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Wrongly Accused

Page 24

by Erin Wade

  “Any time you aren’t satisfied, I need to be the first to know,” Niki scolded. “Are you sated, Dr. Fairchild?”

  “Never,” Dawn whispered as Niki led her to their bedroom.


  Niki collapsed onto her wife. “You have deboned me,” she said, giggling. “I don’t think I can move a muscle.”

  “I’m just glad I’m lying on my back.” Dawn brushed her lips against Niki’s. “I don’t think I have the energy to roll over.”

  “Mmm. I know, and I love it,” Niki murmured. “At first I was afraid we weren’t going to be compatible, but now I know we’re perfectly matched.”

  “What made you doubt our compatibility?”

  “In prison you never seemed to want me,” Niki mumbled. “You kept a wall between us.”

  “I wanted you so badly I could taste it,” Dawn whispered. “I just didn’t want you to pick me because I was the best woman available at the time. I wanted you to have a choice outside of prison.”

  “I still picked you, silly.” Niki nipped Dawn’s shoulder. “But mostly because you make great spaghetti.”

  “Oh!” Dawn sat upright, taking her wife with her. “I forgot about the spaghetti.”

  “I turned off the burner.” Niki pushed Dawn back down on the mattress. “I knew it would burn before I was through with you.”

  “I’ve also been told that redheads are insatiable,” Dawn whispered. “And they like adventurous sex.”

  “We’ll see.” Niki lowered her lips to her wife’s. “We have a lifetime to find out if all the redhead rumors you’ve heard are true.”

  Chapter 65

  Niki grumbled as she pulled to the curb in front of the house. A black Mercedes was parked in the center of the driveway. Not to one side so she could pull into the garage, but right in the center, as if they owned the drive.

  She grabbed her bookbag and computer and stomped into the house. She didn’t see anyone in the living room or the kitchen. She checked Jacey’s room; she was gone, as usual. Dawn wouldn’t be home for another hour.

  She dropped her books in their home office and went to look for the Mercedes’ owner. “What are you doing here?” she demanded when she came face-to-face with her mother. “How did you get into my home?”

  “Your friend let me in,” Sylvia said. “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t think we have anything to discuss.” Niki backed away from the woman who had always made her life miserable. “I’d like you to leave.”

  “Not until you listen to me,” Sylvia insisted.

  Niki shrugged. “Make it quick and then get out.”

  “We need your help.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” Niki’s sarcasm was wasted on her mother.

  “We’re about to lose everything,” Sylvia continued. “We barely have enough money to support our lifestyle. You’ve got billions and don’t even use it.”

  “I don’t want to end up like you, so I’m saving it for a rainy day,” Niki said. Her mother just glared at her.

  “Give me one good reason why I should care what happens to you,” Niki fumed. “You never loved me. I can’t recall you ever holding me on your lap or hugging me. If I fell or had a skinned knee, it was always Daddy who consoled me and put a Band-Aid on it. It was Daddy who showed up at all my school plays and functions. You didn’t even attend my high school graduation.”

  “You were always a daddy’s girl,” Sylvia snarled.

  “I was a daddy’s girl because I had no mother. You made it plain that you never wanted me. The boys were all you cared about.”

  “You’re right. You were entirely your father’s idea. He came home drunk one night and forced himself on me. You were the result of that attack.” Sylvia began to sob.

  “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be raped?”

  “Get out of my home,” Niki hissed through clenched teeth. “Take your self-pity and pompous attitude somewhere else. You have no idea what rape is. You have no idea what it’s like to—”

  “What’s going on here?” Dawn slung her bag onto the sofa and moved to stand between her wife and Sylvia. “What are you doing here?”

  “She wants money,” Niki snapped.

  Dawn never knew where the gun came from. She only knew that Sylvia was pointing it at her and Niki. “I could kill you both,” she hissed, “and make it look like robbery. I’d take my chances in a civil court to regain control of your stock.”

  A gun racked behind Dawn. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Val said, leveling her Glock at Sylvia. “You’ll probably miss. Believe me, I won’t.”

  Sylvia let her hand fall to her side, and the gun clattered to the floor. Dawn picked up the weapon. “I’m calling Bobby Joe,” she said.

  “No need to.” Bobby Joe entered the room. “I was driving by to check on you two when I noticed the gathering of vehicles in front of your house.”

  “She tried to kill Dawn and Niki,” Val said as Bobby Joe took her Glock and slipped it into his pocket. “You showed up just in time.”

  Bobby Joe quickly handcuffed Sylvia. She didn’t protest as he radioed for backup.

  “You shot at Dawn,” Bobby Joe said to Sylvia. “You’re not a very good shot. I’m betting ballistics will match the slug we dug out of Dawn’s porch pillar to your gun.”

  “I want my lawyer,” Sylvia barked.

  “You’ll get your lawyer, but tell me how you hired the hit man who almost killed Niki.”

  Sylvia snorted. “I don’t hire idiots to do my dirty work.”

  “One of her sons probably did it,” Val suggested as two more police officers entered the room.

  Bobby Joe nodded for the men to take Sylvia away.

  Then he turned to Val and clicked open a second pair of handcuffs. “I’d believe that if we hadn’t traced the contact to your computer,” he said as he slapped the cuffs on Val.

  “You’re crazy,” Val snarled.

  “Sylvia was willing to kill for money,” Dawn said. “But you? Why did you want me dead?”

  “You were going to ruin me,” Val said, her face twisted with emotion. “You were going to report me for trying to kiss you. Then you wanted me to tell the truth about the accident. Yes, I know I lied and sent you to prison. How did I know I’d fall in love with you? How could you not love me back? If you’d only loved me back none of this would have happened.”

  Dawn shook her head in disbelief. “If you hadn’t wrongly accused me, none of this would have happened.”

  Chapter 66

  Dawn was bursting with pride as Niki accepted her graduation certificate. It had been two years of hard work and dedication, but Niki was officially a nurse practitioner.

  Friends and relatives gathered around to congratulate the redhead. She leaned against Dawn as they visited with Bobby Joe and his wife. Flint had married Libby, and they were expecting their first child in six months. Ruth and Phillip Fairchild were thrilled about becoming grandparents.

  “Everyone is invited to our house tonight for a graduation dinner,” Ruth said. “This is all so exciting.” As they parted, everyone promised to reassemble at the Fairchild home.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Dawn said, lacing her fingers with Niki’s as she drove with her free hand. “Beauty and brains too. How did I get so lucky?”

  “Don’t forget the adventurous sex.” Niki giggled as she kissed Dawn’s knuckles.

  “Oh, I could never forget about that. I think about it all the time.”

  “Good.” Niki nibbled on Dawn’s finger. “Then I’ll always be the only one on your mind.”

  Dawn grinned. “That’s a given. You’re always on my mind and in my heart.”

  The End

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  Other #1 Best Selling Books

  by Erin Wade

  Too Strong to Die

  Death Was Too Easy

  Three Times as Deadly

  Branded Wives

  Living Two Lives

  Don’t Dare the Devil

  The Roughneck & the Lady

  Erin Wade writing as D.J. Jouett

  The Destiny Factor

  Coming in 2019

  Shakespeare Undercover

  Assassination Authorized!

  Java Jarvis

  Dead Girl’s Gun

  Doomsday Cruise

  Shakespeare Under Cover

  By Erin Wade

  Below are the first five chapters of Shakespeare Under Cover. I hope you enjoy them. Shakespeare Under Cover will be released in the first quarter of 2019.

  Again, thank you for being a reader of Erin Wade novels.

  Chapter 1

  Professor Regan Shaw watched her class file into the lecture hall. For the tenth time, today, she wondered why she had agreed to be the guest professor for the fall semester. Burnout, a tiny voice inside her head reminded her. You’re a has-been and right back where you started.

  A noisy group of students pulled her from her reverie. “Come on, Brandy, you promised.” A six-four hunk in a football jersey pulled at a blonde wearing a matching pullover.

  Must be going steady, Regan thought.

  “Keep your hands off me, Joey Sloan,” the blonde said as she yanked her arm from his grasp.

  Joey grinned salaciously. “That’s not what you said last night.”

  The blonde shot him a look that would have melted an intelligent man. “I have changed my mind. It’s a woman’s prerogative.”

  “You can’t just yank me around like that,” Joey growled.

  “Why don’t I just cut you loose?” the blonde threatened. “Why don’t you go find someone else to—”

  “Aww, look, Brandy. I’m sorry,” Joey said. “I just want you to come to the frat party tonight. I like to show you off, baby.”

  “No, and that’s final.” Brandy spotted an empty chair on the front row between two geeky-looking guys and sat down, leaving Joey no choice but to sit somewhere else.

  Regan got to her feet. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Discovering Shakespeare. I’m Professor Regan Shaw.”

  “Hot damn,” a male voice called out from the back of the lecture hall. “You’re really something, mama.”

  Brandy jumped to her feet. “Who said that?” she demanded. “Joey, was that you?”

  Regan quickly scanned the class roster for Brandy’s last name. She had no Brandy on her list. “Miss, I am quite capable of controlling my class,” she said loudly.

  Brandy whirled around to face her. “Sorry,” she said as she dropped back into her seat.

  “How many of you studied Shakespeare in high school?” Regan continued. Everyone’s hands went up. “So, you know his plays and prose were written over four hundred years ago?”

  Nods and moans were the response from her class.

  “Shakespeare can sometimes be difficult to understand,” she said.

  “That’s the understatement of the day,” Brandy interrupted. “Shakespeare is ambiguous.”

  Regan shot the class her million-dollar smile. The one that always captivated her audiences. “Part of the reason Shakespeare seems so ambiguous is because he made up his own words. If he had no word to express his emotions, he simply made one up. We can thank him for such words as addiction, archvillain, and bedazzled.

  “I want you to read A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and be prepared to discuss the symbolism Shakespeare uses.

  “I will see you all next week.”

  Regan looked at her class roster again. “Brandy, may I see you for just a moment?”

  The room emptied quickly. Brandy remained seated until Regan spoke to her.

  “Are you supposed to be in my class?” the professor asked. “I don’t have you on my roster.”

  “Brandywine,” the girl said. “Grace Brandywine.”

  Regan smiled slightly. Of course, she thought. Second name on my list.

  “I see,” Regan said. She walked from behind her desk and leaned against it as she studied her student.

  Grace Brandywinewas movie star beautiful. Everything about her screamed money. Probably oil money, Regan thought.

  Brandy tossed her head and glorious blonde hair cascaded down one shoulder and settled on her perfect breast.

  “I loved your last book,” she said with a smile. “You’re a wonderful writer. The movie didn’t do it justice.”

  “Thank you.” A slight smile played on Regan’s lips. You didn’t see my last book, she thought. No one did. It was rejected by my publisher.

  “I can’t wait to read your next book,” Brandy said sweetly. “I’ve read all your books. You’re my favorite author. That’s why I took this class.”

  “Oh,” Regan teased, “I was certain you took the class to study Shakespeare.”

  Brandy made a sound that was something between a giggle and a snort.

  Damn, she’s cute, Regan thought.

  Suddenly, a handsome man in his midforties entered the lecture hall. “There you are. I had a feeling I would find you counseling a student. Did you forget we have a lunch date?”

  Regan smiled. “I didn’t forget. I’m just trying to get my roster in order.”

  “I’ll grab us a table. Hurry. The SUB fills up quickly this time of day.” He squeezed Regan’s arm and left the room.

  “I’m meeting Joey in the SUB,” Brandy said. “Want to walk over together? You could tell me more about Shakespeare.”

  “I have to drop something off for Professor Fleming,” Regan said. “I’ll see you around.”


  “Want to go with me to the Delta Tau Delta fraternity party tonight?” Coach Danny Tucker asked hopefully.

  “I don’t think so.” Regan frowned. “You know how I feel about drinking and frat boys.”

  Danny laughed. “Indeed, I do. The powers that be have instructed me to attend their first bash of the year. So, you’re going to throw me to the wolves with no backup.”

  Regan watched as Brandy and Joey strolled into the Student Union Building. Joey had his arm draped around Brandy’s shoulders. His hand sneakily brushed her breast, and Brandy slapped his arm away. “Joey Sloan, if that happens again, I swear . . . .”

  Joey grinned mischievously. “Sorry, babe, it really was an accident. I know how you hate PDA.”

  Brandy rolled her eyes and stomped away from him. She raised her head and found herself staring into the deep brown eyes of her English lit professor. A twisted smile passed across her lips.

  “Professor Shaw, Coach Tucker. I didn’t expect to see you here,” she said. The lie came easily. Coach Tucker and Joey share the same lack of imagination when it comes to a date, she thought.

  “I’m trying to talk Professor Shaw into going with me to the Delta Tau Delta bash tonight,” Tucker said.

  “You should come.” Joey joined them flashing a gleeful smile. “Brandy and I will be there. It’ll be wild and crazy. It will be hot!” He let his eyes wander down Brandy’s slender body.

  Regan tilted her head and caught Brandy’s eye. The girl shrugged. “You should come,” she said softly.

  Regan smiled. “Three great recommendations. How can I go wrong? What time is it?”

  “Starts at seven.” Tucker grinned from ear to ear. “I’ll pick you up at six thirty.”

  “Um, I’ll meet you there,” Regan said. “I may not stay till the bitter end.”

  Coach Tucker looked at his watch. “We gotta go, bi
g guy. Football practice in ten minutes. You need to suit up.”

  Regan watched as the two men left, mumbling to each other and laughing out loud.

  “Delta Tau Delta—is that the fraternity that has all the drug charges leveled against them?” Regan said.

  “You can’t believe everything you hear,” Brandy grumbled.

  Regan sipped her iced tea and studied the girl.

  “I was under the impression you weren’t going.”

  “Joey wouldn’t stop hounding me, so I agreed to go to get him to leave me alone.” Brandy cocked her head and surveyed Professor Shaw. “He’s the president of the fraternity. Said I was making him look bad by refusing to attend his first party.

  “You and Coach Tucker?” Brandy raised her eyebrows.

  Regan blushed. “Tell me why you date Joey,” she said, desperately wanting to change the subject.

  “Probably the same reason you date Coach Tucker.” Brandy smiled knowingly.

  I doubt that, Regan thought.


  Brandy paid extra attention to her appearance as she dressed for the party. She was in her I’m-gonna-knock-your-boots-off mood. She briefly wondered if Professor Shaw wore boots. Loud honking in front of her sorority house told her Joey was demanding her presence.

  Mom would kill me if she saw me tolerating Joey Sloan’s rudeness, she thought as she skipped down the stairs.

  The party was in full swing when the couple arrived. Joey parked his Porsche convertible along the curb, jumped out without opening his door, and started up the sidewalk.

  Brandy sighed loudly as she opened her own door and got out of the car.

  Coach Tucker and Professor Shaw were already at the party. A crowd of male students gathered around Professor Shaw.

  “I’ll get us a couple of beers,” Joey yelled as he headed for the tubs of iced-down brew.

  Brandy observed her professor. The woman was classy—hot, but classy. Dressed in a pair of formfitting black jeans and an open-necked, electric-blue blouse, she looked like one of the students. Her long, black hair curled around her shoulders, framing a face that dreams were made of. Brandy wondered how anyone applied makeup that perfectly.


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