Sneaking In

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by V T Bonds

  “Open your eyes,” Hansel demands. The fingers over my nipple are a warning. My raw flesh shrinks from the threat and my eyes open wide. Hansel leans into my field of vision.

  “That’s right, you delectable little bitch. Stay with us,” he says, letting go of my nipple, leaning forward, and gathering my hair to the top of my head.

  He tugs my hair, igniting new sensations. Aluino has one hand pushing my thigh to my ribs, and his other is grabbing, squeezing, and slapping any skin he can reach. An increasing heat courses through my blood, emanating from his hand.

  It coalesces with the tugging in my scalp. They meet in my abdomen, and my sore organs tiredly awaken. Aluino’s exacting fingers explore my feminine parts. He tugs on my labia, torments my clit, and threatens to breach my entrance.

  “Such a soft, ripe little cunt. You ready for me, Wren?” he taunts. I vigorously try to shake my head, causing my hair follicles to scream in protest.

  “No? You lying, tight little tease. Too bad. I’m ready to take you,” he grins, rubbing the tip of his manhood along my femininity.

  I shudder, my attempts to pull away unsuccessful, recognizing the inevitability of this moment. The tip of his dick pushes into me. He rocks there for a moment, enjoying the angst on my face.

  Hansel’s fingertips slash across the bottom of my left, then my right breast, and I arch at the unexpected strike.

  Aluino powerfully surges in, filling me abruptly. The sudden, intimate pain causes an alarming, immediate, earth-shattering orgasm to begin.

  “Goddamn it!” Aluino exclaims, and his control seems to snap.

  He slams into me, his strength brutal. His length finds a very sensitive spot inside me. Stars burst behind my eyelids and my muscles seize tighter. This is the most savage reckoning my body has ever endured, and I have a splintered thought that I won’t survive it.

  He thrusts a few more times, but then locks as deep within me as he can wedge himself, throws his head back, and grunts his release.

  The terrifying, uncontrollable pleasure finally loosens its hold on my muscles. A cloudy haze seeps over my senses. Breathing heavily, still seated deep inside me, Aluino lets go of my legs and starts lightly lashing my flesh. My legs fall limply down, and his abrasive hands strike my breasts and thighs.

  I wiggle, my hands wretchedly numb behind my back, my whole nervous system overloaded. I have no motivation to even try to dodge any of the four hands battering my flesh. My chest heaves as I attempt to catch my breath.

  Chapter 9: Metamorphosis

  A vicious twist on my nipple jerks my attention to clarity.

  Every molecule within me stretches thin, close to breaking, nearly transparent. I fear I may snap, all of my essence tumbling free, blown away like a wisp of smoke. Each nerve screams in a revolt of the barbaric way they have handled me. Too sensitive. Too delicate. Too responsive.

  Aluino shifts and my whole reproductive system cramps. I groan, unable to handle the tenderness his thrusts have caused me.

  “Too fucking perfect,” Aluino’s voice is gravelly, deeper than it was before he came.

  Hansel studies my face, an indecipherable look crossing his features. He tweaks my nipple again, and I instinctively jerk. Both Aluino and I groan.

  A lascivious smile lifts his lips, and he leans down, skimming his hand down my torso. Two of his fingers grip my clit firmly, and he steadily rubs them together.

  Aluino abruptly pulls out, and everything flares back to feeling. Hansel covers my throat with his other palm, and a seemingly audible snap occurs inside my mind.

  They have pushed my body beyond exhaustion, my emotional state tested past endurance, and my submissive self fully exposed.

  I revel in Hansel’s coarse fingers. I delight in his hand encompassing my throat. I bask in my restraints. I rejoice in their unrelenting domination. I luxuriate in my submission.

  “No fucking way. Shit. Perfection,” Hansel murmurs, slightly muffled through the calm I’m floating in.

  He pinches my sensitive nub expertly, just enough pain to clear the clouds from between us. A stinging swat, straight on my raw folds, and my senses expand to include him, Aluino, and my desire to submit.

  “Goddamn it. This little cunt is mine now,” Hansel declares.

  He stalks off the bed, yanking my hip until I’m face down into the mattress. His hands are wild, uncontrolled, pushed beyond his limits. He eagerly jerks my hips up, thrusting my ass lewdly into the air. Hands gather my hair and rotate my neck to the right, and Aluino smirks down at me lazily.

  He pins my hair to the bed and swats at my dangling breasts.

  Hansel’s enormous hands grip my hips, and he grinds his length up and down my slit, wetting his cock with my slick. One hand releases a hip, and then his shaft lines up with my entrance. He pushes in, and immediate disbelief widens my eyes. A bit of panic slides into my peace. Aluino chuckles.

  “Such beauty. This is what he meant when he said ‘wreck you’ earlier, Wren,” Aluino says, enjoying the emotions playing over my face.

  Hansel’s tremendous girth relentlessly stretches me. He doggedly pushes forward, persistently gaining space within my body. As his legs meet mine, he hits my g-spot, and black spots dance in my vision. Every cell within me ignites, exhausted yet unbelievably receptive.

  My arms futilely flex, attempting to convey my predicament, vainly hoping for relief.

  Aluino’s knowledgeable hands hurt my breasts in the most delicious way. Hansel withdraws, dragging his huge dick along my sore channel.

  I moan, and Hansel pummels me with his cock, unbridled.

  His first stroke results in pleasure so fierce, I become a singular nerve ending.

  His second stroke causes a gush of fluid to erupt from my core. The feelings are too intense, too big for words. Larger than the Earth. More meaningful than death.

  His third stroke is the beginning of my new life.

  I could stay this way forever, enjoying the wet, slapping noises of vigorous sex. Blissed out, open fully, floating in the air, drifting nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Being under a strong, behemoth of a demon, and taking the attention of a sinister dark angel. Basking in the smells of sweat, man, and sex.

  Hansel cums deep inside me, and that’s right. Fitting. Perfection.

  There is movement. Noises. But nothing seems very important. It’s too hard to focus, and a lovely peace radiates into my soul.

  I’m surrounded by the softest cotton in the world. No, not cotton. Clouds.

  Time passes. Or maybe it doesn’t. Time is irrelevant.

  Cold seeps over my senses. An involuntary shiver creeps through my body.

  Warmth appears out of nowhere. Like I wished it into existence. I curl into it, seeking shelter from the threat. More heat covers my back. I settle into contentment.

  Chapter 10: Reality Check

  Awareness slowly flows into me. At first, nothing makes sense. I’m almost sweaty; it's so hot in here. My body is a mass of complaints. Every part of me is sore. My jaw aches. My scalp throbs. My breasts are swollen. My hips and thighs feel bruised. My crotch…

  My eyes snap open as memory washes over me. My cheek rests against Aluino’s chest. My heart jerks into my throat, and I try to scramble free, but nothing seems to work smoothly.

  A hand clamps down on the nape of my neck.

  “Good morning, Wren,” Hansel grumbles through my hair. I freeze, going total deer-in-the-headlights. If I don’t move, they can’t see me, right?

  Wait, no, that’s not right. Nothing is right. These men snuck into my room. They forced me to do things. They made me endure their attention.

  And it was everything I’ve ever wanted.

  I fight from bursting into tears. My memories aren’t flawed; I remember every single thing that happened yesterday. But my emotions are everywhere.

  There should be only one emotion. Hatred. Right? I should hate them. They raped me.

  Only, it didn’t feel like rape.

sp; This is the worst roller coaster I’ve ever been on.

  “Don’t panic, little subbie. We should explain. Wait just a second.”

  Aluino shifts, reaching for the bedside table. He picks up a phone, pushes a single number, and hits send. Speed dial? He then hits the speaker button.

  “Aluino. I told you every hour during aftercare. It’s been three!” a familiar voice screeches through the phone.

  My confusion doubles. The answer is right there, but my brain isn’t working correctly.

  “Sorry, Beth. Skylar is fine. We all just woke up,” he responds.


  Like, one of my closest friends, Beth? The one that likes ribbon restraints, to call her top Daddy, to be called Little Girl, and hates impact play of any sort?

  Or the Beth I work with? That smiles and is sweet, but that is as vanilla as they come?

  Or some Beth that I’ve never met before?

  A man’s voice comes through the phone. “Are we on speaker?”

  That’s Nick. That’s the Nick that knows Shibari. One of the strictest Dominants in my BDSM club. His punishments are exacting, but fun.

  Facts fall slowly into place.

  “You are, yes. Take it easy. She’s not quite awake,” Hansel replies.

  It’s like there is a misfire in my brain. I snatch info, but half the time it doesn’t seem relevant. But I have all the clues; I just need to put the pieces together. Beth and Nick. BDSM family. On the phone. Talking to Aluino and Hansel. They took me last night. Took my body, forced my submission, ripped open my security, and took my soul.

  The first tear leaks from my eye.

  “Skylar, honey, this is Nick. Aluino and Hansel are my friends. I trust them with my life.”

  “Look, Sky, don’t be mad. It’s me, Beth. I know I stepped over a line, but I’ve been worried about you for a long time. I mean, not just this morning, but like, for the past year. I’ve been watching you just, like, being frustrated. You are always an amazing friend, always. I wanted to at least try to help you. I just… I’ve been slowly piecing together what you really want. And about six months ago, when we got drunk, and you mentioned your non-con fantasy, I knew I had to do something. So I talked with Nick, and he agreed to help me. To help you. Look, I even scened with both Aluino and Hansel, and like, made sure they weren’t serial killers. I even got background checks on them,” Beth explains.

  There’s a few moments of quiet.

  I hear all the facts. I see all the truth. I know what this means.

  But my thoughts are slow, and I take a while to process.

  “So, last night was a... a scene? That each one of you… that y’all... set up for me?” I slowly ask.

  “Yes,” says two voices from the phone.

  More tears seep from my eyes, and an awkward half-laugh pops through my chest. I fight off a barrage of emotions for a moment, but then burst into tears.

  “Sky!” Beth shrieks.

  “Skylar!” Nick sounds very alarmed.

  Hands rub my back, while another set gathers me to a large chest. I fight for half a second, then sob. A few moments later, still sobbing, I fight again. But the comfort never ceases, and I settle into uncontrollable sobs again. I go through a few bouts of this.

  As my torrent slows, I realize my hair is being petted. I’m surrounded by arms and solid, warm male bodies. And the men are taking turns gently talking nonsense in my ear.

  More snippets from last night become more prominent. Like, how one of them was always attentively watching my facial expressions. How neither of them hurt, hurt me. They were rough and precise, but they didn’t injure me. How they whispered their dirty talk in my ear. How Aluino changed his grip when he saw my ankle really hurting, in the wrong way?

  Didn’t they slip and call me a submissive at some point?

  I flex my ankle and find a cold pack, mostly room temperature by now, strapped to it.

  Chapter 11: Wren

  “There you go, Skylar. Keep working it out,” Aluino murmurs.

  I can’t explain why, but his words cause a fresh burst of sobs. He said my given name. It seems… it doesn’t fit. I want him to call me Wren. I need him to call me by my sub name. Part of me is still there, still open and raw and vulnerable.

  A hand gathers my hair and lifts my face from Aluino’s chest.

  “Look at me, Skylar,” he says.

  More tears and crazy emotions. It’s wrong for me to want that intimacy with them. Even knowing that I was never in true danger, the memory of the mortal terror I felt is very fresh. I should hate them more fiercely. I should want to get away, to run screaming from the room. I shouldn’t yearn for their hands. I shouldn’t be desperate for their closeness. I shouldn’t want their attention.

  “Deep breath. Don’t hyperventilate. Breathe in. C’mon, Wren, do it with me. In and out, nice and slow,” Aluino coaxes, his eyes intent on my face.

  As his domination washes over me, my body calms and my emotions ease. A strange mixture of fuzziness and clarity swirl around me. My chaotic emotions hover close-by, but are no longer overwhelming me. Aluino is keeping them at bay, giving me a moment to prepare.

  “Ah, what a fighter. Lots to work through. Definite sub drop. And shock. Don’t worry, Wren, we’ve got you,” he says, stroking my cheek.

  “I need to see her face,” Hansel says. Large, rough hands carefully maneuver me to my back. They rearrange us, me on my back with both of them on either side of me propped up on an elbow, watching me concernedly.

  “Last night was intense. For us too, Wren. The way you reacted,” Hansel seems at a loss for words for a moment. Then he continues, “that was special. In every scenario we prepared for, we never thought… we never thought you’d be so spectacular.”

  “Shit man, you’re as deep in Dom space as she’s in Sub space. Damn, I am too. Look, listen to me. You don’t know us. I mean, you haven’t known us for more than a few hours, right? But we saw the true you last night. And you saw the real us last night. Just think about it. Think about all of our interactions. Wren, did we do anything last night that you truly hated?”

  With a cottony presence on the edge of my mind, I replay last night within my ring of clarity. I didn’t hate any of it. In fact, just thinking about it starts a low throb of desire.

  I shake my head, but can’t bring myself to say anything.

  “She’s fighting with the fact that she liked it,” Aluino comments.

  “Wren, look at me. You liked it. You were perfection. You enjoyed the fear, the domination, the pain. You fought so beautifully. You took my cock so, so, so perfectly. You were brave. You responded so openly. You opened your soul to us. And it was perfection. You were perfect,” Hansel says, sincerity bleeding through his every expression.

  My heart shifts. It was perfection. It was. To them, and to me. I liked it. And it’s okay that I liked it.

  I sniff and manage a shaky half smile.

  “Last night was special. It doesn’t matter what anyone else would think. Just like the rest of kink, right? I’ve always needed to dominate. I’ve always enjoyed impact play. We need what we need. We like what we like. No shame in that, right?” Aluino asks.

  I blow out a shaky breath. He’s right. I shouldn’t run from my desires. They aroused my body more last night than it ever has been. I nod my head, still not ready to use my voice.

  “Damn, she’s so resilient. So strong,” Hansel growls, petting my arm in awe.

  “Hell, we’re still running high. Nick, Beth, are you both reassured that she’s okay? We need more sleep. More time to come down,” Aluino asks, and I realize he’s holding the phone.

  “I need to hear your voice, Wren. Tell me you’re okay,” Nick says. I can feel that there's more emotion in the haze, but I also know that I’ll be able to handle them when they arise. Last night was not a bad thing. I liked it, and that’s okay.

  “I’m okay,” I croak, my voice hoarse.

  “Good. Let Aluino and Hansel take care of y
ou. It sounds like they need it as much as you do. No leaving that hotel room until you’ve spoken to both Beth and me again. Do you understand?” Nick sternly asks.

  “Yes sir,” I respond.

  “Beth?” Aluino prompts.

  “Think about forgiving me, bestie. I love you. And, yes, I expect you to talk to me before you leave. Ok?” Beth says.

  “Okay,” I say, knowing I’ve already forgiven her.

  If she hadn’t loved me so much, she wouldn’t have heard my veiled desires. She wouldn’t have put her neck out there and spoken with Nick. She wouldn’t have had a scene with a man that loves impact play. Or true bondage. And she did, with two dominants. For me.

  “We’ll call again when we’re ready,” Aluino states, then hangs up the phone and puts it on the table behind him.

  Chapter 12: Inevitable

  With no words, they coerce me to the bathroom, giving me privacy for a few short moments, then crowd me around the sink. Working together, they wash and dry my hands and face, firmly but gently touching me as they please.

  Even though their movements aren’t sensual or intending to arouse me, heat blooms in my center.

  “Oh, little bird, you’re killing me. Stop looking at me like that. Stop responding so perfectly. Stop being so sexy. It makes me want to push you against the wall and force my cock into you,” Hansel unfairly demands. His threat sounds blissful. My insides are melting.

  Aluino unrelentingly guides us to the bed. “Not tonight. Now we need aftercare. And sleep. Get in bed.”

  He looks into my eyes and seems to see my desire. He says, “Now, Wren, into the bed. We’ll play again. I promise. Its inevitable.”

  His words ring true. We will play again.

  I crawl into the bed, and Hansel partially pulls me onto his chest. I drape my thigh around his waist. Aluino wraps himself around my back, tucking his semi-hard dick between my ass cheeks.

  “Sleep, Wren,” Aluino commands, kissing under my ear.

  “We’ve got you, little bird,” Hansel murmurs.


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