Scold's Conquest

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Scold's Conquest Page 17

by Marie Hall

  "Xavier," she called and tried lifting her fingers away.

  He blocked her and firmly set her fingers at her clit. "Work that, Io. Show me what gives you pleasure."

  "Xavier," she called again but started her fingers rubbing in small circles on the swelling nub. A ragged moan clawed its way up her throat. He could hear it start low and when it finally passed her lips, it stole her breath.

  She gasped and jerked, her fingers coming off, breaking the momentum she had worked up. He quickly pushed her hand back down and started her rubbing again. "Do not stop. Work that. Work that." He put his hand back over the one still hovering at her breast. "And this too. Do not forget this."

  For a while she simply rubbed both her clit and her breast but then her fingers dug into the flesh, squeezing her tit hard. At the same moment she lifted her hips. Her fingers working a little faster and in larger motions. She gasped and moaned and flexed her hips.

  "Yes, Io, spend. Feel it." He breathed against her ear. "So beautiful, so good. Spend, Io. Spend."

  "Xavier," she gasped. Small, almost desperate cries came from her lips. The hand at her breast dropped to join the one between her legs and he couldn't tell but it seemed she was trying to add pressure. "Xavier, please. Please help me. Please." She groaned and not wanting her to stop so close to the goal, he put both his hands under her arse and squeezed.

  "Do it Io. Do it. Feel it. Work it, Io. Make it happen. Spend. Show me. Give me your pleasure. Show me, Io. Spend. Show me."

  He made the last words a command and Io obeyed as she always did. Her body arched up and went stiff, her head lolled back on his shoulder and she cried out before she went limp and soft against him. He felt a second shudder travel through her body and the moan, raw and filled with relief, caused his skin to prickle. She moaned again, soft and easy as she tried to curl against him.

  "Yes?" he asked, sure she found the pleasure she was seeking if not in the manner she wanted. But he wanted to hear her say it. Make her acknowledge she could have this whenever she might want it.

  "Yes," she sighed, pulling her left leg around and set it over his right so she was cradled against him.

  Xavier chuckled, "You see, you can have this at your will."

  She made a sound part groan, part moan as she rubbed against him. "It was not as much as when you do it, or when we—"

  He laughed loud and hard, not caring if he woke the camp. How her innocent words thrilled him. When he still doubted how things between them would be, Io could give him hope they would overcome anything. He looked down to see she'd tipped her head back to look up. He dropped a little kiss on her nose and hugged her. "I should hope not," he told her as he shifted them so they could lie back down. He pulled the covers over them both, then pulled her close to his body when she started shivering.

  She made a sound in her throat, like a purr, as she wiggled her seat into his groin. "Perhaps you should have at me a bit to make sure you are still better at this than I," she said even as she yawned.

  "I will tell you…" He leaned over and placed a kiss on her check, surprised at the warmth he felt there. Rising up on one arm, he brushed the hair back from her face and set his palm against her forehead.

  "Stop, Xavier," she complained, moving so he couldn't continue to check her for fever.

  "Io," he set his hand on her chest but, before he could discern if the heat was natural or a sign of illness, she snatched his hand away and placed it around her outside the furs.

  "What will you tell me?"

  Xavier gave up, the heat could be nothing and he'd be next to her the whole of the night if anything changed. "I was saying, I will tell you we will have plenty time to make comparisons once we are home." He heard her mutter some complaint. "I think, though, until we are home you should keep practicing. I think until you can show me you can do this all by yourself without me, I will not bed you."

  Io gasped loudly and rolled toward him. "Xavier, why? You do not want me that way?"

  He bent and kissed her. "I want you."

  "Then why?"

  "I will say, in the name of fair competition and leave it at that." She gasped again and punched his arm. "You practice, Io."

  "Will you watch? Instruct me?" Her hand smoothed down his side coming to rest at his hip.

  "Every chance I get," he told her and lifted her hand away before it could slide down to his aching shaft. "It is a beautiful thing to behold. I do not wish to miss it."

  She hummed, then shrugged and Xavier felt her relax against him as her breathing evened out. "Xavier," she whispered once more.

  "I am here, my love. I am here."


  The full night sleep he managed was quickly proving to not be enough to hold his temper or patience in check this morning and Xavier again looked up at the sky hoping beyond hope he'd see a break in the storm. Snow was falling fast and heavy, burying equipment men were trying desperately to get stored so they could start moving.

  It was utterly ridicules that they should be not more than six days from home and the weather would turn so harsh they might have to make camp and wait. He wouldn't accept delays now. He wanted his wife safe and secure at home. The cough that plagued her the last week was becoming more persistent and this morning she'd a high flush about her that had nothing to do with the things they'd been about last night.

  Shaking the snow off for the third time, he bent to lift the heavy saddle. It hadn't fully settled over Cloud's back when it went off the other side causing a curse to rise up. He bit his tongue to hold it in as he bent to retrieve it. Setting a hand on the stallion's flanks he tried to shove him over so he wouldn't have to actually go around to pick up the heavy bit of crafted leather. The horse wouldn't move, in fact, he stomped and shoved into Xavier.

  "For the love of heaven," Xavier shouted, giving up and going around the horse. "Would something go—" He came to a dead stop. "Io? What are you doing out?"

  "I will ride with you again today," she stated flatly, brushing at the snow.

  "No." His tone brooked no argument, but leave it to Io to think she'd a choice in this.

  "Yes, I want to ride. The saddle can go in the wagon." The determination he heard was refreshing he just didn't want it now.

  "Io, you cannot ride in this weather. Stay in the wagon today and if it clears…" He set her aside and lifted the saddle on the horse. Io promptly took the cinch and yanked. They both had to leap back to avoid having their feet crushed. "Io," he yelled and stepped towards her. Surprisingly she held ground.

  "I want to ride. I do not want to be stuck away in the wagon," she said, folding her arms across her chest and glaring at him.

  "What you want is a heated backside," he told her, taking hold of her arm and heading back towards the wagon. "There is no time for this. You can ride another time, but—"

  "No, you will not set me away because it is inconvenient to have me. I will ride, if you do not want me, I will ride with another." She jerked her arm free and stared at him.

  Was that what he was doing? Did he deny her for his own convenience? A gust of wind howled through the trees and loads of snow could be heard dropping hard to the ground. Maybe it was most convenient to have her in the wagon, but it was also the safest and best way to ensure her well-being. "Io, it is more convenient to have you inside today, but it isn't for that reason alone. It is cold and windy and wet. This snow is not going to let up. We will be fortunate to go five leagues today and we will have to push hard for that." He again reached for her arm only to have her twist away.

  "There is no difference if I am in the wagon or not and I do not want to be in. I will ride," she said with a movement that might have been her stomping her foot only it was lost in the snow already as high as her knees.

  "No, you will get back inside. We are done discussing it." There was something seductive about arguing with her. He'd always loved her strength and her spine. Her willfulness was usually harmless and easily quelled with a sharp look. It was a little shockin
g to realize how much he missed seeing her stand up for herself even if she was standing up against him. It was only the timing of her defiance which caused a problem. "Now, Io," he said, pointing to where the wagon sat.

  "No," she countered.

  Knowing she'd twist away if he reached for her again, Xavier heaved a sigh, brushed at the snow and took a step towards the horse. "Get in the wagon." His hand landed hard on her arse as he passed and, while she yelped he knew she didn't feel anything as well bundled as she was.

  Xavier pulled the saddle from the snow and arranged the cinch and breast straps so he could again try and get his mount saddled. A quick look over his shoulder and he knew the battle wasn't done. Io's expression was fixed on rebellion. Xavier pressed his lips into a firm line and decided to ignore her until the horse was ready and she realized he'd not let her ride.

  "I will walk then." Xavier her heard say and turned to see Gerald speaking with her. Likely trying to persuade her gently to return to the vehicle. Before he could get a grip on the saddle to lift it on, Io turned and took several steps through the snow, each a clear struggle, showing her intent to be as stubborn as possible.

  "Well?" Gerald asked, stepping over and taking the saddle which seemed would never be placed on the horse.

  "Well what? She cannot ride in this," Xavier snapped, reaching for the leather again.

  "Did you ask why she wants to?" Gerald asked, holding the saddle away.

  "Why she wants to?" Xavier looked up and watched Io try to push through a drift nearly as deep as her waist. "No, I did not ask. She cannot be out in this."

  "She is out in this, and she will be frozen before you stop pissing on yourself in spite of the pot before you," Gerald said. "Find out why it is important to her before you deny her. I thought you had learned that."

  Xavier dropped his head. Damn, yes he knew he needed to be more willing to learn Io's motivations. His habit of assuming she did things for one reason or another left both of them hurting. Too, if he knew why she wanted this so much, he might be able to find a solution that worked for both of them. Pulling his shoulders back, he went after his wife.

  It wasn't hard to catch her. She'd already created a path and his stride was longer and stronger. He called twice but she failed to acknowledge him. Grinding his teeth, he resolved to not take the easy path this time. "Io," he called, reaching out and hooking her elbow.

  She began the fight instantly but the effort it took to walk the short distance had exhausted her before he started after her. "No," she yelled and slapped her hands at him. "I will not be set away."

  "Io," he shouted. He managed to grab her arms and with a yank, toppling her against him. "Stop," he said and helped her get her feet under her. "Stop. No one wants you set aside, especially me. Now stop." He gave her a moment to collect herself. "Tell me why you want to ride with me."

  "I…" she started then stopped to look around. He didn't miss the slight jerk of her body when someone shouted or the way her head snapped around when the weight of snow caused branches to snap.

  "Io, tell me."

  "I do not want to go back to the house…" she stopped took a breath and picked at her nails. "I do not want to go back afraid of everything, still a coward."

  Xavier closed his eyes and drew in a breath. He held it as long as he could. "Of course you do not," he said as he released it. Bending he put his shoulder to Io's stomach and lifted. She dropped over his shoulder with a yelp. He turned and headed back to where Gerald waited along with Mark, Jon and Ian.

  "Xavier?" Io yelled and slapped at his back.

  "Be still," Xavier told her and gave her arse a swat. She yelped. He set her down beside the horse which already had a fur tossed over its back. He lost this battle, oddly it didn't feel like a defeat.

  "I will put your things in the wagon," Gerald said, walking away, laughing.

  "Put this on in case the covers get soaked." Jon held out an oil skin.

  Xavier took it and wrapped it around Io. "She will not be out long enough for that."

  Io glared at him and, in a last defiant act before she was lifted up, she looked him straight in the eye and said, "That did not hurt."

  Xavier bit his tongue to stop the laugh. His little goddess was far more courageous than she knew. Ian gave him a hand up and he settled behind her, took the furs Jon held out and wrapped Io snuggly before adjusting her to fit against his body. He raised his hand and signaled they were to move then leaned down and whispered, "It was not intended to hurt, Io." He put his fist under her chin and lifted. "You have a full reprieve until we reach home." He tucked the covers around her and pressed his heels into the horse's side starting them forward.

  Io pushed the covers down and tipped her head back to look up at him. "Why?"

  "Why? Can you not be grateful you will sit easy the whole of this trip?" He wasn't surprised to see her shake her head at him, but it made him laugh, again. "Io, we both are learning to better deal with each other. I know I was too quick… I overused my authority. There should be more… meaning behind any discipline. I wish to limit myself to acts against your safety and defiance against a command." He adjusted the covers once more and pulled her close. "Other instances of… disagreement, I will give more consideration to what punishment might be deserved, if any."

  They rode in silence for some time. The winds died down and the falling snow enveloped them in a profound quiet broken only by the occasional jingle of Cloud's reins. It was impossible to keep the snow off so Xavier stopped trying, waiting for it to pile up significantly before brushing at it. Xavier was about to shake the snow from Io's covers when she pushed them back dislodging the sticky flakes.

  "Xavier," she called and when he looked down, her eyes shimmered.

  "What is it?" he asked, trying to pull the fur around her.

  "I am… sorry." The shimmer spilled from her eye and rolled down her cheek picking up white flakes. More flakes landed on her lashes only to be washed down with the next tear.

  "For what? Io, you do not have anything to be sorry for." Xavier leaned back to get a better look at her.

  "I am sorry for," she sniffed and pressed her face against him before pulling away and looking back up at him. "I am sorry for everything. I have caused so much trouble for you and… for everyone. It is my fault that—"

  "Stop," Xavier snapped and again leaned forward so she rested against him. "You are not at fault. You are at most only partly so, a smaller part than I." He pulled the covers around her. Bringing up his hand, he swept the hair back from her face. "There is no benefit in blaming, Io. Let us work to do better." He felt her nod and snuggle closer. He intended only to reassure her when he placed his cheek on the crown of her head, but the heat he felt was too much given she shivered in his hold.

  Using his teeth, Xavier pulled the glove from his hand and set his fingers on her cheek. His hand was warm enough it couldn't be the weather creating the difference. He tried to work his hand over to her forehead but she resisted, turning her face and, pushing in, she hunched her shoulders against the shivering that grew stronger. He tried again to feel for fever but her resistance grew and she knocked one of the covers off completely. "Io, hold still."

  "Leave me be, Xavier," she whined.

  "Io, let me feel your face," Xavier said, turning to look back at the men closest to him. He caught Jon's eye and the man nudged his horse alongside. "I think she is with fever," Xavier said as Jon paced beside them. Jon set his reins down and, pulling off his gloves, he reached out to touch Io. She avoided him as well and the commotion brought Mark and Gunther up.

  "Io, be still, girl," Jon commanded as he reached for again.

  "Leave me," Io moaned and tucked her head under Xavier's arm.

  "What is it?" Mark asked, a grin on his face.

  "I think she is feverish but she will not hold still," Xavier ground out, trying to force Io to sit up.

  "Io, be still before you fall from the horse," Gunther told her and Xavier felt her stiffen and
wrap her arms around him.

  The action settled her and again Xavier reached for her forehead. She felt as if she burned but the time out of the heavy glove made his hand cold. "I cannot tell. My hand is already cold."

  Mark pulled his gloves off and Xavier managed to pin her long enough he could check for fever. "She is hot, Xavier."

  "Damn," Xavier muttered, shifting to pull Io comfortably against him and get the furs around her. "Bring up the wagon, and send someone ahead. We are almost to Hillsdale."

  "There is no inn there," Gunther told him.

  "No, but there will be hot food at the tavern and a fire." Xavier tightened his hold as Io shivered violently against him.

  "Xavier?" Io called.

  "Back into the wagon with you, my lady," he said kissing the top of her head. "And there you will stay until we are home."

  "No, Xavier," she said then when slack.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Io peeked open her eyes. The muted light made it safe to look around without making the sharp pain in her head worse. The wood and plaster above her was unexpected as was the firmness beneath. She wasn't in the wagon, but where was she? She turned her head left and blinked at the heat coming from the pile of logs in the hearth. Only low flames licked up, the amount of embers told a story of a fire that burned a good while.

  Io turned her head right and bit her lip to keep from moaning. She slid her hand from under the covers and set it on the toe of the boot. "Simon?" she croaked. Her throat so dry the words scratched. "Simon?"


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