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Page 11

by O'Brien, Megan

  “Mama’s still sleeping?” she wanted to know.

  I nodded. I’d kept Layla up late, celebrating. Wore her sweet ass right out. “I’ll take you to school.”

  “Okay,” she agreed easily.

  It was moments like this, when she accepted me as part of her life so naturally, that felt like the big wins.

  “Go brush your teeth and we’ll head out,” I instructed a few minutes later when she’d finished breakfast.

  “Okay, Daddy,” she chirped, sliding off the table and handing me her bowl.

  I swallowed hard, trying not to visibly react as she skipped out of the room, oblivious to the fact that she’d just completely rocked my world.

  “Morning, honey.” Layla yawned, wandering into the kitchen, hair mussed, still half asleep. “I can’t believe I almost slept through Riley leaving for school. I—” She stopped abruptly when she got a look at my shocked expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “Riley, she called me Daddy,” I told her thickly. I was still wrapping my head around it.

  Her whole face went soft as she stepped into me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “How do you feel about that?” she asked, looking up at me.

  “That aside from having you say you love me, I just had one of the best moments of my life,” I replied honestly.

  Her green eyes shone with unshed tears as she smiled.

  I pulled her to my chest, wrapping my arms around her. “I’m gonna give her what I never had. I’m gonna be the man in her life that never lets her down, that loves her unconditionally. I didn’t have that. For a long time I wasn’t sure I had it in me to give. But then I met you and Riley and I didn’t even have to think about it.”

  She squeezed me tight, her small body anchoring mine. “We love you, baby.”

  I kissed the top of her head as Riley came bouncing back into the room. I hauled her up into my arms. “Are you sad?” she asked curiously, studying my expression. Nothing got past her.

  “No, baby. Really happy,” I assured her. “Let’s get you to school.”

  And with that, I kissed my woman, took Riley by the hand, and started our day not knowing my entire world was about to be rocked yet again—in another way entirely.

  “Gun.” I greeted him with a chin lift when I walked into the club a short while later. I’d found his big body hunched over a laptop on one of the couches, the club otherwise quiet at this early hour.

  He looked up, a mixture of concern and apprehension in his eyes that immediately put me on edge. “Hey, man, take a seat.” He gestured to the couch adjacent to him.

  Whatever he had to tell me, I knew instinctively I’d rather stand for it.

  “You know how I’ve been digging around on the ADA,” he began, setting aside his laptop. “Cole also had me looking into the Riders, to make sure they’re true to their word. But also to get out ahead of any other blackmail potential.”

  I nodded, my arms braced.

  “I found something unexpected,” he hedged. “I haven’t shared it with anyone yet and wanted to tell you face-to-face.”

  “Spit it the fuck out, Gun,” I growled impatiently.

  “You said your birth mother’s name was Kelly Walker, right?” he verified.

  A chill went down my spine at the mere mention of the woman who’d abandoned me. “Yes,” I bit out.

  “When I was looking into Thorn, she came up in his history. Seems the two of them had a thing going way back when. The timing lines up, and you have to admit, you two look a lot alike, so I did a bit more digging. I was able to access your original birth certificate. He’s your father, man.”

  I didn’t comprehend what he was saying at first. My immediate reaction was to deny it. “No way. That’s fucking crazy.” I shook my head, now taking the seat across from him he’d known I would need.

  He didn’t say anything, just sat quietly, letting me attempt to absorb what he’d said. It took a while before I was able to formulate a coherent thought.

  I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “You’re sure?” At his nod, I continued. “Does he know?”

  “I don’t know, but my gut says no,” he replied. “Only way to know is to ask him.”

  It had taken me years of blood, sweat, and tears to work through being abandoned as a kid. I wasn’t sure I wanted to reopen those wounds. Especially if he’d known about me and hadn’t wanted me. Or worse yet, didn’t want anything to do with me now.

  The calculating survivor in me rejected the idea of sharing this information, while at the heart of me, I wanted to know where I came from. I’d always wanted that.

  “What are you going to do?” he asked quietly.

  “Not sure,” I admitted. “Gonna head home. Think things through.”

  As close as I was to Gunner, to all my brothers, for this there was only one person I wanted to bare my soul to.

  “You need anything, you know where to find me,” he murmured.

  “Appreciate it. Keep this to yourself for now, yeah?” I asked.

  “You got it,” he agreed, watching as I stood from the couch. “Walker.” His tone stopped me in my tracks. “Did I do right by you, sharing this?” It was only then I saw the depth of his concern, concern for me and what this would do to me.

  “Yeah, man,” I assured him. “Trust you with my life, brother. Inside and out.”

  He nodded, his gaze pensive as he watched me stride out into the sunlight, headed for the woman who had given me the family I’d never had until now. Who’d always welcome me home.

  Chapter 18


  The hot water cascaded over me as I stood in the shower, feeling only slightly guilty that I had only just started my day. With Cash helping out so much, I had more time to myself than I’d had in years. I was ahead with work and I could actually take some time for myself in the mornings. And I was finally learning how to take advantage.

  I hummed a quiet melody, feeling utterly blissed out after the amazing night I’d spent with Cash and the sweet moments this morning.

  When I saw the bathroom door open in my periphery, I let out a shriek of surprise before realizing it was Cash standing there, eyeing me with near predatory appraisal. “What are you doing home? Is everything okay?” I asked, watching with fascination as he pulled his shirt off without a reply. When his pants followed and his lithe, muscular body was revealed in all its glory, suddenly I didn’t care why he was home.

  He stalked across the room, entering the shower and promptly taking my mouth in a bruising kiss. His hands spanned my hips, his fingers clutching so tightly I knew they’d leave a mark. And I didn’t give a damn. Whatever was going on with him, it was clear he needed me, and on that, I’d never let him down. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, taking our kiss deeper, pulling him closer.

  “I can’t wait.” His voice was guttural as he lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He pressed me to the wall and was inside me within the next breath.

  His groan of appreciation, of relief as he sank into me was one of the most satisfying sounds I’d ever heard.

  His grip tightened on my ass, the muscles in his arms and chest rippling with effort as he pounded into me in a relentless pursuit of release.

  My climax was swift, taking me by surprise as I cried out, the sound ricocheting off the tiled walls. His movements grew impossibly faster before a deep growl emanated from his chest, heralding his release.

  For a few moments, he held me there, his forehead pressed to the crook of my neck, both our breathing labored. I held him to me, kissing his temple, his neck, sensing he needed my love, first in the raw form we’d just shared and now, with tenderness.

  Eventually, he set me on my feet, his blue eyes fathomless as he looked down at me. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head.

  He reached over, shutting the water off, and stepped out, opening a towel for me to step into. I obliged, relishing the feeling of being taken care of as he painstakingly dried me off before wip
ing the towel quickly over his own skin.

  “You want to curl up?” I asked, sensing he wanted to be close.

  He nodded, taking my hand and towing me toward the bed. We crawled in, naked, and faced each other, my leg thrown over his hip, his hand spanning the curve of my waist.

  I only had to wait a moment before he started talking. “Went to the club. Gun wanted to meet, thought he had info on my mark, but instead he told me that Thorn Archer, the prez of the Black Riders, he had a thing with my birth mom. So he did some more digging and it sounds like he’s my father.”

  “Holy shit,” I murmured in shock, my hand pressing to the side of his neck where his pulse hammered. “How do you feel?”

  “I’m not fucking sure,” he admitted. “Last thing I expected, that’s for sure.”

  “Does Thorn know about you?” I wanted to know.

  “Gunner doesn’t think so, and for whatever reason, neither do I. My mom didn’t prove herself to be much beyond a liar and a deadbeat. Wouldn’t put it past her to do something like that.”

  “So he might have a son, you, that he may have never known about much less have had a choice in raising? Are you going to tell him?”

  I was outraged at his mother. At the choices she’d made with Cash. For all we knew, Thorn could have given him a good life.

  He was quiet for a time, and when he finally spoke, his tone was questioning. “I don’t know.”

  It was a new side of Cash. He was always so sure about everything. Arrogantly so most of the time. And I loved that, when he wasn’t driving me crazy. But seeing this side now, and more importantly, having him let me see it, this was new ground. Vulnerable ground. And it was just as beautiful.

  “You know that whatever he may say, whatever his reaction is, Riley and I are still right here. We aren’t going anywhere. Ever. You have your family. It’s just a matter of if he wants to be part of it.”

  His hand flexed against my hip in a wordless response of gratitude.

  I allowed the silence that followed for a time before speaking again, this time with what I hoped would lighten his mood. “So, his last name is Archer, huh?” I mused. “Sounds like some sort of warrior. I always knew you were a Viking.”

  His blue eyes glimmered with mischief. “Oh, you did, did you?”

  I nodded, biting back a smile. “I referred to you as the Viking warrior in my head before I knew your name. Had more than a few fantasies in that vein too.”

  He rolled over me with a growl. “Well, maybe I should conquer you again.”

  “And again and again,” I breathed as his lips found my neck.

  It was time to pick Riley up by the time we came up for air. We’d made love so many times I’d lost count. And he’d held me as though his life depended on it.

  “Strawberry, yes. Strawberry.” Riley nodded decisively at the ice-cream shop. It had been Cash’s idea to take her for a treat after school.

  Cash nodded at the teen who dutifully scooped her far more than I’d let her actually eat. I walked her outside to an empty table while Cash paid.

  “Strawberry. My favorite too.” A man at the table next to me winked, his eyes on me.

  I inwardly groaned, knowing what was coming next. But to my surprise, it was Riley who spoke. “Don’t talk to my mommy,” she ordered.

  I looked down at her in surprise as Cash joined us. “Baby, don’t be rude,” I chided.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Cash asked.

  “He was looking at Mommy with googly eyes,” she accused, pointing at the man who was now wisely gathering up his stuff.

  I muffled a grin at her description as Cash put a hand atop her head. “That’s good lookin’ out, peanut. But tell you what, I’ll handle any googly eyes, okay?” His gaze was on the now departing man, his expression making it clear he was ready to do just that.

  I sighed in relief that he wasn’t encouraging her behavior. He was seriously good at this parenting stuff.

  “Okay,” she agreed around a huge bite of ice cream. “You can make googly eyes at her though,” she added earnestly.

  He shot her a grin that melted me from the inside out. “Glad to hear that, baby.” He shot me a wink over her head. “Not sure I could help myself.”

  I was trying and failing to keep Riley’s outfit from getting ice cream all over it when he pulled out his phone. glancing at an incoming text.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, watching him carefully.

  “Impromptu barbeque at the club with the Riders. Sounds like they want a meet,” he replied pensively. I knew he was thinking about his next meeting with Thorn and how he would handle it with what he now knew.

  “You want me to come.” It wasn’t a question.

  His eyes shifted to mine, softening as his full lips tilted into a tender smile. “Yeah, baby. So long as we can find a sitter for Ri. Not the kind of evening for her.”

  “I’ll text Amelia.” I nodded. She’d offered to sit several times but I had yet to take her up on it.

  He nodded his agreement, his gaze dropping to Riley’s overflowing bowl of ice cream. “You’ll get a serious belly ache if you eat all of that, baby.” Cash chuckled. “And besides, weren’t you going to save some for me?” He quirked a playful brow.

  She giggled and shook her head but allowed me to take her bowl without complaint.

  The three of us headed toward Cash’s truck, Riley’s hand in his, his arm around my shoulder.

  It was so simple, that moment, and yet like a dream.

  A dream that I desperately hoped to never wake up from.


  When we walked into the club a short time later, having left a contented Riley playing with Amelia, who she idolized, my nerves began to kick in. I’d only been with Cash a few times, and it was still just as intimidating.

  He squeezed my hand, sensing my mood. “You belong here. Same as me.”

  I shot him a grateful look as he slung an arm around my shoulder, surveying the scene.

  The place was packed with both familiar and unfamiliar faces; music blared and drinks flowed.

  “Layla!” Emmie and Grace chorused, gesturing to me from the couches near the pool table where they sat with Wren, Olivia, and Ginnie.

  “Go on, baby, I’ll find you in a bit,” Cash murmured in my ear, giving my ass a squeeze in parting.

  “You don’t hang out with us near enough, woman. Have a beer,” Ginnie offered, handing me a can. I’d only met X’s girlfriend a few times, but I liked her no-nonsense attitude.

  “It’s true,” I replied as I plopped into the seat alongside Olivia.

  “Well, you have a valid and very cute excuse.” Wren winked from her spot on the couch across from us.

  “Riley is cute,” I agreed, lifting up my beer in toast. “We’re a lot more settled than we were a few months ago, so hopefully I’ll be able to hang out more.” For the first time since I adopted Riley, I had people around that I felt comfortable leaving her with. I loved my time with Riley but being able to have some independence to build friendships was something I’d missed and hadn’t had since college.

  “I think it’s Cash we have to worry about sharing her more than Riley.” Wren laughed.

  “Heard you guys were shacking up,” Grace mentioned.

  “We are, we… well, I guess we did.” I shrugged with a laugh. “Aside from a few more things he has to move over, and he’s pretty much been living with us since we met.”

  “I have to admit, I was skeptical at first,” Grace admitted. “But Gunner straightened me out, reminded me the kind of man Cash is. That you were different. And obviously, you are. I’m happy for you both.” Her green eyes shone with sincerity.

  “Thanks.” I smiled just as the couch got bumped by a stumbling biker and I fought to keep my beer from spilling. “Crowded tonight.”

  Ginnie watched the man go with narrowed eyes. “Yeah, and with a lot of Riders.”

  “You think there’s gonna be trouble,” Grace surmised.

nbsp; “A bunch of drunk men from formerly rival clubs? What could go wrong?” Ginnie replied dryly.

  For the first time I took note of the subtle tension in the air. It made sense. As Cash described it, the two clubs had been at odds for years and had only recently decided to work together. There had to be some folks who didn’t agree with that decision.

  “Why do you think Gun and X have been posted up at the pool table all night?” She snorted, gesturing to the two men who were playing a game of pool close by. As I looked over, Gunner eyes lifted in our direction, surveying all of us before his gaze returned to the game. But even then, I knew we had all of his attention.

  One thing was for sure, the Knights took care of their own.

  Chapter 19


  When I walked into Cole’s office after making sure Layla was okay for a bit with the girls, I was surprised to find only Thorn and Cole in the room.

  “Walker,” Cole greeted with a chin lift.

  I returned the gesture, my gaze shooting to Thorn in question.

  “Archer wanted a word,” Cole explained. “I’ll leave you to it.” He clapped me on the back and made for the door.

  As he left the room, I wondered if Thorn knew what I did. And as he leaned on the edge of Cole’s desk, his legs crossed at the ankle, arms crossed at his chest, for the first time I saw how much I looked like him.

  The realization had an uncomfortable feeling spreading in my chest. Part of me wanted to know him, while the rest wanted to run clear in the other direction.

  “Heard you been out huntin’,” he said by way of greeting.

  I nodded, masking my surprise. It hadn’t been what I’d expected him to say.

  “I think I know where he is, figured I’d save you some time.”

  I raised a brow skeptically. “Selling out your own so quickly?”

  He eyed me steadily. “This isn’t about loyalty. He betrayed me the moment he not only made a move without my approval but more so when that involved putting his hands on a woman. This is about principle. When you said he wasn’t punished enough, I thought it over. You were right. You should have your vengeance. If it were me, I’d feel the same way.”


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