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Not The Billionaire

Page 16

by Noorman, Krista

  But if he told her the truth, would she ever look at him the way she had tonight? Would she ever be able to call him Sebastian without remembering his lies? She’d made it clear that honesty was important to her, that she had no respect for liars.

  A sudden realization hit him over the head. He’d just suggested signing a form at work to disclose their relationship. She would expect him to sign it as Kurtis Fraser, even though there was no employee by that name at Schultz Chocolate. At this point, he knew he was totally screwed.


  Do you really have to go?” Genevieve hated the thought of being without Kurtis for ten days.

  “I do. This trip has been planned for a while now.” He came up behind where she was standing by her office window and slid his arms around her waist. “But I don’t know if I can stand being away from you for ten days.”

  The whisper of his breath against her neck caused her to shiver, but not because she was cold. She turned in his arms and rested her forearms on his shoulders as her fingertips slid into the hair at the base of his neck. “Me neither.”

  He leaned into her, pressing her back against the glass, as his mouth descended on hers.

  She melted into him, and he kissed her until she was dizzy and weak in the knees. Her arms around his neck helped keep her on her feet, but their bodies pressed together like they were intensified the sensations coursing through her. Never in her life had she been kissed this way—sweet and gentle, yet blazing with the passion and desire she knew he was holding back. She knew, because she was doing the same thing.

  His forehead met hers. “I’ll miss that.”

  “Ya think?” She smirked.

  “But mostly you.” He reached up with one hand and slid his fingers through the length of her hair.

  She moved her forefinger along the skin of his neck and traced along his jaw and over his chin to his full bottom lip. “I’ll miss you too.”

  The past week had flown by, and every day it was almost as if she was floating on a cloud. She loved being close to Kurtis, working together on the regatta, spending time together outside of work. They made a perfect team, and she was very close to having all the items checked off of her list.

  There was still one thing bugging her, though. Whenever she asked about his family or tried to learn more about his life outside of work, he still gave her vague answers or steered the conversation to other topics. They knew a lot about each other, but she didn’t even know where he lived. And it disappointed her that she was already more invested in this relationship than he was. They’d only known each other a month, though, and this being her first real dating relationship, she wasn’t exactly sure how things were done. She didn’t want to come across as too naive, but it seemed like common sense that if you truly cared for someone and thought there might be a future with them, that you would want the person to know all about you. She’d taken him to the farm and introduced him to her mom before they were even an official couple.

  Still, she wasn’t sure if she should broach the subject yet. She wanted him to want to share things with her. So, for the time being, she let it go. That, and the fact that he hadn't said anything more about disclosing their relationship to Human Resources.

  Today, though, she didn’t want to think about anything other than spending every moment she could with Kurtis, because he was leaving tomorrow morning for a corporate conference in San Francisco before spending a few days at the Schultz Chocolate factory in nearby San Jose.

  “How am I going to finish all the final items on my list?” she pouted.

  He tapped the tip of her nose. “You’ll get them done. And I’ll be back on Friday, so whatever last minute details you need help with on Saturday, I’m your man.”

  She grinned. “Yes you are.”

  He chuckled at that and kissed her again.

  On the morning of the regatta, Genevieve arrived at the yacht club early to check in on the team setting up for the gala that night. Everything looked incredible already, and the room was only half put together. The decor was black and gold—black tablecloths, gold curtains, vases of white roses and hydrangeas centered on the tables with black and white feathers sticking out and strands of pearls spilling over the edges. The stage background had been built in a giant gold art deco pattern with professional lighting above and behind to give everything a warm glow. And there was a dance floor set up in the center of the room with the Schultz Chocolate logo projected onto the floor.

  Genevieve stood there, staring in disbelief at her vision come to life.

  “This looks amazing.” Kurtis’s voice hummed next to her ear, and she spun around and launched herself at him.

  “You’re here!”

  He squeezed her tightly before planting a soft kiss on her cheek. “See, you didn’t need me to get everything done.”

  She let go and faced the room again. “It really does look great, doesn’t it?”

  He put his arm around behind her waist and pulled her into his side. “I never doubted it for a second.”

  She was about to thank him for being so supportive when he brought her body flush with his and interrupted all coherent thought with a scorching kiss. When his lips moved away, her eyes remained closed while she recovered. She nearly fell forward when he loosened his grip on her.

  He chuckled as he steadied her, and she finally opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

  “I missed you.” He was grinning like a fool.

  She lay her hand on his chest. “I missed you too.”

  “Are you ready for today?”

  “I think so.” She glanced around the room. “Looks like they’re making great progress in here. We should go check and make sure everything’s getting set up outside.”

  “Okay.” He let her go, and they ventured out to the yard.

  The outdoor team was already assembled, and most things had been set up the night before. Food trucks had started to arrive. The dinghies were lined up for a race at noon. But there were a few last minute things going up, like the inflatable floating obstacle course in the lake and the games and activities in the kids’ tent.

  Genevieve hoped there would be something for everyone to enjoy during the day.

  The regatta was scheduled for two-thirty in the afternoon, followed by the gala at seven.

  She couldn’t wait to see Kurtis all dressed up, and she couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when she showed up in her pretty little flapper dress. It was going to be an awesome night. And she was hoping this would be the night that he told her those three little words she’d been dying to hear from him. Because she had surely been feeling them for weeks now, but she’d been too afraid to say it.

  A black Cadillac Escalade pulled up to the yacht club entrance then, followed by Skylar’s Porsche. Skylar and Franky got out of her car. Then Genevieve saw Ephraim Schultz step out of the Escalade.

  “Let’s go welcome them.” Genevieve was looking forward to making his acquaintance.

  Kurtis glanced across the yard at the people who had exited the cars. “Uh, you go ahead,” he told her. “There’s something I have to take care of.”

  “I thought maybe you’d introduce me since you know their family so well.”

  “Skylar can introduce you.”

  “But you just got here.”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

  She stood there gaping as he walked across the yard in the opposite direction, leaving her alone.

  What the heck!

  Deeply disappointed, she took a calming breath and walked across the yard. Kurtis’s behavior was sometimes so strange and confusing.

  “Hey, Genevieve,” Skylar greeted her, then turned to her parents. “Mom, Dad, this is Genevieve Willis, the brains behind this event. Genevieve, these are my parents, Ephraim and Harriet Schultz.”

  “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you both.” Genevieve held her hand out to Ephraim first.

  He took her hand and shook it
firmly. “I’ve heard a lot about you and this event, Miss Willis. We’ve been looking forward to it since Skylar mentioned it.”

  “Lovely to meet you, dear,” Harriet said with a soft yet firm shake of Genevieve’s hand.

  The other couple who had arrived in the SUV stepped up to the group, and Franky introduced them as his parents, Wayne and Glenda Middlebury.

  As the others chatted, Glenda turned to Genevieve. “I love that you decided on a Roaring Twenties theme for tonight’s gala. I think it will be such a nice change from the usual events.”

  “Thank you. I think so too.”

  “What else will the evening entail?”

  Genevieve shared about the dinner and awards as well as the silent auction and dancing.

  “Is Sebastian auctioning off guitar lessons again this year?”

  “No. I didn’t even know Sebastian played,” Genevieve replied.

  “It was one of the biggest items of the night last year. You’ll have to go tell him to add it to the auction.” Glenda nodded toward where the team was putting the finishing touches on the decorations.

  “I’m afraid Sebastian won’t be joining us this year.”

  “Oh no, I hadn’t heard that. Is he just helping out this morning then?”

  Genevieve was confused. “No, he’s not helping.”

  “Just supervising then?” she chuckled.

  “He hasn’t been here, and I don’t think he’ll be making an appearance.” She thought back to drunk Sebastian at the beach house on the Fourth of July.

  Glenda’s eyebrows scrunched together. “But you were talking to him when we arrived.”

  “Okay, Mom,” Franky interrupted. “Let’s go inside and check out the decorations for the gala.”

  Franky led his parents along behind the Schultzes and into the building.

  “Sky,” Genevieve whispered after her.

  She looked over her shoulder and stopped walking as Genevieve approached.

  “Why did Franky’s mom think I was talking to Sebastian when they arrived?”

  Skylar shrugged her shoulders. “She must have thought she saw him or something. She gets confused easily.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “Everything looks great, Genevieve,” Skylar told her. “Everyone’s going to love it.”

  “Thank you.”

  Skylar entered the building after her family and the Middleburys and left Genevieve standing alone on the sidewalk. There was a flurry of last minute activity all around her, but she had an unsettling feeling. She didn’t know Glenda Middlebury or if she had a tendency to get confused easily, but the whole thing made her uneasy. Including the fact that Kurtis had scurried off so quickly.

  As the day went on, families from around the area descended on the yacht club and spent the day enjoying the events with their kids, competing in the inflatable course and the dinghy race. Everything was a big success so far, and Genevieve couldn’t have been happier.

  Well, that wasn’t true. All day long, she kept looking for Kurtis, wondering why he wasn’t there with her. She’d texted him several times with no reply. She tried to focus on the day and not worry, but she thought he’d be there at her side. He was as much a part of the planning of this day as she was. He’d been there to help her with all the little details, and now the day had arrived and she was going it alone.

  Thankfully, she wasn’t completely alone. She had been welcomed in by the Schultz family, who praised her great efforts for this event.

  When it came time for the regatta, Genevieve planned to go watch with the rest of the spectators and see how everyone was enjoying it. She started toward the parking lot, but was unexpectedly intercepted by Ephraim Schultz.

  “You’ll be riding on the yacht with us, won’t you?” he asked.

  “To watch the race?” she asked in surprise.

  “Of course. You put this day together, young lady. It’s only right that you have a front row seat.”

  Excitement coursed through her at the thought of riding on the Schultz’s yacht. “I would love that.”

  “It’s settled then.” Ephraim motioned for her to follow, and they joined the family, who were boarding the yacht along with a dozen or so others.

  Genevieve took in everything around her as she boarded this luxurious watercraft. The rope that held it to the dock, the gangplank as she walked across, people on the deck above, the windows on the upper level, the antennas and instruments on the roof of the main cabin. She smiled to herself. Look at me now, Daddy.

  When she found Skylar and Franky, they were joking around, as usual, and she took a seat next to them. Genevieve listened to their banter and found the two of them adorable, making her wonder why they weren’t a couple. But maybe theirs was more of a brother and sister relationship. They sure seemed perfect together, though.

  The yacht sailed through the channel and out onto Lake Michigan, where the sailboats were waiting to begin the race. The sky was clear blue, the sun shone brightly, and it was a perfect day on the water. Not too choppy or rough, but with just enough of a breeze. An ideal day for a sailboat race.

  Franky reached across the space with his foot and tapped Genevieve’s leg. “Why the long face?”

  She forced a smile in reply.

  He guffawed. “That was about as sincere as Skylar when she says I’m funny.”

  “You are funny,” Skylar said with a wink.

  “I’m sorry. I just wish Kurtis was here.”

  They looked at each other then back at her.

  “He’ll be here,” Skylar told her.

  Genevieve’s eyebrows lifted. “He will?”

  “He had some things to take care of today.”

  “What things?”

  “I don’t want to spoil anything,” Skylar said, “but you’ll see him at the gala tonight.”

  She breathed out with relief. That was exactly what she needed to hear. She’d been so worried after he took off and after not being able to get ahold of him all day. If he’d only told her that he wouldn’t be able to make it to the race, she would have understood. What was he taking care of? She wondered what he might be planning? Was it something for her? Suddenly, she was even more excited to see what the evening held.

  All the boats traveling across the water were a beautiful sight, and seeing the sailing teams in action was amazing. When she’d decided to arrange this regatta, she’d actually never been to one herself. She’d heard about them and knew they were a big draw, which was why she’d gone with this. But the disappointment over not sharing the day with Kurtis eclipsed any happiness she felt over watching the regatta from the comfort of a seventy-foot yacht.

  When they reached land again, Genevieve checked to make sure all the details were set for the evening’s event. The place looked amazing. The team of volunteers she had assembled were already arriving and ready to meet the caterer and band and direct people where they needed to be. Kurtis had insisted she leave those details to others who were capable so she could go get ready. It was smart. If she hadn’t done that, she would most definitely be rushing around, organizing, going over her list, even though everything was crossed off by now. She needed this time. She wanted to walk into that building and see the look on Kurtis’s face. It made her giddy just thinking about it.

  As she was about to turn the corner and head down the hallway toward the exit, she heard Sebastian’s voice. He was standing by the doors with a tall blonde woman whose back was to her, and they seemed to be in a serious conversation. Both were dressed and ready for the gala—he in an expensive looking suit and she in a gown that looked like it was straight from Calvin Klein or some other high end designer.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” Sebastian told her. “They don’t want me here. I told you what my dad said. It’s not good for the company for me to be seen at functions right now.”

  “But if you truly want to be part of the business, you have to show them that you’re changing. Don’t run away.”

“I don’t know. Now that we’re here, I kind of wish we’d just stayed on the beach in Malibu.”

  Genevieve felt a little bit like a stalker standing just around the corner, listening to them, and not making her presence known.

  “But you agreed with me eight hours ago. I flew all the way here to be with you for this,” the woman said as she rotated her body, revealing her face.

  Genevieve held in a gasp. Adelia Allen? She had no idea Sebastian knew her. Adelia was one of Genevieve’s favorite actresses and basically Hollywood royalty—the daughter of Hugh Allen and Cora Roberts, both Oscar winners, and the highest paid couple in the movie business. Genevieve wasn’t normally one to be a fangirl, but she really wanted to rush toward her and tell her just how much she loved her movies. Instead, she watched as Adelia took Sebastian’s hand and started leading him down the hallway.

  “This is the first step, okay. Don’t second-guess yourself. Just remember what we talked about. Show them you want this. One step at a time.”

  Genevieve was about to move into the hallway and introduce herself, when Adelia spoke again.

  “I believe in you, Gus. I always have, and I always will.”

  “Thanks, Deals.”

  Genevieve took a few steps back so she wouldn’t be seen. Maybe Adelia had misspoken. But then she heard another voice greet them.

  “Well, Augustus Schultz, I didn’t think we’d be seeing you here today.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Middlebury.”

  As the three of them chatted, Genevieve’s back hit the brick wall behind her. Her heart and mind were racing. Augustus? This makes no sense. Why would he tell me he was Sebastian if he wasn’t?

  Her mind jumped from thought to thought. Maybe they’re twins. Maybe that’s not the man I met. Then she began to piece together conversations. The gossip about Gus at work. Skylar so worried for her brother. Then his drunkenness on the Fourth of July rushed back to her. Kurtis had to know that Gus was not Sebastian. Why would he let her believe that he was?

  Kurtis had lied to her!


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