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Horse Mountain Shifters Bundle: A Curvy Girl and Stallion Shifter Western Romance Box Set

Page 13

by Sierra Brave

"Damn it, Maddie!" He sped after her. "Mountain lions have been seen in this area. You can't haul off and go running into caves." While gritting his teeth, he chased the illumination from her flashlight and the sound of her laughter. Now I understand why Davis said she needs a spanking.

  Suddenly, the light disappeared, leaving Abram in the dark. He froze in place. "Maddie?" As an image of her injured flashed in his mind, a gnawing sensation plagued his belly. His heart raced as adrenaline flooded his body. He reached out in front of him, feeling around in the dark. "Are you okay?" He took slow, cautious steps as he continued to call for her.

  Something grabbed him and he gasped while whipping around, lunging in the dark. Whatever had a hold of him moved quickly and dodged his attack. He pivoted and reached out to capture the rolling shadows.

  A flash of light blinded him, and he blinked until his eyes adjusted and focused on Maddie's smirking face. As she snickered, his jaw dropped.

  "That shit wasn't funny." His nostrils flared.

  She glanced at him and then looked down, drawing his attention to where his hands were. He was clutching one of her forearms while pinning her to the wall with his palm compressing one of her breasts.

  "Oh, crap." He snatched his large mitt back and released her. "That was an accident."

  While holding the flashlight in her fist, she stretched her opposite arm up and clutched the back of his neck, pushing up on her tip toes as she pressed her lips to his. His heart galloped and he grabbed her around the waist, lifting her as he pushed into the kiss.

  Her body warmed him as her breasts flattened against his chest. Her softness comforted him, beckoned him. She tilted her head and parted her lips, and he plunged his tongue into the hot, waiting cavern, exploring as he tasted her.

  As she broke the kiss, they both panted while clinging to each other. “Mmm, not bad.” She stroked his jaw, and his cock stiffened. He leaned in for another kiss when a snarl followed by a low roar echoed through the cave.

  He jerked back and his eyes widened. “Shit! We need to get out of here.” He took her hand and tugged as he ran toward the exit. The late afternoon sun greeted them as they left the cave, and Davis’s boots kicked up dust as he made haste. He picked up Maddie with easy, helping her mount Thunder.

  “Calm down, Abram.” It was only a little bobcat. They are notoriously shy animals. It won’t follow us out of its den. They aren’t even that big.”

  He threw his leg across Clyde’s saddle, holding the horn to steady his body. “I wouldn’t know because I’ve never gotten close enough to one to find out and I don’t intend to today.”

  Maddie laughed and shook her head. “Good gracious.” She flicked her reigns and tapped her heels against her horse’s sides, and the animal began to trot.

  “What if it wasn’t a bobcat? It coulda been a mountain lion?”

  Maddie pursed her lips as their horses moved in sync. Her expression morphed into a mischievous smirk. “Aren’t pumas extinct in this area?”

  “So the experts say, but according to Davis they’re still some around.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “What exactly did he say?”

  “Watch out for mountain lions.”

  She chuckled. “Well, I guess he knows this land best.”

  “He was right about you needing a spanking too.”

  “Oh, Abram, don’t tease me.” The grin she flashed his way set his heart pounding faster than the fear of a big cat chasing them down for dinner.

  “Don’t tempt me, Maddie Mittens. What if one of us got snake bit in that cave? Did you think about that?”

  “I scanned the area. There weren’t any snakes or immediate dangers.”

  He lifted his chin and pushed out his chest as he focused on her with unblinking eyes. “Hush your lying mouth. It was pitch dark in there. Ain’t no way you could do a thorough investigation. You’re in the wrong here.”

  Nope, I can totally see in the dark. She folded her arms over her chest. “I’m telling the truth.”

  He glared at her while wagging his finger in a scolding manner. “Just stop. I’m giving some serious thought to taking you over my knee.” The firmness in his voice rang true.

  A jolt of arousal pounced on her pussy, leaving her squirming in her saddle. She bit down on her bottom lip and looked up at him through her eyelashes as her cheeks flushed with heat. He continued to tell her off, but she tuned out his words, focusing only on the steely determination in his expression and the dominance his posture conveyed. Her body warmed as she felt her cat awaken inside her. Something was different. She pictured a puma caged at the zoo, pacing along the boundary of the enclosure, growling and clawing to be let out. Yep, that’s exactly what I’m feeling.

  “Maddie?” His raised voice drew her attention.

  Her hands trembled. She’d never known her cat to react in such a manner. “Uh…um.” She stammered as a shiver ran up her spine.

  “I asked if you understood.”

  She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to fathom, but she answered with the response his tone demanded. “Yes, sir.”

  He nodded. “Good.”

  Oh, God, what’s happening to me?

  Chapter Four

  After a short ride, Maddie and Abram arrived at the designated camping area. In regards to the terrain, it wasn’t much different than the rest of the land, but a small cabin, where a long-ago relative of the Banks’s had attempted to make a go of a homestead, still stood there. The place wasn’t much to look at, but many years ago, Abram’s grandfather had repaired the roof and installed an antenna. A two-way radio inside was kept in good working order in case of an emergency. The water pump was operational as well, but Maddie wouldn’t trust it for drinking without boiling first.

  After she jumped down and tied off Thunder, she rid herself of her pink helmet. While running her fingers through her locks, she scrunched them in her hands. She glanced at Abram and noticed a subtle smile played on his lips as he studied the old building. “Fond memories?”

  “Actually, yeah. I don’t remember a lot of the time I spent on the mountain before my dad passed away, but I could never forget the trips up here. My grandfather took me and some of the other grandkids up here for what he called picnic play days.” He dismounted his horse and then held the reigns. “It seems a lot smaller than I recall.”

  Maddie laughed. “I imagine so.”

  “We use to pretend the cabin was a castle or a jailhouse. You know—whatever the game of the day was.”

  “Who was the sheriff and who was the criminal?”

  “Are you kidding? Melly was always the one with the badge. She was the baby girl, and as far as granddad was concerned, whatever she said went.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Why does that not surprise me?”

  He hobbled Clyde. “Why don’t you like my baby cousin?”

  “Ha! She’s a grown woman, and you sound as bad as your grandfather.” She tapped his chest with her index finger.

  “I reckon I got a soft spot for her, but she’s not as spoiled as you think. She actually gets a lot of crap from Gram that Davis and I would never have to tolerate.”

  She stroked a length of her hair. “How do you figure?”

  “Gram’s always on her about her appearance or her manners, but I could show up for Sunday dinner rolled in horse munch, and Gram wouldn’t blink. Hell, she’d probably tell me I looked handsome.” He paused as Maddie chuckled and then asked, “So what’s the story?”

  She inhaled deeply and gazed at the sky before she blew the air out. “Oh, I guess our similar taste in men started us on the wrong foot. She always flirted with whoever I was dating even though they were too old for her. Then there’s her smart mouth.”

  “So basically the two of you are too much alike?”

  A slight pang of hurt shot through Maddie’s chest and her jaw dropped. She glanced at him, and as he stared her way, not backing down, she sighed. “Probably.”

  In the sunlight, the golden undertones o
f his eyes shone beautifully as he chortled. Everything about his face sent her heart fluttering. She loved his proud nose and the curve of his kissable lips. The memory of their short interlude flashed in her mind, and her cheeks blazed. Her cat had calmed slightly but lingered beneath the surface as if she were watching everything. It’s like I’m breathing down my own neck.

  “What?” As he stepped closer to her and took her hand, her body temperature immediately rose a few degrees.

  “I’m sorry.” She averted her gaze, looking at his huge, brown work boots as she hung her head.

  “About what?”

  She bit down on her lip as she looked up at him. “The cave...”

  The happy expression on his face seemed to melt away, and he dropped her hand. “Yeah, me too. My behavior was unprofessional—it had to be the darkness messing with my mind.”

  A tidal wave of disappointment flooded over Maddie, leaving her feeling as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Her cat’s angry snarl threatened to resound, but she held the wild animal inside her at bay. “Um, yeah, me too. It had to be the darkness.” She turned away to hide her teary eyes. “And I also apologize for impulsively running into a cave possibly filled with dangers—very childish on my part.” She clammed up as her voice started to crack.

  “I should get the tents up. You brought one, right? Or were you bunking in the cabin?” He talked so fast, he was practically babbling.

  “I can put up my own tent.” She started unpacking. They worked separately, not speaking as they did. She got hers up faster, but he caught up and staked his tent down before she got her second rod pounded into the ground.

  She picked up the pace, hoping to skulk inside her makeshift abode and die. The sound of heavy steps alerted her to Abram’s approach before he spoke. “Need some help?”

  She bristled, not even turning to look at him. “I can handle it.” As she tried to figure out what had gone awry, her pride smarted. I initiated the kiss but he responded with plenty of enthusiasm. As soon as we hit daylight, all of a sudden he didn’t mean it? What the hell is that?

  “Dusk’s approaching fast so I’ll build us a fire.” He paused as if he expected a reaction but after a few seconds of silence, he walked off. She secured her tent before crawling inside and unrolled her sleeping bag. I’ll hit the hay early. He can sit by that fire alone.

  A few minutes later, she heard scraping against the mesh material of her temporary shelter. “Knock, knock.” Abram’s voice was low.

  Every tiny hair on her body stood on end with goosebumps, and a wave of arousal made her squirm. She pressed on her chest with her fingertips as if holding herself back. Don’t be an idiot. Don’t seem too anxious. Be cool. Keep it chill. With trembling hands, she partially unzipped the door but only enough to peep out. “Didn’t you see the sign? No soliciting. Peddle your magazines somewhere else.”

  He smiled. “I’m sorry.”

  “About what?” She was glad he couldn’t see her quivering.

  “Being chicken shit. It’s time to man up—I like you.” His pupils dilated as he blushed. “I know you’re paying Davis for a professionally guided tour, and I’m trying but I keep getting distracted.”

  Her stomach simmered with nervous energy. “Distracted by what?” She continued to peek at him through the tiny opening.

  He removed his hat and rubbed the side of his head. “You gonna make me say it with this tent door separating us?”

  “Yes.” Her pulse raced.

  He sighed and looked off in the other direction. “I got a fire started and laid out a blanket for us.”

  “Huh?” She threw him a sideways glance. “And just what are you expecting to do on that blanket?”

  He blushed. “Sit. Look at stars. They’re really pretty up here this close to heaven.” He was so adorable Maddie’s heart felt as if it might swell up into her throat and choke her.

  “Hmm, tempting, but I dunno. You did say something about a spanking.” She felt a slight twinge of guilt for teasing him but not enough to stop.

  “Which one will get you to come out? If I promise to do it or not to do it?”

  She laughed. “Guess.”

  He smirked. “To tell the truth, I’ve never lifted a hand to a woman and I don’t intend to start. Well, unless you beg for it.” He bowed his head slightly, flashing bedroom eyes her way.

  Beg? Not fucking likely. “I’m not the one trying to coax you out of your cozy den. Therefore, I’m not the one who needs to be doing the pleading.”

  He set his mouth in a line as he tugged at his earlobe. “Maddie, I didn’t want to resort to bribery, but I brought marshmallows and graham crackers.”

  Her ears perked up and her mouth watered. “I’ll be right out.” She unzipped her tent completely.

  Abram pushed a marshmallow onto a skewer and handed it to Maddie before fixing his own. As she roasted her treat, the fire crackled and illuminated her pretty features. She ran her hand through her windblown hair, leaving her long, dark locks spilling down over her shoulders. I can’t believe I told her I like her. I have no game whatsoever.

  She happily heated her marshmallow until it looked like a piece of coal. He held his sugary goodie over the flames as she removed hers. As he watched her blow on her blackened snack, the pucker of her sexy, pink lips excited him, quickening his pulse.

  Why can’t I play it cool? After the sun went down, the temperature dropped, but he was sweating and his cock was so stiff it hurt. Her scent was driving him nuts, and the horse inside of him was in a tizzy. I want her so damn bad.

  She smashed the white centered blob between two graham crackers before taking a bite. “Oh, my God!”

  He tensed. “Too hot?”

  “So freakin’ delicious. Hurry up and fix yours. This sort of oral-tactile sensation should be a shared experience.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, okay.” He grabbed a couple of graham crackers from the small container he’d packed and sandwiched his molten sugar glob between them.

  “Alright, ready? On three.” Her facial features were bright with excited energy, her cheeks pushing upwards into a huge grin. “One…”


  In unison, they chanted, “Three.”

  Abram kept his gaze trained on her as she bit down. The sugary taste in his mouth didn’t compare to the sight of her as she closed her eyes and savored the morsel. His dick twitched and throbbed as he watched her chew, particularly as the tip of her tongue slipped between her lips and lapped at the sweetness.

  She blinked as she swallowed. “Mmm.” Her smile brightened her face. “Good huh?”

  His heart leaped. “Amazing.”

  After she finished her snack, Maddie reached into her knapsack and retrieved a zip-lock bag. “What some beef jerky?”

  “Heck yeah.” He held out his hand.

  She presented the bag, and he reached inside pulling out a piece of the seasoned, dehydrated meat.”

  “Do you need water?” He lifted his canteen.

  “I’ve got some.”

  Once the evening sky took over any visible clouds, Maddie reclined on the blanket and gazed upward. Abram joined her, resting on his back. “What are we looking at?”

  She pointed toward a patch of stars above. “Do you see anything? I’ve never been good at picking out which ones formed a particular constellation.”

  He aimed a finger upward. “I think that’s Scorpio.”

  She looked around. “Where?”

  The luminous spheres glittered like diamonds and seemed so close it was almost as if he could reach up and pluck them right out of the sky. He took her finger and trained it directly at one of the stars. “That one right there is the tip of its tail.” He touched his index finger to the side of her pointer while curving the rest of his fingers around her palm but leaving her thumb extended. As if he were drawing in the sky, he made a line connecting one star to the next. “From there, you go down and then crook around along these fellows until you go back up, up a
nd up.” Each time he said up, he pointed at a different star. I reckon this puts you at the head.”

  “Wow, I see it now.” He turned and glanced at her smiling face, but he didn’t release her hand. Instead, he entwined their fingers. As their gazes locked, a spine-tingling shudder ran up his back. He leaned in and she lifted her chin and closed her eyes. As their lips locked a jolt of exhilaration surged up from his core.

  He let go of her hand as he turned on his side, but she jumped into action, rolled him onto his back, and straddled him. He sat up, hugging her chest to his. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, exploring before meeting with hers in a playful dance and stirring a wave of saliva.

  As she pulled away from the kiss, disappointment swarmed his senses until he realized she was yanking her shirt off over her head. Her white bra cupped her large breasts, leaving only a small portion exposed, but it was enough to send a throbbing need into his groin.

  He captured her lips again as he palmed one of her soft, round mounds, gently kneading. Her scent caught in his nostrils. Delicious. She unbuttoned his shirt before he pushed it open and jerked the garment over his shoulders and then down his arms, letting go of her just long enough to free himself.

  He groaned as she ran her palms over his pecs and abdomen, her nails lightly scratching the exposed flesh. The pleasurable sensation sent shivers along his skin, raising the hairs on his arms. He closed his eyes and lifted his chin. “Mmm!”

  Maddie nuzzled at his neck as he valiantly fought the evil hook-and-eye clasps keeping her beautiful nipples hidden. He couldn’t wait to see, touch and taste them. As he claimed his victory, a huge grin spread across his face. He pulled the straps down her arms and the undergarment fell on his stomach.

  Abram toppled as she pushed him down, his back flat on the ground as her palms compressed his chest. He grinned as her full breasts hung down over his face. Going right for them, he grabbed one in each hand while lifting his head and encircling one of the hardened pink buds with his lips.

  She groaned and ground denim on denim as he sucked. His cock stiffened, fighting his jeans as the friction continued. He released her nipple just long enough to utter a guttural growl before seeking out and tasting the other bud.


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