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Sweet Seas

Page 10

by Scarlett Finn

  As amusing and titillating as that part of his past was, it wasn’t the reason her thoughts kept floating back to him. Sassi didn’t want Swain because he’d been bad once upon a time long ago; she wanted him for what he was now. Steadfast, committed, and loyal, he was the kind of decent guy who got his priorities straight and didn’t waver from them.

  “Foist says you charter other ships, Captain. He says you have a fleet,” she said, taking them their pasta. “How many do you have?”

  “Six,” he said, digging into the pasta almost before she’d put it down on the table.

  She didn’t know if she should feel guilty for delaying their meals or flattered that he was so eager to dig in.

  “And he has his eye on a pair of beauties in New York too,” Jockey said, winking when she gave him his food.

  Swain tipped his chin up to catch some pasta sauce. “Nah, that’s not gonna happen.”

  Jockey looked real disappointed. Sassi went to retrieve their sandwiches, then got Jockey his soda and Swain his coffee. “Why not?” she asked, resting a hand on the captain’s shoulder as she poured java his mug.

  “My year’s full, don’t have time to go up there and do an eyes-on inspection,” the captain said, curving his fingers around the back of her knee to hold her still.

  With the table blocking the view of the captain’s hand on her leg, the connection was hidden from Jockey. But, the meeting of their eyes stuck for so long, there was no way that the first-mate could’ve missed it.

  “He has to do his own full assessment before he’ll commit,” Jockey said with a curious edge to his tone.

  “Smart,” she said, still ensnared by the captain’s intense gaze. “When you’re parting with that amount of money, you should see what you’re getting.”

  “Money has nothing to do with commitment,” Swain said. “I’m loyal to my girls. I don’t take ‘em on unless I know I can give them everything they need. I stick by ‘em through everything.”

  “Your girls?”

  “All my girls,” he said, telling her that he wasn’t only talking about the ships anymore by the tapering of his eyes.

  Jockey coughed. “You know, some of the crew been talking.”

  Digging into his food again, Swain managed to multi-task. “Bout what?” he asked, tightening his hold on her leg.

  “The cap’n and the cook,” Jockey said.

  Surprised he’d been so blatant in bringing it up, Sassi was sure her face began to flame while the first-mate did his best to assess both of them, probably looking for clues of their guilt. Swain was no help. Completely unruffled, he just kept on eating like they were talking about the weather, but she squirmed.

  “Jockey, I…”

  But, Sassi had no answers for him, even she and the captain hadn’t talked about what they were to each other.

  “Mind if I ask what’s going on?”

  Sassi was going to say there was nothing going on, but Swain shifted to widen his thighs. Hooking a strong arm around her waist, the captain hauled her down onto his lap and she had to think fast not to spill the coffee in her hand all over his lunch.

  “I claim what I want, you know it,” Swain said. “She’s my girl, and you can let anyone who asks know it.”

  As if sitting on his lap wasn’t shocking enough, his declaration that they were an item was way premature. “Captain,” she said, trying her best to untangle herself from his arm, but it was pointless to struggle. He was strong enough to wrestle her like she was a gnat not a threat.

  Jockey laughed and slapped a hand on the table, startling Sassi. She stopping fighting the captain to look over at the exuberant first-mate. “I knew it! I knew you were sweet on each other that first night in Miami.”

  “I was pissed off that you set us up,” Swain said. “Guess I should thank you now.”

  Jockey laughed again. “Guess you should. It’s been going on since then?” The first-mate assumed that they’d been sleeping together since the first night she’d spent on the ship? Sassi expected the captain to correct him, he didn’t. “That why we shoved off early? So she couldn’t change her mind about screwing with the pirate and run off back to her family?”

  “Yeah, and what the fuck, Jockey,” Swain said. “Quit telling folk about that.”

  “Worked out for you, son. Worked out for you.” Jockey had already finished his pasta and half his sandwich. He grabbed the other half and his soda, and shuffled out from the bench. “You’ve snuck around long enough. I’ll let you enjoy your quality time, won’t take news this good long to travel.”

  Jockey’s laugh echoed through the corridor and until it quieted, Sassi stayed on the captain’s lap, absorbing what had just happened.

  It was the scrape of his fork on the bottom of his pasta bowl that woke her up. “What did you do that for?” she asked and squeezed her fingers under his on her torso. She thought he’d let her go, instead, he curled his fingers around hers to hold her hand. “Now the crew will think I’m a whore!”

  “Who on the crew have you made out with?”

  “Well…” she said and toyed with his collar, deliberately playing it coy to make him think twice about being presumptuous.

  Dropping his fork into his bowl, Swain shoved it away so hard that it almost shot off the other end of the table. “Who? Was it Foist? That fucking cunt, I’ll slit him bow to stern,” he said and thrust up, forcing her onto her feet. “If Tune touched you, I’ll toss him over and—”

  “Ha,” she said, blocking his way, driving both fist into his ribs. “See, you have the power to do all that stuff! When you piss me off, I can’t do anything. You can do whatever the hell you like and I just have to take it! That is why I play with you! It’s my way of evening the playing field.”

  Until she’d said it out loud, Sassi hadn’t understood her own motivation. But, it made so much sense. Swain had all the power, he was God on this ship, president, judge, overlord; she and everyone else onboard were subject to him.

  Grabbing a handful of her hair, he yanked her head back to get down in her face. “I’ll deal with you later, Waif.”

  The stinging in her scalp sped her heart and her thudding want for him. She inhaled, desperate for air that would fuel her desire.

  Sassi didn’t need sense, she needed satisfaction. “Deal with me now,” she panted.

  “Gimme their names,” he hissed. “Who on the crew has kissed you?”

  “You, Captain,” she whispered, dragging her hands up and down his chest. “Only you.”

  Her breasts squashed into him and retreated as her chest moved with the need of her clamoring breath. “Keep it that way. That’s an order.”

  The sexiest one he’d given her yet. She figured he must have sensed what his command did to her hormones, her attraction to him wasn’t subtle. Coiling her arms around his neck, she held onto him when he scooped a rough hand over her cheek, through her hair to the back of her head. He gripped her hair tight in both hands to angle her head. Pulling it back, he planted his mouth over hers.

  It was afternoon, still light outside, she had dinner in the slow cooker… she should be making dessert… Instead, Sassi was being rushed backwards into the galley and hoisted onto the counter, forced to accept the captain’s hips between her thighs.

  His mouth trailed down her neck. “Swain,” she breathed out his name like it was a request.

  The word inspired him to suck harder on her throat. Sassi yelped, filled with pleasure at the bruising force of his entitled mouth.

  Getting a rush from the taste of her own creation on his tongue, she grabbed for the end of his shirt and pulled it up, trying to get access to his flesh. Her fingertips met the ridges of his abdomen and she lost her ability to be rational.

  Her mind knew this was a stupid mistake. Her body and her heart didn’t care. There. Two against one. Mind outnumbered.

  “Miss Sassi, do—”

  Fidget’s voice stopped at the same time Swain tore his mouth from hers and spun on the youngs
ter. “Out!” Swain roared.

  Fidget’s whole body shook in response to the captain’s fury. Poor Fidget was trembling, stuck to the spot, wide-eyed and terrified.

  “Wait, no,” she said. “It’s okay, Fidget, honey, he’s sorry he shouted.”

  Swain turned his red-faced ferocity on her, he grabbed her thighs and yanked her to the edge of the counter. “No fucking way you’re sneaking off this time, Waif.”

  Splaying her hands on his chest, her legs slid up and down the outside of his. Her eyes were round, her lips wet, and her need pounded in her ears. “Take me upstairs,” she said, hoping he’d agree to take her in his private cabin above this public room.

  His frown changed hue. Either he was surprised or it was taking him a minute to figure out that this was really happening. Snatching her hand, Swain hauled her off the counter and dragged her across the room, past the still frozen Fidget and out. He took her down to the end of the corridor and upstairs into his cabin.

  When they were inside, he swung her around and immediately started to stalk forward, forcing her to retreat toward the bed. “For this job,” she said, holding up her open hands. “I’m yours, any way you want me… But, the minute we dock, that’s it, we’re strangers… You don’t know me, you can’t get involved. Don’t ask questions. That’s it. Over.” Her calves hit the bed, but he kept on coming until he was pressed against her. “Those are my terms, Captain, tell me you accept because I really don’t want to have to walk out of here.”

  Bending over, he hooked his hands behind her knees and lifted her to boost her onto the bed. “Like I’d fucking let you walk out,” he said and grabbed his shirt at the back of his neck to pull it off before dropping down on top of her.

  He must have known that his torso was her weakness. As soon as she got her hands on him, she thought of nothing else except the hot skin responding to her hands and the mouth consuming hers.

  Stripping off her uniform with his capable hands, Swain seemed determined to get her naked. When she was in her underwear, he captured her hands to take them off his torso. He stretched them high over her head and locked them inside one of his fists. He tried to squeeze a hand around to her back to unhook her bra, but Sassi fought him, pushing herself down into the mattress.

  His desire burned as hot as his fury and he growled at her, curling his lip to show his clenched teeth. He was actually holding back, he wanted to go faster, to take her harder. Her captain was restraining himself. But, she didn’t want that.

  “Rip it,” she said, her voice less than a whisper. “Tear it off.”

  This was the fantasy coming to life. No holding back. He obliged. Grabbing the flimsy fabric and ripping it not only between the cups, but he tore off the straps too and flung the material over his head to descend and suck her nipple hard between her teeth.

  Sassi yelped and writhed, screaming out his title and his name. She didn’t want to be restrained, didn’t want to think about consequences or right and wrong. This was Swain’s territory and Sassi was desperate to be too. Why shouldn’t she worship this man with the passion he wrung from her?

  The need in her was so frenzied that the flick of his tongue sent her into orgasm. Her whole body tensed. “Swain,” she panted and begged, but didn’t really know what she wanted him to do. “Please, Captain, I… I can’t… I’m done.”

  “No, you’re fucking not,” he said.

  The sound of torn fabric again razed the air.

  Parting her legs when his hips rose, Sassi expected to feel his dick, but his finger slid into her instead. It was thick, long, and skilled enough to torment her into another release.

  She lost the rhythm of her breathing. One inhale was overtaken by the next, her eyes began to cross, and she thought she might pass out from endorphin overload. But, just as she was sure she’d have to beg him for mercy, the weight of body left hers.

  As soon as he was gone, she wanted him back. “Swain,” she said, pushing her hair up out of her blurred eyes.

  “Don’t fucking move, Waif.”

  Even if she tried, she couldn’t. Sassi struggled just to roll her head to the side to watch him kicking off his boots and dropping his pants.

  “Oh fuck,” she muttered and might have heard the whisper of a satisfied laugh, but she couldn’t take his eyes from his dick for long enough to check if it came from him or her masochistic subconscious.

  Thick, solid, and ready for her, it was as intimidating as the man it was attached to. Sassi held her breath when the captain climbed back on top of her and kneed her thighs further apart.

  Until now when they’d locked gazes there had been a curiosity that added to their intensity. Now it was all anticipation; their curiosity was about to be satisfied.

  Sliding himself into her, Swain started slow, letting her adjust, to feel his length, to accommodate his girth, and probably to give himself a break too. Sassi had already come twice, the poor captain was falling behind. He’d be on the edge, she hoped he was on the edge, and didn’t mind him taking the wheel. But, she also didn’t want him restraining himself for her sake.

  Stroking his chest, up over his shoulders, she clasped the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, then pulled him further, rubbing her cheek on his, letting her lips meet his ear. “Full speed ahead, cap’n,” she whispered. Swain exhaled like he was grateful she’d given him the permission he needed. “You don’t have to be gentle with me. I trust you.”

  When he slammed hard into her, she screamed at the unexpected impact of his hard body against her pelvis. Her hormones couldn’t keep up, her belly squeezed around the delight and desire pumping through her, turning her sanity to soup that he could drink in at his will.

  This wasn’t like sex she’d had before. His primal need could only be sated by her. She knew it. He was using her body to satisfy himself, but she didn’t feel used, Sassi was powerful. Fulfilling the desires of the man responsible for the lives of every person on board, and the very fabric of the vessel that kept them alive, was an intoxicating drug.

  “Swain,” she said, her voice getting higher. His thrusts got faster and deeper; he pushed her into an orgasm that squeezed every muscle in her body tight. “Oh, fuck!”

  Surging forward, he drove into her and cursed a string of obscenities that she’d never heard before, but she loved every one of them.

  Her captain flipped over, landing on his back on the outside of the bed, leaving her by the wall. So they’d done it. Or rather, she’d done it. She’d had sex with the captain. With her boss. With a pirate. Except instead of feeling guilty or remorseful, she was invigorated and excited and overwhelmed with gratitude and hope.

  Rolling toward him, Sassi kissed the black tattoo on the ball of his shoulder. “Do you have to get topside?”

  “I have a minute,” he said, lifting his arm from between them to put it around her.

  Pulling her body against his, he squashed her breasts into his ribs. But, he still hadn’t looked into her eyes. Sassi had been the one to demand they put an expiration date on their relationship. Thinking about the way she’d done it, maybe the captain was thinking she’d been presumptuous. Maybe he hadn’t wanted it to last beyond this encounter.

  “Foist says we should arrive at our coordinates tomorrow night after dark,” she said, spreading her hand on his stomach. “You think that’s right?” He nodded. Hmm, usually if anything would get him talking, it was the job. “It’s been a smooth trip.”

  “Got a chance of some weather on the way back,” he said. “We might hang back an extra few days or we’ll battle through it.”

  Extra few days. Curling her hand into a fist, her nails scratched his skin. Sassi was on a clock at the other end of the trip. She couldn’t afford to waste any extra time on the ship, not when she still had funds to scrape together in the days she’d have on land before Dario’s deadline. If she didn’t get her bonus from this voyage, she’d still be fourteen thousand short. Dario might cut her some slack for a couple of thousand,
but not almost half what he was owed.

  Sitting up, Sassi drew up her knees and rubbed her face with both hands. The last thing she wanted to be thinking about when she was in bed with Swain was the possibility of walking down the aisle to Dario.

  Swain stroked her back. “Don’t worry about it, Waif. You’ll be safe below decks.”

  Safety wasn’t what was on her mind. “Will we get paid for extra days?” she asked, embarrassed that money had come up at all, let alone in bed after the first time they’d been intimate.

  His hand stopped moving on her back. Sassi didn’t want to, but she made herself peek over her shoulder. The scowl he wore made her heart drop. “Yeah. How much do you need?”

  No, absolutely not. She was not going to take more money from him than she was owed for the work she did. That might not have been what he was implying, he was probably just curious about why she’d asked. Swain did have a history of trying to pry into her trouble.

  Deciding there and then that she wouldn’t let that part of her past or her future into this bubble with them, she threw her body on top of his and kissed him. “Are you hungry?” she asked, brushing her lips on his. “I’ve got cookies downstairs. Cake. Donuts… I can make melting cake… I made my own ice-cream yesterday, it should be set. You’re not huge on chocolate… I can make bread and butter pudding or banana loaf…” An idea made her inhale. “Baked Alaska!”

  But, he grabbed her before she could leap up and sprint away. “You’re staying right here.”

  “My baked Alaska is impressive,” she said.

  He combed his fingers through her hair and rolled her onto her back. “Impress me here.”

  “Is that sailor speak for a blow job?”

  There was something of a smile on his lips as they danced over hers. He moved in like he was going to kiss her, but didn’t. Swain, instead, tightened his grip on her body, and just slid his tongue along her lower lip. “Later. I’m not done with your pussy yet.”


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