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Bound to the Monarchs

Page 3

by Brooke Winters

  “I can’t stay away,” he admitted. “Even when I try.”

  She continued stroking his leg, her hand moving further up his thigh.

  Antonio let out a groan and Vitoria glanced down. His sarong had fallen open, his cock stood erect, jutting out in an impressive display. She brushed her hand over it, transfixed by its large size and the way it seemed to jump towards her. Antonio let out a low moan and she pulled her hand back. She looked up at him. “I want to stroke it. Master.”

  He took her hand and placed it around his cock, and she moved it up to the head where a bead of liquid had gathered. She ran her palm over it and back down his shaft. She'd seen this done before. Antonio’s breathing was heavy as she moved her hand up and down, back up over the head where more moisture had gathered. Her entire body hummed with arousal and she could feel her pussy growing wet.

  Vitoria felt the breeze come in from the open door and looked up. Seeing Matilda standing in the door way she dropped her hand and scooted back up the bed.

  “I…” She felt her cheeks heat with humiliation, the cocoon around her heart cold with panic. Why hadn't she been thinking of Matilda? His mate.

  “I'm sorry.”

  Matilda walked to the bed.

  “Don't apologise.”

  Her voice was breathy. She sat on the bed, next to Vitoria’s pillow and took Vitoria’s hand in hers. She raised it to her lips, opened her mouth, and took two of Vitoria’s fingers between her lips. Vitoria’s breath caught as Matilda swirled her tongue around her fingers and then pulled them out.

  “I can taste Antonio on you.”

  She knew what Antonio tasted like. Of course she knew. She was mated to him. She had probably taken him into her mouth many times. Vitoria had watched people do that, too. It had never aroused her, but the thought of Matilda doing that to Antonio was erotic beyond anything she had ever imagined. She let Matilda guide her hand back to Antonio’s shaft. Matilda held her own hand around Vitoria’s and together they stroked, up and down, up and down, faster and faster as Antonio’s breathing got heavier. He bit back several words, as though he was trying to remain quiet.

  “That’s it. Don’t stop.”

  His words came out on a groan as Matilda pumped their hands faster and faster. Vitoria closed her eyes and let Matilda control it. She kept moving their hands until Antonio let out a long moan and Vitoria felt something warm on her hand. Vitoria opened her eyes. Matilda let go of her hand and stood, walking towards the bathroom. Antonio’s hooded gaze met Vitoria’s and he smiled, a slow, lazy smile. Her body was so turned on, she felt like currents of electricity were running through her. She needed something more but she didn’t know what.

  Matilda returned with a cloth and wiped Antonio’s seed from Vitoria’s hand. Vitoria looked up at her, her cheeks were flushed. What was she thinking? Antonio was mated, and back home in Calibrai you stayed away from mated people. But here Matilda had encouraged it. Perhaps things were different in Palici. Neither Matilda nor Antonio had said anything since they’d made Antonio come, but the cocoon around her heart felt warm, and somehow that made everything okay.

  “Do you know what a safe word is?” Matilda asked.

  She nodded.


  She may be inexperienced but she wasn’t naive. She’d lived above a tavern long enough to learn a thing or two about sex. “It’s a word someone uses to make something stop.”

  “Pick one,” Matilda told her. “And use it if anything we say or do makes you uncomfortable.”

  “Ummm…” Her mind went blank. Why was it suddenly so hard to think of a word? Any word would do! “Can I just say stop?”

  “Of course,” Matilda said. She kissed Vitoria’s forehead and Vitoria sighed happily. “If you tell us to stop, or say anything that indicates you aren’t comfortable, we’ll stop. At any time.”

  “What word do I say to make you start?”

  Matilda gave her a wicked smile.

  “You just have to ask for what you want.”

  “I want you to kiss me,” she said, feeling bold.

  Matilda placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “Like this?”

  Vitoria shook her head and reached up, placed her hand on the back of Matilda’s neck and pulled her closer. Their lips met and Vitoria opened hers, her tongue playing along the seam of Matilda’s lips. Matilda opened to her and their tongues touched. Matilda cupped Vitoria cheeks with her hands, her tongue pushing further into her mouth, her kiss demanding. Then she pulled away.

  “Like that,” Vitoria said.

  “I want to see something,” Antonio said, his voice husky, eyes hooded as he looked at her like he wanted to eat her up.

  “What do you want to see?”

  “I want to see if you’re wet for us.” She was, she knew she was. She knew that her pussy was wet and ready for him, for Matilda, for whatever they wanted to do to her.

  “I want to run my finger down the slit of your pussy and when I find it wet, I want to slide my finger inside.”

  Matilda took her seat on the bed, still holding Vitoria’s hand. She brought the hand to her lips, turned it over and kissed at the quickening pulse of her wrist.

  “Then I’m going to taste your arousal, taste how ready you are for us. And then I’m going to add a second finger.”

  “We’re going to make sure that you’re ready for Antonio’s cock,” Matilda said. “He’s big, probably bigger than anyone else you’ve been with.”

  Should she tell them there had been no one else? Oh, she’d spent plenty of time thinking about it, touching herself in the dark while she imagined being fucked, but she’d never actually been with another person.

  “I’m going to eat your pussy,” Matilda continued. That was something Vitoria had never seen before. How would that work? “I’m going to lick up your sweet arousal, slide my tongue so deep inside you so that I can taste all of you.”

  Antonio was sliding the blanket down her torso. She wore nothing but a vest that clung to her curves, doing little to hide her erect nipples, and a pair of panties. Antonio ran a finger over her panty-covered pussy.

  “Your panties are soaking wet, precious one.”

  She felt out of her mind with arousal. She was aware of nothing but the feeling of Antonio’s finger sliding over her panties and the need that had gathered there. She felt a breeze on her breast as Matilda pulled her vest down and her large breasts sprung fee. Matilda lowered her head and took one taut nipple into her mouth.

  “Ohhh. Please…” Vitoria moaned.

  Matilda’s tongue flicked out over her nipple and Vitoria bucked her hips up towards Antonio’s hand. He placed a hand on each of her hips and held her still. Matilda chuckled and Vitoria could feel the vibrations going through her.

  “You’re not the one in control of this,” Matilda said. “Your pussy gets stroked when we say it does. Antonio will finger fuck you when he decides to. And you will come only with our permission.”

  She’d never had someone else make her come before. How was she supposed to control it? It felt like she would go off as soon as he touched her again. Maybe he didn’t need to touch her at all.

  “Please…” she moaned the word.

  Matilda took her other nipple into her mouth and sucked. The feeling was overwhelming and Vitoria struggled to maintain control. She managed to keep her hips from thrusting forward, towards all the pleasure that Antonio’s hand promised her. What would they do if she came without permission? It wasn’t like they could take it back from her. Would they punish her? The thought turned her on even more.

  Antonio hooked his fingers into her panties and tugged them down. She lifted her hips to allow him to do so. Her knees fell open and she didn’t care that she was exposed to him. She didn’t care about anything but relieving the tension that was building. He ran a finger over her swollen clitoris. She cried out as a jolt of pleasure went through her.

  “You’re so responsive,” Antonio murmured. “I can’t wait to fuck yo

  Was he going to fuck her now? He ran his finger down her slit, up and down, teasing her with the promise of penetration. Matilda pulled back, ran her hand down Vitoria’s cheek, then leaned forward and caught her lips in a searing kiss. Vitoria opened her mouth in a gasp as Antonio slid a finger into her, and Matilda’s tongue slid in, caressing her own. Antonio’s finger slid in and out of her, making her feel so full she thought she might come from that alone. Matilda pulled away, their eyes meeting, holding.

  “I feel so…” She trailed off and gasped in pleasure as Antonio worked a second finger into her. “So full. So close.”

  “She’s so tight.” Antonio’s voice sounded strained. As his fingers slid in and out of her, she felt pressure against her clitoris as he began rubbing there too.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned. How could she stop herself from coming? “Please, Matilda. Please,” she begged. Matilda leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips.

  “Come for us Vitoria.”

  Antonio continued to thrust his fingers in and out, rub her clitoris over and over. She cried out her ecstasy as she crashed over the edge.

  As the aftershocks of her orgasm coursed through her, she felt suddenly very tired. Matilda smiled down at her. She looked pleased. Pleased with Vitoria. She had pleased them. She smiled at Matilda and closed her eyes.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, right before she fell asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Vitoria dragged herself out of bed and hobbled to the chair by the window. Her ankle was healing well but it hurt to stand on it, even with the pain relievers. Antonio and Matilda would be by later for their morning walk, half wheelchair, half crutches. They'd barely left her alone in the two days since their… Encounter, but they hadn’t initiated anything more. Was it a one-time thing?

  They were all she could think about. She kept remembering Matilda’s words.

  “I'm going to eat your pussy.”

  Her cheeks heated every time the words replayed themselves in her head, and her pussy grew wet at the image those words conjured. She wanted her to do that. Vitoria wanted to do that to her. Would she know how to? She’d never done it before.

  She probably wouldn't have to worry about that anyway. They'd taken it in turns to be by her bedside. They'd helped her to take short walks out of the hospital wing, which was actually a part of their palace and not a hospital. But they’d done nothing more than hold her hand.

  She looked out of the window into the courtyard. It was so calm and peaceful. There had been children playing in it earlier but now it was empty. Three large trees swayed in the gentle breeze and she wished she could go and sit under their shade. It was turning into a warm day. Maybe now they had a wheelchair she could go further than the front hall.

  She picked up the romance novel that sat on the window ledge. She loved to read, and Antonio had promised they would take her to their library at some point, but for now she made do with the books they’d chosen for her. The story seemed to be some kind of love triangle, which wasn't her favourite trope. She always felt bad for whoever was left alone at the end. Still, she had nothing else to read and she liked the characters. A few more chapters into the book, she heard footsteps approaching her door and put it down. She heard the lock slide across and the door swung open. Matilda glided in, her head held high, auburn curls pulled back in a long braid. Vitoria tried not to stare at her bare breasts, but she'd been having all kinds of wicked thoughts about them. She looked up into Matilda’s green eyes. They seemed to smoulder, but perhaps that was just Vitoria projecting her own feelings. If Matilda wanted her, she would have done something about it by now. It had obviously been a one-time thing. A one-time thing that Vitoria had initiated. If she hadn't started it, it wouldn't have happened. Accepting something when offered on a plate was different to seeking it out.

  And they were royalty! It was in everything Matilda did. The way she held herself, the way she articulated herself. It was in the complete confidence that Antonio had. They were Queen and King of this whole country. What did they need from a poor woman like her? She saw the way they looked at each other, the familiarity in their gaze, the way they seemed to communicate without saying a word.

  What could they possibly want with her?

  “Are you okay, kitten?” Matilda asked. A frown marred her usually smooth brow. “You seem sad.”

  “I'm fine,” she lied. “I'm just fed up of being stuck in this room. Lovely as it is,” she added quickly, not wanting to sound ungrateful.

  “Then let's get you out of here. I wanted to take you up to the library but perhaps a walk around the grounds first, some fresh air.”

  “Can I go in the chair so I can walk in the courtyard?” Vitoria asked. If she walked now she would have nothing left when she got outside. She’d spent so much time sitting at the window, wishing for the open air. She wanted to enjoy it when she got there, not be in so much pain she immediately wished to return.

  “Of course.”

  Matilda walked to the wheelchair and wheeled it over to Vitoria. Vitoria pulled herself up out of her seat and limped the short distance to the chair, wincing as pain shot through her ankle.

  When she was settled in her seat, Matilda asked: “Would you mind if we stopped by to see Antonio first? He's responding to urgent correspondence from neighbouring monarchdoms and he was disappointed not to join us for this walk. He wanted to see you.”

  Vitoria’s heart fluttered and the cocoon around it felt warm. He wanted to see her. “Of course,” she agreed.

  Matilda began to wheel the chair out of the open door.

  “Perhaps if he's done by midday he can join us for the midday meal. Would you like to take it outside?”

  “That would be wonderful,” Vitoria responded. “It is a beautiful day.”

  She looked up as they made their way across the entrance hall. The glass ceiling was as high as the building and light spilled in from it. She wondered if you could star gaze from within the palace at night. She held her hand up to shield her eyes from the bright sun as she looked around. The large staircase went up to the first floor, but there had to be other staircases above because there were at least four floors she could count above them. Some floors had railings, others, walls with windows overlooking the front hall.

  Matilda stopped walking.

  “This building is over a thousand solar cycles in age. We have a Lencurina,” she referred to the name given to temples of the goddess. “That's much older than that. It's the oldest building in Kiilasalia and one of the oldest Lencurinas in the whole region.”

  “How many people live here?” Vitoria asked.

  “It varies. All of the staff live here, and the other monarchs have suites, but they come and go as they wish or when duty requires their presence.”

  “There are other monarchs? I assumed you were the only King and Queen.”

  “We're the ruling monarchs,” Matilda explained. “When our reign is done we will join the others on the council in Autonno Palace.”

  The knowledge felt familiar but Vitoria didn't understand how she could know that. Matilda began to walk again and soon they were at a large wooden door. Guards stood on either side, in the same way they did outside of the hospital wing. Were there guards stationed at every door? Well, it was a royal palace, and Matilda and Antonio’s lives were valuable.

  One of the guards, a tall black woman with short black hair, stared straight ahead, hand resting on the hilt of her sword, while the second, a white woman with her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, opened the door. Matilda wheeled Vitoria into the large office. Antonio sat at a imposing wooden table in the middle. He frowned down at the parchment in front of him, his fingers twirling the quill in his hand. It was an adorable sight, her big King looking bookish with his glasses and his dark hair tied back, writing with the antiquated utensil.

  When he looked up, he caught her eye and smiled.

  “Vitoria,” he sounded happy to see her. “Welcome. How are
you feeling?”

  “A little better, thank you.”

  She looked around the office. Portraits hung on the walls, three people wearing crowns in each one. If she could wheel herself, and if it weren’t impolite, she would look at each one of them. Who were they?

  “We thought we would take a walk outside,” Matilda said to Antonio. “And then take the midday meal in the courtyard. Are you able to arrange for someone to bring it to us?”

  “I’ll bring it out myself.”

  “Wonderful,” Matilda replied. “We’ll leave you to finish your correspondence.”

  Antonio caught Vitoria’s eye and smiled. “See you at midday, precious one.”

  Her heart felt full as Matilda turned her around and wheeled her outside.


  Her legs ached after walking from her chair to one of the three trees that stood tall in the courtyard, and she allowed Matilda to help her sit on the ground. She leaned back against the trunk and put her legs out in front of her. It was so peaceful, the two of them alone in the courtyard. White and red flowers were dotted throughout the green grass of the lawn, and their sweet scent permeated the air. Vitoria’s gaze was drawn to the statue that stood in the middle, a woman on horseback riding into battle. It seemed so out of place in the quiet space.

  Matilda followed her gaze.

  “Queen Filomena,” Matilda said. “She ruled almost 100 solar cycles ago and was the last monarch to die in battle. This courtyard was designed in her memory.”

  “It’s such a fierce statue,” Vitoria replied.

  “She was a fierce woman.”

  The breeze felt glorious, caressing her skin, and she closed her eyes, listening to the birds and the people in the distance. She felt Matilda sit next to her.

  “Are you feeling okay, kitten?”

  She nodded. “A little sore and tired but okay.”

  Matilda put an arm around Vitoria’s shoulder and Vitoria opened her eyes, surprised by the contact. She looked up at Matilda and the other woman smiled.

  “Why don’t you doze for a while?” Matilda said. “You can lean against me.”


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