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How to Turn a Frog into a Prince

Page 21

by Wolf, Bree

  A tentative smile came to Daphne’s face. “Like Susan?”

  “Hey!” Susan exclaimed in displeasure. “I know things, too. I’m not a baby.”

  “Of course not, sweet one,” Caroline told her as she came to sit next to her. “You’re both big girls and our little one,” her hand fell to her belly, “will need both of you.” She smiled at the girls, who seemed placated by her assurance.

  “Indeed, having someone to play with is great fun,” Pierce said with a sideways glance at Lord Ashhaven, who remained rather immobile in his seat, observing the scene with a rather inexpressive countenance.

  “Did you have a brother or sister?” Daphne asked her father curiously.

  Pierce shook his head. “No, I didn’t. But I had a very good friend.” Again, he looked at Lord Ashhaven. “Ash and I did all kinds of fun things when we were younger.”

  The other man cleared his throat, his gaze moving out over the gardens.

  Nathanial wondered if Pierce’s reminder displeased his old friend because his own remembrance of the time was an altogether different one or because he disliked being thought of as a joyful youth. Indeed, Nathanial could not picture it no matter how hard he tried. Was that how others saw him, Nathanial, as well? He wondered, knowing that especially compared to Zach, he had always been the serious one.

  “What fun things?” Daphne demanded, eagerness in her eyes.

  Pierce sighed, a bit of a devilish look coming to his gaze as he looked at his old friend, who continued to ignore them. “Oh, we played tricks on our cook.” His gaze sobered and met Daphne’s. “But don’t try that on Mrs. Colden.”

  Daphne’s eyes widened. “Oh, no, I wouldn’t. I’m not a fool.” She shook her head from side to side, her dark curls bouncing up and down.

  Pierce laughed. “We also spent a lot of time outdoors, just like you and Susan. We went to the lake.” A deep chuckle spilled from his lips. “One summer, we tied a rope to one of the higher branches and then swung out and let ourselves drop into the water.”

  Both girls’ jaws dropped in awe.

  “You’re a bit young for that just yet,” Caroline cautioned immediately when she recognized the eagerness upon their faces.

  “But I’m not,” Charlaine whispered beside Nathanial, her teeth sinking into her lower lip to contain the impatience he saw in her eyes.

  Nathanial could have groaned for he knew that Charlaine could not be dissuaded once she had made up her mind. Indeed, the woman seemed to crave new experiences like a man dying of thirst craved water. Sometimes, it made her a bit reckless…and it tended to make him worry.

  As expected, a few days later when the girls were occupied with Emma and a lesson on proper etiquette, Charlaine all but dragged him to the lake, a rope slung around her shoulder.

  “You’re not serious, are you?” he demanded, wondering why he even bothered to ask.

  She grinned at him. “You cannot tell me that Pierce’s story did not make you want to try it.”

  Nathanial sighed, then reached for the rope and took it from her shoulder to sling it around his own. “Perhaps you misunderstood,” he began, unwilling to give in so easily. “They did this as boys, not any time in the recent past.”

  Charlaine shrugged as she tiptoed around the trees in the grove and headed straight for the lake. “Well, I didn’t, so…” She looked over her shoulder at him. “I’m doing it now. Better late than never, isn’t that what they say?”

  Nathanial huffed out an annoyed breath. “I’m certain whoever said it did not mean it in reference to a childish game.”

  Halfway down to the lake, Charlaine spun around and faced him, her gaze slightly narrowed. “Why are you objecting to this so vehemently?” she demanded, her eyes sweeping over his face as though she sought to unearth his darkest secrets. “Are you afraid of heights?”


  “Afraid of trees?”

  Nathanial frowned. “Have you ever known anyone to be afraid of trees?”

  Ignoring him, she continued, “Afraid of the water then? Can you swim?”

  “Of course, I can swim! I—”

  “Then there is no good reason not to do this!”

  “Yes, there is!” he all but snapped, belatedly realizing that aside from the recklessness of her plan, there was another reason why he did not want her jumping into the lake. Only too well did he remember the day the storm had caught them outside. The rain had all but plastered her thin dress to her skin, making the fabric all but translucent. “You cannot mean to…do this wearing…” he gestured at her dress, “this?” Was it getting warmer? Or was it simply the awkwardness of this awful conversation surging to his head?

  A teasing smile claimed her lips. “Are you suggesting I undress?”

  Nathanial felt as though his head would explode any moment now. “Of course not,” he forced out through gritted teeth, doing his best to ignore the teasing note in her voice. “I’m merely pointing out that there is a reason why you shouldn’t be doing this. A good reason!”

  Her forehead furrowed as she regarded him. “So, you are not objecting because you think this is dangerous, but because you neither want me to undress nor hop in fully clothed, am I understanding this correctly?”

  In all truthfulness, Nathanial could not say that he did not want her to undress or hop in fully clothed. It was rather that he thought she should not because…because merely hearing her voice such a scenario made him picture her…

  Nathanial shook off these wayward thoughts, reminding himself that she was his friend and nothing more. That he needed her to be his friend. That moments like the one in the stables ought not be repeated for both their sakes.

  “Very well,” Charlaine said, her arms crossing over her chest. “I will not jump in undressed or fully clothed…”

  Nathanial sighed in relief. “Thank you.”

  “…if you do it,” she finished with a wicked smirk upon her face.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  By the Lake

  For a long moment, Nathanial simply stared at her with such an adorably shocked expression upon his face that Charlaine wanted to hug him and assure him all would be well. Although she wished she could hop into the lake, feel the coolness of the water upon her skin, she did not want to make him uncomfortable.

  Perhaps a compromise would serve them both.

  If Nathanial jumped in, he might come to see how much fun it was and would better understand her desire to try it herself. “Or if you’re still concerned for my reputation,” she said, remembering his earlier concerns, “you could simply leave.” She glanced at the tall trees near the water’s edge. “I’m certain I can get the rope attached myself.”

  “I cannot leave you alone,” he huffed out. “What if you get hurt? What if—?”

  “Well, then it’s either you or me,” Charlaine said, curious what he would choose. “It’s your decision.”

  Almost glaring at her, Nathanial shook his head. “You’re mad, Woman. Completely mad.”

  Charlaine chuckled, having long since come to understand these words as a term of endearment. He might not understand her half the time, but neither would he forbid her. After all, he could have dragged her back to the house. He could have told Pierce. He could have…tied her to a tree in order to prevent her from doing what he did not want her to do.

  After all, he had a rope slung around his shoulder.

  But he did not. He was trying to reason with her, hoping she would come to see the situation as he did. However, Charlaine had no doubt that if he couldn’t, he would not force his opinion on her.

  Nathanial was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.

  “Well?” Charlaine prompted, not certain what she was hoping for.

  Hanging his head, Nathanial exhaled a deep breath. Then he pulled the rope from his shoulder, gave her an angry look and walked past her toward the tall tree closest to the lake. His head rose and he surveyed the canopy, his gaze drifting from branch to branch, trying to d
etermine which would suit his needs.

  Or rather her needs.

  Charlaine could barely suppress a chuckle as excitement coursed through her veins. She loved it when Nathanial stepped out of his comfort zone and tried something new, like attending the masquerade or dancing without shoes.

  In the end, he had always loved it.

  And besides, once the rope was attached, perhaps Charlaine could come back some other time and try it herself after all. Summer was slowly coming to an end, but most days were still warm enough for a quick swim.

  With no shoes to begin with, Nathanial began to climb the tree, his long arms and legs facilitating his ascent. From branch to branch, he climbed upward, testing each before moving on. Soon, he stood high up, his view no doubt spectacular.

  Charlaine envied him and she glanced down at her summer dress, wishing she could simply walk around in breeches and shirt as he did. It would certainly make climbing a tree easier. No doubt, though, Nathanial would be shocked speechless yet again. But so far, he had been able to adapt to everything she had proposed.


  Tying the rope to a higher branch, Nathanial then made his way downward until he came to stand on a branch perhaps ten paces above the water. The rope lay in his right hand as his gaze shifted from the lake below to her. “I cannot believe I’m doing this!” he called down to her. The corners of his mouth quirked upward and she could see his eyes light up with excitement.

  The same excitement that bubbled in her own veins.

  Clapping her hands, Charlaine jumped up and down, her limbs eager to move, longing to follow him up into the tree…and then down into the water. “On three!” she called and he nodded. “One! Two! Three!”

  Gripping the rope with both hands, Nathanial swung forward until he was free of the tree, only water below him. Then he let go…

  …and dropped into the lake with a large splash.

  Charlaine laughed as he sank below the surface, displacing the water and causing waves to roll upon the shore where she stood, watching with envy in her heart. She glanced toward the tree where the rope swung softly in the breeze, now free of its burden. For a second, she was tempted to break her promise.

  Then Nathanial reappeared, a wide grin upon his face as he began swimming toward her.

  Charlaine rested her hands on her hips. “Now, you cannot tell me that that wasn’t fun,” she dared him.

  His grin broadened as he stood, wading through the water, his shirt plastered to his broad chest. “Perhaps a little,” he conceded, splashing a little water her way.

  “Hey, you’ll get me wet!” Charlaine protested, but then stuck her foot in the water and kicked in his direction, unfortunately splattering no more than a few droplets at him.

  Nathanial laughed. “Says the woman who came up with this ludicrous idea!” Again, he splashed water at her and, this time, she felt a few drops soak through the thin fabric of her dress.

  Annoyed with him, Charlaine knelt down, scooped some water into her hands and threw it at him as he stepped out onto the shore. It hit him right in the back! Unfortunately, the impact was minimal considering he was already soaked from head to toe. Still, a wicked grin appeared on his face as he turned to look at her.

  A moment later, he spun around and came toward her, the threat of retribution burning in his eyes.

  Shrieking, Charlaine retreated, her back now toward the lake, a most unfortunate position for her right foot slid down the bank and into the water. She could feel her hem soaking through, but she did not care. Her eyes were fixed on Nathanial as he advanced and she retreated. The cool water felt wonderful against her legs and her hands reached down to throw more his way.

  Dodging the splash, Nathanial moved quickly and before Charlaine knew what was happening, his cold hand closed around her wrist, her heated skin all but sighing at the cooling contact. “I thought you didn’t want to get wet,” he laughed before he shook his head from side to side, sending a spray of water at her.

  Charlaine shrieked yet again, enjoying herself immensely, and tried to break free. His grip, however, would not loosen and they moved in a strange imitation of a tug-of-war through the water. Charlaine could not say if they were wading in deeper or back to shore until her foot slipped on a smooth rock.

  Unable to regain her balance, she fell backward, pulling Nathanial along as his hand was still wrapped around her wrist. They stumbled a few steps before Charlaine felt her world turn upside down. Her eyes closed as a sense of weightlessness came over her. It only lasted for a split second before she fell into the soft grass upon the bank, her feet still in the lake.

  Water drops fell down upon her face and, momentarily, Charlaine wondered if it had started to rain. However, when she opened her eyes, she found Nathanial all but hovering above her, his arms braced to the left and right of her head, water dripping down from his chin and nose and onto her skin.

  “You’re getting me wet,” she chided him yet again, a wide smile upon her face as she reached up to brush the water from his face.

  Nathanial chuckled. “You’re mad,” he said once again, his blue gaze looking down at her. “Absolutely and completely mad.”

  “Perhaps,” she whispered as her hands ran down the sides of his neck and onto his shoulders, suddenly unable not to touch him, “but then what are you?”

  The smile slid from his face and he swallowed. “I must be, too,” he murmured, his chest moving with each rapid breath, before his gaze dropped to her lips, “for it seems I cannot resist you.”

  And from one moment to the next, everything changed again.

  No longer were they locked in a friendly battle, teasing each other as friends were wont to do. No, all of a sudden, Charlaine was very much aware of his large body hovering above hers, his gaze dark and captivating. That muscle in his jaw twitched as his gaze dropped from hers to trace the line of her upper lip.

  Charlaine felt her breath lodge in her throat. He’s going to kiss me! That voice screamed once again. Or isn’t he?

  Only too well did Charlaine remember her disappointment when Nathanial had retreated from her in the stables. She had wanted him to kiss her, but she had been confused at the time, overwhelmed and unprepared to stop him from drawing away.

  Now, she was not. Now, she knew what she wanted…for it seemed he wanted it as well.

  Without thought, her hands tightened on his shoulders, a soft pressure, urging him closer.

  Nathanial’s eyes shot back up to meet hers, his jaw tightening, his gaze wide and dazed, but tempted nonetheless. And then he moved closer, slowly lowering himself down to her.

  Charlaine closed her eyes…

  …and then his lips brushed against hers.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  If Only…

  Nathanial felt as though he had strayed into a dream. He could feel Charlaine’s soft lips meeting his, her warm breath mingling with his own as his body lay down upon hers. Her warmth surged through him, and he felt her hands tighten upon his shoulders.

  Never in his life had Nathanial wanted something as much as he wanted her in this very moment. When a soft sigh escaped her lips, all restraint fell from him.

  His lips crushed down upon hers as desire ignited in every fiber of his body. All pretense was wiped away and the truth burst forth. A truth Nathanial had run from. A truth he feared. A truth he wished he could ignore.

  For it brought with it the danger of loss.

  However, in this moment, his mind was overruled by the sheer delight of holding her in his arms. She felt soft and warm, her body small and vulnerable compared to his. Still, he knew the strength that lived in her heart; a strength that had given him hope and a reason to smile and laugh and seek something more than a mere existence when he had steadfastly believed that there could be none. She had changed him, pushed and prodded him, made him daring enough to reach for what he wanted.

  And what he wanted was her.

  Even through the mindless passion that blazed in his
veins, Nathanial knew that it was more than a physical need he felt for her. No, what made the pulse thunder in his veins was the woman who had all but forced herself into his life. The woman who had seen his almost desperate need for a friend. The woman who had been true and kind and daring ever since she had first addressed him the day of his brother’s wedding celebration.

  Charlaine was his friend, and he loved her for it.


  Bracing himself on his left arm, Nathanial cupped her face, his wet fingers leaving a trail upon her cheek, then down her neck and back up. They slid into her dark curls at the nape of her neck, urging her closer so he could deepen the kiss.

  Her lips parted willingly, and a soft moan escaped her as her hands slid under his soaked shirt, her fingers tracing a line along his shoulders and then moved to the front. Her touch was delicate, tentative, but also curious and bold. It was everything she was, and Nathanial sank into her embrace without thought.

  His heart beat strong and demanding, and he could not remember when it had last done so. Had it ever? If it had, he could not recall. Not even with Abigail had he—

  The thought of Abigail was like a bucket of ice-cold water dumped upon him. His body stilled, tensed as pain and anger radiated through every fiber of his being. She had betrayed him. She had been his friend, and then she had led him to believe that she felt more for him than friendship.

  And he had believed her.

  He had been a fool to do so.

  He would not be a fool again. He would not again give his heart to a woman who would not love him in return. Passion alone was not enough. Passion was fleeting and only a fool would consider it a foundation upon which to build a future.

  Nathanial had been such a fool, and it had cost him not only his fiancée, but also his friend. And now, he was repeating that same mistake.


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