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Page 9

by O'Brien, Megan

  Gunner nodded in agreement. “I’ll set up a meet at the club later. Gonna go home and grab some shut-eye.”

  “All right, man, thanks,” I replied in gratitude.

  “Not a thing. Bye, peanut,” he called to Riley, who was engrossed in her show. He chuckled when she threw up a two fingered salute by way of answer.

  Kid was something else, that was for sure.

  Layla emerged looking rumpled but gorgeous just as I was serving up pancakes to Riley. My gaze slid to the bruising around her neck as I tried to rein in the fury swelling in my chest. The proof of the violence she’d endured would be something she’d wear on her skin for days. The man who’d inflicted it would wear his far longer once I got my hands on him.

  She paused next to Riley, delivering a kiss on her head before walking over to me. She slipped under my arm, wrapping her arms around my waist and snuggling close. “Doin’ okay?” I murmured.

  “Yeah.” She sighed, her voice hoarse with sleep and likely pain. My heart swelled in my chest that she gave herself over to me so easily, sinking into my side, seeking comfort without even being aware she was doing it.

  “That looks good,” she commented, her eyes on Ri.

  “It’s yummy,” Riley agreed, shoving a huge bite in her mouth.

  “Chew, baby.” I chuckled as I poured Layla a cup of coffee with my free hand, keeping my other arm wrapped around her tight. “We can relax for most of today, but I want to get to the club later and I’m taking you both with me,” I told her, leaving no room for argument.

  “You found something out,” she surmised quietly.

  I nodded, my eyes on Riley, who was blissfully unaware of anything aside from maple syrup. “We’ll talk later.”

  I knew she had to be curious, was scared and in pain, but she visibly straightened, putting on a brave face. “Okay,” she agreed, moving out from underneath my arm as she leaned close to Riley, appraising her nearly empty plate. “Well, if we’re going to have a lazy Saturday morning, I’m going to have some pancakes with extra syrup.” She winked at Riley, who beamed in response.

  Damn, but my girl was strong.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I agreed.


  “Baby, serious as shit right now, what is this thing?” I demanded of Layla a few hours later. I’d quickly gotten twitchy sitting around the house and Layla had, in the sweetest voice possible, offered for me to either find something to do or beat it. Since the later wasn’t an option, I’d gotten to work. I’d already fixed the leaky faucet in the guest bath upstairs, changed the oil in her car, and was now in the backyard staring at what had to be the ugliest statue I’d ever seen. Which was where Layla found me, handing me a bottle of water.

  “I don’t know. I think it’s a lion.” She shrugged. The backyard was big but simple, with drought resistant plants and some gravel. And what was apparently a lion but looked more to me like a mutated gargoyle. “Nan had weird taste.”

  I raised a brow. “Ya think? You particularly attached to it?”

  She shrugged again like she hadn’t given it any thought. “Attached? No. But it seems like a pain to get rid of.” Her gaze scanned the yard contemplatively. “I’ve been meaning to, I don’t know, do something with this space. It could be a good place for Riley to play, and we didn’t have a yard in San Francisco. It just feels like a big project. Not sure when I’ll get around to it.”

  My mind was already humming with possibilities as I eyed the yard like a blank canvas. “It’s the perfect lot for a pool. Does Riley swim?”

  Layla’s eyes popped wide. “A pool? That would be way expensive not only to put in but to maintain. And no, she doesn’t.” She sighed. “I know I’m behind on that too, I just—”

  I kissed her gently, cutting her off. “You’re doing great, chief. I was only curious. We can talk about the yard some other time,” I added, sensing it was too much for her to handle just then. “How are you feeling?”

  She touched her neck in response. “A little sore. And a little tired. But okay.”

  I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in to my chest. “Did you nap?” She’d gone upstairs to try to rest when Riley had her quiet time.

  She shook her head. “But I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m still waitin’ to hear when I need to get to the club. I know you’re tired but I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I know.” She nodded in understanding. Her fingers went to her neck again, skating across the bruising. “I just don’t want anyone making a fuss over me in front of Riley.” Surprisingly, Riley hadn’t asked many questions, but I had no doubt they’d be coming soon.

  “All right,” I agreed. “Max and X are already posted out front. I’ll have one of them come in just to be on the safe side when I take off.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, the relief in her tone that she could stay put all the proof I needed that now wasn’t the time to push her.

  As if on cue, my phone buzzed in my pocket with a text from Cole.

  “Time to go,” she surmised, still snuggling against me.

  “Yeah,” I grunted. “If it was anything other than keeping you safe….” I trailed off.

  She squeezed me, pulling back and giving me the same expression she’d given Riley that very morning. The one that said she was putting on a brave face.

  I cupped her face, staring into her gorgeous eyes. “Love you, baby.”

  Her gaze warmed, and for the first time since her attack, a true smile lit her gorgeous face. “And I love you.”

  As I pulled away from the curb, I realized that despite the shit childhood I’d had, the fact I’d never had a family of my own, all paths had pointed me here. To Layla and to Riley. And there was nowhere else I wanted to be.


  “Walker,” Cole greeted when I strode into his office a short time later.

  I nodded in greeting, stiffening at his formal tone. This was something more than a standard meet.

  A moment later, I knew why when I followed him into our meeting room and found the president of the Black Riders on the other side of the table. I’d never met Thorn Archer but knew him by sight. The Black Riders and the Knights had a violent history and had had quite a rivalry some years ago when Cal was still our prez. A rivalry that ended in bloodshed on both sides and the ousting of their previous leadership. I eyed Thorn, who was flanked by his VP and sergeant at arms. Along with Thorn, the rest of the Black Riders’ leadership and most of its members were new in the last decade and as far as Cole could tell, solid. Didn’t mean I trusted them, especially not after what happened to Layla.

  My gaze drifted to the Knights in the room, predominantly the first generation, those that had been part of the club since before I was born. Axel; our VP, Sal; Tag; Mack; and Wes all flanked Cole.

  “Take a seat, Walker.” Cole gestured to the seat across from his. I sat, flanked by Gunner and Max, thankful they were there not only to support me but to rein me in if it came to it.

  It was likely it would come to it.

  “Jackson filled me in.” Thorn said, referring to Cole, his eyes on me. “The actions against your girl weren’t sanctioned by the club,” he informed me. “They were acting out of protection for the club, but we don’t hurt women. Not ever. The two men involved have been dealt with.”

  I sat forward in my chair, my elbows braced on my thighs. “Whatever you did, guarantee it wasn’t enough.”

  He eyed me steadily, his blue eyes eerily like my own. “You’re probably right.”

  I was surprised by his acquiesce, but it didn’t abate my surliness. “The payments to the ADA, bet those are sanctioned.”

  “Not the way you’re thinkin’.” He shook his head.

  “Asshole’s had a hold on us for the last year,” his VP, Dax, sneered. “Bottom-feeding motherfucker.”

  I had to admit that piqued my interest, but it was Axel who spoke. “What’s he got you for?”

  “The brothers? Nothing we wouldn’t be willing
to get locked up for. And he knows it. He’s coming after our women, and one in particular.”

  “Mine,” Thorn growled.

  Out of everything we’d expected, that hadn’t been it.

  “My woman, my wife, is pure class,” he emphasized. “But she had her day, made her mistakes. Somehow that asshole caught wind of ’em. Threatened legal action against her, but more fucked-up, threatened exposing that shit to her parents. He knows they’re both elderly and not in good health.” His nostrils flared, eyes bright with fury as he continued. “She will share her past with them if and when she’s ready. On her terms. Not on his.”

  “So he’s blackmailing you,” Cole confirmed.

  “What about just taking him out?” Sal asked. The club avoided violence where we could, but there were times the circumstances forced our hand.

  Dax grunted. “That’s the plan. But there’s too much heat right now. He’s created some insurance policies for himself. And he has eyes on us, including that lawyer piece of shit.”

  My blood boiled with realization. “Fucking Marty.” I stood up, unable to keep still. “That’s why that fuck came by Layla’s a while back when he had no real reason. He was trying to find something on her. Probably already ran through the rest of the Knights’ women, hoped to get something new from mine.” I snarled, meeting Cole’s infuriated gaze.

  “If that’s true, this just became more than a Black Riders problem.” Axel confirmed what I’d already been thinking.

  “We’re not working together,” Sal growled. “We can’t trust them.” Sal was a guy who said what he thought, when he thought it. He also didn’t back down from a challenge. None of us did.

  “I understand why you think that,” Thorn replied. “But we’re not the same Riders from back in the day.” He eyed Sal intently, knowing he’d been on the front lines of those days. That he’d been shot because of them. “We’re not the same men.”

  “Your men attacked my woman. She has bruises around her neck. They could have fucking killed her,” I accused, the tension in the room escalating with my outburst.

  Thorn eyed me steadily, remaining in his seat, arms crossed at the chest. “You’ve never had a brother go rogue?” he challenged calmly. When no one replied, because we had in fact had it happen, he continued. “What happened to your girl wasn’t something I’d ever sanction,” he repeated, looking at me. “And I’m sorry as hell it happened.”

  I had to admit he seemed sincere.

  “We have an opportunity to work together to snuff out a common threat. ’Cause I guarantee, the way that weasel works, he’s looking for another payday. It may not be your women; maybe it’ll be your kids.” At that, every man in the room stiffened, a low rumble of menace emanating around the room. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not gonna sit back and let him think he can get one over on us. Or on you. We’re stronger together.”

  Cole sat back in his chair, appearing to mull over the opportunity. When his gaze landed on me, I knew he wanted my opinion. My woman had been wronged; he was showing me the respect of letting me say my piece.

  “The man who put his hands on Layla. I want him,” I stated. “After that, the brothers decide if they want to work together. I’m good with it.”

  Thorn watched me, and I swore I saw a note of respect flash in his gaze. “He got worked over pretty good, and we cast his ass out. No idea where he’s at. But if you find him, you can have him.”

  I nodded, looking at Cole. “Then I’m good.”

  Cole turned eyes to Sal, then to Axel and Wes, the four men having a conversation without words, one that spoke of their years of brotherhood. Of a bond so clear, so strong, it had been one of the main reasons I’d prospected in the first place. I’d been lucky enough to build something similar with their sons. My brothers.

  “You want to do this,” Sal concluded with a frustrated sigh.

  “I do,” Cole agreed.

  Axel turned eyes to Thorn, appraising the man with a look that could make most men piss themselves. “We do this and you fuck us over in any way, it’ll be a war that will pale in comparison to the blood we’ve already spilled between us. You get that?”

  “I do.” Thorn nodded. “And it won’t come to that.”

  Axel looked at Maddox, his son. At his nod, Axel grunted. “Then I’m good.”

  “Me too,” Wes agreed.

  A moment of tension hung in the air as all eyes turned to Sal. Sal turned to Max, his son-in-law. While tensions had initially been high when Max claimed Sal’s only daughter, the two had formed a bond unrivaled by any blood tie.

  “Can’t have this touching Wren.” Max’s deep voice answered Sal’s silent query.

  “Fuck,” Sal grunted, more to himself than anyone else, running a tattooed hand over his dark hair. “I don’t like it. But fine. I’m in.”

  “How do you want to play this?” Dax asked.

  “Rather than jump to takin’ the guy out,” Cole replied, “anyone tried to find some dirt on him? Turn the tables? We can take him out if it comes to it, but it would bring some serious heat on both our clubs that I’d rather avoid.”

  “Just a soft run on him,” Dax replied.

  None of the Knights were surprised when Gunner spoke up. “I got it.”

  Cole nodded. “Good. Find what you can on both him and Marty. We’ll bring it back to the group and decide what we wanna do. In the meantime, you keep payin’ him,” Cole directed the Riders. “We don’t want them to know anything’s up. We do this right, you’ll get your money back.”

  “That’d be good, but what I really want is to take the fucker out,” Thorn grunted.

  I saw the same protective gleam in his eye that mirrored my own. He wanted to protect his woman, to do right by her. Just as we all did.

  And on that note, I was about to go hunting.

  Chapter 16


  I pulled out of the school parking lot after dropping Riley off with the ever-present rumble of a motorcycle sounding behind me. It was Tatum today, Cole’s son and Grace’s younger brother; the guys took shifts so I was never alone.

  Why that was still necessary was beyond me and a growing source of tension between Cash and me—when he was home anyway.

  It had been two weeks since my attack. My bruising had faded, as had my patience with feeling like a prisoner in my own home. The only thing Cash had shared was that the men who’d attacked me were no longer a threat. So I should be safe. But judging by my imposed home imprisonment and being under constant watch when I did go out, that obviously wasn’t the case. I wasn’t being clued in on something. Something big. But what troubled me the most was Cash’s prolonged absences. Almost immediately following my attack, he’d been on the road almost constantly. Either there was a threat he wasn’t sharing or there was a different reason entirely he was keeping his distance.

  Neither option was comforting but the latter had my stomach in knots.

  I pointed my car toward the grocery store. It was a sad state of affairs that my idea of freedom consisted of perusing the aisles but I just couldn’t stand the thought of heading straight home. Eating my feelings felt like a solid solution at the moment.

  When my phone rang just as I was pulling into the parking lot, Cash’s name flashing on the screen, I knew Tatum had snarked on me, the rat.

  I ignored the call, knowing I was pushing my luck as I bolted into the grocery store like the fugitive I was, grabbing a cart on my way.

  I was deliberating between Oreos and vanilla wafers when a firm hand cupped my backside, squeezing firmly. “I should spank your ass.” Cash’s voice was low and heated as he pressed up behind me.

  I couldn’t hide my audible intake of breath, surprised at how much I liked the idea of a spanking.

  “You like that idea?” Despite his frustration, his tone betrayed his interest as he turned me to face him, my back pressed to the cart as I stared up into his gorgeous blue eyes. “I’m killin’ myself trying to keep you safe and
you decide it’s a good time to buy cookies?” he demanded, hooking a finger toward the desserts I’d been perusing.

  “It’s not about the damn cookies,” I shot back. “And you didn’t have to come.”

  His gaze shot to where my hand was splayed on my hip in defiance, his brow tilting in what I recognized as an oncoming challenge.

  We didn’t fight much but whenever we did, for some reason, you could always cut the sexual tension with a knife. It was no different now.

  His large hand cupped my waist, pulling me closer. “Oh, I’ll be comin’. As soon as you wrap that sweet mouth around me when I get your ass home,” he murmured, his gaze locked on my mouth.

  “You are such an ass,” I hissed, despite his words lighting a fire in my belly.

  He took a step back, assessing me with his arms crossed at the chest. It occurred to me then that we were putting on quite a show in the middle of the grocery store as a woman paused near us, staring at the cereal for far longer than was necessary.

  Cash’s eyes shot in her direction and narrowed. “Fuck this,” he grunted, taking my hand and pulling me toward the exit and across the parking lot. He didn’t stop until we reached my car. He spun me to face him, pressing my back into the car, stepping in close, caging me in.

  “Why don’t you tell me what this is really about?” he demanded.

  I stared at his chest, refusing to meet his eyes.

  “Layla,” he pressed.

  “If you don’t want me anymore, just come out and say it.” My tone was flat as I pushed the painful words past my lips.

  His hand cupped my face, forcing my chin up. When I met his eyes, they were full of incredulous anger. “What the hell are you talking about?” he growled.

  His anger ignited my own.

  “You’re gone all the time. You won’t tell me anything. What the hell else am I supposed to think?” I demanded.


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