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Four Horsemen: A Small Town Romance (A Good Run Of Bad Luck Book 5)

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by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Four Horsemen

  A Small Town Romance

  Giulia Lagomarsino

  Copyright © 2021 by Giulia Lagomarsino

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design courtesy of T.E. Black Designs

  Photography by Furious Fotog

  Golden Czermak

  Model Blake Sevani

  Created with Vellum

  It’s been a long time coming. I know everyone’s been waiting for this book, and here it is. Thank you to all the patient readers who stuck with me to get to this point. I hope you love it.


  1. Christy

  2. Christy

  3. Jack

  4. Christy

  5. Jack

  6. Christy

  7. Jack

  8. Christy

  9. Jack

  10. Christy

  11. Jack

  12. Christy

  13. Jack

  14. Christy

  15. Jack

  16. Christy

  17. Jack

  18. Christy

  19. Jack

  20. Christy

  21. Jack

  22. Christy

  23. Jack

  24. Christy

  25. Jack

  26. Christy

  27. Jack

  28. Christy

  29. Jack

  30. Christy

  31. Jack

  32. Christy

  33. Jack

  34. Christy

  35. Christy

  36. Jack

  37. Wood

  38. Jack

  39. Jack

  40. Christy

  41. Jack

  Also by Giulia Lagomarsino



  I need to see you immediately.

  I stared down at the text with a huge grin on my face. It had been days since I’d seen my best friend Jack. Ever since we were little kids, we’d spent every waking moment together. We were neighbors growing up, and as kids, we spent our days outside in the mud and our nights huddled up under blankets watching movies.

  He’d been there for me through everything. He was my first kiss under the stars at prom. And even though he’d only kissed me because neither of us had kissed anyone, I knew at that moment we were meant to be together.

  When my appendix burst, he was there for me every day, taking care of me and making sure I was comfortable. On my twenty-first birthday, he took me dancing and drinking. We’d been to every county fair together and all our firsts were with each other. Everything, except for sex. But it was our day to day lives that stayed with me the most. Those little moments that everyone else took for granted were something I deeply cherished.

  I never thought I would have a best friend like him. My parents adored him, my friends wished they were me, and I was hopelessly in love with him. Every smile, every time his hand touched my back, I fell deeper. He was everything to me.

  And then he met Natalie. Slowly, our lives changed. He spent more time with her, kissing her in front of me and lighting up when she walked in the room. It broke my heart. But the absolute worst was when I found out he slept with her. He was twenty-five, so it didn’t exactly surprise me. In fact, he’d probably slept with other women also. The difference was, I didn’t know about it. And the only reason I found out he slept with her was because I walked in on them the morning after.

  I was broken-hearted, but I played it off as being embarrassed. Then Natalie started taking even more of my time with him. She even made a comment joking to me once that Jack would never be fully committed to her as long as I was in the picture.

  I certainly hoped so.

  Around the time he met Natalie, his friend Josh disappeared. His personality changed a lot, but I stuck with him, doing anything I could to be there for him. But in the end, it was Natalie he turned to. And recently, he had changed even more. He canceled plans with me to spend time with her. Seeing each other daily didn’t happen anymore. In fact, the last time I saw him was over a week ago. I was going through serious withdrawals.

  I grabbed my purse and headed out of my apartment, so excited to finally see him. Driving over to his place, I tried to figure out what his text meant. He needed to see me immediately. What if he was breaking up with her? Was it possible that he’d finally come to his senses? I knew they had been fighting recently. Perhaps that’s why I hadn’t seen him in a week.

  I parked outside his house he bought just six months ago and rushed toward the door. Trying to keep the ridiculous grin off my face, I took a few calming breaths before knocking. But the moment he swung open that door and smiled at me, I threw myself into his arms.

  He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. “It’s nice to see you, too.”

  I squeezed him tight, missing this so much. I almost felt like I was going to cry. Stepping back, I slapped him on the shoulder. “It’s been over a week.”

  He shot me that sexy grin that always made me crumble at his feet. “I’m sorry. I’ve been busy with a few things. Besides, it wasn’t that long.”

  “I beg to differ. A week is like lightyears for us. I felt like an addict going through withdrawal.”

  He chuckled as I walked into his house, tossing my purse on the counter. He shut the door behind me and walked around me, grabbing his Coke off the counter. “So, I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay,” I said, trying not too smile to brightly. Butterflies took flight in my stomach. I couldn’t believe this was finally happening.

  He snatched my hand and pulled me over to the couch with him. “Let’s sit down. This is important.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to calm my shit. After all these years, he was finally going to tell me he was leaving Natalie, that I was the one for him. I just knew it. It had always been the two of us. It just took him a while longer to realize that Natalie was just a fill-in for the person he really needed in his life.

  He took my hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of it. I watched the motion, getting choked up already. I had waited so long for this. He’d tell me he loved me, that I was the one for him. And then he’d scoop me up into his arms and take me into his bedroom. We’d make love and everything would be perfect, just like in the movies.

  “Christy, you know I’ve been seeing Natalie for a while now.” He ran his hand over the back of his neck. “You know, things have been…well, it’s time for a change.”

  My face lit up in excitement and anticipation.

  He looked up at me earnestly, his eyes melting me with just one look. “I’m going to ask Natalie to marry me.”

  The flutters in my stomach instantly turned to dread. I still felt like I might throw up, but for different reasons now. My stomach bottomed out the longer I stared at him. He was serious. He was really going to ask her to marry him.

  “You’re…you’re going to ask her to marry you?” I said, stumbling over my words.

  “Yeah,” he huffed out a laugh. “Don’t look so shocked. We’ve been dating for almost three years.”

  My eyes felt like they were just floating around the room, unable to focus on one thing. My mouth was gaping, and I knew I looked like an idiot, but I was in shock. How could he do this to me? I
thought he was going to tell me he loved me, and instead, he was breaking my heart.

  I blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears at bay. I had to get out of here. I couldn’t break down in front of him. I couldn’t let him see how much he had just crushed me.

  “Are you going to say something?”

  “It’s just…such a shock.”

  “Is it really?”

  I wanted to yell It is to me! How had I not seen this coming? What I had assumed was them growing more distant because of fighting wasn’t that at all. He was in love with her. I gasped slightly, covering my mouth with my hand. Pain shattered my insides the longer I sat here with him. He squeezed my hand, hoping I would say something. To anyone else, this was the perfect ending. They were getting their happily ever after, and I was devastated.

  Worse, I was mortified. For years, I had pined away for Jack, thinking one day he would be mine. How could two people as close as us not end up together? I always assumed that Natalie was a passing ship in the night, that their relationship would never go anywhere. How did I not see this coming?

  I stood suddenly, ready to leave. He stood with me, his face turned down in a frown.

  “That’s really great, Jack,” I forced out.

  He watched me uncertainly. “You’re not happy for me. Christy, this is the biggest moment of my life. I need my friend with me. I need your support. I need you to tell me I’m doing the right thing.”

  I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. How could I support him when not only was he killing all of my hopes and dreams, but he was also marrying the woman responsible for tearing us apart?

  “I…I think that if this is what you want,” I choked out, “then you should go for it.”

  I hurried around him, rushing to grab my purse.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m late for work.”

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say to me?” I could hear how baffled he was by my reaction, which just made this even harder.

  “Jack,” I said, spinning around. “I think it’s really…really great. It’s everything you want, right?”

  It hurt my heart just to say those words.

  “Will you help me choose the ring?”

  God, it was like he was asking me to kill myself. “You know, rings aren’t really my thing. Jewelry in general is just…you know…I’m not fashionable,” I said in a rush. “I wouldn’t know what a woman like Natalie would want. You should ask your mom for help.”

  I turned and flung open the door, rushing down the steps.


  “I’ll see you later!” I called over my shoulder.

  I got in my car and quickly started it as he walked down the steps. If he got any closer, he would see the tears already streaming down my face. I put the car in reverse and backed out quickly, throwing the car into drive. As I drove away, my vision blurred to the point that I had to pull over. I sat on the side of the road, pounding at the steering wheel as I sobbed.

  How could he do this to me? How could he not see how in love with him I was?

  “Because you never said anything,” I said to myself. “Because you assumed he already knew.”

  I shook my head and wiped at my face. Looking in the mirror, I was all blotchy and gross. I drove back to my apartment and slowly trudged up the stairs. When I opened the door, everything in the apartment seemed to wither and die. I had so many memories here with Jack. He helped me move in. We carried the furniture up the stairs together. We laid on my bed at night and talked for hours. I’d cooked for him in my kitchen.

  How was I ever going to stay here and live with those memories while he ran off and got married? And how was I going to stay and watch it all unfold?

  I walked over to my desk and looked at the letter I received just yesterday. It was from a DCFS office in Chicago, formally offering me a position at that location. I had blown it off, thinking I would never move away from Jack. But now I realized this was my only chance at escape. I would never be happy in a town where Jack was married to another woman, where he had a family and was happy. I would be cut from his life, left to watch from a distance as he moved on without me.

  If I took this job, maybe my life would be different. Maybe I could move on and find someone of my own to love. It would never be the life I planned, but at least I wouldn’t have to see Jack every day, and wonder what it would be like to be in his arms every night.



  Walking up the steps to my office building at the Department of Child and Family Services, I wondered how much longer I could keep doing this. When I started out, I had high hopes of saving lives and helping families, but the reality was so much different than I thought. The legal hoops we had to jump through oftentimes made our jobs too difficult, and we ended up not being able to help those that truly needed us. Sometimes we were too late, and other times, there wasn’t enough evidence to step in and do anything about the situation.

  I pushed through the doors and smiled at the receptionist as I made my way back to my office. My boss Katherine looked up at me, waving to me as she finished up a phone call. Setting my bag down beside my chair, I sat down and booted up my computer, ready to get to work.

  “Good morning,” Katherine said as she breezed into my office and took the seat across from me. “I know you have a full caseload as it is, but I have a case I need you to check on today.”

  I glanced at the clock and then down at my schedule. “I don’t have time today. I already have a full schedule.”

  “I know, but I don’t have anyone else. You know we’re short staffed…”

  Sighing, I held out my hand for the folder. Smiling, she handed it over.

  “Who reported the abuse?” I asked, opening it up. Flipping through the pages, it was the typical report of abuse. Bruises on a small boy, mostly on his arms, but that usually meant they were in other places as well. We just couldn’t see them.

  “The preschool teacher. The child had a broken arm at the beginning of the year, but the mom said he fell while playing. It seemed perfectly normal, but then he started showing up with bruises on his arms. Then last week, he showed up with a fading bruise on his face after he had been out sick for the week. The police were called, but by then, most of the bruises were gone. Still, the police called over for an investigation.”

  “So, the child is still in the home.”

  She nodded. “They couldn’t find any imminent threat to remove him.”

  “Beside the obvious bruises on his body,” I muttered under my breath.

  “Christy, you know the police can’t just remove a child from a home without having evidence or fearing for the child’s life.”

  I slammed the folder shut and tossed it on the desk. “It’s usually too late by the time we cut through all the bullshit.”

  “That’s not true. You know we’ve saved countless lives.”

  “Yeah, but how much damage has been done by then?”

  She leaned forward on my desk, her face serious. “Christy, you’re one of my best social workers. I know this is hard on you, but that’s why we do this. We make a difference, despite feeling like we don’t. Someone has to save these people.”

  I rubbed my hand across my forehead. The pressure of this job was becoming too much. “But we can’t save them all.”

  Her kind eyes saddened. “No, but we do what we can. We’ll never save them all, but every child or mother we save is one less person that ends up in the morgue. That’s the job.”

  “I know,” I nodded. “I just…I need some time.”

  “I haven’t found a replacement for Stacy yet. Nobody wants to work in this district.”

  “That’s because the cases multiply by the minute.” Glancing down at the folder, I nodded to her. “Alright, I’ll head over there first thing, then move on to my other home checks. Do you know if the child is in school today?”

  “No, he only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
br />   “I don’t suppose I’ll have police assistance on this one.”

  She shook her head. “The system’s overrun. We haven’t been able to get the police to assist for over a month.”

  I grabbed my bag and shoved the folder inside. It was going to be a long day, and as Katherine left my office, I once again wondered how long I could truly do this job.

  I headed out to the address provided. Working in the Chicago area, there were a lot of communities that had fallen on hard times or were simply rundown with no one to care about cleaning up the neighborhood. As I pulled up in front of the house, I noted that while there were minor repairs that needed to be done to the house, it overall looked cared for. The lawn was mowed, the flowers out front were blooming…everything appeared fine. The question was, what were they possibly hiding on the inside?

  Knocking on the front door, I put a smile on my face, trying to set the tone of this discussion. If I was relaxed about the situation, I was more likely to get the mother or father to comply with my requests.

  The door swung open and my hope deflated. The woman was maybe in her thirties, but her appearance was haggard at best. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair, then wiped her hands on her dress. I could see the fading bruises peeking out from the sleeves, but did my best not to draw attention to them.

  “Mrs. Wood, I’m Christy Price with the Department of Child and Family Services. Could I have a moment of your time?”


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