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Attracted to the Earl

Page 13

by Bronwen Evans

  A shiver wracked her and Guy pulled her into an embrace. “Then that is where we will capture him if he tries to kill you—us.”

  “Rose’s cottage. We will use that. It’s surrounded by forest, so if he makes a run for it we can trap him. He’d never find his way out. He doesn’t know the forest like Brodie and I do. We will move Rose out while Patrick is here.”

  “So I’ll tell him we are secretly having an affair and we are meeting in the old tutor’s cottage that you and Reginald kept as a love nest for your women.” She buried her face in Guy’s chest. “I’m scared for you, for everyone. Maybe we could appeal to him. Tell Patrick we know what he is up to and will report him to the magistrate.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It might stop him for a while but I would continually be looking over my shoulder. He won’t give up.”

  Abigail knew what Guy said was true.

  “Let’s not ruin the rest of this night talking about him. We need to get up early to put everything in place in case he arrives tomorrow.” All the while he spoke he was lightly running his hands over her body, sweeping closer and closer to the wetness between her thighs. On a moan of pleasure she rose and straddled him.

  “My turn to do the work. I don’t want to hurt your ribs any more than necessary.” She plucked at the linen bandages. “I need you fighting fit.”

  His hands rose to cup her breasts. “You’ll get no argument from me, my sweet.”

  She loved watching him touch her. She loved watching him watch her as she rose and slowly slid down the hard length of him.

  * * *


  Guy was up and dressed just as the sun rose after he’d helped Abigail back to her room. Kit, Brodie, and Guy rode to Rose’s cottage and helped her pack. She would stay with her cousin’s family until this was all over.

  The men then dressed the cottage to make it look like a love nest. By the time they returned to Argyle House Abigail was just saddling Lady’s Secret. Guy dismounted and moved to her side. “You’re going into the forest today?”

  She looked around before saying in a whisper, “We should be acting normally in case we are being watched. We still do not know who the man was that cut Bolton’s girth. We have to look like we are not worried at all.”

  He felt his teeth grind in his tight jaw. “I see. Who are you taking with you?”

  “One of the grooms. Brodie needs to be here watching over the stables and you. I’ll be back just after noon.”

  “Be careful.”

  She smiled and nodded. With that he helped her mount and watched as they trotted down the drive. She would be safe until Patrick got here, then he was not letting her out of his sight. Kit moved to his side. “I’ll ensure Dora stays in the house while Patrick is here. It won’t pay to separate because we can’t guard everyone.”

  “Agreed.” As they turned to walk into the house for a late breakfast he added, “Any news on the hunt for our intruder? I’d hate to think it was one of the servants.” He watched Kit’s mouth firm and understood the identity of the man eluded them. “What about in the village. Any sign of strangers?”

  Kit shook his head. “None. But I’m sure it is not one of your servants. I have questioned all of them and know exactly where they were at the time. No, this was a stranger. He could be hiding anywhere in the valley. There are plenty of barns. But I stopped anyone from checking so as not to alert Patrick.”

  “We will just have to be on our guard. Ensure the lookouts are changed regularly so they don’t get too tired and miss something.”

  “Already done.”

  “Good. After we break our fast let’s go over all the reports and papers on my desk one last time. I can’t have Patrick getting a whiff of my secret until the trap is sprung.”

  However, the men barely got a few mouthfuls of food before a clatter of horses and carriage wheels could be heard outside. Guy rose and looked out the window, his hands clenching at his sides. “He’s bloody early.”

  Kit hurried over. “We should have expected that. Catch us off guard perhaps.” With a grim smile he added, “Let’s go and greet the man. I can’t wait for this skirmish to be over and I can punch him in his smug face.”

  “Me first. Actually let’s not go and greet him. I don’t want to set the wrong tone. I’m his superior. Let him come to me.”

  Kit’s smile was genuine as the two men made their way to Guy’s study. It was the best place to meet, with a solid desk between Guy and his enemy.

  The two men pretended to be pouring over a ledger on sheep production as the butler announced Patrick’s arrival. He swept into the room as if he owned the place, setting Guy’s teeth on edge. Guy rose to his feet and pointed to a chair. “Cousin Patrick, you made good time.”

  Patrick didn’t bother with any niceties, he merely plopped into the seat and said, “I hate traveling. I simply keep going until I reach my destination. We drove all through the night since the weather was fine and the moon was full.”

  “Should I be flattered that you wished to get here so quickly?” Guy asked dryly. “I don’t know why you would want to revisit so soon. It seems like only a few months since you were here for Reginald’s funeral.”

  Kit in the meantime had poured some brandy for their guest.

  “I thought it my duty to return just in case you needed help or advice. You have never run an estate, or been taught how to, since you suddenly left home at only fourteen. I know how overwhelming it can all be. I was older than you when my father died, my estate is much smaller, and I’d been taught, but it was still daunting.”

  “How thoughtful of you, cousin.” He took a sip of his brandy and tried not to choke on it. “I am managing just fine. In fact, the estate revenue is up ten percent in the past twelve months.”

  Patrick’s certain smile shifted. “No doubt due to initiates Reginald oversaw before his death.”

  “My brother was a remarkable man. To Reginald,” and he raised his glass. Once they had all drunken, Guy said, “I have arranged a hunt during your short visit, and if you’d like to do some trout fishing in the river that runs along the eastern boundary, I could organize that too. I’m sorry to say but Mother has also organized a dinner and I believe my neighbor, Viscount Newton, may be hosting a ball while you are here. Other than that you might find it quiet.”

  “You have no other guests staying?” And there it was, Patrick fishing to see if Abigail was here.

  “Not guests exactly. Apparently before he died Reginald had agreed to a Miss Pinehurst and her sister staying to find, of all things, the Ghost Orchid. A rare plant, I believe. Mother is very keen for it to be found on our estate. They are also in residence. I trust they will not disturb you.”

  “How disappointing. Disturb? Unlikely, for elderly bluestockings are not stirring to a man’s senses.”

  Clever. Patrick knew very well they were not elderly bluestockings. “You may be in for a surprise, cousin. The ladies are not elderly and are decidedly pretty.”

  Guy could see Patrick’s mind working. He was pleased Guy thought Abigail attractive. “Then I shall look forward to meeting them at dinner.” With that Patrick downed the rest of his brandy and rose. “As I have traveled most of the night, I intend to rest until dinner.” He turned to Kit. “Your man here can see me to my room.”

  “Actually I shall ring for Giles, he can show you the way.” Guy walked and pulled the chord and the silence lengthened before Giles appeared. “Please show my cousin to his rooms.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Kit and Guy remained silent until they heard Patrick’s booted feet fade away. Kit finally said, “That is not a man who has traveled all night.”

  “I concur.”

  “He must have a house in the wider area. That is why we cannot find this stranger who cut Bolton’s girth.” He punched his hand with his other fist. “How long has he had men watching us?”

  “I suspect dear cousin Patrick has been planning this since the day Reginald die
d. Both of us having accidents would look suspicious but now there is only me. If I die in an accident, would anyone question it? Patrick sits back and takes the title and the estate.”

  “Can’t we just have him shanghaied and put him on a boat to the Americas?”

  Guy gave a dry laugh that was barely audible. “He’d come back. No. I want this finished. I’m sick of hiding. All my life I’ve had people trying to stop me, kill me, make me a laughingstock. Well, it ends with Patrick Neville behind bars.”

  Guy pulled the bell again. “Let’s get Brodie in here and go over the plan. Abigail is willing to help but I’m not sure I want to put her in such danger. I want a small pistol found for her to carry at all times.”

  “As yet Dora knows nothing of this. Should I tell her so she is aware?”

  Guy rubbed his temple. “No. She might give the game away by acting scared. I can’t risk that. Abigail’s in enough danger as it is. If Patrick thinks she’s betrayed him…”

  “He won’t hurt her yet because that would alert you to what he is up to. No. She’s safe for now.”

  Guy sank into his chair as they waited for Brodie to join them. He still couldn’t believe that he’d asked Abigail to marry him. What hurt is she had not seemed overjoyed at the proposal. He had not considered that she would not accept. It was a dream offer for a woman of her station. She liked him, he knew that. Surely that was enough for her.

  She’d accused him of hiding and deep down inside he could not deny her allegation. It was easier to stay on the estate. He could relax and not worry about making a fool of himself. No one would find out how much of an idiot he was.

  If he was truthful Abigail was the answer to his prayers. The thought of having to woo a respectable lady to wife, while hiding his deficiencies—what if she learned the truth and mocked him. What if society deemed him unfit to run the estate? He’d lose everything, or worse, could they have him put in an asylum? His father had threatened to put him there. He still had nightmares about being sent away.

  An imaginary fist clenched his heart tight in his chest. He thought he loved Abigail. She deserved to be loved. But until he knew it was not fear guiding his decision to marry her, he would not bring it up again.

  There was a knock at the study door and Brodie entered. Guy pointed to a chair. “This is more important than any battle we have strategized. Everyone must know where to go and what to do. So let’s go over this one more time.”

  The three men huddled around the desk and planned how they would defeat Patrick.

  Chapter 14

  Abigail’s day in the forest had not been a total waste. She’d managed to get the two grooms she’d taken with her for protection to set up a small shelter so she could leave some of the tools she needed out there. That way she would not have to carry them every day. But she was dirty from helping to cut wood, etc. She wanted a bath.

  She entered her bedchamber and pushed the door closed behind her with her booted foot. She’d ordered the bath on her way upstairs. Annie and the two young footmen would be along soon with the bath and hot water. She rolled her shoulders. She couldn’t wait. She was deliciously tired from Guy’s lovemaking last night and a bit sore in places. Her mouth broke into a smile at the memories of Guy holding her as if she were the most precious gift he’d ever received.

  Then she thought about the trap they had to set. How would she get Patrick to the cottage? She rubbed the tension pounding in her temples. Patrick’s presence sent a menacing air stealing through the house. She didn’t know how good an actress she could be. Being near him made her want to empty the contents of her churning stomach.

  Worse, she was petrified for Guy. How long would Patrick stay before they could instigate their plan? This hiding of Guy’s secret from Patrick, while always watching to ensure Patrick did not knife him in the back, would be exhausting, and put her in a precarious situation.

  On top of Patrick’s threatening presence, Guy had proposed to her, and was waiting for an answer. She couldn’t use Patrick’s presence here as an excuse forever. How did she explain that she could never marry him?

  She wanted to tell him about her past, but she was scared of how he would react. If he looked at her differently…Her heart could stand a clean break. She could live with a kiss goodbye and the loving memories but not live with the idea that Guy despised her.

  But if Guy’s self-loathing—brought on because he could not read, regardless of all he’d accomplished in life—was ridiculous, then maybe, just maybe she could forgive herself for her past sins, given she had not willingly participated in her mother’s evil doings.

  She began to undo her riding jacket.

  “Have you anything to report?”

  She spun on her heals and almost screamed. Patrick was leaning on the bedchamber wall behind her. He must have been hiding behind the door when she entered.

  “What are you doing in my room? If someone catches you here…”

  “Then you best tell me some good news before that happens, or with one word from me about your past I’ll see you thrown out of this house and back on the streets from where you came.”

  What to tell him? What would a man like him believe? No doubt Patrick’s spy would have told him how friendly Guy and she had become. She even wondered if he had watched their love play out in the paddock when Guy came off Bolton. Most likely he had, as he’d have wanted to see if Guy had been hurt or killed by the fall.

  “I have got…close…to his lordship, as you requested. I feel it is only a matter of time before I learn more.”

  He strode forward. “I don’t have time. I must know now,” he hissed like the snake he was. “I hear ladies have been calling and his mother is suggesting a match with Lady Margaret.”

  So, they did have a spy in their midst. “I don’t want to say anything until I am sure. I’m meeting him tonight for another liaison and I’m going to test my theory as to what the secret is. You will know by tomorrow.”

  “What theory and where are you meeting him?” he said, stepping even closer.

  “His lordship keeps a cottage about two miles from here for his…entertaining, we shall say. That is where we are to meet. As to my theory, I will not divulge that until I’m sure.” Patrick’s face went purple with rage. “What if I am wrong, my mistake would cloud your judgment. You need your mind free to see what I may not be party to.”

  He seemed to consider this. “I knew you were just as bright as you are beautiful. I shall wait until tomorrow, then. What time are you to meet him?”

  And just like that the trap was set. It had been much easier than she imagined. “Right after midnight. The mare he’s given me to ride during my stay will be saddled, ready at the stables.”

  “I suspect with a beauty like you waiting in his bed he won’t be far behind you.” A glint of lust had sparked to life in Patrick’s eyes. She took a step back.

  “Look at you. The woman who said you were not that sort of woman…I knew all along that you liked lifting your skirts.” Without warning an arm slipped around her waist and he bent her back over his arm, leaning in, inhaling the scent of her. “So lovely, no wonder he was tempted. I did well finding you, my girl. I’m tempted to keep you for myself once this is over.”

  “If you don’t let me go I’ll scream the place down and I’d have to tell his lordship what you are up to.” She tried to shove his arms off her waist, but his bearlike embrace only tightened.

  “Don’t be a fool. As soon as I reveal the truth about your upbringing and what your mother used to have you do in the London brothel she owned, you’d be out on your ear. No money, no benefactors, you’d be right back where you came from, working on your back.”

  She closed her eyes and wanted to scream that Guy would never do that to her, but she couldn’t because, for one, that would give the game away, but worse still, she wasn’t sure of him. If he really loved her then maybe he’d show her some compassion, but she was not positive he wasn’t merely using her so he did not ha
ve to risk the world finding out he could not read.

  She thought of Lady Margaret and Miss Platt. She knew they would despise her and…her eyes flew open. Dora! What would her Mr. Hunter think of Dora when the details of her birth were disclosed? If he learned her parentage? It would break Dora’s heart if he scorned her.

  “Annie will be here very soon with the bath. How will I explain you being in my room? His lordship would learn of it and there would be a fuss. He might not even wish to meet with me, and there goes your best opportunity to find out his secret.”

  “One kiss and I’ll go. Perhaps a warm-up for when you are in my bed.”

  She looked at him evenly, willing the contents of her stomach to stay down. But if this is what it took to keep their plan in place and everyone safe, so be it. She willed away her revolt and nodded.

  He was on her in a flash. His rough, slobbery kiss, rather like a pack of rabid dogs, made memories of her past life flare. She tried to stop a tear from escaping. Never would she go back to that world. Patrick was all things she hated in men. Selfish, cruel, demanding, and he cared for no one but himself. She could not help gagging at the incursion of his tongue in her mouth and the disgusting taste of his power.

  Suddenly Abigail could hear the sound of approaching feet. Annie and the boys with her bath. She kicked him in the shin and he broke the kiss. “Someone is coming.”

  He stepped back and wiped his hand over his mouth. He eyed her like she was a sweet treat. “Very nice. I shall definitely look forward to our new arrangement once this is over.”

  Never. The shaking she’d tried to hide began in earnest. “Just go.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him across the room and through the connecting door into Dora and Molly’s room. Thank goodness it was empty.


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