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Real Men Heal (Blackwood Pack | Paranormal Werewolf Romance) (Real Men Shift)

Page 5

by Celia Kyle

“Chloe, what’s wrong?” He kept his tone as neutral as possible.

  He couldn’t read her expression in the dim light. She stared at him for a long time before she even moved. When she did, she reached over and pulled the covers away from the other side of the bed.

  “Join me?” she squeaked, as if she either couldn’t believe she was saying it or wasn’t sure what his answer would be.

  Of course, he didn’t need to be asked twice. Approaching as if Chloe was a wild animal ready to bolt at any second, Drew eased his nakedness onto the bed. But instead of running screaming from the room, she smiled and rolled onto her side to face him.

  He was only slightly disappointed to see she was snuggled up in a fuzzy robe, but he also knew she was as naked as him underneath. That was enough for him… for the moment. Of course, it was impossible to hide how his body reacted to her proximity in a bed, but she didn’t seem bothered by it anymore.

  Lying on his side, he stared into her shimmering eyes. The tears had stopped but he’d never seen anyone who looked so in need of comfort. It was all he could do to restrain himself from pulling her into his arms.

  “W-would you…” She blushed a little at whatever she wanted to ask him. “Would you hold me?”

  Drew let out a big breath. “I thought you’d never ask. Come here.”

  He pulled her close until her head rested on his shoulder and he pressed his cheek to her forehead. He’d waited thirty-two years to find Chloe, and once he’d taken her in his arms, he knew he could never let her go. No matter what.

  “You don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you,” he murmured into her hair. “We can just lie here like this forever and I’d be the happiest clam on the planet. I feel like the last Lego of my life has finally clicked into place.”

  She snickered and tipped her head to meet his gaze. Her eyes dropped to his lips, and he caught a whiff of desire from her. This had an immediate and very obvious reaction, which only served to fuel her smile.

  “You think I’m just going to lie here silently the first night with my mate?”

  The word “mate” hit him like a truck. He’d never felt so much relief in his life. He’d been holding his emotions in like a big, deep breath, and now he’d been given permission to breathe again.

  “So, you did feel it.” He blinked down at her in confusion.

  Her laugh felt like a cooling mist on his hot psyche. “The second I walked into my living room.” She grinned. “It was like walking into a tornado. I honestly can’t believe I held it together for so long.”

  “Then why pretend? I know it’s only been an hour or two, but I can’t help regretting all those wasted minutes.”

  Chloe leaned in and kissed his scruffy cheek, sending a tidal wave of desire coursing through his veins. But instead of continuing the kiss, she snuggled her head back into the crook of his neck. He waited patiently for her to collect her thoughts and simply enjoyed holding his mate in his arms.


  “I just…” She paused, and he could feel warm wetness dribbling down his shoulder. She was crying again, and he’d never felt so powerless.

  “Tell me,” he urged, pulling her tighter to show her there was nothing to be afraid of. Not now, not ever.

  “I just didn’t want to burden you, Drew. You’re so wonderful and amazing… You deserve a better mate than me.”

  Drew frowned and almost grew angry at the very suggestion. As a healer, he was well-practiced at handling emotional people, but when the person in question was his mate, all the practice in the world couldn’t stop his true feelings from coming through.

  “Bull—” he stopped himself from cursing and then tried again. “Bullhockey!”

  It was enough to break the tension and draw a laugh from her, which nourished his soul. In that moment, he vowed to make it his life’s mission to make her laugh every day, no matter what.

  “I’m not going to lie here and let you talk about my mate like that, Chloe Soren. You’re perfect exactly as you are. In every single way.”

  “Bold words from someone who just met me an hour ago. You determined all that by how I cook eggs?”

  “That, among other things.” He gave her a squeeze that wound up making him want even more touching. He knew it wasn’t the time, but that didn’t make him want it any less.

  She pulled back and peered into his eyes, her expression honest and curious. “I’m serious, Drew. You don’t know me. You don’t know a thing about me. How can you possibly say I’m perfect?”

  “I just know.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Call it healer’s intuition. But I’d like to know why you think you’re so awful.”

  They lay quietly for a long time, snuggled up and cozy under the covers. Drew wondered if she was avoiding answering the question, but then she spoke.

  “After the accident, Dad… Well, he blamed me for what happened with Mom. Even at eight, I knew she’d done it to herself, but Dad didn’t see it that way. Maybe it was the fated mate bond, or maybe he was just a selfish asshole. I don’t know, but without her to temper him, he changed. The best word I can come up with is ‘cantankerous.’ The bottom line is that he was a different man after Mom ODed, and he never looked at me like I was his darling little girl ever again.”

  Drew’s heart ached for her. His youth wasn’t exactly the same, but close enough for him to understand how that must have felt for her.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “That was hard, I’m not going to lie, but it only got worse. As the alpha, the rest of his pack adopted his attitude and followed his lead. I was a boil on the pack’s collective backside until I went to college.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone feeling that way about you, Chloe.” And he really couldn’t. She was funny, strong, sweet, good with kids—the perfect woman!

  “Tell that to my pack,” she replied with a profound sadness that cracked his heart. “Zeke tried to change Dad’s attitude, but nothing worked. He and a couple of his buddies—his ruling circle, in fact—were the only ones who were nice to me after that. I’ve had pretty minimal contact with the pack since I left.”

  Drew’s wolf snarled at the mention of Zeke’s ruling circle—mainly Warren, who apparently had a crush on Chloe. He must not have controlled the beast very well, because she snuggled closer into him, as if to reassure him. It worked… a little too well. As his cock grew stiff once more against her leg, she sighed happily.

  “Why did you move back to Tremble after school?” He was desperate for something that might cool his jets a bit. Even though she’d invited him into her bed, he knew instinctively that she needed more time to adjust to their new situation. Besides, he liked getting to know her better.

  “Zeke. He always remained loyal to me. Plus, I’m no dummy. I know a wolf without a pack can lose their mind and go feral.” She paused before continuing. “If I’m honest, I think I always hoped Dad would come around and love me again. And a part of me believed Mom would wake up one day. I wanted to be here for that, you know?”

  “I’m so sorry none of that happened.” He pressed another kiss to her forehead, fighting his urge to kiss other parts of her.

  “Yet,” she replied, smiling hopefully up at him. “I know. I know. You can’t promise anything, but a girl can dream. As for the pack, ever since Zeke became alpha, he’s been working on changing their attitude. It’s slow going, but a few people have been warming up to me.”

  Drew had always had a protective streak for underdogs. It came naturally as a healer, not to mention as a child of an abuser. But none of it compared to how he wanted to shield Chloe from all of the world’s evils.

  “If a single person says one negative thing about my mate while I’m here, I will literally bite their head off,” he growled with a ferocity that surprised even him. What surprised him even more was the fact he meant every single word.

  “No!” she gasped and then propped herself up on her elbow to give him a worried look. “We need to k
eep this on the downlow, Drew. You can’t tell anyone we’re mates, okay?”

  Drew did his best to hide the jolt of pain he felt. Going slowly was one thing, but hiding their relationship was almost too much to ask. Was she ashamed of him?

  “It’s not what you think,” she hurriedly added. “I just don’t want anything to get in the way of helping my mother. Zeke already doesn’t trust you. If this gets out, all hell will break loose.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Doesn’t your brother want you to find your mate and be happy?”

  “Of course, he does, but…” Chloe closed her eyes and sighed before resuming her place in his embrace. “Despite what you might think, Zeke is very protective of me. If he thinks for a second that you’re fudging with my emotions, he won’t hesitate to declare war on your entire pack. Trust me, for now, it’s better if we keep this to ourselves.”

  Nothing was ever easy. Drew had finally found his mate, the woman he would spend the rest of his life with, and he wanted to get started immediately. He wanted to climb up on her roof and shout it to the world. But part of being mates was also respecting the other person’s wishes. And Chloe felt very strongly. The time would come when he’d happily tell anyone who came within earshot that Chloe Soren was his mate, but he could hold off for a day or two. It wouldn’t be easy, but he’d suffer through it for her sake.

  “Okay, if that’s really what you want.” He stroked her hair and let her scent wash over him.

  “And what do you want, Drew?” She drew little circles on his chest with her fingertips.

  A shiver rippled down his spine and straight to his cock. He clasped her hand tightly against his chest and looked at her with warning in his eyes. When he spoke, his tone was deep and husky.

  “What I want is to claim you right here, right now. I don’t want to wait another second.”

  He brushed the hair away from her face and drank in her innocent beauty. It didn’t take a fated mate to know she was skirting around the real issue, holding something back. But that didn’t matter. She didn’t have to spill all of her secrets on day one. They would have a lifetime together, and he knew in his gut she’d tell him one day very soon.

  In the meantime, he’d wait patiently and prove to her that he was trustworthy. It was a delicate situation, dealing with someone you barely knew, yet knew better than your best friend.

  “But I can wait until after I treat your mother,” he finished, pulling her back into his arms, where she belonged. “I may not like it, but I’ll do it. For you.”

  Chapter Eight

  Chloe nestled deeply into Drew’s embrace. A part of her wondered if she’d stumbled into a beautiful dream world and she’d wake up alone and heartbroken any second now. When so much of her life had been spent that way, it was second nature to question any sign of affection.

  Heck, even when her college roommate had been nice to her, Chloe had wondered what the human girl wanted from her. Thankfully, Valerie’s hard-as-steel exterior hid a soft, mushy heart and the two became real, no-joke, ride-or-die BFFs. The two people she’d always been able to count on over the years were Zeke and Val.

  And now she had Drew.

  Unbelievable. After a lifetime of building up her defenses, he’d slipped through completely undetected. If someone had told her she’d find her mate—not that anyone ever had—she wouldn’t have believed them.

  She’d spent years finding new ways to trick her heart into forgetting that deep, unmovable loss, but it had always ached. Like a fresh wound to her soul, reminding her she didn’t deserve love. Just as her father had told her so long ago.

  But he’d been wrong. She couldn’t deny the physical scars that proved she was broken, but she knew without a shred of doubt that she stared into the face of her true mate, her one and only. Even when her subconscious allowed her to dream of finding her mate, she never imagined someone so kind, patient, and loving. But once they’d acknowledged their connection in the stillness of her bedroom, Chloe became so light, free, and joyful she thought she might float away.

  Lifting her face to meet his gaze, she smiled up at him—her mate. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?” he whispered back.

  “For being so understanding. And sexy.”

  His eyes sparkled and then turned heated. “My pleasure.”

  Drew’s gaze dropped to her mouth, and when his head dipped, Chloe closed her eyes, breathing in his woodsy scent. Then his lips touched hers, a kiss so soft yet sensual that her toes curled.

  He wrapped his arms around her, one hand coming to cup her cheek as he brought his lips to her—more forcefully and with a deep hunger she hadn’t expected. They crashed together, his tongue probing her mouth for a moment in a sensual brush. They tangled, mimicking what they both craved—a delicious give and take that would end with that ultimate release. She explored Drew just as he sought out her secrets.

  Secrets she wasn’t willing to share just yet.

  His next move had her forgetting about everything she kept hidden. He pulled away, held her head steady, and turned his own, changing the angle of their kiss. When he returned to her, it was deeper than before. She leaned into him, aching to get closer and cursing the robe that kept them separated. His tongue slid along hers, teasing her with the sensual touch as she craved more. More of his kisses. Beyond that, more of his taste. A heated sweetness that she yearned for more than her next breath.

  Delicious wasn’t strong enough to describe his innate flavors.

  She had never been kissed like this in her life, not even in fantasies. Drew held her closely while their passion became more fervent, his hands roving over her robe-clad body. He must have gotten tired of the covering just as she had. His fingers tugged and pulled on the tie, loosening it with his deft fingers. And no matter how much she wanted all from him, she still pumped the brakes.

  “I-I don’t think I’m quite ready for that,” she admitted and laid a hand over his to stop him. “Not yet, I mean. I’m…” There was nothing to be embarrassed about but that didn’t stop the rush of heat to her cheeks. She had no shame—no reason to be shamed—and yet… “I’m a virgin.”

  “Really?” He sounded more curious than teasing. There was no malice.

  She nodded. “Yeah, none of the males in my pack have ever been interested. Well, except for Warren, but I never saw him as a potential partner. And,” she shrugged, “I never had the courage to try dating human men. Plus there was my career and,” she sighed, “time got away from me.”

  She stared into Drew’s gorgeous face, filled with worry. Her heart sank as he surveyed her features, probably thinking over all she’d said. She could tell that her answer gave him pause, like he had expected her to be experienced. She hoped her lack of familiarity with passion wasn’t a turn off. She didn’t want him to leave her alone—not now, not ever. She just needed him to stay and… go slowly.

  Drew finally assuaged her fears with an understanding smile. He gently stroked her cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of her upper lip as he smiled down at her. That fierce fire in his eyes had softened to a gentle smolder. His demeanor shifted from unrestrained desire to natural tenderness. She could practically read his mind. He would be cautious with her heart—that much she could tell immediately—and it calmed her to know she’d be safe with him.

  He leaned in, a gentle meeting of their lips when he brushed a soft kiss across her mouth. “Don’t worry,” he murmured. “I have no intention of claiming you as my mate tonight. We can go at whatever pace makes you comfortable. I will never force you, Chloe. I promised to wait until after we’ve treated your mother. I give you my word, and I do not break my word.” His lips curled in a teasing grin. “Not even if you beg.”

  She rolled her eyes, a giggle escaping her lips as relief washed over her. “I have some doubts about the begging, but thank you.”

  He grinned back at her warmly. “However, I would like to give you a preview of what I have to offer. I’d love the chance
to show you how much I care about you and your happiness. I want you to know, to feel, what love can be. Will you let me show you how much I care, Chloe?”

  She swallowed hard, heart now pounding out a rapid beat. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Do you trust me?” Drew’s gray eyes remained on her, unblinking.

  Chloe answered him without hesitation. “Yes. Yes, I trust you.” She licked her lips, a quick flick of her tongue. “As crazy as it sounds, I’ve never trusted anyone more.”

  “Good,” he growled and pushed the sheets down the bed as he slid down and settled between her legs.

  The robe still covered her—barely—but she knew that wouldn’t last much longer. Not if the desperate craving in his expression was any indication. He stared at the juncture of her thighs and leaned forward, resting his cheek on her hip as he breathed deeply.

  Then he nudged her legs further apart, just shy of exposing her fully.

  Staying slightly crouched, he reached for the tie of her robe and she let him release the knot, brushing the two halves of her covering aside.

  Chloe froze in place, knowing what he’d see, and waited for the questions to come. The questions that would have her mind going back to then and ruining what they’d begun. Except… except Drew didn’t do what she’d expected. He merely nuzzled her lower belly, rough cheek rubbing gently across the scars that dominated the flesh between her hip bones.

  Then came those kisses. Soft. Sweet. Gentle. Caring. Kisses so delicate they nearly brought tears to her eyes.

  “Drew…” she rasped.

  “Hmmm?” Drew gave her another kiss and then another before pausing and lifting his gaze to hers, mouth hovering so close to her pussy. She couldn’t help the shiver of need that raced through her or the clench of her center and the aching heaviness that surrounded her pussy.


  “I’m going to taste you now, sweetheart. You good with that?”

  No mention of her scars. No hurried questions or violent outbreaks because she’d been hurt. She was more thankful for that than he’d ever know.


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