Empty Net (Madison Howlers Book 3)

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Empty Net (Madison Howlers Book 3) Page 11

by Camellia Tate

  “Whatever,” Ryan huffed, sounding like a teenager who’d just lost an argument but wouldn’t admit it.

  “Do you want to go home or not?”

  Before Naomi could answer, she heard a door opening, and footsteps. “Oh, sorry.” It was a woman’s voice, though not one Naomi instantly recognized.

  “Is everything alright?” Naomi didn’t know what had tipped her off that maybe things weren’t. She felt very glad that something had.

  “Everything’s fine, Thea,” Ryan answered, before Naomi had a chance.

  “Actually, no, no it’s not,” Naomi stepped in. She recognized Thea’s name, if not her voice. Thea was dating one of the Blakes and was a friend of Doe’s. Mostly Naomi knew this because Doe had told her earlier. Either way, right now she just didn’t trust Ryan to get her home safely.

  It stung to think that. It did. Yet Naomi had made her choice. She was still so annoyed, both at herself for needing help and at Ryan for being so shitty about the whole thing.

  “Can you give me a ride home, please?” Naomi asked. When Thea confirmed that of course she could, Naomi didn’t bother to say anything else to Ryan. If he wanted to be an asshole, he could be one on his own.

  Whatever expression might’ve been on Ryan’s face as Naomi left with Thea, she was none the wiser.

  It wasn’t until Naomi was in her house that she finally felt better. She’d thanked Thea a lot for driving her home and apologized for needing Thea to do so. The other woman had been very nice about the whole thing. She had also told Naomi about how dating hockey players was just a bit hard after they lost. Naomi knew that. It wasn’t Ryan’s first loss since they’ve been together. Then again, she was sure having his dad cancel hadn’t helped matters.

  Still, there was no excuse for how he’d treated her.

  Being in a bad mood was one thing, but completely ignoring how Naomi felt? She deserved better than that.

  Maybe they could talk about it tomorrow or whenever Ryan had calmed down. Naomi had no idea. This was the first argument they’d had and it was... pretty bad. Or at least it had felt pretty bad at the time. Once Naomi had gotten home, hugged Dougie and poured herself a glass of wine, things seemed... less stressful.

  She was just getting ready to go to bed when there was a knock at her door. Dougie was already barking but stopped when he heard Ryan’s voice. Naomi’s stomach flipped, anxiety pooling that maybe Ryan had come over to argue more. She immediately felt bad that the thought even crossed her mind.

  Opening the door, Naomi let Ryan in, holding Dougie back only long enough for Ryan to close the door behind him. Dougie had no problem with Ryan. If he wanted to hug him, Naomi wouldn’t stop him.

  Ryan did kneel, hands ruffling through Dougie’s fur, making Dougie bark in delight. Naomi’s stomach unclenched, just a little. Ryan couldn’t still be that pissed if he was making a fuss of Dougie, could he?

  When he stood up, Naomi could feel Ryan moving, as if he weren’t quite sure whether it was alright to reach out to her.

  “I’m really sorry,” he said softly. “I was an ass.”

  He definitely had been an ass. Naomi didn’t think this was a conversation they should be having in her hallway. Now that she felt less like there might be another argument brewing, Naomi moved to let Ryan through to the living room.

  Dougie, not being a dog who could read a social situation well, kept bouncing around Ryan. “What are you sorry for?” Naomi asked. She wanted to know what Ryan thought had happened. If this was an apology just because Naomi had been upset and he had no idea why... then they needed to talk.

  Ryan sighed. “Everything?” he suggested first, taking a seat on Noami’s couch. “I was angry that we lost. I didn’t play my best, because I kept thinking about how dad wasn’t there.” He shifted, trying to get comfortable.

  “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you,” he said, his voice sounding more genuinely regretful. “It wasn’t your fault that you got lost, or that you ended up when you did. I’m sorry. I just - didn’t really think about how difficult it would be. You know, I figured there’d be someone at Exit N who could tell you what was going on. But that’s not an excuse.”

  He reached out, his fingers tentatively brushing Naomi’s hand. “It was shitty of me to make your evening worse just because I wasn’t having a good time.”

  After a small moment, Naomi sat down on the couch, too. She let Ryan hold her hand because she wanted him to feel better. Naomi didn’t plan to just brush what had happened under the carpet.

  “I hate getting lost,” Naomi said honestly. “It makes me feel stupid. Incapable. That’s why I always make sure I know the route, or I have Dougie with me to be my eyes for me.” And while Dougie might not be able to read a map, just his sheer presence made Naomi feel better and thus more confident that she’d find where she needed to be easily.

  “I know that losing is tough and I’m sorry that your dad had to cancel last minute.” She really was. “But... I don’t deserve you taking it out on me. I definitely don’t deserve you completely disregarding how I feel.”

  “I know,” Ryan agreed, shuffling closer to her. “I’m sorry, Naomi. You’re not stupid or incapable. You’re amazing. I’m sorry that I didn’t make you feel amazing.” He sounded genuinely sorry, and his hand tightened around hers.

  “I should have thought about what it was like for you,” he carried on. “Even when I heard about the exit being closed, I should have thought then, rather than assuming someone would just tell you where to go. I should have looked out for you, and I didn’t.”

  It didn’t escape Naomi that he said ‘look out for you’ rather than ‘look after you’. It meant a lot to Naomi that Ryan didn’t think of it as looking after her.

  When she didn’t immediately say anything, he sighed again. “And then I went and made it all worse by getting mad. I shouldn’t have raised my voice to you. That was shitty. I promise, I’ll do better.”

  His apology sounded so genuine. Naomi could tell he felt bad about this. She gave Ryan’s hand a small squeeze. It had been shitty and Naomi had felt uncomfortable. It wasn’t something she wanted to happen again. But one mistake wasn’t enough to write off a perfectly good relationship.

  Naomi wanted to make things work with Ryan. Learning how to deal with each other during difficult times was an important part of that. “I accept your apology,” Naomi told Ryan.

  Shifting in closer, she bumped her shoulder against Ryan’s arm. “I really am sorry that your dad couldn’t come. And that the game went badly. I know it must’ve been hard.” Which wasn’t an excuse but Naomi knew Ryan felt bad. Both about those things and also now this.

  She could feel Ryan’s grip on her hand ease, like his whole body was relaxing now that he knew she wasn’t going to hold this against him forever. “It’s not your fault,” he pointed out, which was true. “Losing is just part of the job sometimes. I hate it, but I shouldn’t let it get to me.”

  He leaned in, his shoulder warm and solid against Naomi’s. She felt his other hand brush across her side. She settled into the touch, letting it make them both feel better. “But yeah, it sucks that my dad couldn’t come,” he agreed. “I really wanted him to meet you. I’ve never had anyone for him to meet before, and I knew he was going to see how amazing you are.”

  It made Naomi smile, warmth settling in her stomach. She knew Ryan meant it, too. Hearing the affection in his voice felt amazing. Naomi tilted her head so she could press a kiss against Ryan’s jaw.

  “There’ll be other times,” she promised. “I’ll meet your dad next time he’s free to come see you play.” Naomi realized that she didn’t even doubt that. Their argument had been hurtful but it hadn’t... it didn’t make her want to stop dating Ryan. It just made her want to work on their relationship.

  “Do you want to stay here tonight? I don’t know what your post-loss ritual is.” In the time they’d been together, Ryan had had losses but he’d dealt with those on his own.

; “I do want to stay here, if you’ll have me,” Ryan agreed. He leaned in, returning Naomi’s kiss with one of his own. She could feel the slight scratch of his stubble against her cheek.

  “I’ll probably get up pretty early tomorrow. Get a run in to get my mind off the game, but I can do that from here. After that, I’m pretty free.” Naomi knew Ryan had hoped to spend more time with his dad, catch up on whatever father-son talk they couldn’t have included her in. Now that his dad wasn’t coming, it would make sense that his day would be light on plans.

  “Shall we do something special?” Ryan suggested.

  “Yeah,” Naomi nodded. “I have something in mind,” she promised. She really did, too. Naomi was pretty sure Ryan would enjoy her plan a lot. But that could wait until tomorrow. Tonight, Ryan needed to relax after a game.

  Despite their argument, Naomi was glad he was there. It would have been hard to go to sleep with the conflict on her mind. Now that they’d talked about it, she felt better. “Will you take Dougie with you on your run? I bet he’d love it.”

  Dougie barked, almost as if he could understand what they were saying. It made Ryan laugh, a rich chuckle. It was a great sound, one Naomi was very glad she still got to hear. It made a lot of difference that Ryan had come to apologize, had admitted what he’d done wrong.

  “I will take Dougie with me,” Ryan promised. “And I will pick up breakfast for you on the way back, as part of my apology.”

  Naomi didn’t really need Ryan to bring her things, but if it would make him feel better then she was hardly going to stop him.

  “So, do you just always have something special in mind in case I suggest that?” Ryan asked. “I was all prepared to come up with something.”

  “Next time you can come up with something,” Naomi promised. She could hardly say that she’d always have a plan, but she did now. Naomi was quite confident Ryan would be interested in learning more about it. But that could all wait until tomorrow. “The sooner we sleep the sooner you get to find out,” she teased.

  It made Ryan laugh again. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. Naomi cuddled into his hold, into the solid chest and the familiar scent of Ryan’s shampoo.

  “Alright,” Ryan agreed. “Have it your way. But you promise I’ll find out tomorrow?” Naomi nodded, smiling, and felt Ryan pull her to her feet.

  “Come on then.” He gave her hand a squeeze, then let her pull away so she could make her own way to the bedroom.

  It had been an exhausting evening for both of them. Naomi was glad to get in bed. She was even more glad of the way Ryan pulled her close, spooning against her. Dougie, not wanting to be left out, jumped up on the bed to lie between their feet. All together, Naomi drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning, Ryan left Naomi half-asleep, pressing a kiss to her cheek and whispering that he’d be back soon. As promised, he took Dougie with him. The dog kept up well. His delighted barking at getting to be outside and run was infectious.

  Ryan’s heart felt lighter than it ever had after a loss. Especially a loss he felt partly responsible for. He’d been distracted. While it hadn’t all been on his shoulders, feeling like he’d let his team down hadn’t helped his mood.

  It wasn’t an excuse for taking it out on Naomi. Ryan was just glad she’d accepted his apology. He knew he’d hurt her. He was determined not to fuck it up again.

  He stopped at her favorite breakfast place, grabbing coffee to go and two of the pastries that she loved.

  When he made it back to her house, Naomi was still in bed. Ryan left her with breakfast while he went to shower.

  He didn’t bother getting dressed after, sliding into the bed wearing only his boxers and pressing a kiss against Naomi’s cheek.

  “So, what should I prepare for today?” he asked. “Do I need to stop off at home for more clothes?” He left a few things here, but mostly clothes for working out in. If Naomi wanted to go somewhere public, Ryan would need a decent shirt, at least.

  “Oh no,” Naomi shook her head, finishing the coffee. Ryan had poured it into a real cup for her, instead of the takeaway one that it had come in. She set the cup down, turning into Ryan, her hand sliding up his side in a way he would definitely describe as seductive.

  “All of my plans involve you not wearing clothes, actually,” she told him with a grin. “Do you think you might be interested in that?” Ryan was certain that Naomi knew exactly what the answer to that particular question was.

  Ryan hummed, pretending to pause to consider his options. “I suppose I might be a little,” he answered, leaning in and catching Naomi’s earlobe between his teeth. He swirled his tongue around it, giving it a tug. She made the most incredible, breathy little sound. Ryan loved that he knew exactly what she liked and just how to touch her.

  He ran a hand slowly down Naomi’s back, brushing over the silky material of her sleep top. “Do your plans also involve you not wearing clothes?” he asked hopefully. Right now, there was definitely too much fabric separating them.

  “They sure do,” Naomi laughed. “But first...” She said, dragging a hand over Ryan’s bare chest. “I have a suggestion.” That piqued Ryan’s interest. Their sex so far had been pretty great, but he was hardly going to say ‘no’ if Naomi wanted to discuss something new.

  Much to his disappointment, she pulled back. But it was only in order to get out of bed to get something. Ryan sat up, interested in what it was Naomi would bring back. The box she handed him when she returned to the bed was small. Ryan lifted the lid off curiously.

  His eyebrows rose in surprise at the black blindfold. He’d heard of being blindfolded during sex, of course. He’d never particularly understood what the appeal was supposed to be. Part of what Ryan loved about sex was the visual aspect. Not only seeing his partner naked, though that was great, but also seeing her enjoy herself.

  “I take it this is for me?” he asked. Obviously, Naomi hardly needed a blindfold. He glanced up at her, curiously. Honestly, there was almost nothing Naomi could have handed him that Ryan wouldn’t have been willing to try. He was curious about her reasons.

  He carefully set the box aside, pulling Naomi close so he could brush his lips against her hair. “Of course, I’ll do it,” he said. “What makes you suggest it?”

  “I thought you might want to see what sex is like for me,” Naomi commented. “Pardon the pun,” she added teasingly. “It’s something a bit different for you. It’s not going to give you the exact same experience I have, but...” There Naomi shrugged. Ryan kind of got it.

  Because she couldn’t see, all of Naomi’s other senses were better. Briefly taking away Ryan’s vision wasn’t going to do the same for him, but it would let him understand it better. Probably. At least that was what Ryan assumed Naomi meant.

  Perhaps because of how much Ryan enjoyed being able to see during sex, he got why Naomi had thought of it. It would be interesting to know what she enjoyed, how she appreciated things by touch and taste and feel. Even the idea made Ryan feel as though the blood was flowing faster around his body.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “That sounds... great, actually.” It would definitely be different. Maybe Ryan wouldn’t be as good as he was with all his senses - but he hardly thought Naomi was going to object. Not when it had been her idea.

  Reaching for the box, Ryan lifted the blindfold out of it. It was easy to just slip over his head, pulling to make sure it was tight enough that it wouldn’t fall off. When Ryan opened his eyes, all he could see was the light from the window. It felt strange, knowing Naomi was there but not being able to see her.

  Ryan reached out a hand, sliding across Naomi’s arm and up to her shoulder. “You might have to help me,” he admitted.

  She laughed at that. Ryan smiled. “I will help you,” Naomi promised and took Ryan’s hand in hers. She slid it under her shirt. Her skin felt warm against Ryan’s touch and smoother than he’d ever really paid attention to before. He cou
ld imagine what Naomi looked like. It wasn’t quite the same as actually seeing her.

  Naomi pulled his hand higher up until Ryan’s fingers could brush over her one of her nipples. It hardened under his touch and Naomi let out a soft moan. It instantly made Ryan want to touch her more, the same way it did when he could see her. She took his other hand to lead it to the hem of her shirt so he could pull it up.

  It only got a little tangled over Naomi’s head as he tried to tug it off. The way she laughed, like it wasn’t even a big deal, instantly made Ryan feel at ease. He pressed her body to the mattress, feeling his way with both hands. He was so much more aware of every sound and every movement like this. Naomi’s breaths lifted her ribcage, pushing her breasts higher.

  Ryan kissed his way over her skin, not stopping until he could take one nipple between his lips. The moan Naomi gave vibrated through her chest. Ryan teased her, lapping at her nipple and then pulling away, letting his breath blow warm across the wet tip. He groaned, bringing a hand up until he found Naomi’s other nipple. He pinched it hard, making her whimper for him, then followed the action with his teeth.

  “Fuck,” she breathed. That, too, seemed to vibrate through Naomi’s body. Ryan’s tongue returned to her nipple, licking over it to see what other sounds Naomi might make. Her skin felt so hot under his touch. He gave a surprised groan when one of her hands scratched over his back and up to his shoulder.

  Not being able to see her hand, he hadn’t quite expected it. The pain from her nails against him somehow felt sharper. It was surprising to Ryan just how different it felt. Or perhaps not quite different - just more.

  Slowly, Ryan moved his hands down Naomi’s body. He slid them over the curve of her waist, his tongue still circling teasingly around her nipple. When she gasped, Ryan let his hands move down to her ass, pulling her tight against him. He ground against her, showing her without sight just how turned on he was by everything about her.

  She moaned. Ryan followed the sound, kissing his way up to her mouth. He caught her full lower lip between his teeth, then ran his tongue over it. Without being able to see, he could still tell the shape of it, could still know exactly where Naomi was most sensitive to a little nibble.


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