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Vote Then Read: Volume II

Page 183

by Lauren Blakely

  “Congratulations, beautiful. I’m so fucking proud of you,” he proclaims, pecking my mouth with kisses between his words.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” I admit.

  His face turns serious as he lowers me to the ground and cups my cheeks in his big hands. “Yes, you could have. I’m just glad you didn’t have to. I’m glad you still have a few more years of school, though. Strip studying is one of my favorite things.” He waggles his brows.

  “Mine, too,” I confess against his lips, adding, “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  He growls into my mouth. “Don’t tell me shit like that when we have to spend the next several hours with our families.”

  I give him a devious smirk. “We can skip it.”

  Light shines in his eyes, featuring a glint I’ve never seen before. “Not this time, beautiful. Today is special in more ways than one.”

  The ride to my parents’ house in the back of the limo my father insisted on is torture. Bryson whispers dirty things in my ear the entire way, causing me to squirm as both our parents sit mere feet away. The Kellys opted to drive themselves to lunch but will be joining us shortly.

  There is nothing unusual about today’s lunch. We all seem to get together as often as we can. Only, today is in celebration of my accomplishments, which leave me a little uneasy. Being the center of attention has never made me comfortable.

  I’ve grown closer with the Kellys over the last couple years, hating the distance I created after we all lost Duncan. They’ve welcomed Bryson with open arms, never once making me feel like they were ashamed of me for being with him.

  I smile at Mrs. Kelly across the table as she chats animatedly with my mom and Emerson. It’s the aura around Emerson that causes me concern. Liam isn’t here. They are normally inseparable, but he’s been oddly absent the last couple weeks. I’ve asked Bryson what’s going on, and he assured me things are fine and I just needed to focus on finals. Trusting him always, I did just that, but looking at the fake smile on my friend’s face as she tries to hide the fact that she’s breaking apart inside makes me wish I asked more questions.

  Bryson squeezes my hand under the table. “She’ll be fine.”

  I turn to him. “I know that distant look. Has she lost him forever?”

  He shakes his head no, but I see the doubt clouding his eyes. “They have to work through some things. It’s not our place to interfere.”

  Her mood lightens a bit as lunch goes on. I’m bombarded with questions about summer plans and when we’re moving out of the tiny apartment we’ve lived in since our beginning.

  “So many questions,” I tease, even though I’m growing frustrated. This lunch should’ve been over an hour ago. Naked in our bed at home is the only place I want to be right now.

  “Does that feel good?” is the only question I want to hear when Bryson’s mouth skates down my body, satisfying my neediness.

  Bryson releases my hand and stands from his chair. I push mine back, thankful he’s finally going to make our excuses so we can leave.

  “One more,” he says loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “One more what?” I turn my head to him, watching in shock as he drops down beside me in clear view of everyone I love.

  “Just one more question.” He grips my hand, looking up at me as he kneels on the floor.

  A tear rolls down my cheek and his fingers twitch in mine, itching to wipe it way like he’s done countless times in the years we’ve been together.

  “Unless you’re tired of questions?” he asks as a playful smirk turns the corners of his mouth up.

  My breathing comes in fast, panting breaths loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. My brain fills with so many chaotic thoughts, I can’t single any one bit of logic out.

  “I love you,” he begins. “I’m absolutely certain I was put on this earth to love you and only you. You’re the part of my heart I didn’t know I was missing. Make me whole, beautiful. Marry me?”

  Tears of turmoil roll down my face. I know I’m his only love, but I can’t regret what I had, even if for a short while, with Duncan.

  I turn my eyes from him, seeing the exact moment the anxiety hits him because I didn’t answer immediately. My eyes fall on Mr. and Mrs. Kelly across the table. A wide smile marks his face, but she has her hands clasped to her mouth, tears also rolling down her cheeks, escaping from her closed eyes. When they open, love and a keen peacefulness stare back at me. A slight nod of her head assures me they are not only okay with this, but just as happy as I am.

  I turn back to Bryson, ready to jump in his arms and accept his proposal when my eyes land on the familiar band of diamonds, now part of a gorgeous ring topped with a magnificent round cut diamond.

  My eyes dart up to his and back down to the ring.

  “He’ll always be a part of you,” he whispers, only loud enough for me to hear. “That means he’s a part of us.”

  I nod my head, meeting his eyes and holding them with mine.

  “I’m dying here, beautiful.”

  “I love you.” Not exactly what he wants to hear, but I feel the need to express it.

  “I love you, too. Do I need to repeat the question?” The same glint of mischievous seduction he had every time he asked me that when we were studying for finals sparkles in his eyes. Stalling while studying meant I knew the answer. Toying with him gave me time to wonder about the reward I was going to get when I answered right. The gleam in his eyes betrays his understanding of the situation.

  He licks his lips, and the rest of the room just fades away. I no longer hear the joyful sobs of my mother, or Emerson gasping. Their loving energy and approval still floats all around us, but Bryson and I are alone in this moment.

  “What’s my prize?” My mouth turns up in a coy smile. The expression on Bryson’s face tells me he’s having the same visceral reaction he’d have alone in our apartment.

  “Me,” he answers. “For eternity. I’m here, beautiful.”

  “You’re here,” I agree. Breathlessly, I ask him, “Can you repeat the question?”

  “Marry me,” he says, only it’s a demand, easier to say the second time around now that he’s sure of my answer.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  His hands tremble in mine, and I wait for him to drop the small box he’s been holding out this whole time.

  “Final answer?”

  “Only answer,” I assure him.

  A loud whoop echoes around the room. I know it came from my dad, but I don’t turn my eyes away from Bryson as he works the ring from the box. He slips it on my finger as the room fills with cheers and congratulations.

  Wrapping me in a hug, he nearly squeezes the breath out of me.

  Warm air skates over my ear as he says, “I’m going to spank your ass when we get home for making me wait.”

  “Mmmm,” I hum. “My favorite kind of prize.”


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  Need more loving, compassionate men in your life?

  Check out Love Me Like That!


  After living a life of betrayal and abuse, London Sykes in on her own.

  She's ready to start over, leaving the past behind.

  But when her car skids off the road, London is rescued by a sad, mysterious, and sexy man--a man who changes everything for her.

  Kadin Cole is done.

  At a cabin in the woods for his very first--and last time--Kadin refuses to return to a life he cannot endure.

  With grief that suffocates him, he makes the hardest decision of his life.

  But when a beautiful woman crashes into his life, Kadin is torn between his grief and his hope for a new beginning.

  Now, it's up to Kadin and London to find warmth in the coldest time of their lives.

  Can their passion thaw their hearts and give them a chance at something more?
  Also by Marie James

  Newest Series

  Blackbridge Security

  Hostile Territory

  Shot in the Dark

  Contingency Plan


  Crowd Pleaser


  We Said Forever

  More Than a Memory

  Cole Brothers SERIES

  Love Me Like That

  Teach Me Like That

  Cerberus MC

  Kincaid: Cerberus MC Book 1

  Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2

  Shadow: Cerberus MC Book 3

  Dominic: Cerberus MC Book 4

  Snatch: Cerberus MC Book 5

  Lawson: Cerberus MC Book 6

  Hound: Cerberus MC Book 7

  Griffin: Cerberus MC Book 8

  Samson: Cerberus MC Book 9

  Tug: Cerberus MC Book 10

  Scooter: Cerberus MC Book 11

  Cannon: Cerberus MC Book 12

  Rocker: Cerberus MC Book 13

  Colton: Cerberus MC Book 14

  Cerberus MC Box Set 1

  Cerberus MC Box Set 2

  Cerberus MC Box Set 3

  Ravens Ruin MC

  Desperate Beginnings: Prequel

  Grab it for free HERE!

  Book 1: Sins of the Father

  Book 2: Luck of the Devil

  Book 3: Dancing with the Devil

  MM Romance


  Taunting Tony

  Westover Prep Series

  (bully/enemies to lovers romance)


  Catch Twenty-Two


  Here we are once again. More than a Memory is my 12th book!!! 12 times I’ve written this part and still I cry each time! I’m surrounded by some of the most perfect people. People who are supportive, caring, and not afraid to speak their mind when I jack things up!!

  In no particular order!!!

  Monica Black… you my new friend are absolutely amazing!! MTAM wouldn’t have even come close to where it is now without your keen eye and suggestions! I will recommend you as editor to any and ALL authors who are looking!!

  Brittney Crabtree you are my rock and foundation! I can honestly say I’ve found a best friend in you and wouldn’t change that for anything. We could obvs live closer, but even the states between us don’t keep us apart!!

  Laura Watson! You chick rock your ass off!! You have helped me so much over the last couple of months, I would be completely lost without you! Thanks for taking time out of your day to pimp, analyze, and help any way I needed. Without that support, I never would’ve finished this book on time!!

  My BETAS... you women are amazing!! Brit, Sadie, Laura, Tammy, Shannon, Diane, and Brenda have been my support for a very long time now!! I appreciate each and every suggestion, edit, and foul word you send my way! I hope to have you ladies for many more books to come!!

  Give Me Books: You gals rock it each and every time!! Thank you for letting me reschedule my cover reveal when I got wrapped up in The Tudors and completely forgot about it!! Can’t wait to work with you on the next one!!

  JA: what can I even say? You’re my rock, my soul mate, and the man I’m grateful I get to wake up to each and every day! My heart is yours for eternity! You are my Bryson Daniels, Kadin Cole, and any and all other fabulous men I’ll write about in the future. I couldn’t write such a wonderful hero if I didn’t have one at home.

  Readers! You lady devils are amazing! Thank you so much for picking up my books and spending time with my characters! Because of you, I can keep writing and get my visions out!

  If you enjoyed this book… leave a review, loan it to a friend, or tell people about it on social media!! Thanks everyone!! Hope to see you around for the next one!!

  ~Marie James



  My head pounded as I dragged my feet through the gate. Carrying my strappy Jimmy Choos, I walked alone past towering wrought iron, along cobblestone and perfectly trimmed emerald-green hedges, past crystal-blue fountains and dower-faced guards. They didn’t look at me, but I felt their stares all the same.

  I’d lost my bodyguard. Again.

  I’d been caught by the press. Again.

  “You’re in so much shit.”

  My older sister, Gemma, leaned against pretty white embellished walls, a cup of tea in her hands. When she saw me, she came forward, like she’d been waiting. I wouldn’t doubt it.

  “I think I heard Mom say the words ‘complete disappointment.’” A smile curved her red lips just as a laugh echoed through the great halls.

  Grayson, my brother.

  “No, it was ‘utterly hopeless,’” he added. “The word ‘nunnery’ was also tossed around.” Gemma joined in his laughter, and I fought the urge to throw my strappy heels at their heads.

  Both my siblings were tall and shared my mother and father’s iconic blond hair. It looked like spun rose gold. I, on the other hand, was barely five foot five, and had my great-grandmother’s hair, so brown it was almost black—just so it was obvious I was the black sheep.

  “Where is she?”

  “Take a wild guess,” Gemma said.

  I swallowed my grimace, walking in the direction as my siblings followed after me, eager to watch what was about to unfold.

  My mother, Tansy, loved her tea and cupcakes almost as much as she loved doling out my punishments. Most days she could be found in the sunroom, overlooking three miles of gardens, blue skies, and Atlantic Ocean.

  Outside the sunroom, I knocked lightly with a sigh. “Mom—”

  I stopped short, locked on the figure at the end of our pearly hallway. It had been years since I’d seen him, but I’d recognize his piercing green eyes anywhere.

  Theo Hound.

  “Abigail?” my mother’s lilting voice called.

  I blinked, and he was gone. I must have seen wrong. That person was on the opposite side of the country, in California guarding my grandfather.

  “Hello, Mother,” I said, coming into the room. I took my usual place before her feet, the midafternoon sun warm against my back. My siblings went to stand by my mother, both resting their hands on the curling back of her sateen chaise, as if really wanting to rub in how apart from them I was.

  Mother placed the book she’d been reading on a table adorned with tea and cookies to her left, starting in on her usual censure. She wasn’t surprised, but she was disappointed. She both expected this and expected better.

  “What is it?” I asked, holding back a sigh. “Am I under house arrest? Are you taking away my allowance? Or maybe denying me dinner?” Those were her usual go-tos. None of them explained the growing smiles on my siblings’ faces.

  “We’ve assigned you a new guard. This is not like the others you’ve ditched. This man is not there to protect you, this man is to watch your every movement and keep our reputation safe.”

  My gut dropped. The Crowne Guard was filled with sycophants who had their noses far up my siblings’ and mom’s assholes. I didn’t have one friend on it. I did have one enemy, but surely they wouldn’t choose him. My mother had always hated Theo, and she’d practically rejoiced when he left. She would never choose him to guard me twenty-four seven.

  “So what?” I asked. “He’s going to follow me around?”

  Mother nodded. “Twenty-four seven.”

  “A male guard?” I nearly gasped. “But surely not at night.”

  “Twenty-four seven,” she repeated. “We’ve redone your en suite into a room.”

  “That’s not proper,” I stammered. “Rumors will spread. People will think things.” People already thought them. I’d been branded a slut since Rosey, our boarding school, years ago.

  Screw the fact I was still almost a virgin, right?

  Mom tossed magazine after magazine at my feet. The one where they’d caught me getting out of a limo with my legs—and no panties. The one where I was topless on the yacht, making out with an Oscar winner. Th
e one where I was lip-locked with Hollywood’s it girl and guy.

  I said almost.

  “Rumors?” She arched a brow, then continued unperturbed. “This will be the least scandalous thing you’ve done. Believe me when I say he was not my first choice,” my mother said, almost bitterly. “Despite my objections, your grandfather is resolute.”

  Now I was even more confused. Who had been chosen to watch me? What man could have my mother so bitter, yet be in such good graces with my grandfather?

  “Grayson is on the cover of more tabloids than me,” I tried desperately. I don’t know why I even bothered. The bar was always placed on the floor for Gray.

  My gaze kept drifting back to the door, beyond my sibling peanut gallery. Had I seen him? I didn’t know anyone else who somehow both stood out of, and blended into, the shadows.

  “Abigail!” my mother snapped, and I quickly looked at her. Only I could make my mother snap. I took perverse satisfaction in that; it was the only attention she afforded me, after all. “Did you hear a word I said?”

  “Doubt it,” Grayson said. “She’s still standing.”

  I glared at my brother in the doorway. My siblings and I were so close in age. Gray was just a year older than me at twenty-two, and Gemma the eldest at almost twenty-three, yet we couldn’t be further apart. Both he and my sister watched me, twisted smiles on their faces. Watching our mom torture me was one of their favorite forms of amusement.

  “Grayson isn’t going to marry the son of a man whose company your grandfather has been courting for over three years.”

  Everything came to a crashing halt.

  I wish I’d heard her wrong, but I knew I hadn’t. I’d known this day was coming for as long as I could remember. You don’t get to be me and not have this day. My sister’s day had come in boarding school. My brother’s would come soon as well. I darted my eyes between my siblings and back to my mother, a sinking feeling growing.


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