo will like me in as well. I just don’t know what that is, then I remember what he said.

  “No lace,” I blurt out.

  “No lace?” she asks, sounding a bit confused.

  I can understand why, lace is gorgeous and lace wedding dresses are to die for. “Silk or satin, please,” I murmur.

  She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, then holds up her hand and turns around. I watch as she scurries off somewhere. I’m too intimidated by the wives to make my way toward them, so I stay exactly where I am, waiting for Zeta to make her way back with whatever idea that popped in her head.

  I hear someone call out my name and my body jerks as I turn toward the voice. It’s Lenora. She is waving at me with one hand and holding up a glass of champagne with the other.

  “Come on over, Siobahn, hang out with us.”

  I don’t really want to go over to them, but I know that I need to, for Renzo. Inhaling a deep breath, I square my shoulders and head over to them, plastering a smile on my face. The women all let out a squeal of delight as I approach, and for the second time in my life, I almost feel like I’m part of a group of friends.


  Holding my phone to my ear, I watch as the cars pass by in front of me. Each one could hold an enemy. I hear Gavino on the other end. He’s talking to Luciana, then I hear some shuffling around and he grunts as his greeting.

  “How is she?” I ask.

  “Good. Annoyed with me,” he murmurs.

  There is a silence, and I smile to myself. Siobahn is probably annoyed with me too. I’m certain of it. Though, much like Gavino, I don’t give much of a fuck about that. Siobahn will be annoyed with me for the rest of her life and I’m perfectly fine with that arrangement. It works for me, immensely.

  “And D’Amore?” I ask.

  He lets out a low growl. “I have nothing new, no information. Plan is still a go.”

  “Good. Eight days.”

  “Eight days,” he confirms.

  There is a moment of silence, then Gavino starts to speak again. “When you take out the kids, make it quick, yeah?”

  Nodding, I look down at my boots. “I will.”

  “But not D’Amore. Draw that shit out, make it hurt,” he snaps.

  “I will.”

  My heart rate spikes and not with fear or trepidation. It spikes with excitement. I want to do this job, for the first time in a long time, I am looking forward to ending a man. Touching my screen, I end the call before shoving it in my pocket.

  The shop door opens and I look up to see Dante with his head peeking out. “They’re ready for the credit card part of the event,” he announces.

  “Already?” I ask, my eyes widening.

  “I don’t ask questions, I just relay messages.”

  With a chuckle, I push off the wa
ll and turn around, making my way into the shop. I’m not surprised to see the women all sitting on sofas at the back, drinking and chatting amongst one another.

  My gaze scans all of them and I don’t find Siobahn amongst the group. Making my way to the front counter, I jerk my chin at the pretty woman behind the counter. She smiles, her cheeks turning pink as I make my approach.

  “The dress has been found?” I ask.

  She nods her head, a small smile playing on her lips. “It has.”

  Fishing my wallet out of my pocket, I tug out my credit card. Sliding it across the counter, I wait for the total, curious to see how much of my money Siobahn has spent. I hope it’s a lot, I don’t know why, but she despises spending money and I love spending it on her.

  “Your total is fifteen thousand, seven hundred and fifty-three dollars.”

  My lips turn up into a grin. “Sounds good.”

  She shakes her head a couple of times as she slides the card through her machine. She smiles as it comes up approved, then slowly slides the receipt toward me to sign. I scribble my signature against the paper, then give her a smile and nod before I turn my head and look for my fiancée .

  My fiancée, who still doesn’t have a ring.

  I decide immediately that I need to get her one. Today. I know that she probably wants a ring, but would never ask me. She deserves it, too. All of it. The biggest one in the shop. Whatever the fuck she wants, it’s hers.

  There are voices and I look up just in time to see Siobahn turn the corner. She’s wearing the dress that I dropped her off in. A pretty berry color that stands out against her pale skin. She stops in her spot, her gaze meeting mine and her cheeks turning bright red.

  Jerking my chin to the side, I give her a silent order to come to me. She smiles softly, then waves her hand before her mouth moves. I watch as she gives hugs and waves at the women before turning to make her way toward me.

  She’s by my side in just a few steps, but doesn’t say anything. Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek. Looking into her eyes, I turn my head to the side and watch her for a moment. Then, I slide my thumb across her bottom lip.


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