Only Her

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Only Her Page 6

by Lucy Darling

  Gerrit: There is always tonight.

  Gerrit: Are you having fun?

  Gerrit: Kennedy

  I smile at all the missed texts. I can hear the warning in his text from him only saying my name. That thought only makes me smile bigger. There is something about his bossiness that works for me. If I try and put up a wall, he pushes right through it. I know it’s a habit of mine to protect myself. I learned to do it early in life so that I could deal with my mom. But I know that I now erect those walls whenever I’m unsure of something or think I can get hurt. It’s my way of protecting myself. It’s why I haven’t dated much.

  “You’re smiling like a goofball,” Kinley says in my ear over the music. “He’s growing on me.”

  “Me too,” I admit.

  “He’s smitten with you.” I give her a skeptical look. “Come on, Kennedy. He has to feel something if he pushed for this marriage.” That is true.

  “I don’t want to make this into something it’s not and end up getting hurt.”

  “What if it could be more? Think about it is all I’m saying. Look at his parents. They have a dream marriage.” They do from what I know.

  The server comes back a moment later to the VIP area, handing us all our drinks. I sip mine slowly, already feeling buzzed as I think about how to respond to Gerrit. I read his texts over again.

  Me: How did you know I was out?

  He asked if I was having fun tonight earlier.

  Gerrit: I always know where you are.

  That should bug me, but all it does is make a thrill run through me. It also makes me more confused. If this was just a business deal to him, then why would he care what I was doing?

  “Phones off!” Becky shouts over the music, taking my drink from me and setting it down on the table. “It’s time to dance.” She pulls me toward the crowded dance floor, and we all start to dance.

  We get lost in the music all dancing together. It’s not long before I feel a hand on my waist. I reach down and push it away. Usually they get the point, but whoever this jerk is decides to grab both of my hips and pull me into him. Kinley’s eyes go wide before a smile spreads across her face. The smell of Gerrit hits me, letting me know whose hard cock is now pressed into my backside. A thrill runs through me at the thought of him coming here for me. I turn, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “You came.” I smile up at him. He’s still in his suit, but his tie is gone, and the top two buttons of his shirt are undone. The sleeves are rolled up, and his hair is a little bit of a mess like he’s been running his fingers through it all night. He looks even more sexy than usual. My body hums with excitement at his presence.

  I keep swaying to the music, but Gerrit only stands still, keeping me pressed up against him. His eyes are heated, and I know he likes my dress.

  “You didn’t respond to my texts.” He must have sent more after I left my phone at the table. I was kind of hoping that would happen.

  “Oops.” I pull him down to me for a kiss. He pauses for a moment, and I think he’s going to break the kiss until his fingers dig into my hips more before he takes my mouth as though he’s starved for me.

  His tongue tangles with mine. I try to push myself more into him. I'm already flush against him, but I need more.

  “Kennedy.” He says my name with that warning tone. I don’t think it has the effect he’s thinking it will. It only makes a thrill shoot through me. I’m on edge already, and my body knows that he’s the only one that can give it what it needs.

  “I want your mouth on me again,” I whisper into his ear. He grabs my hand. I’m almost a little shocked that those words even came out of my mouth. But Gerrit makes me feel and do things that I never have before.

  “We’re leaving.” He starts to pull me off the dance floor. I look back to Kinley, who is laughing as she waves goodbye. Did she know this was going to happen?

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Home.” I almost have to run to keep up with his pace as we exit the club.

  “Heels!” I tell him. He stops, scooping me up into his arms, making me laugh. He manages to make sure my dress stays down. I wrap my arms around him as the cool night air hits my face.

  It looks like Gerrit got what he wanted after all. I am going home with him. He strikes me as a man who always gets what he wants, and for some reason he wants me.



  She sits in my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck, her head on my chest and her ass pressed against my hard cock as we make our way across town. It’s exactly where she belongs. Here with me at all times. She’s mine. I can’t seem to stay away from her.

  My thoughts are consumed by her. I have never felt this way about anyone or anything else besides my work. I’ve never even given thought to having a relationship, never mind a marriage, before her. Work has always been my main focus, but she is making me second-guess that.

  I’d once again found myself tracking her down. I couldn’t help it. The need to have her with me at all times was starting to drive me mad. I tried going to the office to pass some time. I figured work would distract and consume me as it always has, but all I could think about was how her mood had switched so fast on me. The fact that she had pulled away from me and I needed to know why.

  I’d broken and called my mom to get some advice from her. I wasn’t too proud to admit that I was lost when it came to Kennedy. That I don’t know how to navigate any of the things that I’m feeling for her. I’m not even sure what those feelings are, but I know that I’ve never even remotely had any of them before the day she walked into my life. She’s bringing out a side of me that I never knew existed. One that I don’t know how to control.

  The car rolling to a stop breaks me from my thoughts. Kennedy is now sound asleep on me. I reach down, pushing a lock of her hair out of her face. Such an innocent beautiful angel. I run my finger along her cheek, memorizing every detail of her. I watch as her eyes flutter open to meet mine. In that moment I know that there is nothing I wouldn’t do to make her happy or to keep her.

  “Gerrit.” My name is almost a whisper on her lips as something that I can’t explain passes between us. My chest gets a strange feeling inside at that moment. One I’m not ready to explore yet. She gives me a sleepy smile.

  “We’re home, love,” I say before I open the door and step out of the car, carrying her with me. Suddenly, I feel nervous at the thought of whether she’ll like our home. It’s a feeling that I’m not used to.

  One of my security guards opens the front door to the townhouse for me as I step inside with her in my arms. I head straight up toward our bedroom as her eyes start to fall closed again.

  I take the stairs two at a time before heading down the hallway into my bedroom. The designer has been in a mad dash to get this place ready. I haven't lived here long. I got this place soon after I’d met Kennedy when all kinds of ideas and fantasies started to play out in my mind.

  I didn't think my old penthouse would do. It was on the top floor of my office building. I had it converted into a home. It made it easy for me to go back and forth to work. Now I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the place.

  I lay her down in the bed, kicking my shoes off in the process. I reach for my shirt next, unbuttoning it and tossing it to the floor. Her eyes flutter open. They roam over me as I continue to undress. I watch as she sits up and turns so that her back is to me. Those beautiful eyes of hers are now looking at me over her shoulder.

  “Can you get it?” she asks. Her voice is full of sleep. I step closer to her, reaching out to help her with the zipper. I see the slight shake of my hand as I pull it down, letting my finger trace down her soft delicate skin in the process. When I get it partly down, I notice that she doesn't have a bra on.

  “Do you want a shirt?” I lean down, grabbing mine back off the floor. Sure I could get her a clean one, but I want her to have my scent all over her. She grabs the dress, pulling it over her head and tossing it on th
e floor. Fuck. I was not expecting that.

  “No thanks.” She falls back onto the bed, her tits bouncing. Her pink nipples are begging for attention. She’s trying to kill me. She’s half asleep and a little tipsy. I chuck off my pants next before rounding the bed and flipping the light off to crawl into bed with her.

  I knew when my security sent me the picture of her in that dress tonight that I wouldn't be able to stay away from her. I made it through dinner, but when they’d ended up at the club, all bets were off.

  She has no fucking clue how sexy she is, which is making her all the more alluring. She doesn’t even notice that men stop and take notice whenever she walks across the room. It drives me insane when I see the lust in their eyes. I know what they want. What they are thinking. I’ve been them.

  It made me want to grab her and pull her back home like a fucking caveman. Yeah, there is something wrong with me. Has been since Kennedy walked into my life. In that moment I knew deep down I was never going to let her walk back out.

  The second my back hits the bed, she’s on me, wrapping her body around me. Her tits press into my side as she throws her leg over me. She places a kiss on my chest.

  “I take it you're not mad at me anymore?” I ask. I might not be able to have her tonight because she’s not in the right state of mind, but maybe I could learn a few things about her that she’s been hiding from me.

  “I wasn't mad at you.”

  “You were something.” I feel her give a shrug.

  “If you don’t tell me then we can’t fix it. I don’t know about you, but I want this marriage to be a happy one. I know it’s an arranged one, but that doesn't mean it can’t be good.”

  That shit shouldn't eat me up inside. I was the one that pushed this, not really giving her much of a choice, but fuck I still want her to pick me. I was too impatient to try to date her. I don’t even know how to fucking date. It’s too late for that now anyway. I am too far gone for her now. I won’t settle for anything less than her being mine forever.

  “What if I told you that my work with Healing Hearts would always come before you?” Her question is so soft in the dark room I almost don’t hear it. My hand that is drifting up and down her bare back stills.

  “I don’t think I would like that very much,” I admit. I want to be the center of her world. God knows she’s been the center of mine from the very start. She makes a hmm sound.

  “I know we’re not in love or whatever, it just sounded weird.” Not in love. Why the hell did that hurt so fucking much when she said that? A sharp pain hits me in the chest.

  “I understand. Work is all I know.”

  She shakes her head. My explanation doesn’t satisfy her. It’s eating me up that she isn’t fucking happy with me. That’s something I’ve never given a shit about before in my life. I didn't care if people liked me or not. Why is everything so different with her? Because she’s different from anyone I’ve ever met in my life. That has to be it.

  “To be honest, I haven't been working as much as I normally do. I spent today tracking down my fiancée to see why she wasn’t texting me back. Then I spent the afternoon wondering why your mood had changed. Before I could figure that out I found that I was once again tracking you down.” I’m starting to wonder if I was lying to myself. Her small body shakes with silent laughter.

  “Who knew Gerrit Kane was a little bit of a stalker?” She has no fucking idea how much of a stalker I really am when it comes to her, and I’m not letting her in on that piece of information. Not when I’ve got her right where I want her.

  “What do you say to a honeymoon?”

  She lifts her head. My eyes have adjusted to the dark now. She slides all the way on top of me. I fight a groan as her panty-covered pussy rests against my cock.

  “I was told you didn't have time for a honeymoon by that assistant of yours.” I don’t miss the edge in her voice. Is her tone because of Emily or that there hadn't been plans for a honeymoon?

  “I want one now.” I glide my hands down her body. It was stupid to not want one before. I was trying to put up some barriers thinking I could keep things in my life compartmentalized. She’s made that impossible when it comes to her. I want her fucking everywhere. I want our lives to be intertwined. For her to show up at my office for lunch. I suddenly have the need to share everything with her, including my work. I need her all over my life. I’m not sure if she’s aware of the door she’s opening. But she’s cracked it, and now I’m swinging it wide open. I want everything from her.

  “What made you change your mind?” She wiggles on top of me.

  “The promise of a week alone with you?”

  “A week?” I can hear the smile in her voice. Hell, maybe we should take two. We could rent a yacht and I could have her all to myself. This sounds as if it’s the perfect plan. My dick jerks against her. She lets out a small moan. “Where would we go?” I hear the hitch in her voice. She’s turned on.

  “Let me figure that out. It will be a surprise. A wedding present from me to my beautiful new wife.”

  “Only if you make the plans yourself. I don’t want your assistant to do it.” I’m starting to understand that she likes when I do things for or with her instead of having others do it. I’m finding I rather enjoy it too.

  “Deal. I promise. I’ll plan everything down to the smallest detail.”

  “You don’t have much time,” she reminds me. Thank fuck. These days to the wedding have been dragging along. Each one of them feels longer than the last. I roll her over in one quick move, making her giggle. As much as I hate that she’s been drinking, and I can’t take this as far as I’d like, I'm enjoying how open she’s being right now. I love the fact that she’s letting her walls down so I can see the real her.

  She wraps her legs around me as her arms go around my neck.

  “If I say I’m going to do something I promise it will be done. You’ll learn that soon enough.” I lean down and take her mouth in a kiss. I can taste her sweetness along with the cranberry mixed drink she was having this evening. She lets out a little moan as she wiggles against me, trying to rub her pussy on me.

  “Kennedy,” I warn her by pulling my mouth from her.

  “Gerrit.” The way she says my name has me digging my fingers into the bedding trying to fight for control.

  “You’ve been drinking.”

  “So?” She lifts, pressing her tits more into me. “Can’t you make me come again? I love your mouth on me.” Shit. “You know I liked what you did to me in the dressing room. I ache, Gerrit. Please.” Her plea breaks the little resolve I have. I won’t take her fully, but I can still make her feel good. I can keep my dick inside my boxer briefs. “Gerrit.” She moans again.

  “You win, love.” I have a feeling she’s always going to win. I take her mouth again, kissing her until she’s breathless and begging me for more. I start to move down her body. I explore her tits, taking my time. I didn't get to enjoy them enough before. Now that she is in our bed I can take all the time I want.

  She digs her fingers into my hair as I trace my tongue around one nipple before sucking it into my mouth. My hand reaches up to her other breast, my thumb tracing back and forth over her hard nipple before giving it a tug.

  “Gerrit, please. It aches.” She lifts her hips, another whimper leaves her mouth, and I can no longer deny her. I’ll take my time with her later. Right now I need to make my soon-to-be wife come. I release her nipple and continue my descent down her body, stopping to place kisses on her soft stomach.

  My mind floods with images of her body changing. Of her belly being round with our child growing inside of her. Fuck, she makes me want things I never knew I wanted before. I slip down more, smiling against her panty-covered pussy when she spreads her legs wide for me. I kiss her over the panties, breathing her in, teasing her.

  Giving her a taste of what it's been like for me this last month. The need that I always feel for her. I want her to have that too but for me. Only me.
/>   “Please.” She tries to lift her hips again, but I pin her to the bed.

  “You’ll get it when I’m ready to give it to you, love.”

  “Why does it turn me on so much when you call me that?” I don’t even know where the name came from. It rolled off my tongue one day while I was talking to her. When I saw the way she reacted to it, I knew that I would continue to call her that.

  I slip my fingers into the top of her panties, pulling them down her legs, leaving her bare to me in my bed. I curse myself for turning off the light. I’ll have a lifetime of this, I remind myself as I circle my tongue around her clit.

  “Did James ever do this to you?” I find myself asking. I lick down her slit, stiffening my tongue to push inside of her. She’s so fucking tight it’s a fight at first to get inside of her. I groan, thinking about what she’s going to feel like wrapped around my cock.

  “Who?” she asks with a loud moan. I pump my tongue in and out of her a few times.

  “James,” I growl against her pussy.

  “I don’t know who James is, but no one has ever done this to me.” Good. She can’t remember who he is. That’s gotta mean something. I reward her with my mouth, deciding to no longer tease her as I lick and suck her.

  I lean up on my knee to reach down and take myself into my hand. I wrap her silk panties around my cock before I start to jack myself off as I eat her cunt. The sexiest moans leave her mouth. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold off. I want to come with her, but I’ve been on edge all fucking day since I got my first taste of her in that dressing room earlier.

  My balls draw up tight, but I fight the need. I suck her clit into my mouth, flicking my tongue against it in quick motions. It’s not long before she comes for me, flooding my mouth with her sweetness as my name falls from her lips.


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