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Accidental Champion Boxed Set

Page 72

by Jamie Davis

  “I think we can settle for two. I’ll stay with the two younger ones and the other two women can have one to themselves.”

  “Two rooms it is. Will you be wanting something to eat now, or can you wait for dinner?”

  “Dinner will be fine. While I’m here talking with you, I was wondering if you might explain the meaning of your sign out front?”

  “This is the ‘Old Dragoon Inn,’” the innkeeper said. He puffed up his chest with pride. “I retired from her Majesty’s service 20 years ago, took my pension, and settled here in Hyroth. I opened this inn and tavern.” His face grew somber. “I have to say I’m sorry to see the old lady go, especially given all the heartache she’s been through these last five years with her family and all. I suppose she passed away out of sheer sadness.”

  Cari nodded and leaned close to the bar. “I don’t suppose you have any contacts with any of your old comrades in arms?”

  The innkeeper raised an eyebrow at her question and studied her for a few seconds before he answered. “Why would you be seeking out my old companions, missy. Haven’t you heard, the dragoons have been disbanded.”

  “I’ve heard, but the dragoons I knew would never give up on their oath to serve the Empress or her heirs.”

  “Saying things like that can get you in a lot of trouble in the wrong places, girl.”

  “I’m hoping they can also open some doors in the right places, too.”

  Once again, the innkeeper paused, staring Cari in the eye. A few awkward seconds passed. His eyes darted to the doorway and Cari’s companions. His eye’s widened when they fell on young Jaycee and he returned his gaze to Cari. “If I were to be able to speak to some of my old comrades would there be a message you’d like to give them?”

  “My message is for three companions in particular. I am hoping you know who they are and how to reach them. Their names are Liam, Chance, and Thad. Do you know them?”

  “If you are who I think you are, then the answer is a resounding and joyful yes!” He pointed to the stairs. “This is business best kept private. Why don’t you and your friends get settled upstairs? Take the first two rooms to the right as you reach the landing. I’ll have my wife fill a bath in each of your rooms for you. It looks like you’ve got quite a bit of road grime to deal with.”

  Cari tensed. “You know who we are?”

  “I’d rather not say, but I can tell you that the old information network still flows within the dragoons. As you say, we live to serve the Empress and her heirs. Our oath never expires. That includes her champions, too. Isn’t that right, Princess Cari?”

  Cari resisted the urge to correct the man, thankful they’d found a friend at last. It had been a long time since they’d left a place where she could count on other friends to watch out for her and the others. It was good to be somewhere where she had some backup again. “A bath would be wonderful for my friends and me for sure. We’ll head up to the rooms and wait for someone to let us know when the bath is ready.”

  “I’ll get my wife right on it. Now go upstairs and get out of sight. Too many prying eyes out and about these days.”

  Cari nodded and returned to her friends. She gestured for them to follow her and the five of them headed up the stairs to their rooms.

  An hour later, the innkeeper’s wife fussed over Cari and Jaycee as the two of them took their baths. A serving girl and the innkeeper’s wife both took turns bringing up kettles of hot water until the two tubs were full of steaming, scented water.

  As Cari sat soaking amidst the bubbles of the soapy water, the innkeeper’s wife turned from her place at the door where she was hanging up towels for the two of them. “Would either of the two of you like scented bath oils?”

  “No, this is quite good enough, I assure you. It is nice to just to be able to wash the dirt from our pores after our long travels.” To punctuate her statement, Cari took the sponge and ran it along her arm, scrubbing at her skin with the slightly rough surface.

  The woman checked outside the door for eavesdroppers and to make sure the serving girl had left before continuing. “I’m not sure what the two of you are used to, seeing as how you are who you are and all.” She punctuated her statement with an awkward curtsy.

  Cari cast a wary eye at the woman. “Please, Mistress, we must keep quiet about that. We are fine with ordinary things just like everyone else. There is no need to be worried about what kind of upper-class things we might be used to. Both of us have lived very simple lives over the last couple of years. Isn’t that right Jaycee?”

  The little girl stopped playing in the water of her tub for a moment and nodded.

  The little girl’s smile must’ve reassured the woman. “If you say so. I just don’t want to cause no offense, that’s all.”

  “I assure you there is no offense taken.”

  The woman finished hanging up towels for the two of them and went to leave before she stopped and turned to say one more thing. “My husband has long been out of the dragoons. I don’t want him to get caught up in nothing that would cause him harm.”

  Cari considered what the woman said then smiled. “I assure you we are not here to cause trouble. As long as no one knows who we are, we should be able to stay here safely without endangering you or your family. Besides which, we are just people staying at your inn. You don’t know who we are, right?” Cari asked with a wink and a nod.

  That brought a smile to the woman’s face and she winked back at Cari. “Understood, ma’am. My husband had some information you said you wanted. When you’re free from your bath, you’ll find him in his office to the rear of the bar.”

  The woman left and Cari sat back again in the tub committed to enjoying soaking a bit longer in the water before she left to find out what the innkeeper had to tell her. Hopefully, he had word of the dragoons she was searching for. If she could connect with the three of them again, she was sure she’d be able to find a way to sneak back into the capital. Liam would undoubtedly have a plan for keeping Jaycee safe while getting her to a position where she could take the throne that was rightfully hers.

  After she got Jaycee dried off and settled in some fresh clothes, she left the girl in Percy’s care and headed downstairs to meet with the innkeeper. Just as his wife said, he was in his office. He sat behind a desk filled with stacks of papers and ledgers. On top of one pile, Cari spotted orders for food, beer, wine, and liquor. She entered as he was totaling up a column of figures.

  He looked up as she came in and nodded, holding up a finger. “I’ll be with you in just a minute. If I don’t finish doing this calculation, I have to start all over again.”

  “Take your time. I’ve never been one for figures either.”

  Cari sat down in a chair and across the desk from him and waited until he finished with his calculations. Finally, he shuffled that particular bunch of papers together into a stack and slipped them into a drawer before looking up at Cari again. “I suppose you’ve finished your bath? You look a bit fresher than you did when you walked in the door, that’s for sure.”

  “Yes, thank you. That was a welcome treat after what we have been dealing with. It’s nice to feel clean again. Um, your wife mentioned you had some information for me. What is it?”

  “I don’t know exactly where your three friends might be yet, but I do know someone who can find them for you.”

  “Who is this person?”

  “He’s a merchant who sometimes comes to town. He has connections in many places around the Empire and if anyone knows where those three particular individuals are, he can or will find out for you.”

  “When can we arrange to meet with this person?” Cari asked. “I’d like to find them as soon as possible. You know who we are. Time is of the essence.”

  The innkeeper held out of his hands to calm her concerns. “I know, I know. I will reach out to him this evening. If all goes as planned, I should be able to arrange for you to meet with him tomorrow. Will that be suitable?”

  “I suppose it
has to be, in the meantime, we’ll get a good night’s sleep, at least, and have some good food that isn’t jerky stew.”

  “Gotten a little tired of trail rations, have you? Well, you won’t starve for good food here, I promise you that, missy. My wife makes some of the best food around these parts. She is looking forward to filling you and that little girl to the brim with her best. She seems to have taken quite a shine to the two of you.”

  Cari smiled at the thought of something other than trail food. “Your wife and I had a very nice chat while she was helping with our baths. She’s a remarkable woman.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. There’s not many women who will marry an old fart like me, let alone put up with someone so set in their ways.”

  Cari nodded and smiled at him. They had been lucky to find this inn on their arrival in Hyroth. “As soon as you hear back from your friend, make sure you let me know what the plan is. I want to see him as soon as possible.”

  “I will. Why don’t you head upstairs and make sure the rest of your friends are alright with their room. Dinner will be in about an hour. I’ll have my wife send up one of the girls to fetch you when it’s ready.”

  Cari rose, reached across the desk and clasped wrists with the innkeeper. At first, he seemed surprised by the gesture, but then he nodded and gripped back before letting go. Cari nodded and left to go back upstairs. She wondered who the mysterious merchant was. She hoped it wasn’t a dead end. She really needed to get ahold of Liam and the others.

  She returned upstairs and settled in to rest a bit before dinner while Percy and Jaycee played quietly in the corner of the room. It was good to lay down in a real bed, even for a few minutes. Before she knew it, Cari was fast asleep.

  Chapter 17

  Dinner that night was everything the innkeeper led her to believe it would be. There was a delicious roast beef platter, along with roasted potatoes, carrots, and beets. Another wooden plate held a selection of fresh cheese and fresh milk for Jaycee and Percy. There was a bottle of good red wine for Cari and the other two women. Since her time here in Fantasma, Cari had developed a discerning palate for wine and this was some of the best she’d had in a long while.

  Cari and the others had just finished their second helping of the dinner when the innkeeper caught Cari’s eye from behind the bar. Standing and excusing herself, Cari left the others to finish eating and crossed over to where the innkeeper waited. She hoped this was good news. “You have information for me?”

  “Yes,” the innkeeper said. “My friend, the merchant, is interested in seeing you. He seemed to know you might be in town.”

  “That’s not good. How did he know?” Cari asked.

  “He didn’t say, but I don’t think there is cause for alarm. He seemed to have his information from what he called an educated guess. He said that was why he had chosen to come here to Hyroth, on the outside chance you would show up.”

  This information both intrigued and worried Cari. Who was this strange merchant that would expect her to be here? If he predicted her travel through the city, would the Duke of Charon make a similar assumption?

  Then a thought occurred to her. It could be Old Colin from the caravansary outfitters in Tandon. Perhaps he had shops in other cities as well.

  Cari shook her head. She knew she wasn’t going to figure out the identity of the mysterious merchant from here. She had to find out who it was and if there was any danger to Jaycee as soon as possible. “When can he meet?”

  “He asks if you can come to his local factor’s home in the Merchant’s District. He gave me the address for you. He suggested you come alone so as not to draw unwanted attention.” The innkeeper leaned closer across the bar and whispered, “I think he believes people might be looking for a younger blonde woman traveling with a small girl.”

  Cari offered the innkeeper a grim smile. She didn’t like the sound of the rumors circulating about herself and Jaycee. “I think it might be a good idea to keep my young companion here indoors for a while. Do you think you could keep her and my other companions here for a few days? I think we need to stay out of sight as you said.”

  “Of course, anything you need. We can even arrange to serve dinner upstairs from now on. There is a private dining room up there.”

  “That might be best.” Cari thought for a moment then continued. “By the way, what does this merchant look like?”

  “He is of average height, rather thin, though, and he dresses in the current style of imperial garb I would more expect to see at the capital, not out here on the caravan routes. That might have just been how he was dressed on the occasions I’ve seen him, though. Does he sound like someone you know?”

  Cari shook her head. That definitely didn’t describe Colin. No one would ever describe him as normal height, or as wearing anything approaching fancy imperial clothing, for that matter.

  “Here is the factor’s address. He said he would be there each evening until very late. You could probably catch him there this evening if you hurry.”

  Cari took the address and shoved the piece of paper into her belt pouch. She nodded her thanks to the innkeeper and returned to the table with her friends.

  “What did he want?” Helen asked.

  “He had some information on someone in town who might be able to help us find my three dragoon friends. It’s worth a visit to see if they can really help.”

  Helen, Francesca, and Percy all nodded. All three of them, along with Stefan, and Rodrigo, had talked about the dragoon trio often while they still lived together aboard the Vengeance.

  Cari continued. “If we are going to be able to get our young friend here back to the Crystal City in one piece, we’re going to need their help so it’s important we locate them, if possible. They’ve got connections in the capital I don’t have.”

  Francesca slid her chair back away from the table. “Do you want someone to come along with you? It might get a bit rough out there for someone traveling alone once it gets dark.”

  “No, thank you. I think it’s best if you, Helen, and Percy stay here and keep an eye on Jaycee. I am concerned that we might have been spotted. The innkeeper said that word has been hovering about for people to keep an eye out for a woman matching my description traveling with a young girl. I think it’s best and safest if I leave you three here to watch over her.”

  “I can watch out for myself, Cari,” Jaycee said

  “I know you can. I’ve seen you with that belt knife you carry. It doesn’t mean that you don’t need help. We all have to ask for help when we need it.”

  The little girl thought about it for a minute then nodded. “I know you think I’m just a little girl. You can tell me what’s really going on now that my great-grandmother is dead. There are a lot of things I need to start learning. I feel like I have to start now because I have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “You, young lady, are a very wise little woman,” Cari said. “That is perhaps one of the most intelligent things I’ve ever heard anyone say, both adult or child.”

  “I agree,” Helen said. “Why don’t you come upstairs and sit with Francesca and me in our room. Percy, you can join us as well. We can talk about some of the things you want to know. You can ask us questions about anything you want.”


  “Yes, anything. Within reason, of course.” Helen glanced in Cari’s direction. Cari hid a smirk behind her hand. This could lead to one of those awkward moments where Jaycee asked where babies come from or something like that.

  “Good, then it’s settled. You four remain here. I shouldn’t be too long and I’ll check in when I get back later, all right?”

  Cari turned to head towards the door. She pulled out the slip of paper handed to her by the innkeeper. She didn’t recognize the factor’s address, but that wasn’t unusual. She was new in town and had only seen a small portion of it. She was certain however, someone would be willing to show her the way.”

  Cari left the inn and walked back
towards the central marketplace. As she arrived, she saw several small carriages sitting near one of the larger taverns. She walked up to one and addressed the driver. “Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me if any of these carriages are for hire? I have to be somewhere in the city this evening and I’m not quite sure where I’m going?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the first driver said. “I’m spoken for tonight, but that carriage down there, the blue one, is available I think. His name is Smiley.”

  “Smiley? Well, I have to meet someone people call Smiley. There’s got to be a story behind that name.”

  “There is indeed, ma’am. I’m sure he’ll be happy to tell you all about it. Make sure you ask him.”

  Cari didn’t fail to notice the slight smile the driver tried to hide. There was something to this nickname, but she’d have to wait to find out until she met this Smiley. She slipped the man a silver piece for his assistance and walked down the line of carriages till she arrived at the pale blue one the other driver had indicated.

  A gruff little man perched atop the wagon’s seat. For a moment Cari thought she might be at the wrong carriage. There was no way this person was named Smiley. Before she could move along the man glanced in her direction and scowled. “What are you looking for?”

  “Uh, I was just looking for a carriage. The gentleman over there told me that the blue carriage in this direction was available for hire. However, I must be at the wrong one. He said the driver’s name was Smiley?”

  “I am Smiley. I’m available for hire as he said. The price is two silver pieces to go anywhere in the city. Three silver pieces if you want me to wait and bring you back.”

  “That doesn’t seem so bad. I’m sorry if I was rude, the name caught me a little by surprise.”

  “You’re not the first person to find it amusing. That is why people call me that. The other drivers think it’s funny and the name just kind of stuck over the years. Climb on in and I’ll take you where you want to go.”


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