The Surprising Science of Meetings
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self-assessment of, 12–13
standing, 19, 88–90, 133
studies of, 18–20
ten- or fifteen-minute, 46–50, 53
tools for, 149–165
walking, 85–88, 90, 133
meeting science
data from, 139–147
defined, 18
techniques in, 18–20, 21
meeting size, 69–80
and big meetings, 69–71
general rules for, 72–74, 132, 146t
and reducing spectators, 74–78
messy audio, 121–123
Microsoft, 4, 10
Middle Tennessee State University, 59
mindsets, 134
Minnesota Public Radio, 26
moods, 92–94, 103
Morris, John, 43
Mueller, Pam, 100
multitasking, 30, 98–100, 120
music, 94
mute button, 121
Myers, David, 26
National Transportation Safety Board, 99
Neal, David, 81
negativity, 91
New York University, 98
non-managers, 4
Obama, Barack and administration, 47, 72, 85, 100
open-mindedness, 117
Oppenheimer, Daniel, 100
ordering, in agenda, 59–61
O3 World, 51
Page, Larry, 45–46
pairing, 101–102
Parkinson’s law, 42–43, 53, 130–131
“Parkinson’s Law” (essay), 42
participation, active, 37, 143t, 156
Peking University, 27
inflated, 25–28
of meetings, 10–12, 11t
self, 26–27, 38–39
Percolate, 47, 72
performance, collective, 71
personnel budget, 9
planning, 35, 115. See also agendas; preparation
Plum Organics, 98
Poole, Julie, 59
positivity, 91–103
and creating separation, 93–97
importance of, 91–93
preparation recommendations for, 145t
sustaining, 97–102
Post-it notes, 136
post-meeting tips, 123
Prairie Home Companion, A (radio program), 26
pre-meeting tips, 121–122
premortem, 130
preparation, 130–133, 141t–147t. See also planning
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 46
priorities, 48, 59–61, 141t
production blocking, 108
Psychology, Crime & Law, 78
Purpose Unlimited, 25
“quick fixes,” 55
Quinn, Jeffrey, 81
quizzes, clicker, 100–101, 103
reading, silent, 114–116, 118
recognitions, 96, 142t
remote meetings, 119–127
alternative structures to, 123–126
failures during, 119–121
messy audio during, 121–123
representative voices, 78, 80, 133
responsibilities, 33, 63–64, 131, 142t
rigidity, 66
Ringelmann, Max, 71
Ritz Carlton, 47
roast, 15
Rogers, Paul, 70
Rogers, Will, 117
role playing, 101
Roombot, 51
RSC Bio Solutions, 31, 47
safety, 34, ix, 10
SAS, 34
scanning, informal, 31, 137
seating locations, 82–84, 83f, 90, 133
self-awareness, 28–30, 38–39, 136–137
self-inflation bias, 26–27
self-perception, 26–27, 38–39
separation, 93–97
servant-and-giver leaders, 34–38, 39, 134
Shaw, George Bernard, 105
short meetings
importance of, 52–53
increase in, 46–50
warnings for, 50–52
Siemens, 77, 123
silence, 105–118, 135
and brainwriting, 109–114
potential of, 105–106
and reading, 114–116
and synergy, 106–109
silent reading, 114–116, 118
simultaneous verbal interaction technique (SVIT), 116–117
sitting, standing vs., 19
skill development, 30–34
social approval, 107
social loafing, 71, 120
St. Louis University, 91
standing meetings, 19, 88–90, 133
Stanford University, 86
Starbucks, 34
Stasser, Garold, 107
“Stop the Meeting Madness,” 3
“Stop Wasting Valuable Time,” 126
stress, 45
stretching, 102
subteams, 124
example of, 31t–32t
for feedback, 29–30, 33, 137
for meeting expectations, 165
for positivity, 96–97
SVIT (simultaneous verbal interaction technique), 116–117
synergy, 106–109, 117
takers, 34–35
talking, 30, 101–102
technology, 98–100, 103, 135, 142t. See also remote meetings
ten-minute meetings, 46–50, 53
Thompson, Leigh, 109
360-degree feedback questions, 153–154
timed-agenda approach, 61–63, 74–75, 132
time management, 155
timing, 41–53
and cultural norms, 41–42
decrease of, 44–46
in huddles, 51
leadership focus on, 36
and Parkinson’s Law, 42–43
preparation recommendations for, 144t–145t
and short meetings, 46–53
TINYpulse, 44
Titus, William, 107
Tong, Sophie, 27–28
tooth fairy, in different cultures, 41
toys, 98
training, 147t
Twitter, 85
“two-pizza rule,” 73
University of Missouri, 88
University of Nebraska, 26–27
University of Southern California, 99
US Department of Energy, 52
“using the intervals,” 124–126
Verizon, 4, 11, 28
video-calling, 121, 123
Virgin, 88
visualization, 130
voting, 110–112
walking meetings, 85–88, 90, 133
Ward, William Arthur, 38
Washington University, 89
wasted meeting investment, 12–13
Watson, John, 44
Weight Watchers, 30
Western Union, 86
Whitt, Jim, 25
Whole Foods, 34
Will, George, 15
Wood, Wendy, 81
work meeting, defined, 4
written discussions, 112–114
Xerox, 9
Yahoo, 47
Yale University, 19
Yerkes–Dodson law, 44, 44f
YouTube, 100
Zappos, 34, 47
Zuckerberg, Mark, 85