Sneaking In

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Sneaking In Page 2

by V T Bonds

  “The community pool where I grew up. I had an instructor for a few summers. Thanks, guys, but I’m done for now. Nice to meet y’all!” I all but stammer, turning and pulling myself out of the pool. I stand to beat a hasty retreat and nearly collide with Aluino.

  When in the hell did he move?! I thought he was still in the corner of the pool!

  He grabs my upper arms to steady me, since I jerked back and nearly lost my balance in my attempt to not run into him. “It was great to meet you too, Wren.” he says, slowly letting go of me. I stand there for a second, overwhelmed by his presence, but then I dart around him. I grab my towel, quickly throw on my shoes, and snatch up my phone and key.

  Even addled as I am, I know I can’t go straight to my room. They’d be able to stand right where they are and watch which room I go into. So, instead of going into the building right by the pool, I walk toward the front of the building.

  What a mess. I stop after I round the corner and start drying myself. Walking through the front lobby, sopping wet and leaving a trail, seems ridiculously rude. Once I adequately dry off, I begin my walk again.

  I enter through the doors, ready to smile at the friendly receptionist, but have to fake a smile instead. An older man with leathery skin, gray hair, and partially absent eyes sits behind the counter. He greets me. I greet him back. He asks if I need anything. I do not.

  Off to my room I go.

  I take a shower, feeling a little dazed. I get ready for bed, pulling on some panties, shorts, and a tank top. My mind replays all the sexy visuals treated to it recently. I end up using my vibrator for a much shorter duration than normal. Sleep comes fairly easily, the stress of travel overtaking me. Usually I sleep lightly in hotel rooms, but I slip into a deep sleep. The stress, the excitement, the utterly bizarre afternoon take their toll.

  Chapter 4: The End of the Beginning

  Awareness seeps into my subconsciousness. Something is different. A chill feeling invades my chest. I’m not alone. My heart thuds rapidly as my brain snaps to alertness.

  The bedside lamp clicks on at the same moment a massive hand lands heavily on the lower half of my face, partially cupping my jaw and covering my mouth and nose. Stopping me from screaming. And breathing.

  I panic. I immediately start trying to peel the hand off my face with both of my hands, scratching and trying to turn my head away. I arch and try to roll my body, anything to get the hand off my face.

  “Wren, be still,” a deep, gruff voice demands in my right ear. A familiar voice, but I’m panicking. Someone is in my room! And they’re trying to kill me!

  A weight presses down on me, forcing my whole body deep into the mattress. The hand shifts, only enough to unblock my nostrils.

  “Bitch, I said be still,” he growls down at me. I can’t help but struggle. I can breathe now, which is good, but I still don’t understand. How did he get in here?!?!

  “Give me her hands,” comes another voice, from my left side. The same side as the lamp! There are two people in here! Two men in my room!

  Even as I struggle, my right wrist is grabbed and forced above my head. Then my left is roughly caught and brought up too. I try to twist, turn, kick, hit, but none of it affects them in the slightest. I’m overpowered.

  They lash my hands together. The fingers manipulating my hands are forceful, but not painful or cruel.

  “Ready for the gag?”

  Wait, NO! NO! Gags are one of my favorite BDSM tools. The helplessness, the power taken from me, the discomfort, every aspect of a gag spirals me into subspace. I’ve tried many types of gags; ball, bridle, dental dam, rope, and each has the same effect. I melt. I heat, soften, and ripen for whichever Dom is playing with me. This is too much.

  The hand starts to lift from my face. I rear back into the pillow, then dart forward and sink my teeth into whatever flesh is close by. A startled curse, and then another palm is pushing down on my forehead.

  “Wren, let him go,” says the voice from beside the lamp.

  A frightened tear slips down my temple. Blood seeps out of the hand in my mouth.

  The hand on my forehead pushes down harder, keeping me in place. Fingers press into the muscles at the sides of my face, forcing my jaw open. He shoves fabric into my mouth, forcing it wide until I can’t move it at all.

  More frustrated, scared tears wet my temples and hair.

  “Shit, that hurts! Damn, I love a feisty woman!” says the man above me. He leans in closer and I can feel his breath on my temple.

  “Don’t worry, little bird, you’ll pay so sweetly for making me bleed.”

  A tongue swipes through my tears.

  My mind connects a tad bit. Processing a little more, trying to catch up to what’s happened to me.

  Hansel is laying on top of me. Aluino is bent over us, holding my tied hands to the bed. I’m gagged. And I bit Hansel. And he’s threatened me so wickedly. So sensually. As perfectly as my dream Dom would have.

  Hansel shifts on top of me, grinding a fierce erection into my hip.

  Chapter 5: Slow Slide

  “Her tears are fucking sexy. My turn for a taste,” Aluino demands, bending over and licking my temple.

  He stays close and whispers into my ear. “The wicked things we’ll do to you, Wren. Tonight we’ll take whatever we want from you. Even if you don’t want to give it. Because we can. Because we want you. And we will have you.”

  Despite myself, I shiver. This fits into my deepest fantasy, one that I’ve never been able to tell anyone unless drunk. One so dark and evil and wrong that just mentioning it, even to my closest of friends, is something that I needed alcohol to find the courage to do. Aluino lifts his face from mine, a menacing glint in his eyes.

  I breathe heavily through my nose, shaking from fear and exhaustion and excitement. Fuck this. Fuck my fantasy. Fuck my natural tendencies toward submission. Fuck my fascination with dark romances. Fuck how wonderful and delicious this feels. Fuck how perfectly this lines up with my darkest desires. I shouldn’t enjoy this.

  Hansel shifts, rubbing along my hip again, and ducking to my other temple. “We will enjoy you. Any way we want. All the ways we want. Even if you aren’t ready. You can fight us all you want. We’ll still take what we want.” He growls, licking the sensitive outer shell of my ear.

  They lift my head and tie something around my lower face, forcing the gag to stay in place. My mind fragments. I will fight for as long as I can, but my darkly submissive side is already begging me to release the reigns.

  “Goddamn, she’s tiny,” Hansel grunts. He rubs against me again, grinding me into the bed.

  The hand lifts from my forehead. Hansel rises, sitting on his heels over my waist.

  My jaw aches, and a part of my mind goes fuzzy again.

  But I fight. I try to scream, but barely any sound makes it past the gag. I writhe and tug and kick, but can’t stop them. Strong, unrelenting hands push my tank top up to my armpits.

  “Hell yeah, these tits were made for fun. So ready for play,” Hansel sneers, covering my mounds with his hands. He’s right, my nipples are tight and hard, and his palms smash them uncomfortably. He kneads the whole of my chest, and little stars ignite within my flesh.

  Another part of my brain emulsifies.

  Aluino places his rough hand around my throat, no pressure behind it, but the sheer menace behind the action forces my whole body to freeze. I vibrate in fear, even as I feel myself dampen in response.

  His eyes connect with mine, and I watch as they dilate.

  “Shit, I think she’s enjoying this, Hansel. Watch,” he says, flexing his fingers.

  As the sensation of the slight pressure along my windpipe registers, my core throbs and my chest hitches in a sob. So wrong, my sensible side warns. So marvelous, my submissive side sighs. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to refuse him in any way I can. Rebelling in whatever way I can manage.

  Chapter 6: Sweet Spot

  A dark, amused laugh vibrates through the bed.

>   “Still fighting. Hell, she’s perfect. Just begging for us to wreck her,” Hansel groans from on top of me.

  He pushes my breasts together, then lets them slide through his grip until only my nipples remain between his fingers. He squeezes roughly and a sharp, stinging heat pierces through me.

  “Show me them baby blues, Wren. I wanna see what Aluino sees,” Hansel says.

  I try to buck him off, refusing to give in. Trying to ignore the demanding throb of my body. Desperate to hold off.

  He increases the pinch on my nipples. More tears flood through my closed lids, and every attempt to escape him fails. My every move causes my breasts to jerk, increasing the pain in my nipples. The pressure is becoming all-consuming.

  “Open your eyes,” Aluino demands.

  Hansel continues the same pressure, but pulls his hands upward, away from my body.

  I screech as pain lances through my whole body. All of my muscles contract in pain, ceasing my frantic movements. Aluino spreads out his fingers on my throat, causing my head to tilt back, reminding me of how much bigger and stronger each of them are than me. How much control they have over me. How little I can do to save myself.

  “Open them,” Hansel growls, twisting his wrists, wreaking more havoc on my senses. Sobbing, hating how aroused I am, I open my eyes.

  He releases my nipples in reward, but as the blood flows back in to them, a new pain surges through me. His large palms encompass my whole chest again, roughly rubbing and manipulating my skin.

  One hand lifts from my abused flesh and engulfs my left cheek, forcing my attention to Hansel’s intense gaze.

  After a poignant moment, his eyes deepen. With his eyes locked on mine, he slaps my right breast. There’s no finesse in this slap, but it isn’t any more than a stinging warmth, sending tendrils of pleasure to my abdomen.

  “Oh, fucking yes,” he slaps the side of my breast again, watching my eyes as I react. I can’t help it. My body turns the pain into heat, building up in my sex.

  “Watch,” Aluino says, flexing his fingers again.

  Molten lava erupts within me. His spread fingers remind me of the gag, forcing my mouth open and stealing my voice. My breath stutters, leaving me light-headed since I can only breathe through my nose.

  My submissive side shoves my rationale further from reach, reveling in the forced domination. In my inability to move my arms. In the rough treatment my breasts have received. In the menacing eyes of the men taking what they want from me.

  I whimper and try to swallow, unable to process all that’s occurring.

  “Hell, that’s sexy,” Hansel comments. His palm leaves my face, and he slides down my body, positioning his lips near my right nipple.

  “Keep looking at Aluino, Wren. If you look away from him, he’ll tell me. And you don’t want that, I promise,” Hansel threatens.

  Tears continue to drip into my hair. Wet heat and suction on my nipple keeps the fire in my belly blazing. His tongue circles, flicks, and strokes, never being gentle. Demanding, consuming, taking what he desires. Suddenly, half of my breast is in his mouth, his teeth scraping my sensitive skin, and he latches on, painfully causing suction.

  My back arches and I jerk, my chin lifting and my eyes losing focus. I struggle against the onslaught.

  Aluino’s hand leaves my neck, slapping my left breast.

  Hansel’s head lifts from my breast and he growls threateningly, “I warned you, little bird.”

  Chapter 7: Lost

  It’s like a dam bursting open. They pour their might and will into me. Aluino leans over me, licking my stream of tears, then my stretched lips around the gag. His right hand forces my hands into the mattress while his left almost feverishly manipulates my left breast, kneading, slapping, pinching, pulling, twisting, exploring.

  Hansel’s massive left hand presses down on my sternum, forcing me to flatten to the bed. His mouth torments my right breast while he shifts his body to only one of my legs, his other hand seeking my most intimate area, rubbing roughly over top of the fabric covering me.

  “She’s so eager she’s almost soaking through her shorts. Damn, so goddamn wet,” Hansel groans.

  Too much. Too much fright. Too much sensation. Too much pain. Too much darkness. Too much pleasure. Too much. My desperate struggling shifts. I can’t stop if I tried. Even my submissive side feels overwhelmed, too shocked and overstimulated to find the fuzzy calm that I associate with subspace. In self-preservation mode. Too much stimulation. Too much filthy pleasure.

  His huge palm thuds against my covered center. Between the shock and over-stimulation everywhere else, my core tightens and little shock waves join the cacophony.

  “Hell, I think she just almost came!” Aluino growls, briefly closing his teeth on my earlobe.

  Hansel’s huge fingers force their way down the front of my panties, stretching the fabric, causing terrifying friction. Aluino’s mouth latches onto my left nipple, one hand holding my hands down while his other makes demands of my right breast. Hansel’s fingers delve into my heat and little sparks almost topple me over the precipice.

  “God, she’s soaked. And tight. I need a taste,” Hansel’s gravelly voice barely registers with me.

  His fingers retreat, and my shorts and panties get yanked impatiently down my legs. I can’t stop my body from its terror anymore than I can stop its pleasure. My right heel snaps out, connecting with some solid part of Hansel. I may as well have kicked a brick wall.

  Pain radiates up my ankle, but my body soaks it in as it has all the other sensations. I brace my left foot against the bed and thrust my hips upward, desperately trying to throw Aluino off me. He loses his balance a bit, but that just makes him squeeze and suck my breasts harder.

  Hansel jerks my legs wide apart, his weight forcing my right leg to stretch uncomfortably far.

  Stinging fire licks up the inside of my left leg. I can feel distinct finger outlines burning into my flesh. He slaps my thigh again, and the harsh sensation makes me scream and try to evade. I urgently try to defend myself, but I’m completely at their mercy. He slaps me again and again, and I’m afraid the fiery pain will consume me.

  It morphs into a deep, throbbing warmth with little pinpricks sparking through my skin.

  “That’s it, keep fighting us. I love the way your tits jiggle,” Aluino mutters, roughly playing with my breasts.

  Indescribably fierce pleasure shoots throughout my body as Hansel’s mouth devours my intimate folds. He tastes, torments, licks, nibbles, and does as he pleases as my world shatters.

  When my awareness returns, I realize that they have pushed my wrists between my breasts and a different mouth is between my legs.

  “Again. Fucking perfection. Come again, in Aluino’s mouth this time,” Hansel demands.

  He’s holding my wrists to my chest, kneeling up on my right leg, playing with my nipples. I’m too sensitive. I’m not a multiple orgasm girl. I’ve never been able…

  I’ve never truly been forced to submit. I’ve never been so effectively gagged, restrained, and over-roughly stimulated against my will.

  Aluino’s tongue swipes up my center. His enraptured growl vibrates along my clit and into my heat. Unbelievably, I’m dangerously close to shattering again. He assertively demands my pleasure. Firmly does as he wishes, even as I attempt to retreat. Suction, directly on my clit, and shocking waves of completion spread from my core.

  Chapter 8: Corrupted

  Sweat stings my eyes and my hair sticks all over my face. In my ecstasy, I must have flailed and writhed and whipped my head back and forth. My whole body shakes, my energy departed, my ability to think rationally stripped from me.

  I vaguely realize my wrists are being manipulated. I try to get enough oxygen through my nose; the gag prohibits my ability to gulp down air. My muscles won’t cooperate, and my bones are shaking.

  Suddenly, my face is in the mattress and my hands are behind my back. My brain sluggishly tries to catch up. My oxygen levels are dan
gerously low, and panic creeps into my awareness again. I tilt my head back and lethargically try to pull my hands in front of me.

  But I’m too late. They’re already tied behind me. More brain cells reawaken, and my situation registers fully. My rubbery muscles lack my normal strength, and other’s hands easily roll me back over.

  “Such a goddamn sexy little sub,” Aluino murmurs, pulling me to the edge of the bed by my ankles.

  Agony flares from my right ankle, and I yelp at the acute pain.

  There’s a slight pause, and through my tangled hair, I imagine I see them share a solicitous look.

  Aluino shifts his grip to behind my knees, then continues steadily pulling me where he wants me.

  My position registers and my worry smashes me back to reality. I try violently to kick him with my left leg, but Hansel has already grabbed that calf, forcing my thigh up to my rib-cage.

  Aluino stands between my legs, naked, wickedly intent on enjoying my body. Adrenaline spikes through my veins, along with worry, desire, and fear.

  I don’t know these men. How could I give them as intimate a thing as my orgasm? As two orgasms? I can’t let them steal any more from me. I can’t be here through the rest of this. I can’t get raped, not even by these two dangerously attractive men. Not even if my body silently demands it.

  Struggling hasn’t worked, but the adrenaline creates a need for movement. I stiffen my unrestrained leg, scooting myself back onto the bed a few inches, and turn my head away. I clench my eyes closed and try to disconnect my mind.

  I have no doubts they’ll continue their conquest of my body, and that my wayward sack of flesh will respond. But maybe if I mentally check out, I’ll be able to live with myself afterwards.

  A hand clamps roughly on my left nipple and then another grabs my chin, forcing my face up toward the ceiling.


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