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Salvatore (Mafia Heat, #3)

Page 7

by Jade, Ella

  I glanced down at the floor, not confirming anything.

  “I don’t care if you’re fucking him as long as you pay your debt to me.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “It’s really simple. You have to grant me access to that winery.”

  “What do you mean? Make a reservation.”

  “Do you think they’re going to let me stroll in there after I...” He cleared his throat. “Let’s say I’m not on the best terms with them.”

  “Why do you need to get into the winery?”

  “That doesn’t concern you. The less you know, the better.”

  “I don’t understand what you want with them but I can’t help you. I won’t do this.”

  “See, I was afraid you were going to disappoint me.” He shook his head. “You were eager to take my help when I offered it. You even shook on the deal and in my world that means everything.”

  “Let me pay back the loan.” How could I have been so stupid?

  “No!” he yelled. “You have a shift tomorrow night. All you have to do is open the back door by the basement for me. Leave it unlocked. No one uses that entrance. There are no cameras or guards back there. You don’t even have to see me. I’ll take it from there.”

  “There’s security everywhere. You probably won’t even get on the property.”

  “I’ll worry about that. You make sure that building is unsecured. That’s the hardest part.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ve thought about that and thanks to all the time you’ve been spending in the spotlight with Sal, I know how much he means to you. If you refuse to help me or if you tip any of the Marchellis off, one of them won’t make it through the night.”

  “What?” He wouldn’t.

  “The brothers might be a little harder to get to but Nadia and Angelique aren’t as heavily guarded or at least I could get to their drivers. Ask Vincenzo what happened to him last summer. It wasn’t as random as they made it out to be. Those fuckers don’t even give me credit.”

  “You shot Vince?” Oh God! What have I gotten myself into? “I can’t do this.”

  “Open the fucking door for me or I’ll shoot Salvatore between the eyes and I’ll make you watch.”

  A tremble rolled through me as he came toward me, this time pushing me against the door.

  “All of our actions have consequences. Yours, mine, my father’s, the Marchellis, even your own father. Remember what happened to him?”

  I had been just as stupid as my own father. Taking money from someone who would always expect something in return. My father couldn’t repay his debt. I could.

  “You were put in my path for a reason. All you have to do is unlock the door and your debt is paid. Your new boyfriend is of no interest to me if you do as I say. If you don’t, he’s my next target. Even if I have to take out a few others to get to him. Do you really want that on your head?”

  “No,” I whispered when I thought about Gianni and Angelique’s announcement. How could I bring this kind of horror down on them?

  “I didn’t think so.” He ran the back of his hand down my cheek. “It’s a shame I’m too busy to pursue you. Sal wouldn't stand a chance.” He winked. “If you do what you’re told, you won’t have to see me again.”

  “Do you promise you won’t hurt any of them?”

  “I’m not going there to hurt anyone.”

  “Okay.” My throat went dry while I contemplated his demands. What choice did I have? “I’ll let you in.”

  “I thought you might.” He wiped the tear from my cheek. “Sal will never know I was there so he can’t possibly trace this back to you. If he does, so be it. I won’t let you take the fall.”

  “Don’t touch me.” I backed away. “I want you to leave.”

  “You trusted me before. Nothing has changed. I’m not asking for anything you didn’t expect. You should have known I’d collect.” He opened the door. “You can make this painless for everyone. Don’t do the wrong thing.”

  I jumped when he slammed the door on his way out. Locking it quickly, I dropped to the floor, a trembling mess of guilt and fear. I knew what I had to do but could I betray the only person who mattered to me?

  I had to if it meant keeping him safe.

  MY HEART STRUMMED HARD inside my chest but it was the ache that settled deep inside me that was the hardest to ignore. What had I done? I’d unlocked the small door by the basement. The one that no one used. I didn’t even know what it was there for. It was nestled on the side of the building, shielded by shrubs. Out of sight. How had Franco even located it?

  I hurried down the hall, trying to get as far from the crime as possible. Trying to forget what I’d done, all I could hear were Sal’s words from two nights ago.

  I have to be careful who I trust, who I let in because of who I am.

  This should have nothing to do with him. His family kept him out of their illegal dealings. Protected him from men like Franco. If any of them knew what I had done...

  “Hayden.” When Sal called from behind me, I froze. He knows what I did. Slowly I turned, preparing to face my fate. Instead, I was met with his caring eyes and appealing smile. Maybe he’s my fate.

  “Hey.” I took in his gray suit and dark blue dress shirt. He wore a light gray tie with swirls that matched the suit. Always so put together. “You look handsome.”

  “You’re as beautiful as ever.”

  “In my work clothes?”

  “It doesn’t matter what you wear, you’re divine.” He pulled me into his embrace. “Rocco is looking for you.”

  “I’m on my way to the kitchen. I did a quick inventory of the walk-in.” That wasn’t a lie. I needed an excuse to be in this part of the building. “Everything looks good.”

  “If you need anything special, let me know. I’ll take care of it.”

  “All I need is you.” I kissed his cheek. “And a successful dinner service.” Oh, and maybe for Franco not to cause havoc in your life.

  “You’re in luck because you always shine in the kitchen and you certainly have me.”

  Get Franco out of your head! It’s over! You can move forward with Sal.

  “Are you okay?” He gazed at me suspiciously.


  “You seem distracted.”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “This isn’t about spending the night with me, is it? If it’s too much, too soon...”

  “Not at all. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “So am I. Joey brought your stuff upstairs.” He reached into his pocket. “Here’s my keycard. Swipe it on the panel at the elevator and you’ll have access to the loft.”

  “Aren’t we going up together?” I didn’t like the idea of him being down here late at night. Not if Franco was still here.

  “I’ll be up later than you. I have to close out and go over a few things once we’re done for the night. You could go up and unwind a bit. Shower, have a glass of wine, whatever you want. I won’t be too long.”

  “Will Joey still be here?”

  “He usually stays until I go up.” He laughed. “Are you worried about me?”

  “I guess I never really thought about the safety issues until I went to the main house and saw the security. It was daunting. Unexpected?”

  “I understand. I’m used to it.” He placed his hand on the small of my back. “I’ll walk you to the kitchen.”

  “Rocco’s going to send a search party for me.”

  “Have a good dinner service.” We stopped in front of the kitchen doors. “Rocco has added salmon to the menu tonight. There are a couple bloggers in the dining room. I’m sure it’ll be a huge hit.”

  “I’ll make sure everything is perfect for you.” I kissed his cheek. “See you later.”

  “Wait.” He tugged me to him. “I’m looking forward to later.”

  “Hmm.” I bit my lip. “It’s going to be a long night.”

  “I need something to hold me over.” />
  He pressed his lips to mine, taking his time, making my body crave him. I sensed several people walking by but that didn’t deter Sal. Why would it? No one was going to question him.

  “You better get in there, Chef.” He smirked. “I’m counting on you.”

  As he walked away, I realized I’d never wanted to come through for anyone as much as I wanted to for him. I only hoped that I hadn’t ruined it all before we even got started.

  Chapter Ten


  I Want To Be Your Everything

  I’d cut my paperwork short tonight. I was far too distracted knowing Hayden was upstairs waiting for me. The work would be there in the morning.

  As I made my way to the elevator, Joey stopped me.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “You’re going up early.”

  “You’re observant.”

  “It’s my job to know where you are,” he reminded me. “We had a security breach.”

  “Here?” I hoped this wasn’t going to take long. “Did you let Louie know?” Louie was our IT guy but also managed security around the winery.

  “I did.”

  “What happened? An alarm trip?”

  “No, it’s probably nothing.” He motioned down the corridor that led to the back of the building. “That old door that no one uses was unlocked.”

  “Well, if no one uses it, it’s probably been unlocked for a long time.”

  “I do a sweep of the entire building every few days. I check all the doors and search the basement to be safe. That door wasn’t unlocked the other night.”

  “Maybe someone used it to go out for a smoke? I’ll put out a memo stating that no side doors should be used for unofficial business.”

  “I’m going to have to let Dominick know.”


  “You know I have to tell him.” Joey shrugged. “I can’t lose this job.”

  “Do you honestly think I would ever let that happen?” Come to think of it, if something happened and Joey didn’t report it to Dominick, I probably wouldn’t be able to save him. “Do what you have to do. My father’s been talking about increasing security here. I don’t think it’s good for business but what can I do?”

  “It can’t hurt to secure the doors we don’t need. I’ve been thinking about how lax we are in the vineyards. Anyone could get on the property if they really wanted to.”

  “We can’t put armed guards all over the place.” I swiped my card and waited for the elevator doors to open. “I’m sure that unlocked door was nothing but I agree, let’s do what we can to keep the employees safe.”

  “Have a good night with Hayden.” He shot me an all-knowing grin. “I like her.”

  “You like that she made you breakfast.” I stepped into the elevator. “Go home early tonight.”

  “Ah, I’m going to stick around. Meet with Louie and make sure we’re okay here.”

  “You’re a good friend.” I waved to him as the doors shut. With Joey around, I had nothing to worry about.

  Hell! Once Dominick got wind of the unlocked door, I’d have no control over security. When he and Gianni renovated the loft, they made sure it was safe for me to stay here. Security was the main reason my father wanted us all at the main house. He could keep a better eye on us. He wanted us under his protection. I’d been trying to distance myself from all of that.

  There wasn’t anything I could do about it now. I’d try to have a calm and rash discussion with my brother later. Like that would happen. That would have to be a problem for tomorrow.

  When I entered the loft, any thoughts about security, unlocked doors, and my brother were forgotten. Standing at my kitchen counter was the most breathtaking sights. Hayden. Visions of the last time she was here cluttered my thoughts. The heat of her soft flesh pressed against mine, my fingers in her hair, her palm wrapped around my...

  “Hi.” She looked up at me, fluttering those long eyelashes that accentuated her gorgeous eyes. “Everything okay downstairs?”

  “Yeah.” I ran my hand over my chin as I took in her appearance. She wore a black, silky tank top and red shorts that barely covered her butt cheeks. Her nipples strained against the material while her cleavage spilled out of the top.

  “Are you okay?” She came into the foyer to join me. “You’re distracted.”

  “You think?” I rubbed my hands down her sides and to her hips. “How can I be expected to form a coherent thought when you greet me like this?”

  “I could put on a sweatshirt and yoga pants if you’d rather.” She slipped off my jacket, draping it over the chair by the door.

  “Don’t you dare.” I planned to have her naked in a few minutes. “This is perfect.”

  “Would you like a glass of wine?’

  “Not at the moment.” Taking her face between my hands, I kissed her lips. “How was your shift?”

  “Really good.” She took my hand and led me over to the couch. “We’re all working as a team. Rocco’s come up with some wonderful creations. You’re going to be impressed.”

  “He already has me pairing the wines to go with his new dishes. People are going to love his lobster infusions.”

  “Sushi is the way to go.”

  “He learned some valuable lessons when I sent him to Japan this past winter.”

  “He told me.” She cuddled against me, resting her head on my shoulder. The scent of her freshly washed hair permeated between us. “He met with some of the best chefs there. That was generous of you to arrange that for him.”

  “He works hard.” I removed my tie and unbuttoned my shirt. “He deserves it. Of course, it’s beneficial for me too. The more he learns, the better my restaurant becomes.”

  Rocco was a huge asset to the winery. He was bold and wasn’t afraid to take risks when it came to his cooking. I never questioned his choices. They always seemed to pay off. The critics adored him and the customers kept coming back.

  “Do you have a passport?” I lifted her tank top to reveal a sliver of skin. Enough for me to run my fingers over.

  “No.” She kissed my jaw. “I never needed one.”

  “We’ll have to expedite you one.”


  “How can you be a world-renowned chef without a passport?”

  “I’m not a world-renowned chef.”

  “Not yet, but give me time.” I faced her. “I need to go to Italy in the next month and I’d like you to join me. I’ve spoken to a few chefs who can meet with you for some cooking classes.” Swiping her hair to the side, I kissed the top of her shoulder. “It’ll be a great opportunity for you.”

  “You want to take me to Italy?”

  “Yes, if there’s time, maybe we could hit Paris too.” I moved my thumb along her bottom lip. “That wouldn’t be work related. That would be a vacation for the two of us. You’ll simply adore the shops and restaurants there.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “I wouldn’t joke about Italy or France.” I hadn’t been to Paris in a few years but I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d like to spend time with there. “We’ll get your paperwork for your passport started tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s one response that I’d accept.” I lifted her into my lap. “Since we’ve already established I don’t approve of the word no, you only have one response left.”

  “I...” She took a deep breath. “We can be away from here?”

  “With some planning. Think of it as on the job training. Rocco will be the first to tell you how important it is to travel to these places. It will make you a stronger cook.”

  She had talent, now I had to help her refine her skills. Make her understand the true meaning of cooking. With her determination and intelligence, she could go far in this industry. I wanted to be the one to get her there.

  “You’re too kind to me.” She looked away from my eyes. “I don’t deserve any of this.”

  “Why would you say

  “I told you, I’m used to fending for myself.”

  “You need to stop that way of thinking.” I raised her chin, so she had to look at me. “You have my full confidence. If you’re a success, I’m a success.” I grinned. “This has nothing to do with what’s developing between us. I believed in you before we...”

  “Slept together?” She kissed my cheek, her center brushing against my hard cock when she inched closer.

  “Yeah.” I bit my lip when I thought about that incredible experience. “Let me help you.”

  “Hmm...” She slithered down my body, dropping to her knees. When she reached for my belt buckle, she darted her tongue out, slowly licking her top lip.

  “What are you doing?” I raised my hips when she yanked my pants and boxers down my legs.

  “Helping you.” She leaned forward, taking my erect cock into her hand. “I’ve been thinking about doing this all night.”

  “I think about you doing this all the time.” I rested my head against the back of the couch. “Oh...” I moaned when she wrapped her lips around me. “That’s fantastic.”

  She bobbed her head up and down, taking me as deep as she could. She gripped the base tight, pumping and sucking in pleasurable unison. With each pass of her tongue, my breaths increased until they turned into pants.

  Twisting her hair around my fingers, I tugged her head, setting a quicker pace. She hummed around me, driving me closer to the edge but that wasn’t how I wanted this to end. I wanted to be inside her, making her scream in ecstasy.

  “Wait.” I released her hair, guiding her away from me before it was too late.

  “Don’t you want me to finish?” She licked her lips. “All the way?”


  “As tempting as that sounds.” I helped her off her knees. “I have something else in mind.”

  “Something like this?” She slipped her shorts down her legs, revealing herself.

  When she climbed back into my lap, straddling me, I almost lost it. The stimulation was too much. As she wiggled against me, the wetness of her core heated my flesh. Sliding her tank up, I pulled it over her head. When she arched her back, the tip of my erection pushed against her slick entrance.


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