Terra Nova
Page 21
Christ Code: The informational matrix of the Christ Nature within the human soul and genetic code. Back to reading
Christ Impulse: The cultural impulse for manifesting the Christ Nature in human coexistence and society, which has historically been carried by many individuals and movements in various cultures and religions. Back to reading
Christ Nature: Term coined by Wilhelm Reich. What he calls the original human essentiality, which is intrinsically creative, compassionate and capable of loving; free of fear, greed and narcissism, as well as of intentions for control and domination. According to Reich, every newborn child is a potential “new Christ.”5 In similar ways, Rudolf Steiner describes the cosmic entity embodying these qualities as Christ consciousness. Back to reading
Collective Trauma: Term coined by Dieter Duhm. Describes the transpersonal and deeply rooted structure of fear that more or less all modern people carry within themselves, as a result of several millennia of war, suppression, and genocide. (See Chapter 3) Back to reading
Concrete Utopia: Term coined by Ernst Bloch. The state after a possible change of society. It is “utopia becoming concrete.”6 (See Chapter 13) Back to reading
Deva: Sanskrit word for deity; spiritual entities behind animals and all beings of nature; also referred to as the group soul of a species.7 Back to reading
Emotional Body: The ethereal layer of the human organism associated with feelings, emotions, and the interpretations of events. As the emotional and physical layers of the body are interconnected, the emotional body influences physical processes. Back to reading
Entelechy: Originally developed by Aristotle in his teachings of potentiality and actuality, can be translated as “being at an end.”8 It is the highest goal and potential of perfection inherent to every living being. According to the biologist Hans Driesch the entelechy is the “non-physical causal factor” that organizes morphogenesis and underlies the genetic code. The entelechy is present at any stage of development, however small or imperfect or alienated a being may be. It is the natural intention of and within living beings driving their growth toward perfection. Back to reading
Excited State: State in which an atom or molecule carries a higher energy than the basic energy level. Used metaphorically in this book for the situation when the potential for radical societal change builds due to increasing transformative energies. Back to reading
Fields of Potentiality: Term coined by Werner Heisenberg. Describes quantum particles as fields of potentiality rather than as firm and definite matter. “Natural science does not simply describe and explain nature: it describes nature as exposed to our method of questioning.”9 Quantum particles exist in a superposition of latent states and it is due to the observer that they manifest at certain spots as material particles. Back to reading
Free Love: Love free of fear and possessiveness. A culture of human coexistence that allows love to grow, wherein free sexuality and partnership are no longer contradictory, but complement one another. Back to reading
Free Sexuality: An erotic culture based on trust, contact, and solidarity where the sexual relation between people does not depend on relationship or partnership commitments. Freedom in sexuality however is not a matter of the quantity of sexual partners or any other external form, but rather of following one's own truth and desire and of being part of a social order that allows one to express that truth. This is why trust is a key for genuinely free sexuality. (See Chapter 20) Back to reading
Hara: Japanese for ‘abdomen.’ Used as a technical anatomic term as well as for the energetic center located at the navel. It is the body's center of balance. Learning to be centered in the Hara and guiding its energies has been one of the essential capacities in Eastern spiritual traditions and martial arts to unfold power. Back to reading
Hologram: Photographic recording of a light field that can be reconstructed as a three-dimensional image. A vast amount of information can be stored within a single photographic plate and different images can be selectively reconstructed depending on the angle of an incoming light beam. An increasing number of scientists have come to the conclusion that the entire universe works according to holographic principles, allowing us to shift from reality A to reality B by changing our point of view. Back to reading
Holographic fabric of the world: Vision of the universe based on the oneness of all that exists; the world seen as unified whole. The information, structures and laws of the universe are reflected in all its parts and can therefore not only be retrieved, but also influenced from any point in space and time. Reality does not exist in an ultimate objective form, but rather as a constantly moving process of creation depending on the perspective of the observer.10 Back to reading
Holon: Derivation from the Greek word for “whole.” Something that is both a whole and a part. Holons are evolving, self-organizing, and largely independent systems that are both comprised of subordinate holons and part of higher-level holons. All levels of organization in the universe – from the smallest systems in subatomic space to the largest systems in intergalactic space – can be described as holons. Back to reading
Implicate Order: Concept coined by David Bohm.11 Explains aspects of the holographic nature of reality. The implicate order, also called the “enfolded” order, refers to totality of existence with all its potentialities; the explicate order, also called the “unfolded order” to those aspects we perceive as a matter of fact. Bohm describes reality as a constant interplay between implicate and explicate order and says that the explicate relates to the implicate order as the water drop to the total amount of water in an ocean. Back to reading
Metanoia: Greek word for “repentance.” Signifies profound spiritual transformation, the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life. Back to reading
Morphogenetic Field: Immaterial information field that influences and determines the form or pattern of things and that stores the collective habits of species. According to Rupert Sheldrake, it is due to morphogenetic fields that as soon as something new is done somewhere it becomes easier and easier for it to be repeated anywhere.12 Evolution moves forward by creating new fields. In this book the term is used in logical extension of its original form, applying the field theory to the societal and political realms. (See Chapter 30) Back to reading
Noosphere: Term coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in his Cosmogenesis.13 It is the global sphere of information and human thought surrounding the Earth on an immaterial level, the spirit body of mankind and the Earth. Back to reading
Original Matrix: The underlying informational pattern or blueprint of an organism. The original matrix is the inherent healing program of the organism anchored in its genetic code. It is present even in the case of severe disease, distortion, or alienation; its activation can bring about healing even in the most hopeless situations. Back to reading
Orgone/Orgonotic: Term coined by Wilhelm Reich.14 The universal life power, the omnipresent creative substance of the universe that leads to the organization of all stages of life, permeating all processes of the living world – the same way in both waters and clouds as well as our human physiological and psychological processes. One might also call it “Chi” (Taoism), “Prana” (Hinduism), or “élan vital” (Henri Bergson), et cetera. Back to reading
Prehistoric Utopia: Term coined by Sabine Lichtenfels. The primordial entelechy vision of a human civilization embedded within creation and the Sacred Matrix. Even though Sabine Lichtenfels describes the Prehistoric Utopia in reference to tribal peace cultures in Portugal and Malta that existed before patriarchy, it applies to all times and stages of human evolution, even if its external features might differ throughout the centuries. Back to reading
Psi: Derived from the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet (ψ). Term used by parapsychologists for the unexplained power behind phenomena of extrasensory perception and telekinesis. Back to reading
Sacred Geometry: The geometry used in planning and constructing sacred buildings such as tem
ples, churches, cathedrals, et cetera. Sacred geometry attempts to express and manifest sacred symbols, patterns, and energies through certain geometrical forms and proportions. Back to reading
Sacred Matrix: Universal pattern organizing the structures, laws, and movements of life on all levels of existence.15 (See Chapter 8) Back to reading
SD Forum: Abbreviation for “Selbstdarstellung” (German word for self-expression). A social tool for creating transparency and trust in a community as well as for individuals to widen their consciousness in relation to what are usually automatized or suppressed layers of their personality; a necessary element for building community. (See “SD Forum” in Chapter 19) Back to reading
Sociosphere: The sphere of human interaction and society. Back to reading
Spirit Body: Spiritual layer of the human organism, steered by consciousness, mind, and spirit. As consciousness moves energies and energies move matter, the spirit body influences the emotional, psychological, and physical processes within the organism. Back to reading
Supramental: “Beyond the normal mind.” Used by Sri Aurobindo for the “divine consciousness” or the “super-mind” of the upcoming new civilization.16 Back to reading
Tat Tvam Asi: Sanskrit phrase. Can be translated as “Thou art that.” Originally appeared in the Chandogya Upanishad in a conversation between Uddalaka Aruni and his son Svetaketu.17 The self – in its primal, original state – is identical with the ultimate reality from which everything originates. Back to reading
Unio Mystica: Mystical state of oneness of the individual with the divine, often experienced as a form of ecstasy. Back to reading
Water Retention Landscape: Form of decentralized water management introduced to revitalize damaged landscapes, restore the natural hydrological cycles, and reverse desertification. Water Retention Landscapes are designed after natural principles, in a way that rainwater falling on the land can be absorbed and thereby restore the soil and recharge the aquifer.18 Back to reading
Zoon Politikon: Term coined by Aristotle.19 The Greek phrase is mostly translated as “political animal” or “political being.” Back to reading
1. C.J. Rowe, Plato: Symposium (Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1998). Back to reading
2. Ervin Laszlo, The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2009). Back to reading
3. Carlos Castaneda, The Power of Silence: Further Lessons of Don Juan (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987). Back to reading
4. Wilhelm Reich, Character Analysis (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1980). Back to reading
5. Wilhelm Reich, The Murder of Christ: The Emotional Plague of Mankind (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1953). Back to reading
6. Ernst Bloch, Zur Ontologie Des Noch-Nicht-Seins. Ein Vortrag Und Zwei Abhandlungen (Frankfurt/a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1961). Back to reading
7. Dorothy Maclean, To Hear the Angels Sing: An Odyssey of Co-creation with the Devic Kingdom (Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne, 1994). Back to reading
8. Aristotle, On the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On Breath, trans. W. S. Hett (London: W. Heinemann, 1957). Back to reading
9. Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958). Back to reading
10. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe (New York: Harper Perennial, 1992). Back to reading
11. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order (London, Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980). Back to reading
12. Rupert Sheldrake, Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation (Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2009). Back to reading
13. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1959). Back to reading
14. Wilhelm Reich, The Discovery of the Orgone: The Function of the Orgasm (New York: Noonday, 1961). Back to reading
15. Dieter Duhm, The Sacred Matrix: From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life; the Foundation for a New Civilization (Wiesenburg: Verlag Meiga, 2008). Back to reading
16. Sri Aurobindo, The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1952). Back to reading
17. Śankara and Ānanda Girī, The Chāndogya Upanishad (Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag, 1980). Back to reading
18. Bernd Walter Mueller, “The Secret of Water as a Basis for the New Earth,” Tamera.org (May 2011) last accessed August 15, 2015. Back to reading
19. Aristotle, Politik, trans. Eckart Schütrumpf (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1991). Back to reading
About the Author
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Dieter Duhm was born in 1942 in Berlin, Germany.
He has a PhD in sociology, in addition to being an art historian, author, and psychoanalyst. He is the initiator of the “Healing Biotopes Plan,” a global peace plan.
In 1967, he joined the Marxist left and became one of the leading characters in the German students’ movement. Here, he made a connection between the thoughts behind the political revolution and the thoughts related to the liberation of the individual; ideas that brought him recognition through his book Angst im Kapitalismus [Fear in Capitalism] (1972). Around 1975 he began publically distancing himself from the leftist dogmatism and turned to a quest for a more thorough social alternative.
In 1978, he established the “Bauhütte” project and led a three-year social experiment with 40 participants in the Black Forest in Germany. Its central focus was to “found a community for our times” and it embraced all the questions of the origin, meaning, and aim of human existence on planet Earth. The outlines of a new possibility for existence arose with the concepts of “free love,” “spiritual ecology,” and “resonance technology.”
In 1995, he founded the Tamera peace research center in Portugal together with the theologian Sabine Lichtenfels and others. Today Tamera has approximately 160 co-workers.
Dieter Duhm has dedicated his life to creating an effective forum for a global peace initiative that can be a match for the destructive forces of capitalistic globalization.
For more information: www.dieter-duhm.com
Participation and Further Information
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If you love the ideas expressed in this book and wish to deepen these perspectives, you are invited to join the Terra Nova School. It is dedicated to the study and manifestation of the social, spiritual and ecological foundations of a new global culture. Find out more at http://terra-nova-school.org
In order to manifest the vision of Terra Nova, this information needs to be seen and shared by more and more people around the world. Please help us to distribute it. We welcome every new activist and student for Terra Nova with joyful anticipation of our upcoming cooperation!
More information and contact:
Institute for Global Peace Work c/o Tamera
Monte do Cerro • P 7630-303 Colos, Portugal
Ph.: +351 - 283 635 484 • Fax: +351 - 283 635 374
E-Mail: igp@tamera.org • www.tamera.org
Financial Support
The Global Healing Biotopes plan relies on external financial support. The Grace Foundation raises and distributes money for the plan’s implementation. For further information please visit: http://www.the-grace-foundation.org
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