Only Her

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Only Her Page 8

by Lucy Darling

  I have to admit that it felt good to let all that shit go. To let all those walls I’d thought I’d made come tumbling down. Since I had, Kennedy has opened up like a flower. Each day she reveals a little more of herself to me. Fuck. I’m pretty sure I’m in love with the woman. I think I have been from the beginning. Why else would I have done all this crazy shit to get her close to me? I’ll keep knocking down every wall I have if it gets her closer to me.

  “You look happy.” Dad sits down next to me at the table. Everyone is mingling at the moment.

  “I am,” I admit.

  “I never thought I’d see the day. I was sure Luke would be the one to settle down first.” I give him a puzzled look. My brother Luke isn’t known for being able to sit still for too long. He is a successful businessman who, like me, is married to his work.

  That is until Kennedy. She had changed my view on what I found important. Thankfully I have the luxury to come and go from work when I please. “I don’t see Luke ever slowing down.” I’m not sure he has it in him. He grows bored too easily.

  “No,” Dad agrees. “He’ll need a reason to slow down and hold his attention. Just like you needed a reason to stop working so much.” I swallow. I guess I did. I had found my reason, arranged for her to marry me, and now the only thing left for me to do is make her fall in love with me. I really am doing everything backwards when it comes to Kennedy.

  “She makes me want things I never knew were in the cards for me. I thought work and success were everything but the moment I laid eyes on her I knew that I’d rather have nothing than be without her. ” That was the truth. A truth I’d only started to admit to myself today.

  “I know the feeling.” Dad pats me on the back. “Speak of the devil.” I look up to see Luke heading into the private room at the restaurant we reserved. Mom rushes over, giving him a hug before peppering kisses all over his face. As kids we’d run from such a thing; now we just let her do it because we know it makes her happy.

  It’s no surprise when Luke spots Kennedy and Kinley. He quickly makes his way toward them. I’m on my feet before he takes another step. I don’t miss my dad’s laughter.

  When I reach them, I notice all of Luke’s attention is on Kinley. Luke always had a way with women. I wrap my arm around Kennedy’s waist, pulling her toward me so that her back rests against my chest. Her perfect ass rubs against me, causing me to instantly go hard. She melts into me like she’s done it a million times before. Her body instinctively knows that I am her home.

  I don’t think anyone would ever guess that we’ve only been together a short time with how this day has played out. Everything with her feels natural. I kiss her bare shoulder, and she wiggles her ass on my cock again, knowing full well what she’s doing.

  I’d only gotten the thing to go down moments ago. I’d been hard all the way through the rehearsal wishing it was the real thing and not some bullshit practice run. My brother's gaze lands on me.

  “You made it.” I wasn’t sure if he’d be able to with how quickly the wedding had been put together.

  “Had to come see this for myself. I wanted to meet the woman who snagged your attention long enough to get you out of that office.” Kennedy blushes. “I can see why.” He winks at me. I glare right back, which only makes him smile more. He’s fucking with me.

  “Did you already introduce yourselves?” I ask Kennedy, holding her a little tighter to me.

  “Yes, your brother is rather charming.” I look down at her. “What? It’s not my fault you’re not charming.” She giggles in my arms. “You’re pushy with a side of sweet.” She turns in my arms, running her hands up my chest until they lock around my neck. “Which is perfect because that’s my type.”

  I give the top of her ass a light smack. “I’d hate to have to kill my own brother.” My brother puts his hands up in mock surrender.

  “I don’t poach,” he says with a laugh. “Though I’ve never seen you with anyone before so I’ve never even had the chance to consider poaching.”

  “I keep my life private.” Kennedy shifts to my side, wrapping an arm around my back while resting her head against me. “Are you tired?” I ask her. She shakes her head no.

  “Are you a ladies man, Luke?” Kinley asks him, staring up at him curiously.

  “Why don’t you come have a drink with me and find out for yourself?”

  I watch as something passes between the two of them.

  “Luke,” I say in a warning tone, but he waves me off. Letting me know he’ll be on his best behavior.

  “I guess I have time for one drink.” Kinley says, surprising all of us as she walks past my brother toward the bar.

  “Is that going to be a problem?” Kennedy looks up at me, her eyes filled with concern.

  “I’m not sure, to be honest.” Luke does have a way with women, but really he has a way with everyone. He’s charming, and it’s gotten him far in life. He’s always said you get more flies with honey. He has his way of doing things, and so do I.

  “You don’t know?” She gives me a worried laugh.

  “Here I am. For all I know going from the Kane family history they could be married in a month.”

  “Oh, another notch in his bedpost?”

  “We’re not the kiss and tell type. I have no idea how many notches he has in his bedpost. But Luke is charming with everyone.” For all I actually know, he fucks all the women he meets or none of them. It wouldn’t shock me either way.

  “How many notches are in your bedpost?” She tries to make her question light, but I can hear the hesitation in her tone.

  “Not as many as one would think. I’m supposed to be some playboy, right?” She gives a small shrug, but her eyes don’t meet mine. “I’m a faithful man, love. I promise you that.” She cuts me off.

  “So a lot. That’s all you had to say. That’s the past. I get it. I shouldn’t have asked.” She starts to step back, but I don’t let my hold on her go.

  “I wasn’t done.” Her lips purse. “I’m a faithful man, and as you can see, I’ve been married to my job.” Her eyes widen for a moment. I wasn’t a virgin, but I wasn’t a playboy either. “You might find this hard to believe—hell, I did until recently. Mom always said I was a passionate man. I’m either all in or out in most everything I do. She’s right. I’ve never had a spark before you with anyone else. I had never had the urge to be all in with anyone else. That’s made for a very empty bed.” She bites her lips, but I can tell she wants to ask something else. “Ask.”

  “You already read me too well. I’m never going to be able to get anything past you.” She settles back into me, not trying to get away now.

  “It’s because I pay attention to every breath you take.”

  “I think your mom might be right.”

  “She usually is, but don’t tell her I said that. Now out with the question.”

  “When was the last time you let a woman stay over?” I start to answer but she cuts me off. “Not me.” I smirk. She’s starting to read me well too.

  “Never then. I don’t share my bed.” I know she likes my answer when her fingers dig more into me.

  “Okay. Last time you slept with someone.” I think back. I can’t find a name.

  “College?” I think that had to have been it. She pulls me down to her suddenly, her mouth taking mine in a heated kiss. I devour her, loving the fact that she made the move on me. I will never get tired of this. Of having her in my arms.

  “Kennedy. You are in a room full of people. Mind your manners.” The nails on the chalkboard sound of her mother's voice interrupts us. I feel my blood begin to boil at the way she spoke to Kennedy.

  Kennedy jerks back from the kiss, but I don’t let her go. No, instead I drop my mouth down on hers this time. No one will ever fucking dictate when my wife and I can kiss each other. When I pull back from the kiss, Kennedy is breathing heavily, and I’m pretty sure has forgotten about her mom, who has now scurried off to her seat.

  “You’re bad.�
�� She laughs but doesn't look mad. In fact, none of that edge she often has when her mom is around is on her today. She keeps brushing her off. The woman’s comments are rolling off her.

  “Only for you, love.” I snag her hand and guide her back to our seats so we can have dinner. My words are true. Kissing someone in public was never something that I ever thought I would do. Until Kennedy. Now I find myself wanting to do it all the time. Now that I know she likes it, I am going to take her mouth as often as I can, not caring where we are or who’s watching.

  I only let Kennedy’s hand go when the food finally hits the table, and I have no other choice. If we were at home, I could pull her into my lap and feed her like I did at breakfast this morning. I’m thinking she wouldn't be up for that in a room full of people. Only one more day until she’s completely mine, I remind myself.

  Dinner goes by both too quickly and slowly at the same time. Each minute that passes is another toward Kennedy belonging to me in all ways but also another closer to her leaving me tonight. I know there is no way in hell I can pull off her coming home with me.

  I glance over at my brother, wanting to tell him to knock it off. He’s laying it on thick with Kennedy’s sister with the flirting. He’s not getting her to go back to his hotel room either. At least not tonight. The waitress, however, is giving him a look that says that she’s up for it. I hope I don’t have to kill him. If he fucks this wedding up, I’ll do it without hesitation.

  “I’d like some privacy,” I tell everyone when we start to stand from the table to say our goodbyes. “I want to have a few words with my bride until I see her again.” Mom rushes over and kisses Kennedy but not before whispering a few things in her ear. It takes another long ten minutes before I finally have her all alone and to myself.

  “I thought they’d never leave,” she says when the door finally closes. She surprises me when she flings herself at me. I groan, pushing her up against the nearest wall. She’s as needy for me as I am for her.

  “I don’t want to spend the night apart.”

  “You’re even handsome when you pout.” She lets out a small laugh. I don’t pout. Or maybe I do when it comes to her. There were a lot of things I didn't do before her. “I don’t want to either,” she admits.

  “I want to make you come. Give me that at least.” I start to kiss her neck, my hands already going for her pants to slip inside. She nods in agreement and lets out a moan that has cum leaking from the head of my cock.

  “Yes, make me come.” My knees almost buckle when my fingers reach her pussy and feel how wet she is. My cock strains against my zipper.

  “Promise me you’re going to marry me tomorrow,” I demand. “I want to make sure tomorrow night is perfect and there is something I want to take care of tonight, but I need you to promise me.”

  “I promise.” Her fingers dig into my shoulders as I play with her clit. She’s already about to go off. Hell, she’s not even touching my cock and I am about to go off too. I work one finger inside her. She’s so fucking tight. It has more cum leaking from my cock, but it also gives me a small amount of fear too. I do not want to hurt her. I slowly work another finger inside of her.

  Her small moans fill my ears, letting me know how much she’s enjoying what I’m doing to her body.

  “Say it again,” I order, slowly thrusting in and out of her. My thumb is pressed against her clit. She keeps moving her hips, trying to greedily fuck herself on my fingers, but I pin her hips to the wall so she can’t move. She’ll come when I tell her to. When she gives me what I’ve asked from her.

  “I’ll marry you. I swear it.” I take her mouth before I say something I can’t take back. I don’t know what she'd think if I uttered those words, but I’m not changing anything. Not until I’ve made her mine in every way.

  I give her what she wants, making her come undone in my arms. I fight to remember what I should be doing as I find my own release. I kiss her as she starts to come at the same time I break the barrier of her innocence. She’s so wrapped up in her orgasm she barely flinches.

  She slowly comes back down, and I hold her to me. “Did you—” She trails off with her question. I’m not sure if she’s asking if I took her cherry with my fingers or if I came in my pants. I only nod, answering both questions.

  We might not have said I do, but that is all paperwork now. Her innocence coats my fingers. She is mine.



  “You look amazing,” my sister says. “I swear you’re glowing.” I feel like I am. I can’t stop smiling. I am getting married in less than an hour. Everything is going as planned. For a ceremony that was put together so quickly, there isn’t a thing missing. They’ve gotten everything that I requested. I know Gerrit had a lot to do with that.

  “Thank you.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek. “So much is changing.”

  “Change is good. We need it.” I let out a sigh, knowing she’s right.

  “Still can’t believe you’re leaving me for six months,” I grumble. Healing Hearts was looking to expand into Europe. A few meetings had been set up and Kinley was going to be in on them. She has decided to make a giant trip out of it and see as much of Europe as she can over the next six months. “We’re going from sharing a bed almost every night to you being across an entire ocean in your own bed.” That thought is the only thing that makes me sad about all of the changes that are happening. I will miss Kinley.

  “You’ll have a husband on your hands. With the way you two have been acting you’re not even going to notice that I’m gone. He’ll be keeping you busy.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me, making me smile. I’m going to miss the crap out of her.

  “Not true,” I protest. “Gerrit even said you could stay with us when you get back. You don’t have to go to Mom and Dad’s.”

  Kinley lets out a laugh.

  “I still can’t believe how you have Gerrit Kane wrapped around your little pinky.”

  “You really think he is?” Gerrit keeps surprising me.

  “Yes. He can’t keep his eyes off you. Anytime you say something he’s right there to handle it. Showing up to wherever you are. Yeah, I think he wants to keep you happy. In any and all ways.” She smirks at me.

  “I think I’m falling in love with him.” I bite my lip. Kinley shakes her head no.

  “You’re not falling. You’re already there.”

  “I didn't think this was possible. This is an arranged marriage, but it feels so real.” Arranged marriage or not I’d still marry Gerrit. I’ve been crushing on him since the moment I met him.

  “It is real. There is a reason Gerrit pushed for you two to get married so quick. He doesn’t need a wife. He just wants you. He wants to take you off of the market before anyone else even gets the idea of trying.”

  “I think his brother wants you.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her this time. Teasing her the same way that she has been me. He was all over Kinley last night.

  She rolls her eyes. “He’s sweet and fun, but that would never work.”

  “Whatever. I saw you flirting right back.” Well, what Kinley considers flirting anyway. She has always been on the shy side when it comes to men. None of them have ever lived up to the ones she’s read about in her books.

  “All in fun. He’s about to be family and a giant flirt. So not my type.” I’m not sure what her type is. I don’t think she knows either.

  As much as I don’t want to be without my sister for six months, this will be good for her, I think. She’ll have some time to find herself. She won’t be under anyone’s control. Mom and Dad are probably going to lose it when they find out her plans, but the tickets have already been booked, and they really can’t stop her.

  “Oh my sweet girl.” I look up to see Evelyn rushing over toward me. “You’re so beautiful.” Her eyes fill with tears.

  “Don’t cry! You’ll make me cry.”

  “Sorry.” She fans her face, trying to get it under control. “It’s a full house out there. We can’t b
e ruining our makeup yet.” Evelyn fusses over me for a few more minutes. It doesn’t go unnoticed that my own mom hasn’t come to see me at all today. I’m sure she and my father are out there talking to the guests and pretending to be parents of the year. That thought makes me grateful that I never have to spend another night under their roof again. Last night was the last one.

  We all turn when a knock sounds at the door before it cracks open. A man I’ve never seen before stands there. I recognize Emily standing behind him. What the hell is she doing here?

  “Paul? Is there something I can help you with?” Evelyn asks. The man holds up the folder in his hand.

  “Prenup.” I stand there a little bit shocked. It was something that Gerrit and I have never discussed. I don’t know why I feel hurt by it. Of course there would be one. It slipped my mind. But I can’t blame Gerrit for wanting to safeguard the empire he’d built. It doesn’t make the hurt go away, though. I shouldn’t feel betrayed, yet in some way I do. I know it’s ridiculous, but I can’t help it.

  “Prenup? Really? And this is when you come to get it signed? Moments before she’s to walk down the aisle?” Leave it to my mom to show up when money is on the table.

  Emily has a smirk on her face watching the whole show. I want to smack it off, and I’m not a violent person.

  “Just give it to me.” I hold my hand out. He comes over, handing it to me.

  “I apologize this is so late. I thought you knew there would be one with this being an arranged marriage.”

  “She’s not signing anything,” my mom says, grabbing the folder from the man and opening it.

  “Arranged marriage?” Evelyn repeats the words, making me cringe. Emily keeps on smiling. “Are you shitting me?” she says. I don’t think it’s really a question. “I’ll be right back.” She marches from the room. So much for everything going smoothly today.

  “This is bullshit. She gets nothing if they divorce. He’s even trying to claim custody of any children that come from the marriage. Full custody. This is not what was agreed upon between Gerrit and my husband.” My face flushes with heat feeling like a piece of property that everyone is negotiating over. Tears threaten to sting my eyes as the reality of what this is finally hits me. It’s my own fault. I chose to live in a fantasy world and forgot what this really was.


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