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Page 13

by O'Brien, Megan

  “Then don’t go,” I exclaimed into his chest.

  “Have to.” His response was gentle but firm. “We’ve talked about this.”

  “But I’m safe. We’re safe. He’s not going to come after me.” I attempted reason, knowing it fell on deaf ears.

  “It’s not enough.” He grunted. “You might not understand it. But I need you to respect it.”

  After a few moments, I nodded into his chest. When he tipped my chin up, waiting until our eyes locked, I knew that wouldn’t suffice. I shouldn’t have been surprised.

  “Throughout this long life we’re going spend together, there are gonna be times where you have a line you don’t want me to cross. We all have our limits, and when you’ve truly met yours, we’ll talk it out. Maybe I’ll change course, maybe I won’t. But at the end of the day you gotta think long and hard about what those lines are, baby. Because for the first time in my life, I know what love feels like. Real fucking love. And part of that is you loving me for who I am and what I need to do. I need you to trust me that when I push something that makes you worried or scared, it’s only when it’s really fucking important to me, and that I’d never put our family at risk. Do you get me?”

  I nodded.

  “I need the words, baby,” he murmured.

  “I get you,” I whispered. And I did. Part of loving Cash was loving and respecting his principles, of which he had many, and his need for justice. I could wish all day long that wouldn’t mean taking him away from us but that wasn’t the world we lived in. I also knew he’d come back. There just wasn’t another option.

  His mouth skimmed over mine. “Good. Now, let’s get you outta these clothes so that you can say goodbye to me properly.”


  I was surprised when the doorbell chimed in the early evening the next day. Riley and I had thankfully stayed busy, with a playdate for Riley and chores to keep me occupied, but to be honest, I’d been dreading the evening to come, knowing the nights would be long until Cash returned home.

  “Who’s that, Mommy?” Riley asked as she sat having a snack at the eat-in kitchen table.

  “Not sure,” I replied, striding toward the door. Whoever it was had gotten by Max, who’d been posted up for the last few hours, taking over for Tatum.

  When I opened the door to find Emmie, Wren, Gracie, Liv, Ginnie, and a beautiful brunette I assumed to be Maddox’s wife, Francesca, I nearly burst out crying.

  “You don’t think we’d let you be by yourself, do you?” Emmie scoffed by way of greeting, breezing past me into the house bearing wine and what looked like an overnight bag.

  “Seriously, Layla.” Gracie winked, following Emmie into the house. I heard Riley shriek in delight as I gave hugs all around.

  “Finally, we meet.” Francesca grinned, wrapping me in a warm hug, navigating her giant belly.

  “Finally,” I agreed.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t stay the night since Maddox is terrified of me going into labor at any minute, but at least he let me out of the house.” She rolled her eyes with a smile.

  “I’m so glad you could come,” I agreed, taking a look outside. I was surprised to find another bike at the curb next to Max’s. I was even more surprised that after closer inspection I realized it was a Black Rider saddled up next to him.

  I knew in that moment that news of Thorn’s relationship to Cash had spread. Thorn wanted his family looked after just as much as Cash did. My heart swelled at the thought.

  “Looks like you have more than your fair share of protection,” Francesca noted, following my line of sight.

  “Yeah,” I answered softly, offering a wave to both men before shutting the door behind her.

  “So, who’s up for a manicure?” Gracie asked with a grin, holding up what looked like a small arsenal of nail polish.


  “I think she’ll sleep for a week.” I laughed as I returned to the living room after tucking Riley in later that night. “I didn’t get through one book before she was out, which is pretty much unheard of for my little staller,” I added.

  “Manicures, a pizza party, and a Disney movie marathon will do that,” Wren agreed as I reclaimed my seat next to her and picked up my wineglass.

  “You guys are amazing, thank you so much for coming,” I said sincerely. I didn’t know how I’d gotten so lucky to inherit such an amazing tribe of girlfriends but I wasn’t going to second-guess it.

  “Are you kidding? I’d never miss an excuse for a slumber party.” Grace grinned. “The only thing missing are the makeovers.”

  “We did manicures, that pretty much counts,” Francesca pointed out, laughing as Grace scoffed in mock outrage. “I know it doesn’t count,” Frannie stage-whispered to the room at large, eliciting laughter from all of us.

  “Max still on deck with Gage?” Emmie asked, referring to the Black Rider who’d spent a large part of the evening on watch.

  “Yeah.” Wren nodded, glancing at her phone, where I assumed Max had texted recently. “He wants me to head home with him when he swaps with Gunner.” She pouted. “Gunner’s planning on posting up inside,” she added, glancing at me.

  “News to me,” I replied, though I wasn’t surprised Cash had put over-the-top measures in place while he was gone. “But it’s fine. I’d feel badly having him outside in the cold all night.” I shifted inquiring eyes to Emmie. “You still going to stay?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you do everything you can to avoid being within ten feet of the man?” Ginnie put in. “Are we ever going to talk about what the hell is going on there?”

  “There isn’t anything going on,” Emmie defended before swallowing hard, as though debating whether or not to continue. “He doesn’t want there to be.” It was the first time I’d seen her show real vulnerability when it came to Gunner, and judging by the rest of the expressions in the room, it was a first for them too. “Can we not talk about this?” she asked quietly.

  Ginnie reached over and squeezed her knee. “Of course, babe. Whatever you need. But I will say this and then we can move on. Whatever is going on or not going on, I can guarantee you that he only has eyes for you. However you decide to play that is up to you. And we’ll always be here for you.” I’d learned that fast about Ginnie. She was tough, but she also had the biggest heart, especially when it came to those she cared about.

  Emmie nodded gratefully just as my phone pinged with a text from Cash. I sighed a breath of relief. I hadn’t heard from him all day, and though I didn’t expect him to check in often on a trip like this, I’d been waiting to hear something. The message was short and to the point, as his usually were.

  Bunking down for the night. Everything is ok. Love to you and Ri.

  I typed out a quick response.

  Love you too. Be safe.


  His response made me smile as I set my phone down.

  “Everything okay?” Francesca asked quietly. After only knowing her for a few hours, it already felt like it had been far longer. She was an easy person to warm up to. It was obvious that she was incredibly perceptive and thoughtful, and I looked forward to getting to know her better. Not to mention getting my hands on those adorable twins of hers when they were born. I’d had babies on the brain more often lately.

  I nodded. “I think so.”

  “Did he say when he’d be home?” Wren wanted to know.

  I shrugged. “Not sure. Hopefully tomorrow? The day after?” I hadn’t wanted to press him too hard, knowing he’d get back to us as soon as he possibly could.

  She offered a look of sympathy. “Hard when they have a mind to do something that takes them away, isn’t it?”

  “And something you know is dangerous,” Francesca put in.

  They got it. Of course they did. “Yeah,” I agreed. “But I know he can take care of himself and that he wouldn’t put himself at risk.”

  “No,” Liv agreed.
“He wouldn’t. He’s never been happier, that I can say with complete certainty. He wouldn’t risk that.”

  “How’s he doing with the news about Thorn?”

  My brows arched. “News travels fast, huh?” Cash had shared that he’d spoken to Cole, but I was still surprised that everyone seemed to know in such a short period of time.

  “Oh yeah,” she agreed as the other ladies made noises of agreement. “But it wouldn’t if Cash didn’t want it to,” she was quick to clarify. “For safety, I think it was important to him that the guys knew the deal. Especially while he’s out of town.”

  “Makes sense,” I agreed, knowing that for Cash, safety was always paramount. “I think he’s doing okay, especially after talking to Thorn and learning that he didn’t give him up voluntarily, that he never would have done that. But he’s cautious. Outside of the military and the Knights, he didn’t have a family until Riley and me. I think he’s afraid to let Thorn in but willing to give him a shot.”

  “This trip is a good opportunity to begin that then,” Wren replied thoughtfully.

  I hoped the same.

  “It’ll be interesting to see what this does for the two clubs,” Grace mused.

  “Time will tell,” Wren replied, just as her phone pinged. “All right, ladies. My man is waiting. This was fun. Breakfast tomorrow?” She raised a brow toward Francesca, knowing the only spot we’d want to go was to her bakery.

  “Sure,” Frannie agreed with a grin.

  “It’s a date,” Wren replied, giving my shoulder a squeeze in parting. “Let me know if you need anything, but I think you’re in good hands.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled as she grabbed her bag. “See you tomorrow.”

  She let herself out, and we soon heard the roar of Max’s motorcycle taking off down the street.

  There was a moment of silence before Ginnie spoke up, a mischievous smile on her lips. “Who wants another bottle of wine?”

  Though I knew I wouldn’t stop worrying about Cash until he walked back through the door, these women had made what would have been a very long night into one of laughter and fun. One I’d always remember.

  Chapter 21


  We pulled into a roadside diner late that evening after spending hours on our bikes. Our destination, a little town by the name of Rosewater, was just twenty miles up the road. It was off the beaten path, along a narrow strip of highway that, if the last fifty miles said anything about it, made Hawthorne look like big-city living.

  A perfect hideout.

  “You think he’s still there?” I asked before taking a giant bite out of my burger. We hadn’t stopped much, and I was fucking starving. The only stop we’d made, I’d taken the time to check in on Layla. Gunner had texted, letting me know the girls were over there and keeping her company, and that knowledge put me at ease.

  Thorn grunted in the affirmative, as I’d learned was typical for him. The man didn’t say much, and that suited me just fine.

  “You think he’s alone?” I wanted to know.

  Thorn took a sip of his beer, considering my question. “I know none of my guys took off with him. So if he’s with anyone, I don’t know ’em. Which means we need to be cautious.”

  I nodded in agreement. It was a scenario I’d thought about more than once, knowing that if he wasn’t alone I’d likely pull back. This was a mission about justice, not suicide. I had a life to get back to. One I loved a hell of a lot.

  “Layla and Riley doing all right?” he asked as though reading my mind.

  “Sounds like it,” I replied. “A bunch of the women from the club are looking out for her tonight.”

  “She likes the life?” he wondered.

  “Christ, I hope so,” I couldn’t help but admit. “I think she does. But I know it’s a lot to get used to. She was pretty isolated with Riley before. Despite living in San Francisco, she didn’t get out much. Couldn’t, with having Riley.”

  “She doesn’t have people?”

  I shook my head. “Her parents are dead. And her brother’s a fuckin’ deadbeat. He’s Riley’s biological father. Left her to Layla a few years ago.”

  His nostrils flared in anger. “You looked into him?”

  I nodded. “He’s keeping his distance. Hasn’t crossed state lines in years.”

  He cocked his head to the side, assessing me carefully. “Your flavor of vengeance is an odd one, boy. This man,” he gestured to the general direction of Rosewater, “put his hands on your woman’s neck once and needs to die. But her brother abandoned his own daughter and you don’t seem the least bit interested in tracking him down.”

  I looked him squarely in the eye. “He gave me Riley. And in the way life weaves its own paths, Layla too. And last Gunner checked, he was doing a bang-up job fucking up his own life. I’m letting it lie.”

  His lips turned up at the corners into a semblance of a smile. “Good enough.”

  His clear respect had an odd feeling expanding in my chest. “Your wife all right?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Roxy’s tough as nails.” He nodded. “Used to me on the road, though I don’t always like that,” he admitted. “She’s got women at her back, just like Layla, and men watching the house anytime I’m away.”

  “Sounds familiar.”

  He barked out a hoarse laugh. “I’d assume it does. Clubs like ours, we may disagree on some shit, may run things differently, but at the heart of both, there’s good men and that means we look out for our own. Especially our women and children.”

  “Wasn’t always like that,” I hedged, and he knew I was referring to the previous Black Riders club, the one we battled, the one we shed blood for. It was before my time, but those wounds and that history affected me all the same.

  He rested his elbows on the table, his hands clasped, resting against his chin. “That’s not the club we are now. Haven’t been for years.”

  I nodded before asking the question that had been top of mind ever since I’d learned I was his son. “You think it’ll change things between our clubs?”

  I wasn’t surprised that he knew exactly what I was referring to. “Do you want it to?”

  For me it wasn’t a difficult question to answer. “I don’t plan on leaving the Knights.”

  He nodded, looking as though he’d expected such a response. “I don’t plan to leave the Riders either. I think there could be change, but it will come in the form of bringing our clubs closer together. I do plan to be in Hawthorne a lot more. And hope you’ll come down to Vegas and bring your girls.”

  I wasn’t ready for that. I believed him to be a good man and felt his wife was likely good people. But I wanted to feel this all out more before bringing Riley and Layla into the fold. It was all still so new. I wouldn’t introduce Riley to a brand-new grandfather until I knew things were rock solid.

  “In your own time,” he rumbled, as though reading my mind. “You ready to hit the road again?”

  I nodded, tossing my napkin down and swigging the last of my water. I would kill for a cold beer, but I needed every ounce of my wits about me.

  And it was a good thing too.


  “Cut that motherfucker off!” Thorn hollered, his deep bellow carrying over the roar of our bikes and whipping wind. It was close to midnight when we’d finally zeroed in on my mark, and the bastard had just enough time to hop on his bike to try to escape.

  But he wouldn’t get far.

  The blood pumped in my veins, heart hammering as I locked in on my target. His illuminated taillight was like a beacon, taunting me.

  The narrow strip of highway, devoid of cars at this late hour, was the perfect opportunity to open my motor up, pushing my bike to its limit as I narrowed the gap between us.

  He swerved right in a desperate attempt to evade me. The tree that suddenly loomed in his headlights, its gnarled limbs outstretched as though toward him, was something made from nightmares. The next few moments were as though in slow motion. I pull
ed my bike back, skidding out in my haste as his bike hit the tree with a sonic boom. Giant flames erupted, scorching the air as they devoured the bike and licked up the tree.

  There was no scream, no wail. No sound at all except the sinister crackle of fire.

  “That bike’s about to go all the way up. We gotta go,” Thorn prompted.

  I nodded, knowing he was right but transfixed by the flame. I didn’t feel the satisfaction I’d expected. Instead I felt the emptiness that had been a frequent companion before I’d met Layla. I’d seen plenty of death in my life but knew this one would stand out. Not because of the man himself, but for what he represented.


  I’d always protect my family without question and by any means necessary, but seeking out violence wasn’t going to be part of the man I was. Not anymore.

  With that I followed Thorn back toward town, where we’d likely crash for the night. I was eager to sleep off the memory of how quietly he’d died despite the violence that had harkened his death. His death wouldn’t haunt me. The earth was better off. But leaving my girls for what I know knew was a selfish errand, did. I itched to get back to the place I knew I truly belonged. Where I’d felt the first true joy of my life.


  Chapter 22


  The delicious scent of Cash wafted through my dream late the next evening. At first, I thought it must be a dream; after all, I still fantasized about Cash on a regular basis even though the man was mine.

  “Baby.” His deep baritone sent a shiver down my spine as his lips caressed my shoulder. “Wake up.”

  “Hmmm?” I mumbled, still not entirely sure I wasn’t dreaming. “Cash?”

  “Yeah, baby. Open those beautiful eyes for me.”

  I rolled over, doing as he asked, focusing on his gorgeous face staring down at me. He’d turned on the bathroom light, and the soft glow only enhanced the tender expression on his face. “There you are.”

  “I’m so glad you’re home,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “Missed you.”

  He dipped low, taking my mouth in a passionate kiss. “Me too,” he murmured against my lips, pressing his hips in between my legs. The realization that he was naked had lust pounding a staccato beat through my veins, calling to his body in a desperate hope that he’d answer.


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