Book Read Free

Wrongly Accused

Page 15

by Erin Wade

  Dawn nuzzled her face in Niki’s hair. “I love your hair. I love losing myself in it.”

  “I love when you grab it and pull me to you,” Niki whispered as she slipped her hand between Dawn’s legs. “You need me, don’t you, baby?”

  “So badly.” Dawn sat down on the bed, pulling Niki onto her lap. “Oh, how I need you.”

  They made love and then lay in each other’s arms, cooing to one another or kissing just to feel silky, swollen lips.

  “You want to talk about your week?” Niki asked as she stroked Dawn’s flat, firm stomach. “My, someone has really worked out this week.”

  “Uh-huh. I took my frustrations out on the kickboxing bag. I pretended it was Val.”

  “I take it your talk with her didn’t go well.”

  “She . . . she kissed me,” Dawn blurted. “What kind of person does that? Why in the world would she think I wanted to kiss her?”

  Niki stiffened and sat up in the bed. “She kissed you? What do you mean?”

  “Where’s my cell phone?” Dawn reached for her jeans on the floor. “Here. I had it in my hand with the audio and video on. You can see for yourself.”

  Niki gasped as Val charged around her desk and grabbed Dawn by the shoulders, forcing her to kiss her. “It’s a crime for a prison employee to kiss or fondle an inmate,” Niki cried. “You need to file charges against her. Does she know you have this video?”

  “No, I knew she would take it away from me.” Dawn touched the screen on her phone and sent the video to Niki. Niki’s phone dinged as it received the video. “Now you have it, so I won’t lose it if she confiscates my phone.”

  “You should send it to your attorney,” Niki advised.

  Dawn pulled up Libby’s number and forwarded the video with a text to “Hold onto this.”

  “Let’s talk about the warden tomorrow,” Niki whispered as she kissed her way down Dawn’s stomach. “Right now I want to make you forget everything but my name. And you may scream it frequently.”

  “I always do.” Dawn inhaled deeply, anticipating the pleasure Niki always gave her.


  Later they lay with their legs and arms tangled. It was impossible to tell where one woman stopped and the other started. Dawn trailed her fingers down Niki’s back as the redhead lay on top of her, her cheek resting between Dawn’s breasts.

  “I love to listen to your heartbeat.” Niki raised her head and planted a kiss on Dawn’s neck. “I have everything we need for sandwiches. Want one?”

  “I do.” Dawn laughed as she flipped Niki over onto her back and kissed her soundly.

  “No, no.” Niki giggled. “You must feed me first.”

  Dawn pretended to pout as she rolled off the smaller woman. “I’m hungry too.”

  They padded into the kitchen, both wearing only T-shirts. “You are so damn cute in my shirt,” Dawn said. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  Niki let out a squeal of delight as Dawn lifted her onto the kitchen island. Both quieted when the doorbell rang.

  Dawn frowned. “Who would be here this time of night?”

  “Probably Jacey. She forgets her key all the time. I’ll let her in.”

  Niki unlocked the door. “Warden, what are you doing here?”

  “I, oh, I didn’t know you were here,” Val blurted out. “I’m looking for Dawn.”

  “Who is it, honey?” Dawn said as she walked to the front door. “Val, is everything okay at the prison?”

  “Yes.” Wide-eyed, Val looked from one woman to the other. It was obvious they had been in bed. “You . . . you two are together?”

  “Yes,” Niki said. “Please, come in.”

  “No, no. I wanted to talk to Dawn, but it can wait until Monday. I’m sorry I disturbed you.” Val backed from the porch and darted to her car.

  “What was that all about?” Dawn said, closing the door.

  “That was a thwarted booty call, my love.” Niki waggled her eyebrows.

  “Oh God,” Dawn groaned. “Just what I need.”

  Chapter 39

  Monday morning Val waited impatiently for Dawn to keep their usual meeting. She decided Dawn wasn’t coming and tried to think about how to approach the blonde and what to say to her.

  I’m an even bigger fool than I thought. Dawn is in love with a woman, but that woman isn’t me.

  Her intercom interrupted her thoughts. “Dr. Fairchild is here to see you.”

  Val took a deep breath and made a split-second decision. She would send Dawn back to general population and cancel her weekend pass.

  Dawn met Val’s dark gaze as she entered the room and sat down in front of the warden’s desk.

  “I’m sorry I’m late,” she mumbled. “Emergency appendectomy.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Appendix ruptured during the night, but the guards didn’t bring her to the infirmary until this morning. It’s a miracle she didn’t die. But she’s going to be okay.”

  Maybe I should keep her in the hospital quarters, Val thought.

  “That’s good to know,” Val said, her voice cracking.

  “Dawn, I need to, um . . . revoke your weekend pass. The prison inspection team will be here for the next ten days checking our operations.”

  Dawn snorted in disbelief. “You’re such a liar. You’re revoking my pass because I spend my weekends with Niki. Do you think I’m stupid?”

  “How can you fall in love with someone like Niki?” Val screeched. “She’s a drug addict and a whore.”

  Dawn clenched her fist. She knew hitting Val would land her in solitary confinement.

  “Before you came, every woman on that ward had her.”

  “And you knew about it but did nothing to stop what was happening to her,” Dawn lashed out. “You’re no better than a pimp.”

  “She was a druggie,” Val howled.

  “Just because she was serving time for drugs didn’t give everyone she met the right to rape her,” Dawn said, seething.

  “If it hadn’t been for Niki, the same fate would have befallen me. You certainly did nothing to protect me.

  “Why don’t I share this with the inspectors when they’re here?” Dawn turned on the video and placed her cell phone on Val’s desk.

  Val snatched the phone from her desk to get a closer look at what Dawn had recorded. I am so screwed, she thought.

  “I’m keeping this,” she snarled.

  “Suit yourself.” Dawn shrugged. “I’ve already sent a copy of it to Niki’s phone and my attorney. You didn’t think I’d be foolish enough to let you get your hands on the only copy, did you?”

  “I should move you back to general population,” Val threatened. Fear flashed across Dawn’s face. Val knew she had hit a nerve.

  “Dawn, I don’t want to be at odds with you. I was wrong. I had a bad lapse in judgement and tried to kiss you, but the truth is, you are one of the most desirable women I’ve ever met. Not just your looks—you know you’re beautiful—but your high standards, your kindness, and your devotion to your calling as a doctor. Who wouldn’t be drawn to you? Can we call a truce and get along for the next few months?”

  “If you’ll let me keep my weekend pass.” Dawn was adamant.

  “Okay, but I must have you here this weekend to show the inspectors around the hospital.”

  “And my cell phone?” Dawn raised her brows.

  “I’ll keep that.”


  Val waited until Dawn had closed the door behind her then replayed the video of the ill-advised kiss. She rubbed her face with both hands, trying to clear away the cobwebs in her mind. It felt as if everything was coming at her at once. She had the recording on Dawn’s phone, and Niki had a recording on her phone. If I can get Niki’s phone, it would be Dawn’s word against mine, she mused.

  Just like at the trial, the little voice in her head said. But the attorney had a copy too.


  Dawn had never felt so alone. She couldn’t call Niki an
d let her know what had transpired with Val. She was cut off from the world. She would see Niki during visitation Wednesday, so she could tell her what was happening. Until then Niki would be frantic. Maybe Lance will let me use his cell, she thought.

  Chapter 40

  Niki stepped into the hot shower. She was anxious about seeing Dawn today. The blonde hadn’t called her since their weekend when Val discovered them together. Two days didn’t seem like a long time, but it was an eternity when you were away from the one you loved.

  Niki heard the sound when she turned off the shower. Someone was walking around in the house. She stepped from the shower and pushed the button locking the bathroom door. The footsteps entered the bedroom and stopped, as if the intruder was trying to decide what to do. Niki held her breath.

  The footsteps sounded again, getting louder as they approached the bathroom door. Niki pulled the towel tighter around her. She looked around the bathroom for something to put on, but the towel was her only cover. She knew how fast a towel could be ripped away.

  She saw her cell phone light up and prayed it was still on silent from her morning class. She thanked God when it only flashed and didn’t make a sound. The intruder was opening and closing her dresser drawers as if in search of something.

  She heard a loud clattering and jangling of keys. The prowler was emptying her purse onto the dresser top. “Dammit,” a male voice mumbled. “It’s not here.”

  The footsteps approached the bathroom door. Niki desperately sought anything that might serve as a weapon. A rattail comb. She clutched the comb, the teeth biting into the palm of her hand. In prison, a rattail comb was considered a lethal weapon.

  Out of the blue, Jacey’s voice rang out in the house as she slammed the front door. “Niki, are you here?”

  The intruder’s footsteps moved away from the bathroom. She could tell by the clicking of locks and latches that the man was leaving by the French doors in the bedroom.

  “Niki, are—”

  Niki ran from the bathroom and threw herself into Jacey’s arms.

  “Thank God you came home,” she sobbed. She locked the French doors as she described her ordeal to Jacey. She looked at her lipstick, house keys, change, and other items that had been dumped from her purse. Some of the dresser drawers were still open, and lingerie was scattered on the floor.

  “What was he looking for?” Jacey asked.

  “I have no idea,” Niki said. “The only thing that wasn’t out here was my cell phone. The key fob to Dawn’s car is missing.”


  Niki took a taxi to the prison and debated whether to tell Dawn about the break-in. She decided not to worry her lover. She was concerned that Dawn hadn’t called her. She prayed everything was okay.

  “Dawn Fairchild,” the loud speaker bellowed. Niki held her breath as she waited for the blonde to walk into the room. Where is she? Why isn’t she here? she thought.

  Niki’s panic was rising when the svelte doctor strode into the room. At the sight of Dawn, all of Niki’s fears and anxieties melted away. She had to grip the table to keep from running into Dawn’s arms.

  “I was getting worried,” Niki whispered.

  “I’m fine, baby. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Why haven’t you called me?” Niki asked.

  “The warden took away my phone. I’m being punished for falling in love with the wrong woman.”

  “Oh Dawn, I don’t know what to say.”

  Dawn shrugged. “I’ll just keep my head down and stay out of her way. She was going to take away my weekend pass too, but I basically blackmailed her with the video on my phone. Transfer that video to your computer. I wouldn’t put it past Val to try to steal your cell to get the video. I do have to stay at the prison this weekend to help her entertain visiting dignitaries, but I’ll be home next weekend.”

  “I love you, darling.” Niki swiped away a stray tear with the back of her hand.

  “Don’t cry, baby. Everything will be okay,” Dawn assured her. “How is Jacey?”

  “She’s wonderful,” Niki said between sniffles. “She is so nice and kind—much like you. Oh, which reminds me. I’ve lost the key fob to your car. How do I get another one?”

  “Did you ever pick up my belongings from the police station? There’s an extra key in my purse.”

  “No, but I’ll get Jacey to run me by there and take care of it.”

  “Call Libby. She’s my friend and my attorney on record. They won’t release my things to you, but they will release them to her. Libby Howe. You can find her on the internet.”

  Visitation was over too quickly, and Dawn reluctantly returned to the prison hospital.

  Chapter 41

  Detective Bobby Joe Jones smiled as the two attractive women stood to greet him when he entered the police department’s waiting area. “Libby, it’s a pleasure to see you.” He extended his hand to the woman he had testified before many times.

  Libby shook Bobby’s hand as she introduced Niki. “This is Niki Sears. She asked me to meet her here to sign the receipt for Dawn Fairchild’s belongings.”

  Bobby Joe acknowledged Niki and then motioned for them to follow him. “Things have been crazy this morning. I haven’t been down to evidence storage yet.” He held the elevator door open for the two women, and the trio rode down to the basement.

  “This won’t take but a few minutes. I’ve already filled out the online request to have Dr. Fairchild’s belongings pulled. They should be waiting for us.

  “I never felt right about that case.” Bobby Joe talked as the elevator lumbered to the basement. “A beautiful woman like that—and a doctor to boot. She should have been given deferred adjudication.”

  “She would have if she’d only pleaded guilty,” Libby said. “I had the judge’s assurance that she would be released with deferred adjudication. Dawn refused to plead guilty.”

  “Because she wasn’t guilty,” Niki mumbled.

  The elevator door slid open, and they entered the cavernous home of all Tarrant County evidence files.

  “Hey, Bobby Joe,” an officer called out. “I just pulled the evidence you requested.” He handed Bobby Joe a clipboard to sign and shoved a clear-plastic tub toward the detective. “You can use any table that’s free,” he added.

  Bobby Joe led them to a table in the corner and pulled the lid from the tub. “Yeah, here’s her purse,” he pointed out, “and her cell phone. No, this isn’t her cell phone. This cell phone is bagged and tagged as belonging to Raymond Scott.”

  “Who? Why is it in Dawn’s evidence file?” Libby said, her brain kicking into high gear. “What case number is written on it? What date was it entered into evidence?”

  “It’s Dr. Fairchild’s case number, but it wasn’t entered into evidence. There’s no entry date.”

  “We should call Mr. Scott and let him know we have his cell phone,” Libby said.

  Bobby Joe nodded and pulled his phone out to make the call. Raymond Scott said he was off work and wanted to run by and pick up the phone. “I can be there in fifteen minutes. I hope it helped prove that doctor was innocent,” he said as he hung up.

  Libby didn’t miss the look of horror that spread across Bobby Joe’s face. “What’s wrong?”

  “We need to get to my office. Come on.” Bobby Joe took the evidence tub with him.

  The women hurried to keep up with the long strides of the detective as he hurried to the elevator.


  “I’ve got a charger here somewhere.” Bobby rummaged through his desk drawers and pulled out a fast charger that would fit the iPhone he held. “This baby will charge an iPhone in under fifteen minutes.”

  “What’s going on?” Libby demanded. “Why are you charging that phone?”

  Bobby Joe shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I think this phone will prove your client’s innocence.”

  Bobby Joe checked the other items in the evidence tub. “Looks like all of Dr. Fairchild’s things are here—key fob, several keys on a
key ring, wallet, sunshades, lipstick, cell phone, her last paycheck. Whoa!” he said, whistling softly. “She made more in a month than I make in a year.” He made a list of the items on his computer and then printed out a receipt for Libby to sign. Libby completed the transaction and handed Dawn’s belongings to Niki.

  “Detective Jones?” A middle-aged man stuck his head into Bobby Joe’s office. “I’m Raymond Scott.”

  Bobby Joe jumped to his feet. “Come in, Mr. Scott. I appreciate you coming. We’re charging your cell phone now. What’s on it that will clear Dr. Fairchild?”

  Scott seemed puzzled. “The video, of course. I played it for the ADA handling the case. He said it was definitely a game changer. He insisted on confiscating my phone.”

  Bobby Joe reached for the phone as it lit up signaling a charge. He turned it on.

  “It’s the last video in my storage,” Scott said, keying in his password and handing the phone back to Bobby Joe.

  Bobby pulled up the recording and pushed Play. Scott had shot the video from the sidewalk across from the accident, and it clearly showed Richard Wynn exiting the driver’s side of his car and running between two buildings. Moments later it showed Dawn getting out of the passenger’s side and going to aid the others involved in the accident.

  Niki slapped her hand over her mouth. “I knew she was innocent. Dawn wouldn’t lie.”

  “No,” Libby hissed, “but Valerie Davis would.”

  “Come on, Bobby Joe,” Libby said as she got to her feet. “All of us are going to see Judge Cranfield. We must get Dawn out of prison before something happens to her.”

  Chapter 42

  Libby was on her cell phone to Judge Cranfield’s office as Bobby Joe, Niki, and Raymond Scott followed her from the building.

  Bobby Joe pointed to his police cruiser. “Let’s take it. It’s bigger than your Beemer.”

  “The judge can see us in forty-five minutes,” Libby crowed. “I can type up the plea for release while we wait and print it out on his secretary’s printer. I’ll have all the paperwork done by the time he meets with us.”


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