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Not The Billionaire

Page 21

by Noorman, Krista

  Her jaw dropped. “Sebastian.”

  “What good is all this money if we don’t use it to help others.”

  Tears filled her eyes again. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just say you love me.”

  She smiled and stood on her tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. “Think of all the good we’ll do together.”

  Her heart was overwhelmed with love for this man, who gave without a second thought just to make her happy. She couldn’t believe she almost let him go.


  You haven’t told me where you’re taking me today.” Genevieve lifted her left hand and admired her ring.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Another surprise? I don’t know if anything can top last night.”

  Sebastian took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, gently kissing her finger just below the diamond. Never had he felt more proud than seeing her wear that ring, showing the world she was his.

  He drove the car up his parents’ driveway. This was the first time he had brought Genevieve here, and he didn’t have to tell her where they were. The look on her face told him that she already knew.

  “Your parents’ house?”

  He nodded. “That’s okay, isn’t it?”


  He got out of the car and ran around to open the door for his future wife.

  She turned so her legs were out of the car but remained seated. “I haven’t seen them since the regatta. Did they know you were proposing?” It looked like she shivered for a second.

  “Are you cold?” The weather outside was mild for an early October day.

  “I still get chills when I think about it. You proposed. We’re getting married, Sebastian.” She stared at him with wide eyes and held up her left hand. “Married!”

  He tugged her up to standing and brought her hand to his mouth again, kissing her knuckles and then her ring finger. “I know. I can’t wait.”

  A smile spread across her face.

  “And yes, they knew I was going to propose.” He tilted his head toward the house. “Come on. Let’s go see your future in-laws.”

  She slid her hand around the back of his neck and pulled his head down so she could kiss his lips. Happiness buzzed through his body like an electrical current. He felt high. High on life. High on Genevieve. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  They walked into the house together, hand in hand, smiling like lovesick fools.

  The door flung open before they reached it, and Skylar bolted toward them, grabbing Genevieve’s left hand. “I knew you’d say yes!” She flung her arms around the two of them. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Sky,” Sebastian said. “Can we at least get inside the house first?”

  They laughed together as they entered.

  “Gus here yet?” he asked Skylar.

  She looked worried. “Not yet.”

  Gerard was standing to the side of the door, taking everyone’s coats.

  “Thanks, Gerard,” Sebastian said. “Genevieve, this is Gerard, our butler.”

  “Nice to meet you, Gerard,” she held her hand out, and he shook it.

  “Lovely to meet you too, Miss Willis.”

  “Soon to be Mrs. Schultz.” Genevieve held her hand out to show Gerard the ring.

  Sebastian beamed from the pride that filled him in that moment. He loved that she was happy and bragging about their upcoming marriage. How fortunate was he to have found her and that she agreed to be his wife.

  When they were further into the house, she leaned close and whispered, “Your butler’s name is Gerard? Like Gerard Butler, the actor?” She laughed at her own joke.

  He smiled over at her. Never knowing what she was going to say next was one of the things he loved most about her.

  “Also … you have a butler.” She shook her head.

  “He’s more of a household manager, really.”

  She gave him an adorable little eye roll.

  Mom and Dad were in the living room when the three of them entered, and they both stood to welcome them.

  “It’s so wonderful to see you again, Genevieve,” Mom said as she hugged her.

  “You, too, Mrs. Schultz,” Genevieve replied.

  “Call me Harriet …” Her face lit up as she noticed the ring on Genevieve’s finger. “Or Mom.” She clasped Genevieve’s hand between hers. “Oh, I can’t tell you how happy I am.”

  Harriet looked over at Sebastian then and moved to hug him. He held onto her tightly, and she whispered, “I’m overjoyed for you, baby boy. You’re going to be a wonderful husband and father one day.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “So, it’s happening then,” she said quietly as she pulled away.

  He nodded, not quite ready to make the announcement he’d confided in his parents about, and Mom gave him a sad smile in reply. He hated making his mother sad, but he knew she was truly happy for him and supported the decision he’d made.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Dad said, pulling Genevieve into a hug. “Welcome to the family, young lady.”

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  “Dinner is ready,” Gerard announced then.

  They moved into the dining room just as the doorbell went off, and Gerard ushered Augustus into the room.

  “You made it.” Skylar looked pleased.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  Sebastian watched Gus as he took his seat, looking better, healthier. He much preferred seeing his brother this way, not dazed and out of it. Gus had been back in Grand Rapids since the regatta, trying to get his life back in order. He wanted to be a part of the company, Sebastian knew he did. But there was still all the mess with Milton to deal with.

  Gus gave Genevieve a little wave. “Good to see you again, Genevieve.”

  “You, too … Gus.” She smiled as she said his name, and Sebastian knew it was probably strange for her to say that after thinking he was Sebastian for so long.

  When their parents were chatting with Skylar, Gus leaned across the table toward Genevieve. “Sorry for all that stuff this summer,” he told her.

  “No worries.” She waved it off. “It all worked out for the best.”

  Gus looked from Sebastian to Genevieve and back again. “Yes, it did. Everything’s as it should have been from the start.”

  Sebastian took Genevieve’s hand and held it up. “We’re engaged.”

  “No way.” Gus’s eyes widened. “Bash, you proposed? That’s … that’s great. I’m happy for you, bro.” He held his fist out until Sebastian bumped his against it, then stood and came around the table to hug Genevieve.

  Sebastian wasn’t sure, but it seemed Gus was less enthusiastic about their engagement than he let on. Maybe he was surprised. They hadn’t talked much lately, so maybe he felt out of the loop.

  After dinner, they all moved into the living room again. Mom, Skylar, and Gus sat together on the sofa, Dad took the leather chair by the fireplace, and Sebastian and Genevieve sat together on the loveseat.

  Sebastian kissed Genevieve gently on the lips, then stood and walked over to stand by the fireplace.

  Everyone gave him their attention.

  “By now, you all know that I’ve asked Genevieve to marry me, and she has agreed.” He couldn’t stop smiling. “Before I decided to propose, I spoke to Dad and Mom about a decision I’ve made.”

  Genevieve’s eyes narrowed as she watched him curiously.

  “Effective immediately, I will be stepping down as president of Schultz Chocolate.”

  Skylar gasped. Genevieve’s mouth hung open. Gus looked pleased.

  “I will be moving to Montana to be with Genevieve.”

  “What?” Genevieve shook her head. “No, you can’t leave your job for me. That’s crazy.”

  “I’ve made my decision, darling. I can’t be away from
you, and when we marry, I know you’ll want to stay on at the Rescue. You were meant to work there, and I won’t ask you to walk away from it.”

  “But you love your job.” Tears were forming in her eyes.

  He sat down next to her on the loveseat and took her hands. “I love you more.”

  “Bass.” A tear slipped down her cheek, and he brushed it away with his thumb.

  “Who’ll take over your job?” Gus interrupted their sweet moment.

  “I’ve left that decision up to Dad.” He nodded at their father then, who stood and took the place where Sebastian had been standing.

  Their attention turned to the head of the household.

  “I’ve thought long and hard about this decision, and I’ve decided Skylar will move into the position of president in Sebastian’s absence.”

  “What?” Gus burst out. “Why? I’m the next oldest. It should be me.”

  “Augustus.” Dad gave him a scolding look. “With the issues you’ve had over the past few years and your upcoming court date, I have to think about what will be best for the company at this time.”

  “This is crap.” Gus stood and stared his father down. “Nothing I ever do is enough.”

  “Gus.” Skylar looked as if her heart was shattering for their brother.

  “What do I have to do? Tell me, Dad. Because I’ll do it.”

  “You’ll still have your position as vice president for the time being.”

  “For the time being? What does that mean?”

  “It’s dependent on this law suit.” Dad stepped closer to Gus and lay his hand on his shoulder, looking him straight in the eyes. “I know you want to be taken seriously in this company, and I want that for you. I do. But as I’ve told you before, until we see that you’ve changed … until you’re ready to settle down and be serious, this is how things are going to be.”

  Gus looked devastated, like the weight of the world had suddenly settled on his shoulders. He looked around the room at his family, from face to face, and stopped on Sebastian. “Congratulations on your engagement.” He turned and began walking out of the living room.

  “Augustus,” his father called after him.

  He turned and locked eyes with their father. “I’ll be going now. It’s obvious where I rank in this family.”

  “Gus,” Skylar begged. “Please, don’t.”

  “Kick some butt as president, sis.”

  And then, with no further arguments or angry scenes, he turned and walked out of the house.

  The room was silent for long minutes. Skylar was weeping, and Mom took her into her arms and let her cry. She was so tender when it came to their brother.

  “Where will he go?” Genevieve whispered.

  “I don’t know. He has the law suit to deal with, so he can’t stay away for long.”

  “I feel bad for him.”

  Sebastian put his arm around her and leaned back against the loveseat, pulling her into his side. She turned into him, resting her head on his chest, and her palm over his heart.

  “I just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid,” Sebastian said.

  After some time, when Skylar’s tears had subsided and the sadness of Gus walking out had dulled a little, Mom stood and brushed her hands over her slacks to smooth them out. She looked over at the two of them with a smile.

  “What do you say we teach Genevieve how to make Granny’s truffles.”

  Genevieve sat up suddenly from her place in Sebastian’s arms, and he immediately felt the loss of her warmth. “Oh, I’d love that.”

  Mom, Dad and Skylar headed toward the kitchen, but Sebastian drew Genevieve into his arms again.

  “I wanna make truffles.” She attempted to get up.

  Sebastian held her in place and nuzzled her neck instead. “In a minute.”

  She giggled as he ran his nose along her neck and tickled her with soft kisses under her ear.

  “Come on, lovebirds.” Skylar stood in the living room doorway with her hands on her hips.

  As they passed her by, she took hold of Sebastian’s wrist to stop him.

  He looked back at her.

  “Congratulations.” Tears were in her eyes again. He was sure some of them were leftover from her sadness over Gus.

  “Thank you.” He wrapped his sister up in a tight hug. “He’s gonna be okay.” He wasn’t sure his words could reassure her. “I know it.”

  “I hope so.”

  When Sebastian walked into the kitchen, his mother had already tied an apron around Genevieve and was explaining the whole process to her. He stood back and watched his future wife, fitting in with his family so well, learning their family recipe, becoming a part of them. It was as if she was meant to be a Schultz, and he truly believed she was.

  It struck him then how close he’d come to losing her forever. How his lies could have been the end of their story. But the truth had brought them back together. It was a hard lesson learned. He thought back to what Genevieve had said at the regatta, the cliché her father had always said to her. Honesty is the best policy.

  The sick feeling he’d had in his gut every time he made something up to cover the web of lies he’d woven was enough to make him believe in those five words too. It was enough to make him never want to lie to her—or anyone—again. Because this kind, honest, beautiful woman and the love they shared was the greatest truth in his life. And he would never betray that truth again.


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  THANK YOU for reading Sebastian and Genevieve's story. This story was so much fun to write, and honestly (hehe!), I never planned to write this series or any billionaire book for that matter. But one day, while driving to pick my daughter up from school, my brain started toying with the idea for this book. I sat down at my computer and started typing notes about this character of Sebastian and his family, and before I knew it, I had all the makings of a four-book series. I'm so glad I didn't ignore this idea and just decided to go for it, because Sebastian is one of my favorites. And I already know that Gus (his book is next!) will be too.

  I have to thank my wonderful critique girls - Anita, Melanie, and Rachel. Your input makes my stories so much better. I am blessed to have you along on this writing journey.

  Thanks to my launch team and the wonderful friends in my Facebook group, A Work in Progress. You read and love my books and show your support all the time, and it makes this whole thing worth it.

  I was on a tight deadline for this book, editing right down to the wire, and I have to thank my family for giving me the peace and quiet I needed to work on this book for days on end. And my best friend, Jen, who stopped by with a mocha just because she knew I was working on the book and needed it.

  And thank you again for reading!

  To stay up to date on what I'm writing next and be the first to hear about new releases:

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  Happy reading and God bless!






  Not the Billionaire (Book 1)


  Bittersweet (Book 1)

  Find other books in this series on Amazon



  Another June with You (Book 1)


  Goodbye, Magnolia (Book 1)

  Hello, Forever (Book 1.5)

  Until Then (Book 2)


  The Truth About Drew

  18 Hours to Us


  KRISTA NOORMAN has spent most of her life scribbling away in journals, documenting her every day life, but it wasn’t until she took part in National Novel Writing Month in 2008, that she found her true calling and turned her pen to fiction.

  Krista studied at Cornerstone University, then turned to her love of photography and spent nearly a decade running her own wedding photography business, which was the inspiration for her novel, Goodbye, Magnolia. She is constantly inspired by books and movies, enjoys beautiful Instagram feeds, and loves a great cup of coffee. Krista makes her home in a small town in western Michigan with her husband and two children.

  She writes about life, family, faith, and whatever else comes to mind on her blog,




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