Only Her

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Only Her Page 2

by Lucy Darling

  How she had tasted like sweet strawberries on a hot summer day. Refreshing. It was intoxicating. Her mouth had drawn me to it. I had no idea lips could be so soft. It matched well with her body. She is soft all over, and all I can think about is gripping her hips while I drive into her, leaving my mark on her creamy, flawless skin. When I pulled away, there was no missing the desire in her eyes.

  I glance over at Kennedy again, noticing her lips are a little swollen. Something about that makes me smile, knowing that I left my mark on her. I couldn’t help myself. Once I pressed my mouth against hers, there was no going back. It might be a whole week before I am able to get my hands back on her, so I had to savor the moment. I think in reality I’ve made it worse for myself. One taste of her and now my fate is sealed.

  The reality of what she tastes like, of how she feels pressed against me was twenty times better than in any fantasy I’ve had of her. And there have been many. When I stepped back from her, needing space to get my shit together before I went too far, I saw her delicate hands holding me tight. She clung to me. She pulled me to her as if she herself couldn’t last another second without me.

  “Will you have a lot of family at the wedding?” her sister Kinley asks. Kennedy shifts in her chair. The light hits her ring, making the entire room sparkle. It really is unmissable. That was the plan. With a diamond so big it was easy to put in a tracker.

  “Yes. My parents will be there. My brother is going to fly in if he can pull himself away from work.” Mom has been giving me shit about this wedding, wanting to know why she hasn’t met my future bride. Why she can’t be a part of the wedding plans. If she knew the truth, my mom would lose it. She and my dad were high school sweethearts. My mom would have my ass if she knew how I got my future bride.

  “Anyone else?” I wish Kennedy would ask me questions. Her voice is always soft and soothing, and when she is talking, you catch a glimpse of one of her dimples. I didn’t know dimples were a turn-on. Now they are for me. I want to see her blush and smile at the same time.

  “Emily invited some others. She gave you a head count, no?” I stare at Kennedy, willing her to answer me. Her pink tongue slides out as she licks her bottom lip. My cock that I was trying to get down comes roaring back to life.

  “She did. She’s been very helpful. Sometimes it feels like I am marrying her.” She gives a half smile, picking up her wine and taking a sip. The smile is fake. Her eyes show anger. Is she mad I kissed her or is she mad that I’m having Emily handle the wedding? I thought it was for the best to keep space between us, or I’d be going further than our little bathroom makeout session before we say I do.

  “It’s nice you can afford help to handle the silly details.” I don’t think my wife feels the same as her mother. She goes back to eating, and I see her sister lean over and say something under her breath that has Kennedy fighting a laugh.

  “I didn’t want to intrude,” I tell Kennedy honestly. Plus it sounds boring as shit. Tasting cakes and picking out tablecloths. “But my mother would enjoy being a part of some of the planning if you’re okay with that?”

  Kennedy sits up straighter. “Your mother?”

  “She's excited.” I shrug.

  “That’s fine.” Her face doesn’t look like it’s fine.

  “I would love to meet your parents.” Laura beams at me. I already know Mom isn’t going to like Kennedy’s mother.

  We all go back to eating, and William steers the conversation to work and the ideas he has. He already got the one and only deal he’s ever going to get from me. I wouldn’t trust him to handle the vending machines in the employee break room.

  His past decisions have gotten him to where he is now: pushing his daughter into marriage in order to save his ass. I’m not complaining because I get my angel in the deal. If anything, he should kiss his daughter’s ass. It would be a whole lot harder for me to tell her no. Him I could care less about.

  How the evening both drags on and seems to pass too quickly I have no idea. Between the heavy scent of Linda’s perfume and her high-pitched practiced laugh, a headache starts to form at the base of my skull.

  “Why don’t you walk Mr. Kane out, Kennedy?” Finally the woman is useful for something. Kennedy gives a stiff nod as she starts to rise from her chair. I wait for her to offer her my arm. She takes it, looking up at me. She licks her lips, her cheeks going pink, and I know she’s thinking about our kiss. I know it’s all I’m going to be thinking about until I get another taste of her.

  “I wasn’t trying to be rude about your mother. Of course she can come. I was a little surprised.”

  “Or worried that she might be overbearing like your own mother?” She pauses, looking up at me and batting her lashes, and I know I hit the nail on the head. “She’s not. Mom will bend over backwards to get you what you want. She’ll be an asset. I promise. You’re going to enjoy her company.”

  “That sounds nice.” We start walking again toward the door. I pull it open, and she starts to let my arm go, but I don’t let her. I pull her outside with me, letting the door fall closed behind us. I need a few more moments with her before I go.

  I pull her into me, and just like in the bathroom, her fingers dig into the front of my shirt.

  “Remember what I said earlier, Kennedy. You don’t want to see what I’m capable of doing.”

  Her mouth falls open. “Are you threatening me?”

  “No. I’m threatening any man that you let touch you.” Before she can say anything, I take her mouth in another kiss. I make sure this one isn’t as long as the last, knowing I’m holding on to my control by a very thin string. Any longer and it might get too out of hand.

  When I step back, her eyes are hooded, her breathing is heavy, and I want nothing more than to take her right here and now. It gives me hope that she feels this and that I’m not fucking crazy. “Be a good girl.” I turn, heading toward my town car and sliding into the back.

  I release a breath. This is going to be the longest week of my life.



  “This is what I’ve been waiting for. The real reason anyone should get married.” My sister's eyes are on the variety of cakes that they’ve placed in front of us. I have to agree. Out of all the wedding planning crap, this is going to be the funnest. I’ve been looking forward to getting to taste each and every one of them. All that sugary sweetness in one place waiting to fill my belly.

  “It’s going to be hard to pick.” They all look beautiful, but what really matters is the taste. Well, that’s what matters to me, anyway.

  “Are we starting soon?” Mindy asks, coming out from the kitchen in the back of the bakery. It’s Sunday afternoon, and we’ve got the place to ourselves. They are pulling out all the stops to make sure everything goes smoothly. I don’t even know how Emily got them to shut the place down.

  I think Mindy is hoping to get some notoriety from it since her little bakery isn't well known. Kinley and I stumbled across it one afternoon and now whenever one of us is upset we either come here, or we get something and bring it to the other.

  “Just waiting for my mom.” It’s a couple minutes until three. That’s the time Emily had set the tasting to start. As usual, my mom is late. I wonder if she’s actually going to show up. She was less than thrilled at my choice of bakeries. She was unusually upset about it. It was the one thing I wouldn't give on. Which only made her push harder, of course. I wouldn’t put it past her to use this opportunity to make her disapproval known.

  “When it hits three, we’re eating cake.” The look on Kinley’s face dares anyone to question her. We turn when the bell over the door of the bakery goes off. A striking older woman steps inside with a warm smile on her face. My eyes meet hers, and they feel familiar. The smile grows bigger as she looks at me like she knows me.

  Then I see him. Gerrit stands behind the woman. He says something to her, causing her to nod. He helps her out of her coat before throwing it over his arm. It's a small gesture, but
it warms me that he would think to do such a thing. It is sweet and so different from the man that pushed me into the bathroom, barking orders at me before kissing me like he had every right to. You kissed him right back, I remind myself.

  I stand as they move closer, giving his mom a smile. She does look as if she’s nice, as Gerrit was saying.

  “Hi, Mrs. Kane. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I hold out my hand, but she ignores it, pulling me into a tight hug instead.

  “I could strangle my son,” she huffs, not really sounding mad at all. She leans back, looking down at me. She’s on the taller side. I barely hit five and a half feet. “How could he have such a beautiful girl in his life and not mention her to me? His own mother. The woman who gave birth to him. Twenty hours of labor—”

  “You said fifteen last time.” He gives her a warm smile that makes something funny happen in my chest.

  “I’m not speaking to you.” She shoots Gerrit a glare.

  He fights another smile but does shut his mouth. Mrs. Kane fluffs my hair out a little, still looking over me. I try not to fidget. Suddenly it seems important that I make a good impression on her. I remind myself that she’s not my mom. That she’s not looking at me to judge every detail about me. Unlike when my own mother looks me over. That usually ends in a lot of tears.

  “At least he’s marrying up. Did he have to bribe you?” She smirks. I know she’s teasing him, but she hits closer to home than I think she knows.

  “I’m Kinley.” My sister pops up behind me. “The crazy sister.” She glares at Gerrit. Well, I think it’s a glare, but she’s blinking a lot.

  “Every family needs a crazy one. They bring all the fun and action.” She goes for Kinley next, hugging her too. “And you're just as beautiful as your sister. I bet you two will make beautiful babies.” I bite my bottom lip as my face flames thinking about what it takes to make a baby. I also don’t know if she’s saying my sister and I will or Gerrit and I together will. “You know I have another son.”

  “Mom.” Gerrit cuts her off.

  “Fine.” She rolls her eyes. “We can talk about that later.” She winks at Kinley.

  Gerrit pulls out a chair for his mom. She sits down next to my sister. I’m about to try and sneak in between them, but Gerrit takes my elbow, leading me around the table and pulling a chair out for me. I sit down. Both his mom and my sister are watching us. He sits down next to me. I gasp when the chair starts to slide, pulling me closer to him. He hooked his foot under it to drag it over to him.

  Mrs. Kane starts laughing. “I’m rather enjoying this.” Mindy comes back out a few moments later and brings out some waters for everyone before she brings out the first round of mini cakes.

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “I know a lot of things.”

  I shake my head, which earns me a rare smile from him. One that makes him look more boyish than the normal suited-up Gerrit I’ve always come into contact with. He’s not even in a suit today, and I’m pretty sure that is a first for him. He’s in jeans and a black plain shirt that stretches across his broad chest. He looks like a normal guy. Except for the Rolex on his wrist that cost more than some people’s cars.

  “You’re staying?”

  “Yes.” He leans back, throwing his arm over the back of my chair and looking as relaxed as if he’s without a care in the world. As for me, I’m fighting not to fidget, a terrible habit of mine that Mom has been trying to break my whole life. It’s gotten better over the years, but times like these are when it’s the hardest for me to control.

  “You look beautiful as always,” he whispers in my ear, and my whole body lights up. I swing my eyes to him. He grabs my hand, running his finger over the ginormous ring he gave me. We continue to stare at one another.

  “Round one.” Mindy’s voice breaks me out of whatever hold that man’s handsome face has over me. She’s followed by a few helpers who go around the table, placing the first of the mini cakes in front of everyone. “I started off with a classic. Vanilla cake with vanilla bean buttercream. Simple but delicious.”

  When the vanilla cake with fresh strawberry filling comes out, I moan. I feel Gerrit tense beside me. I steal a peak at him to see that he’s staring at me.

  “Do you like the strawberry?”

  He nods. My eyes linger on the hard line of his jaw, enjoying the dusting of his five o’clock shadow coming in. It looks good on him. I’m sure most things do.

  “I’ve been craving strawberries lately.” His eyes drop to my mouth. I stare at him for a moment before my mind catches up to what he’s saying. I always wear strawberry lip gloss. It’s an obsession of mine.

  “I think this is a winner,” Kinley declares in a low whisper. “No need to let them know before we’ve sampled all of them, though. We’re getting more of that cake.”

  Gerrit’s mom, Evelyn, as she asked me to call her a few minutes ago, laughs along with my sister.

  When the bell over the door sounds again, we all turn and look to see it’s my mother. “I don’t know why we had to come all this way for a cake,” she huffs as she fiddles with her purse. “I’m sure that soon-to-be husband of yours could have arranged for this to be done at home.” I drop my head, feeling embarrassed in front of both Gerrit and his mom.

  “Oh,” Mom says in shock a moment later. I’m guessing she hadn’t realized that my soon-to-be husband was here. “You know because there is so much to do and only one of you.” She quickly tries to cover up her earlier complaint, and pretend that she wasn’t trying to put me down and was actually concerned with my well-being. “People coming to the house would be easier on you, sweetheart.”

  Sweetheart? Kinley mouths, a look of confusion on her face. I’m sure I’d be wearing the same exact expression if I weren’t so upset that she embarrassed me. Gerrit's thumb lazily drifts across my back, his hand still on the chair.

  “My wife can have whatever she wants. Wherever she wants it.” His unwavering gaze is locked on my mother. His jaw is hard, as though he’s trying to control his anger. I find that I’m the one reaching for his hand this time under the table. His eyes go to where I’m now stroking his hand before locking with mine. “Next time be on time or don’t show up at all.”

  We all sit there in shock. I’m finding my future husband has many sides to him. It’s clear you don’t want to get on his bad one.



  I pop another roasted nut into my mouth as we head towards my parents’ place to drop my mom off.

  “I was worried when you told me you were getting married. That you were rushing into something, but I get it now. That girl is an angel. She clearly didn’t pick up her mother’s traits. Thank God because that woman is unbearable.” My mom is right, Kennedy is an angel.

  “She's sweet,” I agree. Too sweet for me. It still isn’t going to stop me from having her. I thought she might get pissed when I lashed out at her mother, but she did the opposite. She reached out for me. I felt as though I’d won some battle in that moment.

  “Are you going to come in and say hi to your father?”

  “Not today.”

  Mom lets out a huff. “It’s Sunday. Please tell me you’re running off to see your fiancée and not going to the office.”

  “Work,” I admit. I’m a lot of things. An asshole, pushy, demanding—I’m sure the list could go on and on—but I’m not a liar.

  “Will you slow down once you’re married? Once that sweet angel gives you babies?”

  “Dad worked.” He was always at the office.

  “I know.” I look to my mom to see regret in her eyes. “My boys are following in their father's footsteps.”

  “That’s a bad thing?”

  She gives a small smile. “My husband is the best man I know. But there is more to life. Have you ever wondered why he retired early?” That was a little shocking. He didn’t need the money, but I thought working was in his blood.


  “Me. After y
ou two went off to college it was he and I. I was done sharing him. Soon we’ll have grandbabies to keep us busy.”

  “That’s the plan.” I don’t mean to say it out loud, but seeing my mom's face light up I don’t regret it one bit. It’s not shocking that Dad retired because Mom asked him. He’s always given her whatever she wanted. I know my mom. I bet she didn’t say a word about his busy work hours when we were growing up, wanting him to achieve his dreams. It’s sweet that after all these years they just want more time together.

  Mom's phone dings and she checks it as we pull up to her place. I step out, holding the door open for her.

  “She is so sweet,” Mom says, getting out of the car. I look down to the phone in her hand.

  “You got her number?”

  “Yep.” Of course she did. She hugs me before dropping a kiss on my cheeks. I give Dad a wave as he opens the door for Mom before she’s even to it.

  When I slip back into the car, irritation hits me. She can text my mom but not me? I gave her my number. I grabbed her phone while it sat on the table. She looked at me curiously when I picked up her hand and put her thumb on it.

  She wasn’t too happy about that, but nonetheless I programmed my number in before handing it back. I didn’t only get a glare from her but also her sister and my mom.

  I push the button so that the divider comes down so I can get Connor’s attention. “Straight home,” is all I say before putting it back up. I don’t want to go to work now. I’m agitated and there’s only one way to fix that.

  I’m still not sure what possessed me to show up to the bakery today. I could blame it on my mom, but I’d been thinking about it all night. That I might get a chance to get her alone for a few minutes. To get another taste of those sweet lips.

  I rub my hand through my hair. While that would have been nice, the truth was I’d wanted to please her. I’m not even sure why. I’ve never cared what anyone else thought besides my family. I’m used to doing what I want whether people agree with it or not. Yet, when it comes to her, I want her approval.


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