Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5) Page 26

by Hayley Faiman

  “Did you get what you wanted?” I ask, keeping my voice low.

  She smiles softly, keeping her eyes connected to mine. “I did,” she says with a nod. “It’s perfect.”

  “Perfect, huh?”

  She nods her head a few times, then to my surprise she lifts to her toes, leaning forward, she touches her mouth to mine with a heavy sigh.

  “Perfect,” she agrees with a smile. “Just perfect.”

  I don’t tell her that it’s going to be even more perfect than she thinks right now. Taking her hand in mine, I lift my opposite one to give a wave to the girls who are all watching us. Walking forward, I tug her behind me as I drag her toward the car.

  She climbs inside wordlessly, clipping her seat belt on as I walk around the front of the car. Climbing into the driver’s seat, I clip on my own seat belt, then shift the car into drive. It doesn’t take long for me to ease the car into traffic and head back toward Brooklyn.

  The jewelry shop is waiting for us already. Every single engagement ring is waiting for her to look through. I hope that she can find what she wants, what she needs. She’s mine and it’s time that the whole world fucking knows it, by showing off a huge rock on her finger.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I don’t know where we’re going, not even when we pull up onto the street in front of a storefront. I’m not even sure what to think anymore. I’m too lost in thought about my wedding dress shopping.

  It didn’t take me long to find the one, but listening to the women around me talk about their husbands, their children, and their families, it sent a longing throughout my entire body that I don’t know if I’ll ever fulfill.

  Renzo says he wants a real life with me, a true marriage and that we will never divorce. But I just don’t think that we’ll ever have what the women that I saw today have with their husbands.

  I don’t even know if we would have what Zeta and Dante obviously have with one another. They spent the entire appointment watching one another, giving come fuck me glances and it was so intense, but they never said another word. I want that.

  “We’re here, cuoricino,” he murmurs, shaking me from my thoughts. “Is everything okay?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I turn my head, shifting my eyes back to meet his. “Yeah,” I say, nodding my head a couple of times.

  “It’s not. Want to tell me before we go inside?”

  “Where are we?” I ask.

  He snorts. “You’ll find out when we get inside. Now, tell me,” he demands.

  I could tell him nothing. I could lie to him, but something tells me that he wouldn’t appreciate a lie and he would be able to detect it in a second. I’m not sure that I want to tell him the full truth either. I wonder if I can get by with a half-truth, but Renzo is good, too good, he’d catch on to that in a second, too.

  “They’re all in love, really in love. Head over heels in love,” I whisper.

  His chin jerks and his eyes widen in surprise. I watch as he licks his lips, then presses them together in a straight line. I think that he’s not going to say anything, but then he surprises me and his hand reaches out, his fingers wrapping around the side of my neck.

  “Do you think we’ll never have love? That we aren’t headed in that direction?”

  I shrug a shoulder, unsure of what we have or don’t have. I’m unsure of everything. No matter how many times he tells me we’re going to be just fine, I’m just not completely convinced. I don’t know what will convince me, if anything, except time.

  “Do you know that Luciana and Gavino only knew one another as acquaintances when they got married? Did you know that Nicola and Benicio were practically enemies, or that Pippa and Massimo were arranged?”

  My eyes widen as he tells me about the women that I’ve just spent around an hour with. Their pasts that I didn’t even realize they lived. Arranged marriages, acquaintances, enemies. How? They are all so blissfully happy, so in love.

  “I didn’t know that,” I whisper.

  His lips twitch, then he leans forward. I feel his lips brush against mine and my eyes close instinctually. When his tongue slips inside of my mouth, I can’t help but let out a moan as I part my lips for him.

  Renzo’s fingers slide to the back of my neck and tangle in my hair. He growls, I swallow the sound, lifting my hands and reaching forward, wrapping my fingers around his shoulders. When he breaks the kiss, he presses his forehead against my own and breathes heavily, both of us attempting to catch our breaths.

  “Let’s go inside, cuoricino.”

  Without another word, he releases me, then opens his car door and I watch as he jogs around the hood before making his way to my side. Like the gentleman he seems to be, he tugs my door open and holds out his hand for me.

  Slipping my palm in his, I slowly stand, trying not to hiss when I feel the hint of pain at my hip. I wish that it was already gone, but the fact is, I’ll probably still be bruised on my wedding day. Renzo slides his arm around my waist and together we walk toward a glass door.

  I still don’t know what kind of store we’re making our way into, but as long as I’m at his side, with a promise of a future, it doesn’t matter where we go. It only takes one foot inside of the store for me to realize where we are.

  Stopping in my tracks, I turn my head to the side and my lips part in awe. “Renzo,” I rasp.

  “Whatever you like, Siobahn. The store is only open to you, pick something.”

  Pressing my lips together, my eyes widen as I turn my head and look up at him. “That’s too great an offer, Renzo,” I whisper.

  He grins. “Nothing is too great for you, Siobahn. Not a single fucking thing.”


  I watch her eyes light up. I’ve never seen her smile the way that she is right now. Of course, she wants to pretend to be modest, but Siobahn is a woman and I know without a doubt that women love jewelry, the bigger the better, just like other things they love that way.

  “Hello, Mr. Pagano, I have your selections right here.”

  Siobahn turns her head to look back at me. “Your selections?” she asks.

  Nodding my head, I grin down at her. “I called ahead.”

  “Called ahead?” she exhales.

  Shaking my head once, I let out a snort. Wrapping my hand in hers, I tug her toward the counter and salesman. There is a display out with ten rings placed neatly in their holder, winking back at us.

  I hear Siobahn gasp, then she lifts her hand to her lips. I watch her, mesmerized by her surprise. It’s so gorgeous, so beautiful in every way, her surprise and excitement. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman so shocked by something as simple as a diamond before. She leans forward slightly, her fingers still pressed against her lips as she eyes the rings.

  The salesman starts to tell her all about the diamonds, their shape, their clarity, and their carat weight. My body jerks and my own eyes widen when she turns her head and asks me a question. A question that I never imagined that she would care to ask, not that I expected.

  “Which one do you like?” she asks.

  My gaze flicks over the selection, but my eyes land on the simplest one in the bunch. It’s a five-carat emerald-cut diamond on a rose gold band. Reaching out, I extend my finger and touch the cool stone.

  “This is pretty,” I murmur.

  She follows my finger, then she turns to look up at me. “You like simple,” she whispers. “No lace, nothing fancy, an emerald cut. Something sexy, flashy, and simple all at the same time. Understated and not overly gaudy,” she says, explaining exactly what I like expertly.

  “That’s it then,” she whispers.

  The salesman picks the ring up and explains in detail everything about the piece. She takes it from his hand and slowly slides it on her own ring finger. Flicking my gaze down to the ring, I grin at the sight.


  Fucking beautiful.

  “That’s it,” I utter. “She wears it out of the store. Let’s see
some earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace.”

  It doesn’t take me long to decide on her other pieces, all things that she’ll wear in just a few days on our wedding day.

  Wedding day.

  A day that I never thought I would actually have, and here I am. The three-quarter of a million dollars’ worth of jewelry was a bit much, I’m sure, but she deserves it. All of it. Especially since she’ll be living with me for the rest of her days. I know without a doubt that she will earn this and much more throughout the years.

  “What happens now?” she asks.

  We’re already in the car and headed back home. Reaching for her, I lace her fingers with my own. Squeezing them gently, I don’t speak or look at her immediately. Instead, I press my lips together, and try to decide what exactly she’s asking.


  I play naïve, curious to see what exactly she’s asking. “Whoever hurt us, or at least tried to?”

  I clear my throat, unsure of how to answer this exactly. “It’ll be taken care of, cuoricino. There’s nothing more for you to worry about, yeah?”

  Using my thumb, I move the ring around her finger, enjoying the way that it feels against my skin. We’re only a short distance from home, so I don’t say anything else. Siobahn doesn’t either, thankfully.

  Pulling into the parking garage, I shift the car into park and stay in my exact place. Staring out of the front windshield, I let out a sigh before I turn to face her.

  “There is absolutely nothing for you to worry about, not for another moment, you understand?”

  She licks her lips, her eyes meeting mine. “Okay, Renzo. I understand.” Her voice is rough and husky, and I’m not sure she truly believes me, but she pretends and that’s all that I need right now.

  Deciding not to push it, mainly because I know what’s going to happen to D’Amore and his entire family in just a few short days, I push the car door open, grabbing the small glossy paper bag of jewelry as I head out to open her car door.

  Siobahn takes my offered hand as I wait for her to unfold, slowly, from her seat. Together, we make our way toward the elevator. Riding up in silence, I can’t wait to peel her dress from her body and fuck her wearing nothing but my engagement ring on her finger.

  In a few days, we won’t be alone for a while. Her friends will be arriving and our lives will be busy with wedding plans and events. But right now, it’s still the two of us, just the way that I like it—for now.

  Once we’re inside our home, I make my way toward the kitchen, grabbing a glass and some whiskey. Pouring myself a drink, I can feel her watching me.

  “When do your friends arrive?” I ask as I turn around to face her, my drink in my hand.

  Siobahn looks down at her shoes, then lifts her gaze up to meet mine. “Just a few days now,” she exhales.

  “They can stay here, I have the room.”

  She shakes her head. “You want that? A house full of people?”

  Nodding, I lift the glass to my lips, taking a small drink. “For you? Yes.”

  “You think I need that?” she asks me.

  I hum, lifting my hand and making a come hither motion. She does as I’ve silently requested, slowly making her way toward me. When she’s close enough, I drop my hand slightly and wrap it around her waist, tugging her against me.

  Dipping my chin, I look down into her face, my eyes searching hers. “You’d have your house full of people. My friends, when I know that it’s not what you want, just for me?”

  “You need your people here, cuoricino. What you need, I provide.”

  “Renzo,” she whimpers as tears fill her eyes.

  My lips curve up into a grin and I take a final drink of my whiskey before I set it down next to me on the counter. Lifting my hand, I press my palm against the center of her back, pulling her closer to me.

  Dipping my chin, I touch my lips to hers. “Whatever you need, it’s yours,” I whisper against her mouth before I press my lips hard against hers. I fill her mouth with my tongue, then I pick her up and carry her into the bedroom, to give her exactly what we both need right now.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Renzo’s hand wraps around the back of my neck, gripping me tightly as he slams his hips against my ass with each rough pound into me. I whimper, my body climbing higher and higher with each thrust.

  I’m so close, and yet I know that I won’t fall over the edge unless he wants me to, unless he takes me there.

  My hip still aches, the skin rough and bruised, but he is being careful with me. Even though he’s slamming into me roughly, just the way I love it, his hands are being gentle and not touching my bruises.

  Pushing back, I silently beg for more, needing it—needing him. He pushes forward on one excruciating thrust and leans his body right over me, forcing me to fall forward. My chest lands on the mattress and I let out a loud exhale of breath.

  He chuckles, his hand leaving the back of my neck, sliding around to wrap around the front. His lips touch the side of my ear and I can feel his warm breath against my skin, sending chills throughout my entire body.

  “Renzo,” I rasp.

  He hums, still moving inside of me, hard—unyielding, perfect. “My wife,” he murmurs.

  His free hand sliding up my arm. His fingers lace through mine from over the top. My engagement ring sparkling in the low light of the bedside lamp.

  “My diamond looks fucking perfect on you, cuoricino,” he growls as his thrusts become harder and more erratic.

  Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I’m unable to move as he takes me, owns me, shows me just how much he loves the fact that he’s claimed me this way.

  “Come, Siobahn. Show me just how much you love your man moving inside of you, his ring on your finger, his cock buried deep and about to fill you with his cum.”

  “Renzo,” I whimper.

  He knows that I love it, too. I do. I love all of it and I’m not sure that I should. I’m not sure that I should be falling for him as quickly as I have. But I don’t think there is any stopping it, not at this point anyway.

  I’m his and I’m going to marry him. I am going to be bound to him forever. A man in the mafia. A dangerous man. One who knows people who would shoot at me to get to him. But I’m not sure if any of it matters, because right here, alone, he’s exactly who I need.

  My orgasm rolls through me, warm from the inside out, and lasts longer than any others. I can’t speak, I can’t breathe, I just open my mouth and silently scream, my body going stiff. Renzo assuredly knows that I’ve found my release, but his thrusts don’t ebb at all, in fact, I don’t know how but they’re harder with each stroke.

  His hand slips from the front of my throat, sliding down between us, and I feel his fingers touch my sensitive clit. “More,” he demands huskily. “Again.”

  It doesn’t take long. His words whispered against my ear being enough to prime me for another orgasm. Humming, my body is still beneath his as he works me toward another orgasm. His fingers move faster and faster, his breath slides against the side of my face, his body heavy against my own. It’s perfect, just like him.

  I come with a cry as my body jerks beneath his. It’s a shock as I tremble and then finally, he buries himself deep inside of me and I feel his release fill me. His weight rests against my back and I let out a sigh as I take in his heaviness against me, loving the way it comforts me.

  “You’re going to be mine forever in a few days,” he whispers against my ear.

  “I am,” I agree on a hum.

  “When you are, I’m taking your ass,” he grunts.

  “Renzo,” I snap.

  He chuckles. Pushing his semi-hard length inside of me one last time before he pushes up and rolls off of me and onto his back. I expect him to walk away from me, go into the bathroom, but he doesn’t. Instead, he reaches over, gathering me in his arms.

  “Renzo?” I ask. He hums, not speaking. “What is going to happen with us?”

His lips touch the top of my head, but he doesn’t say anything right away. “We’re going to have a good life, cuoricino. Trust me, yeah?”

  I want to do just that. Trust him. But I can’t, not yet. One day. Hope. I have hope that one day our relationship will be like the other women’s. I feel better knowing that they once started out in similar relationships, it gives me hope that we’ll be like them one day.


  That word still hangs in the back of my mind, an anchor that I refuse to release. It will stay with me, and I will grip it until it is nothing but bare threads that threaten to crumble in my strong grip.

  “I’ll try,” I rasp.

  He slides his hand up the middle of my back, tangling his fingers in my hair and tugging my head back slightly. I look up into his amber eyes, mesmerized by everything about them. Still hurt that they don’t smile for me—yet.

  They will one day. I will make sure of it. That is all I want, the biggest and best gift I could ever have from him. Better than any diamond he could ever buy me. Better than anything.

  A smile.

  A true smile.


  The call comes and I’m surprised, but glad that it’s finally here.


  “They’ve RSVP’d. Just got the confirmation from the planner.”

  “All of them?” I ask.

  There is a moment of silence. “Yes. All of them.”


  Ending the call, I hear a noise in the kitchen, my lips turning up into a grin. She wakes. Standing from my chair, I make my way into the kitchen, though I don’t make a noise. I want to see her when she’s not worried about me watching her, when she is just being her raw self.

  I watch as she sways her hips slightly as she chops up something. She’s making lunch, or so it seems and in just a few hours we’re going to pick up her friends from the airport.


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