Only Her

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Only Her Page 7

by Lucy Darling

  I don’t stop until I’ve milked every drop of pleasure out of her. She goes lax on the bed, and I rise up over her. It only takes me a few strokes before I’m coming on her cunt, thighs and stomach. Once I’ve marked her, I collapse on top of her, burying my face into her neck.

  “That was amazing. I don’t think being married to you is going to be so bad.”

  I roll over, taking her with me. I can feel my release on both of us. She doesn't seem to mind as she cuddles into my side. Her breathing evens out and I know sleep has finally taken her.

  I don’t want her to think that being married to me isn't going to be so bad. I want her to crave me like I crave her. To never want to leave my side. To know that I’ll do anything to make her happy until I take my last breath.

  I’m a man who always gets what I want, and I won’t stop until I have all of her. I can only think of one way to get what I want.

  I need to make my fiancée fall in love with me.



  “Love. Sweetheart, can you wake up for me?”

  I feel a kiss on my bare shoulder. I roll over, opening my eyes to see Gerrit standing beside the bed. His chest is bare, and he’s standing there in only a pair of sweatpants.

  “That wasn’t a dream?”

  He lets out a sexy chuckle. That sexy half smile pulls at his lips. Why does he always have to look so good?

  I’m sure I’m a hot mess. I grab the sheet, pulling it over me, remembering that I’d tossed my dress off. I want to pull the sheet over my head as I remember all the things I said last night. How I begged him to make me come.

  “I’ve already seen it all, love, and I don’t want you hiding it from me either.” His eyes trail down my body. I feel my face warm, but the way he’s looking at me makes me feel sexy. He always does that to me. When he’s near he can’t keep his hands off me.

  “You left me alone in bed?” I try and tease him.

  “Wanted to get you this.” He picks up the water next to the bed and hands me two pills. I’m a little groggy, but other than that I feel fine. I sit up, letting the sheet fall as I take the pills anyway because it was sweet of him, and down the water. “And I had to get a move on it, if I wanted to get this honeymoon planned.” I tilt my head back to look up at him.

  “We’re really doing that?”

  “Yeah.” He leans down, dropping his mouth to mine. I let out a small sigh. He pulls back sooner than I want him to. I can tell from the look on his face that he doesn't want to. He’s fighting himself. “One more night.”

  “Oh, the rehearsal dinner is tonight.” I remember. “I’m getting married tomorrow.”

  “We’re getting married tomorrow.” My heart flutters. Something feels different today.

  “What time is it?”


  “Oh gosh.” I try to get up.

  “No need to rush.”

  “You don’t have work? It’s Friday.”

  “I’m the boss. I work when I want. Take your time. I’ll get us breakfast.” He drops another one of those kisses on me before he starts to head out of the bedroom.

  “You cook?” I call after him.

  “No, but I can order in.”

  I laugh, falling back onto the giant bed. I’m starting to think that Gerrit is seeing this as more than an agreement. Him not going to work is his way of showing me that he isn't always going to put work first. He’d listened to me last night. I’m scared to get my hopes up, but what if there could be more? What if we could be happy together?

  Gerrit is the first guy I’ve ever felt this kind of attraction to. There is something there, and he clearly feels it too. I get out of bed, wanting to go spend more time with him before I need to get home and deal with my mother. I grab his shirt off the floor, pulling it on but don’t see my panties anywhere. Am I going to have to do the walk of shame out of here in my wrinkled dress from last night?

  I look around the bedroom, knowing we’re still in the city and this place is big. I remember pulling up to a townhome. It’s not where I pictured him living. I was thinking of a penthouse of some kind. This is a home tastefully done. I’m sure by a designer. I don’t want to think about what this place cost. Especially in the part of town we’re in.

  I use the bathroom, doing the best I can to get my hair under control, and wipe the rest of the makeup off my face before I venture out to find Gerrit. I take my time looking around, knowing this is going to be my home very soon.

  “You can change anything you like. I know shit about design but everything about real estate.”

  “It’s fine,” I tell him. “ I know this place must cost a fortune.”

  He shrugs, walking over toward me.

  “It’s a good investment either way. Its value will only grow each year.” I’ll take his word for it because Gerrit is right. He does know everything about real estate. It’s how he’s made a name for himself. He puts his finger under my chin to tilt my head back to look up at him. “I don’t want it to be fine. I want it to be our home. If you don’t like it we can find something else.”

  “No, it's wonderful. It just feels awkward decorating your place.”

  He shakes his head. “That’s another reason I need you to put your touches on it. I want it to feel like yours too. We said we’re going to try this. Give this marriage a real chance, didn't we?” I nod my head. A lump forms in my throat at the sweet way he’s looking at me. He’s giving me a Gerrit I’ve never seen before. Yeah, something definitely changed last night. “Then you’ll make it a home for us?”

  “Yes,” I agree, wrapping my arms around him to pull him down for a kiss. He takes it, his hands going to my ass. He lets out a growl when he realizes I don’t have any panties on. I giggle against his mouth.

  “You need food.” He breaks the kiss as he lifts me off my feet and carries me into the kitchen. He sets me on the giant island in the center. This kitchen begs to be cooked in. I continue to look around as Gerrit walks over to the counter to grab a cup of coffee. He returns, handing it to me. I take a sip, smiling. It’s fixed the way I like it.

  “You know how I take my coffee?”

  “A lot of milk and sugar with a splash of coffee. Yeah.” He chuckles, walking back over to the counter. I watch as he pours himself a cup. He doesn’t put anything in it. He drinks it black. My eyes trace the lines of his body. The man is too sexy for his own damn good. The realization that he will be my husband soon makes my heart flutter.

  “Like what you see?”

  I let out a long sigh. “Yes, but don’t think I’ll be joining you in whatever gym it is that you must frequent. Unless it’s solely to watch you.”

  He gives me a deep laugh. He sits down, sliding his cup over toward me. “I sit in an office all day. The gym helps me burn off energy and stress.” My legs spread on their own, making room for him. “And I enjoy you the way you are.” His thumb brushes my bottom lip. “But the gym is downstairs and you're more than welcome to come and watch anytime you like.” He leans down to kiss me, but the doorbell sounds.

  “I’ll be right back. That’s our food.” He drops a kiss on my nose before grabbing something off the counter. I see it’s my purse from last night.

  Oh God. I’d totally forgotten about it. He must have gotten it for me somehow. He winks at me before leaving the kitchen. The man really does remember everything. I pull out my phone to see a few texts from my sister and some from the wedding planner.

  I start to respond but hear a familiar voice that has me rolling my eyes. I slip off the counter hating how cliché I’m being hating on my soon-to-be husband's assistant. She hasn't come right out and said it to me, but it’s clear she doesn't like me. I picked up on that during some of the wedding planning when she was there to help. She hasn't been around much more since I’d made the comment to Gerrit at dinner the other night.

  Damn. Now that I’m thinking about it, I realize that anytime I mention something to Gerrit that he’s quick to change it
. He really is trying to make me happy. He’s so different than the rest of the world thinks he is.

  When I hear Emily laugh, I make my way out of the kitchen. The sound goes right through me. It’s not a genuine laugh. I stop when I see them at the dining room table putting boxes down.

  There is another man in a suit that’s not standing far behind Emily. He looks like security. Emily spots me first. Her eyes go wide for a moment in shock before they narrow on me. She purses her lips. I roll my eyes openly at her, not giving a shit anymore. Gerrit is mine, and the idea of sharing him has me not only wanting to pull her hair out but his too.

  Gerrit looks over his shoulder as I make my way over to the table. His eyes start at my feet, going up my body until they finally meet my eyes. He looks pissed. I ignore him, walking over to the table and opening one of the food boxes. I grab a piece of bacon out of it and take a bite. I make myself stare right back at him.

  “Out,” Gerrit orders Emily and the man.

  “But Gerrit—” Emily tries to talk.

  “I won’t tell you again. Out.”

  “I’m sorry sir. Of course.” She turns, hurrying out with the other guy. Gerrit turns my way to look at me, still looking really mad. He doesn't say anything until the sound of the front door closes.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? I'm the mad one here.” I point to myself to make it clear.

  “I know you don’t have any fu—” He stops himself. He looks as though he’s trying to get himself under control. “You don’t even have panties on under that shirt.”

  “It’s like a dress.” I shrug, not understanding the problem. “You’re the one without a shirt on trying to give your little office girlfriend a heart attack.” I plop down in one of the chairs.

  “Girlfriend?” He places both hands on the table as he continues to stare at me. “I’ve never had a girlfriend in my whole fucking life, and at this point I think I’m a little old for that.” No wonder I couldn't find anything about his past. Does he only do random hookups? Maybe he does the whole friends with benefits thing? Who knows? All I know is that I really dislike Emily and the way she looks at my man.

  “I don’t like her,” I snap. My face warms. He stands up to his full height, folding his arms over his chest. “I’m sorry. That’s your assistant. I shouldn’t talk about her that way. I’m being ridiculous.” Why is he smiling? I want to throw one of the fresh strawberries at him.

  “I’ll handle it,” he simply says as if it’s not a big deal.

  “You can’t fire her. I’ll feel terrible.”

  “I’ll transfer her.” Why is he making this so damn easy?

  “Have you two ever been…” I trail off. Not sure if I really want to know the answer to that question.

  “No.” He answers instantly.

  “You’re making this too easy. Aren’t you supposed to tell me that I’m being crazy?”

  He shrugs. “No. How can I when I just got pissed that Hank saw you dressed in only my shirt?”

  “You were jealous?” I shift in my chair, liking that.

  “Is the thought of me being jealous turning you on?” I bite my lip but nod. He comes around the table, pulling out the chair beside mine and sitting down. He reaches over to grab me, pulling me into his lap so that I’m straddling him. I love how easy he can move me around. It makes me feel small and delicate. His shirt that I’m wearing bunches all the way up to almost reveal my bare sex.

  “This is getting real between us. I’m catching feelings,” I admit to him.

  “Good. I caught them a long time ago.” I rest my hands on his chest.

  “I can't do this if you’re going to have mistresses and stuff.” I needed to put that out there. I don’t want to be my mother. Not now that I’ve gotten a taste of Gerrit. It would devastate me if he turned into someone like my father. His hands that are resting on my thighs grip me tighter.

  “I thought I made that clear the other day.”

  “Kind of,” he says in a roundabout way. “You’re the only woman I want and the only one I’ll ever be inside of.”

  I slide my hands up his chest, putting them on his cheeks. “Don’t hurt me.”

  “I promise on everything I am that hurting you is the last thing I would ever want to do.”

  “Good. I’d hate to have to tell your mom on you.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. The sight is sexy, and it has me shifting again so his hard cock rubs against my clit. What has this man done to my body?

  He stops laughing, his eyes going serious. “I need to feed you and get you home.”

  “Don’t we have a little bit of time?” I push. I slip off his lap until my knees hit the ground between his legs. He closes his eyes for a second. I watch as he starts to breathe faster. I run my hands up and down his thighs. The need to pleasure him the same way he has me rides me hard.

  “You’re trying to kill me, aren't you?”

  “I just want to return the favor.” I lick my lips.

  “I’m not strong enough to tell you no.” My fingers grip the top of his sweatpants.

  “I have no idea what I’m doing,” I admit. He grabs my wrist, stopping me.

  “How close were you and James?” His eyes grow dark.

  “We hung out once. He tried to kiss me, but I dodged it. I was supposed to go out with him again.” I feel some of the tension leave his body. “I wasn’t into him. I let you think it was more than it was because I was a tiny bit irritated with you.”

  “You’re going to get someone killed.” He releases my wrist. I get even more turned on by his comment. Growing bold, I pull the shirt I’m wearing off over my head so I’m naked on my knees in front of him. His hands grab the side of the chair. His knuckles turn white. He’s trying to control himself. I feel powerful in this moment, which turns me on even more.

  I give a small tug to his sweatpants, and his cock springs free. My eyes go wide. I knew he was big, but feeling it rub against me and seeing it are two very different things.

  “You’re big.”

  “I thought girls were supposed to like that,” he teases me. I wrap my hands around his cock. It’s softer than I thought it would be.

  “It’s not going to fit inside of me.”

  “It will fit.” I give a few strokes, and he groans. A bead of cum leaks from the head. I lean in, swiping my tongue across it. The salty sweet taste fills my mouth. I take the head of his cock into my mouth, sucking and tracing my tongue around it. I pull back, letting his cock slip free of my mouth.

  “Am I doing it right?”

  “Love, it doesn't matter what you do. I promise it’s right.” I feel myself grow more wet, my nipples tightening. I take him into my mouth again. This time I take more of him, going as far down as I can before coming back up.

  He grips my hair, moving it out of my face so that he can see me. “Is it turning you on to suck my cock? To be on your knees for me, love?” I whimper. It does. I didn't think this would be something I’d enjoy. I only knew that when he’d done it to me that I enjoyed it. I wanted to do the same for him. “Touch yourself.”

  I do as he tells me, slipping my hands between my thighs to find my clit. I start to suck him faster. The groans that come from him have me sucking harder. The need to make this good for him drives me on. I want to make him as crazy for me as I feel when he has his mouth on me. From the look on his face and the straining of all his muscles, I think I’ve accomplished that.

  “Kennedy.” He groans my name. It goes straight to my clit. I feel myself about to come, but he grabs me. His cock slips free of my mouth as he lifts me to set me on the table. “Lean back,” he orders. His tone leaves no room for argument. I do as he tells me, knowing whatever he’s going to do to me is going to be wonderful. It always is.

  He grabs his cock, stroking it as he spreads my legs wide before pulling me down the table so my ass is on the very edge. He leans forward, and I think he’s going to slip inside of me, but he only drags the head of hi
s cock up and down my sex. He hits my clit over and over again.

  I moan. I was already so close. Now watching him like this turns me on more. I want to beg for him to put it inside of me.

  “Gerrit. Please. I need you.”

  His nose flares. “No. Not until you're my wife.”

  I lift my hips, trying to convince him to give me what I need.

  “Just a little.” I bite my lip. My hips rise again. He lets out a string of curses. The head of his cock slips down farther before he pushes a few inches inside of me. His other hand comes to my clit, his thumb pressing down in a firm circle as he makes shallow thrusts in and out of me.

  I cry out his name as I come. Pleasure bursts through my body all the way down to my toes. I hear him let out a loud groan before he spills inside of me. His warm release fills me. He bends over, resting his head on my stomach. Our heavy breathing fills the room. I run my fingers through his short hair.

  I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with Gerrit. When he lifts his head to look at me, and his eyes meet mine, I think he might be falling in love with me too.



  I watch Kennedy across the room laughing at something her sister said. Her head is thrown back, her blond shiny hair brushing against her bare shoulder.

  That damn sweater she’s wearing keeps slipping off her shoulder. I’d fixed it a handful of times as we learned how we’d all be walking into the ceremony. She looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a smile as her cheeks tint pink.

  That one look hits me right in the chest. I don’t know why I ever thought I could put Kennedy in a box. Or that I would go on with life as usual. I thought nothing would change besides the fact that she’d be there every night when I got home waiting for me. I had been lying to myself. That was clear to see by how much I was skipping out on work already. I couldn’t even unwrap myself from her this morning until I thought she might need some water or something. Work had been far from my mind.


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