Book Read Free

The Change Up

Page 6

by Quinn, Meghan

  “Smart,” I say, eyeing her still.

  She nudges at my shoulder. “What are you staring at me for?”

  “Just . . . uh”—I scratch my chin—“just haven’t seen you in a dress in a long time.”

  “Are you saying I look pretty?” She playfully bats her eyelashes at me. All I can do is nod.

  “Yeah, you do.”

  She notices my serious tone and straightens up, a blush creeping over her cheeks. “Oh . . . well thank you, Maddox. You look very nice in your”—she looks me up and down—“well, in your sweats. You rock them.”

  I chuckle and bring her into another hug. “You’re all kinds of perfect, Kinny.” I kiss her one more time on the top of the head, unable to control myself. “Dinner tonight?”

  “Can you swing that?”

  I nod. “Day game. We have a travel day tomorrow, and I’ll be out on the road for six days and then it’s the All-Star break. So I’ll have time off. Let me take you out to eat to celebrate your first day.”

  “Can I pick the place?”

  I eye her. “As long as it’s not one of those places where all they serve is dirt from the ground and then charge you thirty bucks for it.”

  “One time, it was one time.” She pushes away from me and plucks an apple from a bowl of fruit in my kitchen. “And I promise, it will be a place we can both eat at.”

  “Then you can pick.” I give her a wink. “Got to get ready. Have a fucking great day, Kinny.”

  “Thank you.” She waves and smiles and I swear to God, my heart lurches from the twiddle of her fingers.

  On the way back to my bedroom, I try to figure out what the hell is going on with my head. This is Kinsley, my best friend, there shouldn’t be any eying, any lurches, or catching my breath around her. I shouldn’t be touching her every chance I get or have a ball of warmth churn and roll in my stomach whenever she touches me.

  I’m merely tired, surprised she came early, and maybe a little hard up from cancelling my fuck dates. Getting away tomorrow will be good, give us some time apart and a chance to reset.

  What the hell am I even saying? She’s been here for three days. I’m talking like she’s been here for a month already. If three days has me acting like a goddamn lunatic then what will a few months going to do to me?

  Chapter Seven


  “Kinsley, are you ready for a tour?”

  I stuff my dress and my flats in my satchel and toss my hair up into a short ponytail just to get it out of my face. I spent all morning filling out paperwork, going through some safety training—training I didn’t quite need since I’ve been working at a shelter for over eight years—and now that I’m changed and lunch is over, I’m ready to get my hands dirty.

  Finding Homes is so much more than I expected. My interview was conducted over Skype, so I wasn’t able to see the facility until now and wow, it’s kind of beat up, could use some new paint, and the office furniture, like desks and chairs, is at least ten years old and has seen better days. But that’s what you get when you’re working non-profit. You take what you can get for the least amount of money and you deal with it because you want to spend the money where it counts the most, in this case, for the animals.

  So when I caught glimpses here and there of the kennels, my heart soared, knowing exactly where the money is going. The kennels were all new, feeling more like apartments rather than cages. Built-ins, each kennel has carpet and concrete, comfortable beds, climbing and scratching posts for cats, and of course lots of toys for the dogs. Endless water flows into small bowls, there are doggie doors that lead to an open space where the dogs can go to the bathroom and play, and if they want quiet time, they can climb back into their kennels. It’s wonderful.

  “I’m so impressed with the living arrangements for the animals. The shelter I worked at beforehand had a hard time keeping up with the accommodations.”

  Marcy, my boss and the director of the center says, “We received a large donation last year to upgrade all of the kennels for the animals. It was a huge undertaking, but luckily, a construction company came in and redid the area for us at cost. We had some money left over for a new outdoor area.”

  “Which is incredible by the way. The fact that they have the freedom to stretch their legs whenever they want is great. With a lack of volunteers, it’s hard to walk the dogs as much as they need it.”

  “So hard. It was one of the reasons why we wanted the open space. Come this way.” She guides me down the cat hall. “Most of the cats are allowed to mingle, but there are some that we’ve found like a more solitary way of living. They’re on cat row.”

  “That sounds bad.”

  She chuckles. “It’s not, I promise.”

  “Do you ever euthanize the animals?”

  She sighs and pauses in our tour. “Unfortunately, there are times when we have to. We only have a certain amount of space here and at the foster homes. If the animal has medical complications that we can’t afford to keep up on, then yes, the animal has to be put down but we do everything in our power to avoid getting to that point.”

  I press my hand to my heart. “Oh, that’s so sad, but I get it, I really do.”

  “Hopefully with your help, we won’t ever have to euthanize another animal.”

  “I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen. I have some fresh ideas for adoptions and I’m excited to try them out.”

  “The ideas you offered in your interview were what got you the job, and we’re very excited to get everything started.” That is music to my ears. I know I’ll be good at this job, but to know that it was my ideas that got me this job? It just gives me even more confidence. This is where I’m supposed to be. I know it now.

  “Who’s your longest resident?”

  Marcy brings me to the end of cat row and points to the tabby that’s hiding in the back of its little apartment. Large and fluffy with green eyes, he looks up at me and all I see is sadness, which just about breaks me.

  “This is Chip. His owner passed away from lung cancer despite never smoking a day in her life, a wonderful lady who volunteered here. I think at the time when she was volunteering, she knew she wouldn’t be around for much longer because six months later, we got a call from her sister, asking if we could take Chip in. Part of her will was slotted for us and we used that money to help build cat row. We call this Chip’s corner. He unfortunately hasn’t matched with anyone, and we believe it’s because he’s heartbroken.”

  “I believe it,” I say, stepping up to the glass and kneeling down so he’s eye level. I gently press my hand against the glass and keep my eyes trained on his. “I can see it in his eyes, they’re so . . . sad.”

  “He’s a sweet cat, loves to be pet behind the ears, but we can’t seem to find anyone to connect with him.”

  I stand tall and stick my hands in my pockets. “I’ll find a home for him. It will be my number-one goal. Chip deserves more than Chip’s corner.”

  * * *

  “There’s my girl.” Maddox pulls me into his side and wraps both arms around me as we meet up on the street outside the restaurant I chose. “How was your first day?”

  I return the quick embrace and then step back. “Oh my God, Maddox, it was amazing. The facility is so great, besides the actual office part but whatever, we don’t need luxury. The kennels are brand new with beds and an outdoor space and rises for cats and water, clean water, and the dogs go on walks and run and play, and—”

  “Kinny, babe.” Maddox chuckles. “Take a deep breath. Let’s grab a seat and then you can take your time telling me all about it, okay?”

  I do just as he says and take a deep breath. “Okay.”

  Maddox holds the door open for me to Kitchen 17, a vegan restaurant that was on my list of places to try. I told Maddox through text that there was plenty for him to eat, which there is . . . it’s just all plant-based. It won’t kill him. It actually won’t kill anything.

  Once he walks through t
he door, I see him stop immediately and then lift his eyebrow directly at me—to the point that it hides under his hat, that’s how high he’s lifting it.

  “What?” I ask with a smile.

  “I thought I said no vegan places.”

  I roll my eyes and take him by the hand, dragging him toward the register where we order. “I already know what to order for you. I got you covered.”

  “Last time you said that, I wound up spitting my food back on my plate.”

  “I really have it this time. Okay? Just hand me your money and I’ll get everything we need while you find a seat.” I hold my hand out and he still eyes me suspiciously.

  Finally, he mutters something under his breath I can’t quite understand, reaches to his back pocket, and plops his wallet in my hand. “At least get me a soda.”

  “It’s homemade soda.”

  He growls. “Of course it is.” Irritation shows in his shoulders as they are hiked up to his ears when he walks away. I will shock him with how good this food is, I hope.

  Zagat said the burger I’m ordering us is in the top nine burgers to try in Chicago, and if that doesn’t mean something, then I don’t know what does.

  I order quickly, pay with the cash in Maddox’s wallet—which, wow, why does he have so much cash at one time—and then I grab us each some homemade cola and take our number over to the table Maddox claimed in the back.

  I’m sure his image is suffering a little being here. He’s known to be a bit of a tough guy on the field, a man’s man, someone who beats others with his fists if they make the wrong move, and yet, here he is, about to enjoy a vegan meal with me.

  Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, but I could find a fan making fun of him. Whatever, we’re saving the planet for future generations. *Arm pump*

  When I reach our table, Maddox is slouched in the booth, one arm draped over the back, the other holding up his chin, his eyes studying my every move.

  I toss his wallet on the table in front of him and say, “You carry too much money. You should really keep it to forty dollars.”

  He puts his wallet in his back pocket and says, “I make sure I have money to tip people. Being known around the city has made me very conscious of being a cheap ass.”

  Leaning forward, I whisper, “You tip people twenties?”

  “What am I going to do? Hand them a five? I’m a pro-athlete. People can figure out how much I make with one search on Google. It has to be twenties, and sometimes it’s double.”

  “Forty?” I nearly pop out of my seat. Sheesh. Holding out my hand, I say, “Do I get tipped for ordering your food?”

  “You get a free place to stay in Chicago.”

  “Ugh.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean back in my booth. “How many times are you going to throw that in my face?”

  “As many times as I can.”

  “Can I at least pay you something?”

  He shakes his head. “What the hell am I going to do with your money, Kinsley?” he asks, his tone completely serious. “Right now, I have more money than I know what to do with, and it keeps coming in like clockwork. Sponsors, royalty sales, salary, and then there are all my investments that pay too. I don’t see your two hundred dollars a month for rent.”

  I bite my bottom lip, still feeling a little guilty about living for free in his place.

  “Anyway, it’s not like you have a proper bedroom. I don’t want you paying rent if you don’t even have a real place to sleep, which reminds me. I’ll be out of town starting tomorrow, so sleep in my bed. I’ll leave some sheets for you to change.”

  “Doesn’t your cleaning service do that?”

  I shake my head. “No cleaning service. I like my privacy, which means while I’m gone, you’re going to have to clean up your own mess.”

  “What does that mean? Are you . . .” I quirk my brow. “Are you implying I’m messy?”

  “I’m not implying, I’m saying you’re messy. Just in the last three days I’ve picked up after you all over the place.”

  “I barely consider moving a soap bar to the side picking up after me.” He just shakes his head at me. “Anyway, I’m not sleeping in your bed, so don’t worry about the sheets.”

  “Kinsley.” He shifts. “I’m not going to be there, the bed will be empty, just use it.”

  I shake my head. “That’s your personal space. I don’t want to take that up. Clyde and I are just fine, thank you.” Maddox has the most generous heart, but it is his space, and even though he’s offering his bed, I won’t go there. He lives alone because he likes that, and I refuse to crowd him.

  “Your mattress was on the ground this morning again. At least sleep on the couch if anything.”

  “Clyde just needs to get it together. It will be fine.” Just then, one of the workers brings over our burgers and sets them down in front of us. They smell and look amazing.

  “Do you need anything else?”

  We both say we’re good, and she takes off. Clearly not a baseball fan or else she would have gushed over the fact that Maddox Paige is sitting right in front of her, looking like sin in his black-on-black outfit.

  Maddox stares down at his plate and then back at me. “What is this?”

  “BBQ cheddar burger. One of the top nine burgers in Chicago. It’s made with Impossible meat. Give it a try.”

  He examines it, and I can see the apprehension in his eyes. “This isn’t going to do weird shit to my digestive system, is it? I have to fly to Texas tomorrow.”

  “No, you’ll be fine.”

  Still wary, he picks up the burger, gives it a sniff, glances at me, and then takes a bite. I watch intently as he chews, wishing I knew everything he was thinking. Finally, when he swallows, he says, “Not bad.”

  “Oh God, I might cry—”

  He holds his hand up. “This does not mean I’m turning into a vegan. I’m just saying this particular item isn’t bad.”

  I eye him over my burger as I bring it to my mouth. “I’m going to win you over one of these days, I know I will. Baby steps will have to do for now.”

  * * *

  “The best part about being a vegan is fries are always an option.” I pop another fry in my mouth, Maddox finished his plate a while ago whereas I like to take my time, especially when I find something as delicious as the burger we just consumed.

  He reaches over to my plate and snags a fry as well. “So tell me more about the shelter. Was everyone nice to you?”

  “They were so great. It’s all women, which I’m a little wary of because sometimes it can get a little catty when there are too many women. It’s the nature of the beast, but it seems like since we all have one major goal—help these animals—we’ll be okay. Plus, I get along better with guys. Hence my best friend is a guy.”

  “Guys are more laid-back, sorry to say.”

  “I know, but Marcy seems pretty cool, and she’s who I’ll be working the most with. There’s a receptionist, Malorie, and then the volunteer coordinator who works part-time, that’s Denise. Then there are a few volunteer captains. I haven’t met them yet.”

  “At least there aren’t any guys there who will be staring at your tits the whole time.”

  “What?” I laugh. “Where did that come from?”

  “Come on, Kin.” He gestures to my chest. “Are you always fucking cold?”

  I glance down at my chest where my hard nipples are pressing against my tight shirt, then back up at him. “I mean, yeah.”

  “You don’t even wear bras to work?”

  I shrug. “Don’t even think about it. They’re perky, why bother with a bra?”

  The side of his jaw ticks as he looks away, almost as if he’s in pain.

  “Anyway,” I say, “I’m so pumped about my new job. One of the hardest parts of the job is knowing where to look to find people to take the animals. And Chicago is such a big place. I’ve been trying to work out which social media platform has the most reach for animal lovers. Obviously, we don’t want any
college students, so that could take out Snapchat. Facebook isn’t specific enough, and I’m not sure that’s the right demographic anyway. So should we be using Instagram, and if we do, how do we get followers? I have lots of thoughts running around in my head about how best to present the animals, and although some of them seem so sad, I need photos of them looking happy.” Leaning over the table, I grab Maddox’s hand and say, “Thank you so much for making this happen for me. I owe you, Maddie.”

  The scowl he was wearing eases and his eyes soften as he squeezes my hand back. “You don’t owe me anything, Kinsley. This is what friends do for each other. The amount of times you let me sleep over in your room when my dad was . . . well, you know, this is something I can do for you after you gave me a safe place.”

  “We were each other's safe place. You know how insane my mom is.”

  “Speaking of which, have you spoken to her?”

  “On the way over here actually,” I answer. “She called me five times today wanting to know if I hated my first day of work and to let me know there is no shame in going back home.”

  Maddox shakes his head; it’s the same shake I’ve seen many times when he’s irritated with my mom. She has a beautiful heart and her intentions are usually good for the most part, but she’s always pushed boundaries. Overstepping, needling, encroaching on territory she shouldn’t have an opinion on.

  “You’re not going back,” he says, his eyes zeroing in on mine. “Do you understand that? You’re not going back.”

  I swallow hard at the intensity in his words and in his eyes. They send a shiver of awareness through my veins, eradicating any thought of the safety net back home. Going back home would not only disappoint me, but it would disappoint Maddox, and I never want to disappoint him, ever.

  “Say it,” he says, squeezing my hand. I didn’t even realize we were still holding hands. “This is your new life, Kinsley, your new journey. Say you’re not going back.”


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