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Terra Nova

Page 19

by Dieter Duhm

  In a mother’s womb were two babies.

  One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”

  The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

  “Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

  The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

  The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

  The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

  The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one has ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

  “Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

  The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

  The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

  Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

  To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”3

  When we begin to think about the whole in which we live day to day, it is strangely disconcerting. We believe in the existence of something “out there,” but we have lost the “mother.” Authentic religious connection allows the disconcertment in the human soul to be replaced by an innermost knowing of trust, love, and home. This longing for home, consciously or unconsciously, runs through all of humanity. Religion is way by which this longing can be fulfilled.

  Religion relates to our connectedness with the divine world. This world, which is not far from us, not above us, surrounds and permeates us with every breath we take. We were created by this world and in it we breathe, think, and love. We are made of its matter and the more we develop the more similar we, the embryonic human beings, become to our “creator” – until we ourselves are one with the divine world of which we were as ignorant as the twins in their mother’s belly. What a profound parable! Hardly any system change could be more radical than that within religion. The use of the word “religion” in a revolutionary context is easily misunderstood. The new religion has no church, no orthodoxy, and no confession; it is a state of consciousness. It is a very vital state which leads to a new mode of function for our physical organs, heals “incurable” diseases, and performs great miracles. Every person will have his or her own experience. The new concept of religion is not concerned with rising up after death, but of resurrecting before death – in this very life. The religion of the resurrected human being no longer means submitting to an overpowering God, but on the contrary, elevation to the divine reality from which we originate and to which we forever belong. The new religiousness is physical and sensual. It opens our channels to the sources of love, healing, and art. It opens our channels to children. It opens gates for scientific thinking of which we could previously only dream. Religion is the filling of our souls with belief that “can move mountains.” I mean this almost literally. “We” can reshape the world in accordance with the Sacred Matrix to the degree that we find this form of belief. I put “we” in quotes, for it is no longer we ourselves that bring about the shift, but the POWER operating through us. In this state, we experience what it means to be happy. As Prentice Mulford writes, “it is the greatest happiness of man to be a channel for the spiritual powers of the universe.”4

  It will take a while for the new religion to gain acceptance in the coming culture. It is an historical process comparable to that of free sexuality. It will come into being everywhere, for the existence of the divine world is a reality we can no longer ignore. It is not a question of belief or disbelief, but of seeing and knowing. The degree to which it will become effective in our lives depends on our inner opening and readiness. Religion cannot be understood when the heart is closed. It is not ideological to acknowledge the divine world; it is ideological to deny it. The fight still currently waged against religion by journalism and science is based in ignorance that will soon cease to exist.

  How do we transform disbelief to belief? How does the unborn child answer when asked if it believes in the existence of the mother? How would a fish answer if asked whether it believes in the existence of water? We live in the divine world in the way that fish live in water. How can we believe or not believe in something that is always there and which permanently surrounds us? Master Eckhart’s clarity on this is that, “God is always with us, we however are not always at home.”5 Why are we not always at home? It is often the case that we are so intensely captured by secret love issues that we are no longer receptive to information from the divine world, even if we are trying. When we are under the spell of an unresolved love issue, our soul is occupied. The whole world is unconsciously occupied by a collective trauma in love. This is why the master plan of the Healing Biotopes intends to link its “seminary” with the Love School. It will require diligence for us to dissolve the historic trauma so that we once again become receptive to the information and power from the higher world.

  The loss of belief in the divine world is an historic phenomenon and cannot be attributed to our individual narrow-mindedness. Nevertheless it is up to us to step out of this historic narrow-mindedness and to come to accept the facts. As humans we are part of a divine world and it would be natural to believe that. The divinity of our nature is as obvious as our physical existence. No one would doubt their divine nature if the original trust had not been destroyed through the ravages of history. It is our historic and global task to find religious belief self-evident again. Life is compassion; life is trust; life is love; life is religion.

  When we believe in our divine nature the qualities inherent to that nature are revealed to us: faculties of thinking, of love, and healing. As K.O. Schmidt has so beautifully written…

  We recognize that we live as spirit-beings in a spiritual universe and share in its powers and possibilities as soon and as far as we faithfully affirm it… And only because we, as fainthearted ones, have all thus far had too little confidence in ourselves, did we not yet dare to assert and act on our true greatness as children of God and carriers of all divine powers. We have to date only activated a minute fraction of the powers waiting in us for their engagement through us.

  It is strange that is it so hard for us to understand this most simple of all truths and that we are so tentative in taking the positive consequences of belief and trust in the reality of our harmony and communion with the infinite, and to live in consciousness of reality, that is to live free of worry, healthily and happily from the spirit.6

  This background offers us another perspective on reality. From this we can recognize anew the particular gift bequeathed to us in the area of healing. When a cancerous tumor shrinks to nothing within seconds or when compressed tissue returns to its healthy state in a very short time, it does not mean that natural laws are broken or abolished, but that they are extended and complemented by higher powers.

  As we become inwardly compatible with the Sacred Matrix, we can receive the powers of the divine world. This natural law carries an ethical obligation, for we need to abide by the rules of the divine world in order to reach compatibility w
ith it. With the firm decision to follow these rules – the guidelines of the objective ethics – we gain access to the higher potency that we need for the work of global transformation. A community that operates in the field of higher powers is spared a great deal of work for they live, without irony, according to the maxim, “let go and let God.”

  Religion is no school subject and no ecclesiastic confession, but a state of being. We all originate from the divine milieu, live in it, and remain in it after death, for the divine milieu is the world, the universe. The secret of God is the secret of the universe; it shines toward us in every blossoming flower. When we consciously return to our primordial religious state of being, we experience this not as ecstasy, but calmly as a matter of fact. We are simply at the place we are meant to be. It is about time that we become visible to each other in this way and that we establish places for the divine world to find home here on Earth. This is precisely what we are doing with the Healing Biotopes project. We are continuing something that was initiated many hundreds of years ago by Buddha, Ashoka, Jesus, Mani, and founders of other religions. However we are lifting it to a new level by integrating the feminine source and by developing a new social order to enable its realization. Religious instructions have to date been directed toward the individual. Now, we are developing collective systems for “enlightenment,” which means we develop social structures which enable the connection with the divine world for all. The idea is fundamentally about bringing the “kingdom of God” down to Earth – into our ways of living and our places of work; into the realms of our thoughts and love relationships. Eros and religion are the two fundamental forces of life which today, after a violent history of separation and suppression, rise in union and lead us to the primordial ground where they meet and become one.

  Is this conceivable? People have tried a thousand ways to reach God. They have fasted and flagellated themselves; humbled and elevated themselves; lived as hermits in the desert and built cathedrals. They have done everything possible but for one thing: they have not accepted the gift of erotic love and so have not corrected the mistaken taboos under which they suffered so harshly. They have excluded and fought against Eros. Male-dominated religion pitched itself against Eros, which is why it has caused such terrible disasters. Eros and religion belong together! Religion without Eros becomes cold, rigid and cruel. Without God Eros cannot be fulfilling in the long run because it loses itself in excess, jealousy, and violence. There is a lot of focus today on “sustainability;” we wish for a sustainable erotic joy that lasts through our lifetime and continues through our descendants. The reunification of Eros and religion is the basis for a new civilization on our planet.


  1. Olof Alexandersson, Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy (Wellow: Gateway, 1979). Back to reading

  2. Francisco Cândido Xavier and André Luiz. Nosso Lar (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil: Federação Espírita Brasileira, 2005). Back to reading

  3. Útmutató a Léleknek,. “Do You Believe in Mother?” Cranach: The Blog of Veith (February 9, 2015), last accessed August 15, 2015. Back to reading

  4. Prentice Mulford, Unfug Des Lebens Und Des Sterbens (Frankfurt Am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1977). Back to reading

  5. Meister Eckhart, The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart, trans. Maurice O'C. Walshe (New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 2010). Back to reading

  6. K. O. Schmidt, So Heilt Der Geist!: Wesen Und Dynamik Des Geistigen Heilens (Engelberg: Drei-Eichen-Verlag, 1978). Back to reading

  Chapter 30: Political Theory

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  Field Powers and the Morphogenetic World Process: the Expansion and Growth of Terra Nova

  Earth and all life in her biosphere form a Holon, an open system with the characteristics of a living organism. If we enter new energy or information at any one point it affects the entire organism. Acupuncture and many medical applications are based on this principle. Within the planet’s bio-system the entering of new information initiates that which we call the “morphogenetic world process.” This is the core of the global healing concept that we in Tamera refer to as the “Political Theory.” Due to the fundamental importance of this concept we want to shed more light on it.

  Life is a web in which everything from microorganisms to human beings is interlinked in diverse ways: the neurons in the human brain, the organs in our bodies, the living beings in the biosphere, and the bodies of water on Earth. The intercommunication of the molecules in a cell all the way to the intercommunication of the galaxies in the cosmos constitutes a multi-dimensional system of the highest complexity; a kind of cosmic Internet, which generates and conveys life’s information. There are sensors and receptors absorbing and relaying this information everywhere. The network of life is a network of information.

  When we enter new information into the network it will take effect everywhere provided an appropriate receptor (the human brain for example) is in place. When information and thoughts occur that are of great importance to the whole it becomes highly probable that they will soon be thought everywhere. I assume this will even be the case for thoughts that today might seem far-fetched or unrealistic, such as the ideas of free sexuality, cooperation with wild animals, communication with natural spirits, and that all diseases can be healed. In our project we have learned that new thoughts, so long as they are consistent with evolutionary logic, prevail quickly and easily when the way is not blocked by prejudice. “Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come.”1

  All of evolution works through the law of fields. Whenever a new discovery is made, one of importance for the development of a species, a new “morphogenetic field” arises that makes new information operative in all members of that population. Throughout the evolution of life there have been many such cases of renewal. The development from the single-cell organism to the human being would not otherwise have been possible. From the emergence of the first cell – resulting from a particular combination of amino acids and other organic molecules – an almighty morphogenetic field was generated which resulted in the oceans teeming with single-cell beings. The development of the nucleus followed, the formation of a biological core, again giving rise to a new field. Every stage since has activated the morphogenetic field process, which step by step, led to the genesis of the human being.

  Human civilization also unfolds according to field law. This can be seen in our social, technological and scientific achievements and our physical abilities. The emergence of monotheistic religion, the invention of the steam engine, the use of fossil fuels, the ascent of Mount Everest without oxygen support, and the abstract art movement are further examples of field formation. Whenever an innovation is made which is interesting or important to a certain population, that discovery no longer needs to be worked out by successive individuals for it is already palpable as a latent possibility and can be recalled as needed. A beautiful example of this is the spreading of graffiti art around the world. Hardly had the walls of the metropolises been filled with this sophisticated art, when it could already be discovered on the ruins of remote farmhouses in the Portuguese Alentejo.

  Once the first Healing Biotopes – Water Retention Landscapes with Permaculture and functioning community – really thrive they will appear everywhere, so long as they are not blocked by military violence. As we build them a spiritual field will condense on Earth. The noosphere takes on an “excited state,” which will greatly increase the probability of further Healing Biotopes arising. The information of the new culture will be received everywhere that human consciousness is ready for it. Missionary work is not necessary but we do need to develop the information to the point at which it is mature enough to generate a new field. The endurance of internal contradictions is an indication that the information has not yet reached the morphogenetic maturity necessary for its dissemination.

  Whenever people live in the frequency of life, and are therefore of clear mind
, the new information can be retrieved. The ethics of free sexuality, the symbiosis of free sexuality and partnership, the precepts of the objective ethics, a fundamentally compassionate disposition and the implications of a sacred alliance with all fellow beings will occur in the imaginations of people worldwide. These are expressions of the objective universal figure of Terra Nova. As soon as it is manifested in one place, it can manifest everywhere.

  The women from Turkey, Bolivia, and Togo that attended Tamera’s Summer University in 2013 now need a lot of support to manifest this new information at home. They are actors in a world process that is carried by the truth of universal life. We felt that love connected us with these women. It was a sense of the universal love that hits us when we see the image of Terra Nova sensually embodied. This image signifies the solidarity and cooperation among all peoples in the creation of a worldwide holy land. We have to connect it with a new image for the love between the genders wherein free love and partner love find themselves harmoniously intertwined. As soon as this image is freed from contradiction it will trigger the formation of a morphogenetic field, for it corresponds with the laws of the Sacred Matrix. As soon as the first Healing Biotopes really function in the sense of a deeper coherence with the laws of love, they will prevail worldwide, because love is something that everyone likes.


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