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by Kausar Ali

The behavior of an individual may be simplified as an event beginning with and ending at a situational response. Man is a rational being endowed with Head, Heart and Hand and thus expected to behave with all in coordination with a purpose and intention – implied and/or explicitly defined. The involuntary response to a situation is but a simplistic view of a personality and to my understandings falling short of the definition of PERSONALITY precise. The Personality is the mode and modicum of behavioural response with all 3 agents in coordination.

  Personality is a composite, structured and self-composed profile of a person. It is a journey from a Psychological Man endowed with Instincts and enriched with Traits to stage of Behavioural Performer benefitting its Self and Community at large. Personality is a stage and status of a person enabling him/her to benefit assuredly on sustained manner irrespective of varied traits and biological constituency. A Living Personality is the convergence of Instincts, Traits & Skills and Values. The Personality is thus a promised portfolio of performance and not a designated stratification to celebrate over.

  The point of convergence being highly influenced by VALUES and so is the Personality Behaviour. It is why some personalities are represented by values they firmly uphold.

  Personality is expressed during interaction and transaction governed by inventories built upon its biological origins, physiological needs, past experiences, traits possessed, environment, intelligence and values upheld. It is VALUES that enrich transaction with Purpose and Intention. It is values that have directional effects on Nature, Modicum, Span and Impact of Outcome – Anticipated, Intended, Assured, Pre-visualized and Expressed through. The rational, voluntary and planned approach of adult response to circumstances is the Face and Facet of Personality. In absence of VALUES, the behavior of an individual presumably controlled solely by unconscious forces of TRAITS is mere a mode of stimulating response resembling biological organisms. Man is superior for VALUES it upholds and VALUES it preaches through its practices.

  لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ {95:4-6}

  We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,- Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: For they shall have a reward unfailing. [95:4-6]

  The VALUES provide motivation and rational behind a behavior mistakenly presumed to be “CONTROLLED SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY BY TRAITS” [See Trait Theory proposed by Holland]. It is the underlying VALUE attribute that leads and guides transactions and interactions among individuals.

  VALUES: They are not Traits. VALUES may be defined as elements of attributes. VALUES are essentially attributes of conscious choice and elements of personal discretion for whether to uphold or to deny in totality at will. As they are controllable exclusively by an individual and thus one is free to express VALUES during transaction as much and as long he/she wishes. Man is a sentient being. He is free to adopt which one/all of the VALUES he wishes to express through its behavior. Achieving an ideal state of assured all time behavior to all of transactions in total compliance with cherishing values by an individual has ever been a challenge to mankind.

  VALUES sincerely embraced by an individual do enrich behavior with directions to lead and guide. The VALUES may either be Positive or Negative. The Positive Values assure Positive Results of Rewards and Successes while Negative Values lead to Failure and disappointment. Some of the results of values are self-evident, imminent and thus unquestionably appreciated by individuals while some values are linked to consequences not easily discernable. The consequences of some of the value attributes are located in hereafter and thus essentially unknowable. [Refer Logical Positivism Module I]

  The values are Attributes of universal applicability irrespective of Traits and predilections of an individual. They are not inborn. They need to be nurtured by systematic approach. They are learnt through behaving members of family, seniors, peer groups, admiring personalities and societies in general. Institutions like schools, colleges, professional coteries, social organizations of influence do play decisive role in defining, inculcating, imbibing, promoting and nurturing of such VALUES. They are

  compatible with all class and categories of TRAITS AND SKILLS.

  They are extra Catalytic Agents leading to Conversion of Trait Possessor into Zealous Personality Performer.

  As they are not material in form and tangible in nature, they cannot be discovered by scientific means nor debated, analyzed, discussed to reach a solution. They belong to Apriori Synthetic Knowledge Class and thus may at most be inferred by Intellect in coordination with Heart for its perceived inherent accuracy and assured yield claims they entail [Refer Module I – Logical Positivism].


  Values as entities are non-material in nature. They can neither be procured, nor synthesized by any means. Man as ever is dependent upon sources other than its self for such class and category of realities else wander in valley of speculations, conjectures and wild guessing about realities essentially unknowable in nature. The heavenly guidance in the form of divine writs provide these essential elements as blessings to mankind. The values by its virtue of assured utility command appreciation, adoption and adornment by individuals equipped with primary resources - inventory of unique traits and specific skill contents. Though they cannot be procured by man (being Apriori Synthetic Knowledge Class), they cannot be denied for benefits they endow and consequences they entail. The consequences are specific to individuals and generic to civic society (Society as composed of individuals). Further, they are easily appreciable for its contents and claims they propose to man with a commonsense. They are but inferable through pious intuition and conscience.

  Some of the Value attributes of such universal applicability to any Biological Man endowed with Utility Traits and Earned Skills are submitted for illustration:

  Honesty and Integrity: Honesty is a value attribute. Man having adopted honesty in transaction is assured to enrich its surroundings and add value to any activity he performs. Who can deny the worth of an Honest Police Inspector endowed with the highest of Professional Skills and Investigative Traits?

  Altruism: The element of altruistic approach of working benevolently can hardly be underscored. Traits and Skills gained are but resource contents. They are meant for providing services in the form of products – tangible and intangible. The case of altruistic motive has a lasting effect in developing rather nurturing society on similar values. In absence of Altruism, man is left with no choice but to admit the tragic fact of exploring society on selfish base and barbaric motive leading to animosity.

  Piety: The piety is a gentleman approach to righteous living based on justice, mutual faith and fraternity with passion of sharing wisdom. The value of such personalities can hardly be underestimated.

  Compassion and Love: It is the Value attribute leading to performance with sense of satisfaction to the owner. Who can deny the commitment of a zealous doctor who works out of love and compassion towards his clients?

  Noble Freedom of Communication: It is the tacit Value attribute of permitting a noble individual and institution committed to decency with Freedom to Propagate Positive Values (VIRTUES) and Restrict dissemination of Negative Values (VICE). The task is inevitable for sustained benefit of self and destined welfare of community. None can deny the possibility of the evil of corruption taking its roots and turning chronically pervasive throughout a society in absence of an effective mechanism and structural forum to restrict it. Similarly, the multiple benefits of a society built on institutional stronghold of promoting virtues can hardly be denied of its significance and utility.

  For learning about details of such values, please refer the divine writ with scholarly insights to appreciate
about its need, relevance, efficacy and consequences.


  A man delivers (acts/reacts) only when he feels motivated enough to perform. An ordinary man delivers in hopes of better rewards and larger benefits in sight. An ambitious hasty personality in pursuit of material gains as rewards performs so long he is in belief with Returns on investment (RoI) proportionate. A highly ambitious personality believing in and fully convinced with assured returns in hereafter performs altruistically for larger gains in days to come.

  Some of the universal values turn out to be so expressive to a personality, he/she is rather identified with the Value Attribute he/she possesses instead.


  Many a times, Behaviour based on Traits and Skills is mistakenly understood as synonymous with a Personality linked to Career Performance. Personality is the Value-inclusive behaviour that is destined to adorn career. Personality is thus Career with attributes enabling performance. It is not restricted to a specific task, designation, state, sex, clan etc. It is all about influencing by Just delivering and Wise performing.

  Secondly, it would be improper to identify a person exactly and strictly to Holland’s one of the six personality types conforming in totality. A person may be versatile, varying in degrees of propensity and likings and so is the aptitude.

  Finally, a person is highly adaptable. Under circumstances, he may learn to adopt new personality traits and thus the Journey of Personality Grooming is all Dynamic, Challenging, and somewhat Unpredictable too.

  To reiterate, the values are threads of universal applicability yet elements of choice for man with a commonsense a whether to Appreciate, Stay indifferent or Adopt sincerely.

  The perceived benefits of all acclaimed values popularized as Professional Ethics, Workplace Ethics etc are nothing but expressing tributes to the elements of worthy. However, man is still in need and mercy of guidance for Identifying Values assuring benefits everlasting and consequences extended - beginning with this world to hereafter. It is Quran which delivers such Values of Universal Applicability and Eternal Utility with assured benefits herein and hereafter.

  The following is the table displaying select VALUES as Words of Attributes defined by Lexicon vis-à-vis interpreted by Divine Writs of Heavenly origins. They are compiled to provide mere a glimpse of What, How and How Much the Values are catalytic revolutionizing individuals and in consequence capable transforming world for a better, safe, peaceful and prosperous community of a TRUE COMMUNE.


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