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Scold's House

Page 10

by Marie Hall

  "You wanted to see me?" Io asked as she closed the door and stepped into the center of the room.

  "Io did you send correspondence out to the other houses?" Xavier asked.

  "I did." He knew she wrote the men

  Beside him Lady Brice huffed and slapped her hands together. "Do you see, she admits it. You will do something I demand it."

  "Mother, please madam, let me deal with the matter." Xavier sounded tired.

  "What matter is there?" Io was now alert. She'd speak up loudly if she was going to be unjustly reprimanded again.

  "Do you see? She knows no shame or decency."

  "Mother, please I will take care of this matter." Xavier stood and Io's stomach twisted a little. The skin on her seat became prickled. Xavier moved around the desk, his mother following. Io relaxed when he opened the door and ushered Charlotte out. Xavier stepped back in the room and closed the door. He moved back to his desk and motioned for her to take a seat. When she did he took his own and then pulled some parchment from a box on his desk. Handing it to her he sat back.

  "Io, I do not want to discourage you from communicating with my men. I do understand the friendships you have formed are important to you." He leveled a hard look at her. "However, I will not condone that." He gestured to the letter Io still held unopened in her hand.

  "What is it?" She didn't care to read other people's private letters. It was a great invasion of privacy.

  "Your last letter to Jon," Xavier announced.

  Io started a bit. "My letter? How did you come by my letter?" She looked at the paper in her hand. It was the same she used and had the same wax seal, broken.

  "Mother brought that to me this morning, Io. I do not approve of your correspondence, not in the least."

  "How did your mother come by my letter?" And if she gave it to him only this morning did she have it for the last three days? What reason would she take and keep a letter written to other? And what of the other three letters? Did any of her words reach their destination?

  "Io, I will not have gossip and mean spiritedness decay the morale and camaraderie in my holdings. I also will not have my mother so disrespected nor a guest in my home slandered."

  Io kept her eyes on her husband through the lecture. He wasn't saying anything she didn't know. Io was of like mind, not liking gossip for the harm it could cause. She dropped her eyes to the letter in her hand. She hadn't gossiped or been mean spirited. She hadn't even mentioned Xavier's mother or the other women in her letter. She couldn't have been disrespectful or slanderous. She lifted the fold, the words came into view and Io didn't need to read them. Standing she handed him back the letter. "I did not write this. I do not know why you believe I did, but I did not. I will not stand here and be accused falsely."

  "Io." Xavier's tone was one of warning.

  "I sent out letters, Xavier. I sent out four. I sent them out three days ago. That…" She pointed to the one he held. "Is not a letter I wrote."

  "Io." Again his tone held warning.

  "Why do not you ask your mother where she came by that?" Io took a breath she didn't want to start shrieking with Xavier's expression growing darker as she spoke. "No, why would you question your mother? What an inconceivable idea. No, better to accuse me of being despicable."

  "Io." Xavier came to his feet and Io did the same. "I am not accusing you of anything. If you did not write this…"

  "If?" Io did shriek that word. "I did not write that letter."

  "Io, watch your tone and sit down." He came around the desk and crowded her back into the chair. "If you say you did not write this, I will take your word. However, I want you to bring me your letters before you seal them that I can read them."

  "What?" Was Xavier mad? She wasn't going to let him read her letters to anyone. Not that she wrote of anything more titillating than how she convinced the soap makers to make extra lavender soap. Still, it was the principle.

  "Bring them to me I will look them over," he said it as if he was asking to taste the butter before it was used on his bread.

  Io balled her fists to keep from slapping his face at that moment. "No." She stood and pushed him back. "No and you have no right to ask me."

  "Io, it is wholly your choice." He stopped her leaving by grabbing her arm. "You can either bring me your letters or you can refrain from writing them. Either way, no letter I do not approve will be sent. If you attempt to send one, I will consider it a matter serious enough to be attended by the cane."

  Io couldn't speak she was so angry. He might say he took her word. The truth was he didn't believe her. She jerked free and pulled the door open with such force it slammed against the wall. She glared at him one last time and then fled. What happened? And what was she to do if she couldn't send a letter seeking advice? Io returned to their chambers. She placed her writing desk in order and pushed it into the far corner. She took the little chair turned it upside down and stacked on the desk. She wouldn't need the desk to write for lesson and she didn't write in her journal anyplace else but in her own private rooms.

  Her journal, Io felt a panic well. She didn't think anyone knew of it but she wrote a number of rude things in that book. She didn't need those discovered. She gathered the book, ensuring all the loose pages were safe inside. She took the long way to Sarah's chambers, entering without knocking, receiving only a cheerful smile.

  "Can you keep this for me?" Io asked handing Sarah the book with an explanation.

  "Aye, you do not want that to fall into the wrong hands." Sarah took it and placed it in a trunk with a lock which she secured. She handed Io the key with a wink. "Any time you want. Do not even ask."

  "Thank you."

  "Would you like to stay here tonight?"

  "He will come for me."

  "Let him, it is not like you have to answer my door."

  Io stayed and they talked and giggled. Xavier demanded, the second night, she return to their chambers and not hide in Sarah's. She avoided him by remaining in her private apartment. When she climbed in bed, she rolled to her side and pretended to sleep. Several time Xavier tried to entice her, but he gave up when she didn't respond. Xavier made no more demands and he was usually gone before Io woke. It could be he now avoided her. What she didn't know was why the idea bothered her.

  * * *

  Xavier slumped in the pew and stared up at the stain glass. The sun flashed through the different panes and colored beams danced on the floor at his feet. He closed his eyes but could sense the light behind his lids. He squeezed his eyes shut until all he knew was blackness. Then, in the dark, little spots of light appeared. He groaned, opening his eyes blinking until his vision filled with the dancing colors created by the direct light of the sun. He planted his feet and pushed back, sitting up properly and leaning forward to rest his arms on his thighs.

  This was life with Io. He almost laughed at the love sick fool he was becoming. That he'd compare having Io in her various moods to having beautiful colored beams of sunlight, a semi dark experience or a complete blackness that still gave him hope if he waited. What man did this? What man willingly lived like this? He believed Io's dark mood would pass, they always did. The problem was, he grew tired of the wait. All the effort he put into righting the wrong he inflicted, to bring back the light, with one small matter it was back to the awful darkness. That damn letter. She said it wasn't hers. That she didn't write it or try to send it. Yet his mother claimed it was Io's letter.

  "Ah God." He propped his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands. Io's question was valid. How did his mother come by the letter? It was an inappropriate letter. He never considered his wife mean spirited and he knew she was intelligent. If she wrote it wouldn't she be careful not to let it fall into the wrong hands. Or could her intent have been to have it found, making everyone aware of how she felt.

  He chuckled, who didn't know how Io felt? What he didn't know was why she couldn't let his mother's words and deed pass? Why not let his mother do as she pleased and u
ndo things after she left? She wouldn't stay forever, although it was already feeling like it. His brother should be heading towards them now. Of course it could still be several more weeks. Xavier couldn't keep trying to be the arbitrator between the women in his house. "God help me," he grumbled then jumped when he heard someone laugh.

  "This is a good place to ask for that," Lucas said as he slid into the pew behind Xavier.

  "I have begun to believe He has forsaken me." Xavier tried for a light tone but too much was wrong.

  "Yes Sarah mentioned it is getting worse. She is thinking of some place she might take Io so your wife might not be under so much strain. It seems their refuge in the orchard is no longer secure."

  "Yes I know." His mother came in screaming at how Io caused apples to rain down on them. He told his mother it happened when people picked apples some fell. With his demand the drink his wife enjoyed be made, the kitchens needed apples.

  "I did suggest she and Io spend a day investigating the old tower. The snows have to be gone by now and Io has never seen those lands." Lucas shrugged.

  "That trip would require more than a day," Xavier reminded him. "They would have to spend the night." He was not happy with the idea Io felt she needed to leave the house to find peace.

  "I suppose they would." Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps you should take Io to the tower. Spend a few days with her there, away from here. The two of you. No one to bother you, no one to get between."

  Xavier turned sharply to look back at the man. He never would've thought the one man in his ranks closest to God would suggest what he seemed to be suggesting. After all it did seem he was saying he should forget his duties and run off with his wife for a few days of fornication. Maybe it showed on his face because Lucas threw his head back and laughed.

  "What? I am a man too." He laughed more. "Io is miserable here. I thought she could accept you no longer have time for her…"

  "I have time for my wife," Xavier informed him.

  "Xavier." Lucas's doubtful look combined with the very informal address made Xavier pay attention to his words. "You took Io from a life of complete neglect and forced on her not only your protection and guidance but your company. For ten months she had your full attention." The man had the decency to flush given how he spoke so intimately to his lord. "But since you have settled here, she has not had that from you. I know she has missed those moments. More when she sees how Lady Charlotte can take your time without asking."

  "You think I neglect her?" Was he? It was true he did use to spend more time with Io. And though he preferred not, he was obligated to host his mother.

  "I am not someone who can say…"

  "Sarah said I am."

  "My liege, Sarah has not spoken against you. Well, nothing any other woman does not say about any man. The lot of them have a rather poor opinion of us as a whole. She only said Io questions why she cannot have your attention for other than… um… private times." Lucas flushed. "Perhaps if she had you to herself for a few days it would rejuvenate her spirit."

  Private times? Xavier dropped his eyes to the floor where dust danced on the beam of light. She turned from him each night. She was only in his bed because he forced her there. And he had to force her because he couldn't arbitrate successfully when his mother was involved.

  Lucas sighed loudly and stood. "Io is your wife, you know her best." He left Xavier alone, again, in the chapel.

  Would time alone help? Could such a simple solution, as to take a day and give her his full attention, be all it took? He did have the chance the day of the festival. Could that be Io's reason for putting such effort behind the day? She wanted him to be attentive? The idea was flattering. Some time devoted to Io alone could be what was needed. Perhaps too, it would send a message to his mother, one clear and direct. Io was his wife he wasn't setting her aside.

  His eyes went from the floor to the two stain glass windows in the west wall. The first was of the Christ being lifted onto the cross the second was of the dead Christ laying in the arms of a woman. He wasn't a religious man, but his father was devout and he demanded his children learn the scriptures. Perhaps that was why he came here to the chapel. He sought permission to set his mother in place, even if he wasn't able to do so respectfully.

  Still, it was hard. His father demanded respect for his wife and even with the man long dead, Xavier didn't want to disappoint him. He'd never have his mother's approval but he often thought of one Proverb when he found victory. That one proverb he spoke the day he received word of his father's passing. "And behold, a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased'," he whispered.

  He wanted to do as that man did and demand his wife have the respect she was due. But at what point would making demands on his mother put shame on him that could reflect on his father? His eyes went to the other glass the one of a woman holding the Christ. Xavier never expected his mother to shed tears over his death. But he hoped Io would feel the loss. She still grieved the loss of her own mother even if she was very young when the woman was murdered. She carried that grief with her, it shaped her.

  Xavier suddenly needed to find Io and be rid of these grim thoughts. He looked but had to wait until he retired for the night. She was in bed wrapped in the covers pretending to sleep. Taking a candle and a chair he moved to her side of the bed. He set the candle on the table, pulled back the covers then took a seat. "Io, I want to speak with you," he said and waited. She gave up the pretense of sleep with a huff. Flopping, like a fish, to her back.

  "I have not written a word. I have not been rude or disrespectful. I have not tried to take back the kitchens or the laundry or the servants. I have completed every lesson, I…"

  "Io." Have mercy, is that all she heard from him?

  "Whatever fault you have discovered, whatever I am accused of doing, whatever vile thing you think to hold me accountable for…"

  "Io, stop" He leaned forward and put his hand on her arm. His touch halted her tirade and he breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to stop holding Io solely responsible for all the discourse. More than anyone, she tried. As long as she tried, he couldn't ask more.

  "I…" She turned her head to look at him. "My lord, I… are you here to… do you want to…"

  He sat back in the chair. "I always want to with you. But I did not come here with that in mind." He refused to acknowledge the pain caused by her look of relief.

  "Then what have I done to earn your displeasure?" She looked to the canopy set her hands on her chest and picked at her nails.

  "Io, you have done nothing. Please can I not come to speak with you about something pleasant?" He smiled but she wiped that from his face with her next words.

  "I do not know, can you?"

  Xavier tipped his head back and closed his eyes. Was it too soon to try and do something grand? Maybe he needed to start with something smaller. But what? No, he was going to do this because this would resolve the problem once and for all.

  Sitting up, determined, he went forward with the plan. "Io, it has been a hard few weeks and I…" She snorted, he pushed on. "I thought perhaps we might try and make some time for a retreat. That we might take a few days and get away."

  She turned her head sharply to look at him through narrowed eyes. "You are leaving here? Or am I?"

  "Io, I said we. I thought you and I might ride to a place I know and spend some time." She rolled to her side, facing him with a strange look on her face. He rushed on. "We could ride there, put up a little tent and put down a few furs and have a few meals from a basket. Maybe you can bring a book and read to me." She pushed herself up on her hip and the covers fell away exposing her breasts. "Or we could do other things." He let his eyes travel over her body.

  "Really we could do this?" The hopeful breathiness of her voice was pure delight to him.

  "If you want." He regretted saying that instantly. Io flopped back down on the bed and rolled over so he had her back.

  "I want…" She jerked
up the covers. "Nothing."

  "Io." He should've predicted that. "We can do it because I want. I want to take you away from here and…"

  "Leave me someplace," she muttered.

  He moved from the chair to the bed and rolled Io to her back. "No, and do not say such to me again, Io. That is beyond hurtful."

  She dropped her eyes and bit her lip. "I beg pardon."

  "I thought us long past that." She shrugged and sniffed. He brushed at a loose strand of hair then brushed his knuckles along her cheek. "Let us forget that was said." She nodded. "I need an answer, Io. I want to make good an escape. I want you to join me. Will you?"


  He was disappointed she didn't just say yes, but he shrugged easily. "What might suit you?"

  "I must recite the day after tomorrow. I have to go to Moorly to see if the cloth I want to buy is ready. I must check the mines at Arton. Then I will have no obligations."

  "Ah well, what if we plan for five days from this. I might also be done with all my duties and be free." Her hesitation wasn't for lack of want to be with him. She was committed to her duties and he was proud of her.

  "I could be ready in five days."

  "Could you? Be ready?" His hand smoothed down her arm and continued down, stroking the flesh along her ribs and hips. He slipped his hand under her and stroked up her back. He leveraged her off the bed and put his other arm behind her before lying down with her.

  Her arms came around his neck and she smiled a little smile. "I can," she said before she pulled his lips down on hers.

  * * *

  Io felt the tightening in her stomach. Her whole body was hot. She was going to reach that place again and she was going to take Xavier with her. Bowing back, she gripped his thighs and lifted her hips. Xavier's hands rested at her waist helping her lift and lower her body as she rode him. Beneath her he drove his hips up and down in time. The pained looked on his face said he wanted to release but held off.


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