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A Beautiful Mistake

Page 5

by Ashlee Price

  She goes through a set of doors and I follow her into the stairwell.

  She turns to face me and sighs. "Why are you still here?"

  I grip the straps of my backpack. "Because we need to talk."

  She drops her purse on the stairs and sits down beside it. Her hands grip her hair.

  "Would you like to go get some coffee?" I ask her. "Or grab a drink at the bar across the park?"

  "I don't drink, especially not in bars. Not anymore."

  I want to ask her why but just nod. "Okay."

  Marian looks up at me. "Mr. Montgomery..."


  "Fine, Dustin!" she raises her voice. "There's nothing for us to talk about, okay? You didn't miss anything. I just checked your vitals. I didn't kiss you. You didn't kiss me. We did not have sex. You flirted with me. You were very rude. And then you asked me to marry you."

  My eyes grow wide. "I did?"

  "And when I said no, you held your breath like a two-year-old, which is very unfair by the way..."

  I shake my head. "I would never do that."

  "But you did, so I said yes."

  "You said yes?"

  "Only because I didn't want you dying on my watch," she answers. "And then I left. I went to tend to another patient. You had your surgery, which went well. You woke up and now you're fine. End of story."

  Except it's not, because she still hasn't told me about the part where we got married, only about how I proposed.

  I stifle a laugh. "I held my breath?"

  "You did. You were turning blue, too."

  "Wow. I only did that one time, I think, when I was four."

  Marian lifts her hands. "So there you have it, Dustin. Now, can you leave me alone?" She folds her arms across her belly. "Because I'm tired. I've had a bad day and I'm really, really tired."

  She does look beat. Maybe now's not a good time to tell her about the marriage, or the divorce. I may be reckless, but I'm not cruel.

  I take off my backpack and sit beside her.

  "Want to tell me about it?"

  She shakes her head. "No."

  "I know you think I'm childish and annoying, but I'm actually a good listener."

  She looks at me. "Says who? The last woman you screwed?"

  "No," I answer. "That woman didn't talk much. She moaned a lot, though."


  She looks sorry she asked.

  "Actually, no, I'm not a good listener," I take it back. "But that's only because the people around me don't have much to say. You, on the other hand..."

  "Look like I'm about to explode from all the words I'm keeping inside?" Marian finishes my sentence.

  "Well, you were talking to the ceiling earlier," I point out.

  "Not the ceiling."

  "Just to someone who doesn't talk back."

  She looks at me.

  I shrug. "I can not talk back if you don't want me to. Or I can. Doesn't that make me better?"

  She looks away without a word.

  "Come on," I urge her. "Tell me about Dr. Hansen."

  Marian draws a deep breath.

  "I won't tell her," I promise. "I don't even know her. But if you want me to, I will get to know her and find out her dirty secrets so you can use them against her."

  "No." She makes a face.

  "What? I didn't say I was going to sleep with her. I'll hire a private investigator."

  Marian says nothing.

  "I'm sure she's got some dirty secrets. Everyone has them."

  She sighs. "I don't want to know her dirty secrets. I just want her to... see me as a person, a fellow doctor. I want her to appreciate the things I do without her asking me to and compliment me for the things I do well. Now, I know that's fishing, but she criticizes me for every small mistake, so why can't she praise me for the huge accomplishments? It's only fair, right?"


  "I just want her to stop putting me down, because frankly, I'm starting to feel like giving up."

  "Don't," I tell her. "You know what they say. When people put you down, it's because you're above them. Maybe she sees your potential. Maybe she sees that you're going to be better than her, or that you have something she doesn't have, and that makes her envious and insecure."

  "Or maybe she's just having some fun."

  "Whatever her reason, you can't let her win. So what if she doesn't see you? Maybe it's because you're trying too hard to make her see you. Just do your job. Do it as best you can. Then it won't matter if she sees you or not."

  She falls silent.

  "It's not because of her that you decided to become a doctor, right?" I ask her. "Not because you wanted to please or impress any doctor?"

  Marian shakes her head. "No."

  "You wanted to save lives, and didn't you do that today?"

  She nods. "I did."

  "Then that's what matters," I tell her. "You saved lives today. You do it every day. Even if no one sees that, that's not something Dr. Hansen or anyone else can take away from you."

  Again, Marian falls silent. She turns her head to look into my eyes, and then, slowly, the corners of her lips turn up into a smile.

  "You know, you're not that bad of a listener."

  "I guess not." I smile as I brush away strands of her hair from her cheek. "And you know, you look cute when you're blushing, pretty when you're annoyed, but you look really beautiful when you smile."

  That smile vanishes between pursed lips. A blush coats her cheeks as she turns away.

  "Wow." Her hand comes up to tuck strands of hair behind her ear. "You know just what to say, don't you?"

  "I do," I admit.

  Marian chuckles. "You are so full of yourself."

  "Then why don't you let me share some of myself with you?"

  "Ha." She bites her lower lip, then glances at me. "Have you ever met a woman your tricks didn't work on?"

  "Why? Are they working on you?"

  "No," she answers quickly. Too quickly.

  "I don't do tricks," I say.

  Her eyes roll. "Yeah, right."

  "I'm just good at what I do and I just say what I mean."

  "You mean what women want to hear."

  I look at her. "Why shouldn't they hear what they want to hear? Why shouldn't they be made to feel what they want to feel?"

  "So you're saying you're God's gift to women?"

  "Only to those who are honest enough to admit they want it." I hold her gaze. "And those who are brave enough to take it."

  Marian looks away and nods. "I see."

  I grasp her chin gently so my eyes can keep piercing hers. "You look like you could use a gift."

  She doesn't look convinced, but she doesn't pull away.

  "Something to cheer you up," I add without letting go of her chin or her gaze. "A reward for all your hard work."

  She shakes her head. "You're not my boss."

  I ignore her remark as I gaze at her lips. I run my thumb just beneath them.

  "You deserve it."

  I bring my gaze back to her copper eyes as I trace her lips. I can see traces of fear in them as her lips quiver beneath my thumb, but there are also shadows of desire.

  I tilt her chin up and lean forward slightly without taking my eyes off hers, without blinking. My gaze narrows.

  Slowly, Marian's lips part, just enough to let her warm breath caress the pad of my thumb. I slide the digit in through the crevice. Her lips stay still. When I touch the tip of her tongue, her eyelids fall. My hand moves to her cheek as I lower my face to hers.

  Our mouths collide. I caress her cheek as my tongue darts forward, searching for hers. When they meet, she shudders. Heat rushes to my groin.

  I pin her tongue down and explore her mouth. She opens it wider as her hand grips my arm. Her tongue pushes back. It rubs against mine over and over and she moans.

  My hand slides down her neck as the other grips her hip. My thumb traces her collarbone, following it to the middle, then slides down between her breasts. T
he other fingers slide over a mound of soft flesh. One of my fingertips brushes against her nipple.

  As if scorched, Marian suddenly pulls away. She looks at me with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, her lips still moist. Then she covers her mouth as she grabs her purse and runs off.

  This time, I don't go after her. I run a hand through my hair before leaning back against the stairs. My lips, still warm from the kiss, purse and then unfurl to form a grin.

  Who knew my wife was such a good kisser? Or that I would enjoy kissing her so much? In fact, I think I want more.

  I glance at my backpack. I know I have to tell her about the marriage and make her sign the divorce papers, and I know Candace told me to make it quick. But to hell with that.

  Marian is amazing and I want her.

  I want to have sex with her at least once before I divorce her. We're married, after all. I have the right, right?

  I grab my backpack and get on my feet. As I head out the door, my lips form a wider grin in anticipation of my newest adventure.

  Marian Carver. No. Marian Montgomery.

  She doesn't know it yet, but she's in for the thrill of her life. Before the week is over, she will be mine.

  Chapter Five


  What the hell was I thinking?

  I scold myself as I splash some water on my face. The droplets trickle down my cheeks as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. One of them gets caught on my lips and I wipe it with the back of my hand only to end up freezing as my finger grazes the opening between the soft folds of flesh. They still tingle at the memory of being kissed.

  I wash my lips, then dry them off with a handful of tissues from the box.

  I shouldn't have let Dustin kiss me in that stairwell. I shouldn't have kissed him back. He was a patient and he's a stranger. Hot and charming, yes, but still a stranger. And that was my workplace. Well, part of my workplace.

  I shake my head. Clearly, I wasn't thinking. I was tired. I was down. He was there. He was sweet. He offered to cheer me up and I let him. I let my emotions take control and carry me away.

  Thank goodness I was able to stop before things went too far. I hate to think of what could have happened if I didn't have the courage and the clarity of mind to pull away.

  I almost didn't. If I was younger and still a virgin, I probably would have given in like I did all those years ago. And I would have ended up disappointed. Thank goodness I've learned my lesson. I told myself I'd never sleep with a stranger again, and I've stuck by my decision.

  Good job, Marian. I pat myself on the shoulder.

  Now, if only I can cast out the memory of kissing a stranger, of the feel of his hand on my...

  "Marian?" Kelly knocks on the bathroom door.

  I toss the wet tissues into the trashcan and draw a deep breath. "Come in."

  She steps inside with a pile of clothes.

  "I brought you some of my pajamas. You might want to change into them so you can sleep better."

  I take them. "Thanks. I'll bring them home and wash them before I give them back."

  "Also, I already put a blanket on the couch."

  I hug the pajamas to my chest as I give her a smile. "Have I ever told you what a good friend you are?"

  She leans against the wall. "So are you going to tell your good friend what happened? Or don't you want to talk about that, either?"

  I sigh. I guess it's only fair I tell her at least some of it since I'm sleeping over at her place and all.

  "It's Liam," I say.

  Her eyebrows furrow. "I thought you guys broke up."

  "I thought so, too, but he's back from wherever it was he fled to, and now he wants me back." I roll my eyes. "Unbelievable."

  "He's at your apartment? I thought you got your key back."

  "He was waiting outside my apartment and he wouldn't leave." I shrug. "So here I am."

  "You poor thing." She wraps her arms around me. "Are you alright?"

  I pat her back. "I'll be fine."

  She steps back. "Maybe next time you should call the cops."

  "I plan to," I tell her. "I was just too tired to deal with him tonight."

  "I understand." Kelly nods, then sighs. "What is it with men, huh? You can't have the ones you want and you can't get rid of the ones you don't."

  My eyes narrow. "Who do you want?"

  She grins. "Not telling."

  I snort. "Some friend."

  "Well, it's not like you've told me all about the patient from Room 2412 either," she says. "I saw him in the waiting area when I was on my way out."

  "What makes you think he was waiting for me?"

  She shrugs. "Didn't you say he asked you out?"

  "And I believe I said no."

  "Yet he still waited. He must really be interested in you."

  Out of nowhere, the image of him kissing me pops into my head. I shake it off.

  "Well, I'm not interested," I tell Kelly. "I just broke up with my boyfriend, remember?"

  "And he's clinging. Maybe if you had a new boyfriend, he wouldn't be."

  I raise my eyebrows at her.

  She lifts her hands. "Fine. We won't talk about the guy from Room 2412 anymore."

  "Dustin," I supply. "Dustin Montgomery."

  Kelly grins as she twirls a strand of dark hair around her finger. "Ooh. She knows his name."

  I shake my head. "I'm just saying 'the patient from Room 2412' is a mouthful, so if you're going to refer to him..."

  "But I'm not," Kelly says. "I thought we're not talking about him anymore."

  I purse my lips as I turn my back to her. Right.

  "Good night," she says.

  "Good night," I mumble.

  She steps out and the bathroom door closes, but it opens again after a moment.

  "Oh, I just remembered Brenda said she's throwing a party the night after tomorrow, which happens to be the night before our day off."

  I throw her a puzzled look through the mirror. "A party?"

  "Something about her boyfriend being in town and her wanting to show off her doctor friends."

  "I see."

  "You know she's got this big house, right?"

  "The one she got from her parents? Yeah, I know."

  Some people are simply born lucky.

  "Have you seen it?" Kelly asks.


  "Well, are you coming? Because I am."

  My eyebrows bunch up. "I'll think about it."

  "Oh, come on, Marian. We doctors need to have some fun every now and then. You, especially, seem to need a dose of it."

  Haven't I already had too much fun? Wait. Kissing Dustin was fun? No way. It was intense and reckless. Not fun.


  "Fine," I give in.

  It isn't like I have anything better to do. I'll probably just be sleeping. Besides, Marian's right. We doctors need to loosen up every once in a while. And who knows? I might even manage to forget all about Dustin and that hot but wrong kiss in the stairwell.


  No such luck.

  A few minutes into the party, while I'm mixing a Shirley Temple for myself, I spot Dustin from across the room.

  The first thought that enters my mind is: Damn, he looks just as hot without a beard and in that navy blue collared shirt with the three-fourth sleeves.

  My second thought - What the hell? Is he stalking me?

  I quickly turn my back, finish mixing my drink, and head back out to the balcony. Once I'm there, I take a long sip of my drink and then draw a big gulp of air.

  "Hey." Kelly turns to me. "Are you alright?"

  "No." I glance inside, then lean over her. "He's here."

  "Who? Liam?"

  "The patient from - " I take a deep breath. "Dustin Montgomery."

  "Oh." Slowly, the corners of her lips turn up into a smile. "You mean the man who you're not going out with but who you're on a first-name basis with."

  "I am not," I argue with her.

  Well, I am. I wa
s. I won't be anymore.

  "What is he doing here?" I ask Kelly.

  She shrugs. "You think he's stalking you? Whoa. You've got two men stalking you?"

  I narrow my eyes at her. "It's not funny."

  She turns around and leans on the balustrade. "Maybe he knows the Waverlys, or maybe he's friends with Brenda's boyfriend."

  Maybe, but I don't know. It feels like too much of a coincidence.

  "Or maybe he's here with someone from the hospital, you know, someone he asked out when you stood him up."

  I roll my eyes. "I did not stand him up."

  "So you'd be fine if he tried talking to you? You wouldn't feel guilty or awkward at all?"

  "No. Why would I?"

  "Well, that's good, because it looks like he's on his way over here now."


  I glance over my shoulder to find that what Kelly said is true. Dustin is stepping out onto the balcony, headed straight towards me.

  I turn away before our eyes meet. Great.

  "Marian," he says my name as he approaches.

  Beside me, Kelly lifts her eyebrows as she takes a sip from her glass of wine.

  "I thought I saw a dazzling redhead," Dustin goes on.

  Kelly grins. I cast her a warning glance but she ignores it.

  "You must be Dustin Montgomery, the guy who came in for an appendectomy last week," Kelly says.

  "That's me."

  "How's the scar?"


  He lifts the hem of his shirt to show it, but my eyes wander to his abs and the lines disappearing into the waistband of his jeans instead. Shit.

  "Impressive," Kelly says.

  If she wasn't my good friend, I'd kick her.

  "I'm sorry, but you are?" Dustin asks her.

  "Kelly Burbank." Kelly offers her hand. "I'm a surgical resident just like Marian."

  He shakes her hand. "Pleasure."

  "And I think I'll go get a drink," Kelly adds.

  I frown. "You already have a drink."

  "But I think I'll get a different one," she says. "Maybe a stronger one. You want a stronger one? Something... more intense?"

  "No," I tell her. "And you don't need a new drink, either."

  "I'm sure I do." She turns to Dustin. "Nice meeting you."

  "The pleasure was all mine," he answers.

  Kelly walks off. When she glances over her shoulder to give me a wink, I narrow my eyes at her. Oh, she's going to pay for this later.


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