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Ignited By Flames

Page 5

by Day, Vella

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He popped off his seat and held out a hand. “My lady.”

  She laughed once more. He was being so silly. After he let the staff know they were leaving, they shifted and took off. The trip back to her townhouse seemed a lot shorter, but at the same time it took an eternity. Since she’d decided she wanted to get down and dirty with this man, her townhouse couldn’t appear soon enough.

  When she spotted the location, she soared to the ground and landed behind her home. Blake was beside her seconds later. Both shifted. Not wanting to spoil the mood by talking, she merely threaded her arm through his and led him into her townhouse through the back door.

  Once inside, she flipped on the hall light, but before she could even spin around, Blake had her pressed against the door.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long. I can’t wait any longer,” he said.

  “Then don’t.”

  Chapter Six

  Being aggressive with Greer had not been Blake’s goal, but he couldn’t help himself. Sitting on top of the turret in his special spot brought back memories of yearning for a mate. Now that he’d found this incredible woman, he didn’t want to waste another moment. He’d expected to be consumed with guilt over Crystal, but her admission that she’d never loved him had washed away his worry.

  Greer slipped her hands under the lapels of his jacket and slid his coat off his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. As much as he wanted to impale her in the entryway, that was no way to treat her. Their first lovemaking experience deserved something better.

  “I want you so much, but maybe we should take this elsewhere,” he said. “I don’t want you to think I’m an animal.”

  Greer looked up and smiled. “That’s one thing I like about you. You are an animal. But I agree, the bed would be much more comfortable.”

  Facing him, she walked backward while she lifted off her top. His pulse skyrocketed at the vision of her skimpy black lace bra and those mouth-watering tits. Holy goddess of Fate. His cock turned so hard he was convinced it would burst through the zipper. For sure his eyes were flashing teal, and his scales were pulsing so hard it was almost painful.

  She tossed her shirt on the back of the sofa and smiled. He wasn’t sure if he could make it up the stairs before he succumbed to his overwhelming lust. “You are so beautiful.”

  Blake had wanted to be a little more poetic in his description, but his brain wasn’t functioning at full capacity at the moment.

  “If you take off your shirt, I’m sure I will be just as impressed,” she said.

  She didn’t have to ask him twice. After undoing the cuffs and then fumbling with the first few buttons, he decided to hell with it and lifted his shirt over his head. Now past the sofa, he just tossed it on the banister leading upstairs.

  Even though she didn’t look where she was going, she knew when to lift her foot onto the step. Wanting to have his skin against her as quickly as possible, he unsnapped the top button of his jeans.

  “Uh, uh. That’s my job.” Greer wagged a finger at him as she kicked off her high heels and left them on the stairs.

  After toeing off his shoes, he deposited them next to hers.

  Not able to stand this teasing any longer, Blake took two long strides toward her, swept her off her feet, and rushed upstairs with her in his arms.

  At the top of the landing, he stopped. “Which way?”

  “Second door on the right.” Her wide grin made his heart trip.

  Blake carried her to her bedroom and toed open the door. She reached behind him and flipped on the light. He’d expected everything to be neat and perfect—like Greer. Instead, about five discarded tops and two pairs of slacks sat on top of the neatly made bed. He set her down, not sure if she’d want to make love on her clothes or not.

  “Give me a sec.” Greer gathered her things. With her arms full, she placed them on top of the dresser and then spun around. “Where was I?”

  Her gaze zeroed in on his chest and then dropped to his crotch. Under her hot perusal, his dick throbbed. “I think I was about to help you out of your jeans,” he said. If he didn’t get her naked soon, his dragon might try to make an unwanted appearance.

  “Not yet, you don’t. My house. My rules. And I have a plan for you.”

  “Bring it on.” He wasn’t about to argue with her. Greer’s aggressiveness excited him. He might sound brave, but it was highly possible he would crumble under her touch.

  Eyes flashing purple and her skin glowing, Greer looked like she was on a mission. “Your pants have to go,” she said as she approached him.

  As she unzipped his jeans, Blake unhooked and then unzipped hers. Her brows rose. “Hey, all’s fair and all that,” he said.

  She laughed as they both tugged at the same time. Her jeans slid effortlessly off her body. His? Not even close. The material caught on his jutting erection.

  “I see we have a problem,” she said.

  “We do. What are you going to do about it?”

  More of her scales flashed. “This.”

  As if time stood still, Greer lifted his briefs and pants over his cock and lowered them. Just as he was about to step out of them, Greer dropped to her knees, grabbed his dick, and drew it deep into her mouth.

  His balls pulsed and his scales glowed. The skin on his back began to harden—a sure sign his dragon was ready to escape.

  Stand down, he chastised his animal. If his stupid beast turned his arms into claws at the wrong moment, he might hurt Greer.

  I can’t help it, his dragon shot back. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

  Before Blake could continue his conversation, Greer cupped his balls and squeezed gently. His mind went blank.

  To keep from exploding, he grabbed a handful of her hair and wrapped it around his palm. When she reached around him and grabbed his ass, he lost it. His climax shot out so powerfully, it embarrassed him.

  He pulled back, and Greer let go. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  The last thing he expected was for her to smile. “It was my goal to make you lose control.”


  “It will take away all my guilt when I come multiple times.”

  He chuckled. “You are something else, Greer Caspian. Let’s see just how many times I can make you do just that.”

  Greer had never been that bold in her life. It was as if she had been possessed—and not by some dark entity. Being with Blake—her mate—had changed her.

  He grabbed his briefs and cleaned himself up. “It’s my turn to excite you.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He lifted her up and placed her on the comforter. In one quick flick, Blake had her out of her bra. His eyes flashed, as did his scales. “You are amazing.”

  Not that she didn’t love hearing how much he enjoyed her body, there was a time for talking and a time for doing. Greer drew him toward her, and then cupped the back of his head. Blake’s response was to slide his knees between her legs. When she dragged him closer, his eyeteeth sharpened. And so did hers. The kiss was not so much sensual as it was one born out of desperation and need. Their moans came out loud and with increasing frequency as their tongues battled for dominance. Greer dragged her palms up his back, loving how his muscles bunched with every move.

  Blake broke the kiss. “I don’t have any protection with me. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve already taken precautions.”

  He smiled. “Good to know. Now where was I?”

  “Returning the favor?”

  He huffed out a breath. “I totally forgot. I must have been carried away with the kiss. Being with you seems to shatter my ability to think.”

  “No problem. I loved that kiss and will be demanding more in a moment.”

  “What did I do to deserve you?”

  She dragged a finger across his lips. “You were in the right place at the right time.” Blake might not see it that way, but she did.

ke winked and then slid down so that his lips were on top of one of her nipples. “Mmm.”

  He drew the tip into his mouth and sucked hard, sending ripples of delight across her body. Arching her back for more pressure, she dug her now sharp nails into his shoulders. Just as he switched to the other side, his cell rang.

  He didn’t stop, but she could sense the tension in his movements. The sound wasn’t just a ring. It was more of an alarm. “Maybe you should answer that.” Those words had been really hard to say. In reality, she wished it would just stop.

  “Fuck. It’s the bank. That alarm means there’s been a breach—or a power surge.” He crawled off her. Once he retrieved his jeans, he stuck his hand in the pocket and lifted the cell.

  “Masters here.” He paced, asking only a few questions before disconnecting.

  “How bad is it?” she asked, though from the look of disgust on his face, Blake was troubled.

  “I have to go. I am so sorry.”

  Greer sat up. “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure. The bank alarm went off, but no one seems to know the cause. The cops are on their way, but they need me to see what was stolen.”

  “That’s terrible. Call me, okay? Or return when you are done?” she asked.

  “I’d really like to, but it’s already almost midnight. By the time I speak with the cops and check things out, you’ll be asleep.” He slipped on his jeans, wadded up his briefs and stuffed them in his pocket. The rest of his clothes were downstairs.

  Greer jumped off the bed and snagged a robe from the closet before trailing after him.

  After he finished dressing, he clasped her shoulders. “I want to make this up to you.”

  “The break-in—or whatever it was—wasn’t your fault. Stuff happens.” She’d lost track of the times the Guardians had needed her help, and she’d been forced to leave a pleasant situation.

  “How about I pick you up tomorrow at five, and we go on a picnic in the park to watch the sunset? Afterward, we can continue where we left off.”

  Blake was such a dear man. “I’d love that.”

  He stepped closer and kissed her. “Dream about me.”

  She smiled. “There is no question about that.”

  Possibly so he wouldn’t change his mind about leaving her and rushing to the rescue of the bank, Blake hurried out.

  Those kisses had been so amazing that Greer had wanted a lot more, but she’d have to wait until tomorrow when she and Blake went on that picnic before she was able to enjoy more of them. Having a mate who was romantic was a dream come true. He was everything she’d ever wanted. Not only was he a dragon shifter, he was smart, came from a good family, and was hotter than hot.

  The only thing they lacked was good timing. How messed up was it that Blake had received an emergency call just when they were in the middle of making love? The answer? It was extremely messed up.

  Considering how her body was still vibrating with need, Greer retrieved a wine glass from the cabinet and poured herself a drink. She’d stay up for another hour in the off-chance Blake’s emergency had been nothing.

  With her glass in hand, Greer moved to the sofa and sat in front of the television. She turned it on, hoping to find something interesting to watch. Close to one, her cell rang. It was Blake.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “No. I was watching some television waiting for your call.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. How did it go?”

  “The cops were all over the place when I arrived, but nothing seems to have been taken, at least not that I’ve been able to tell.”

  “That’s odd, considering the alarm went off.”

  “I know, right? If I didn’t know better, I’d say Fate was trying to keep us apart.”

  “Don’t be silly. She’s the one who brought us together, remember?”

  “I know.”

  “Are you coming back here?” she asked.

  He sighed. “I wish I could, but they’re still investigating. It will be a really late night. You need to get to bed. I’ll meet you in front of SinCas Jewelers tomorrow at five. I’d say earlier, but I know what I’ll be doing for much of the day tomorrow.”

  She didn’t want to guilt him in to coming over now. “I’m sorry you have to do this, but tomorrow sounds wonderful. Don’t stay up too late. We have unfinished business to attend to.”

  “You don’t have to remind me.”

  When he disconnected, Greer pressed the phone to her chest and sighed. She had it bad. Real bad.

  Chapter Seven

  Blake shouldn’t let the agitation of waiting get to him, but he’d been so close to finally making love with Greer that his dragon was still acting up. Had his phone not sounded an intruder alarm, he would have ignored it.

  “I think we figured out what the issue was,” the police officer said, tapping his tablet.

  “What was the problem?”

  “It looks like an animal chewed through the alarm’s wiring, which set it off.”

  That sounded lame to him, which meant he would be here at the bank to double-check that someone hadn’t taken something or hacked their systems and downloaded any account information. “Thanks, officer. I’ll see about having the wires replaced.”

  “Good idea.”

  By the time the cops cleared out, it was close to three in the morning, and Blake was tired. His apartment was thankfully above the bank. Living there meant he had no commute in the morning. It also meant that if anyone tried to break into the bank, he could be there in a flash—unless he was at Greer’s house.

  Speaking of her townhouse, while it was nice, his building had a great rooftop terrace, which made taking off and landing convenient. Also, his apartment was larger than her place, but he didn’t want to get ahead of himself, even though having her move in with him would be fantastic. Besides, her jewelry store was a mere three blocks away.

  The false alarm call was making their separation worse. It didn’t matter he could still smell her scent on his hands and body. When he closed his eyes, he could visualize her writhing under him, loving his every touch and kiss. Shit. His cock was pressing so hard against his zipper, the discomfort jarred him out of his daydreaming. Focus. It was time to go.

  As soon as he locked up the back, he headed up the stairs to his condo. After showering and then downing a beer, he dropped into bed. Too bad his mind refused to shut off. Greer’s breasts and lips kept floating in his mind’s eye. Between his rock-hard erection that refused to go down and a dragon that kept up a dialogue about how much he needed Greer, Blake’s sleep was sporadic at best.

  Once he realized that real sleep was not going to come, he crawled out of bed. He tossed back a strong cup of coffee and then headed down to the bank to double-check that he hadn’t overlooked something last night.

  Even though the cops had checked everything, Blake wanted to be thorough. He went through the surveillance tapes again, as well as checked their computer system several times, but nothing appeared to have been tampered with. By the time he was convinced the alarm had been caused by a hungry gnawing animal, it was close to four in the afternoon. Time to clean up and head to the grocery store to pick up food for their picnic.

  After shopping and placing the prepared food in his backpack, he left to meet the woman who had haunted his dreams. His plan was to casually comment that the Helpful Healing Shop was open today and then suggest they stop in. Blake wanted to pick up something for her to make up for ducking out on the most amazing time of his life last night.

  The shop was normally closed on Sunday, but his cousin Nan managed the store. It took a bit of persuading, but she agreed to open up just for them. Blake had no idea if Greer ever shopped there, but the items Nan sold seemed like the things Greer would like—being a healer and all.

  Blake wouldn’t have thought of the idea, except he remembered seeing not only yellow salt lamps there, but
red ones as well, and red was the color of the high heels Greer often wore. According to Nan, the red salt lamps gave off the strongest aura. Its stated purpose was to relax a person, and right now they both could use some relaxation. It seemed like a scam to him, but his cousin swore by it. Besides, Blake wanted to show Greer that he was sensitive to her needs.

  When he pulled up in front of her jewelry store, she was standing there wearing shorts, sandals, and a low-cut pink top that would make it really hard to get through their picnic without insisting he take her back to her place and finish their lovemaking session.

  Just as he was about to slide out and open the car door for her, Greer pulled it open and hopped in. “Hey.”

  Her smile lit up her face and made his scales glow. “Sleep well?” he asked.

  “Let’s just say a certain man kept entering my dreams and waking me up.”

  He laughed. “I had the same problem.”

  Greer sobered. “Did you ever figure out what caused the alarm to go off at the bank last night?”

  “Our best bet was an animal chewed through some wires.” He explained how he’d spent most of the wee hours of the morning and then all day at the bank checking things out.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’d rather have it be an animal than some hacker.”

  “Good point.”

  He edged into the street and headed toward the park. Four blocks from his destination was his cousin’s shop. He pulled to the curb and cut the engine.

  “Why are we stopping?” she asked.

  “I wanted to buy you a present.” Pretending as if he just happened to notice the store was open sounded lame.

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  He smiled. “You most certainly did. You didn’t make a fuss when I had to run out on our amazing date.”

  “I understand emergencies.”

  “All the more reason to give you a present.” He held up a hand. “If you don’t believe you deserve my gratitude, then consider this a random gift, given from my heart for my mate.”


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