Book Read Free

Three-Year Rule

Page 14

by Alaina Stanford

Elizabeth peered through the window of the small, red SUV. The white interior was a stunning accent to the crimson exterior; it screamed Amy. The salesman appeared with the keys and happily climbed into the back seat as Amy sat down in the driver’s seat. Elizabeth sat in the passenger’s seat and handed the salesman her business card with the back facing up.

  He glanced at it and then smiled back at her and winked. Elizabeth turned quickly around to face forward and said, “It’s a shame Randy had to go search for a rabid dog, but I’m glad Josh went with him.”

  Amy started the car and pulled out of the dealership saying, “We’ll swing by his office when we finish here. They’ll be done by 2 o'clock. That leaves us plenty of time to get settled at the lake before dinner.”

  The test drive didn’t take long. Amy had made up her mind before she turned the key. They signed the paperwork, and while Amy waited for an accountant to run her credit report, Elizabeth wrote a check for the balance.


  Josh scanned the trees as Randy pointed in the direction of the blood trail. There were several large trees in the distance offering sufficient cover and enough height for a bow hunter. Josh turned back to face Randy who knelt down to examine the spot where the fox had died.

  Josh said, “If he used a compound bow, then he could have been in those trees over there. It’s quite a distance, but a compound bow would have made it, easy.”

  Randy nodded and rose, “The fox bled out here.” He pointed down at the dark stain in the dirt.

  Josh came over and surveyed the area. “Looks like they didn’t gut it here, but judging by the lengthy blood pool, I’d say they sliced its throat and dragged it off toward the cabin. There’s no doubt they intended to attract a predator and lead it to the cabin.”

  Randy frowned and glanced up at the sky. “I don’t like the sound of this. It’s possible she has a stalker.”

  “What are you talking about?” Josh asked, staring at him.

  Randy said, “I talked to Amy last night, and she mentioned that Elizabeth’s iPad went missing from the house a few weeks ago. I think they may have had two break-ins in the last two months. The first was minor when her iPad was stolen. The second was the destructive invasion that resulted in a jewelry theft. Stalkers have a tendency to escalate with each new encounter. I’m sure it’s the same person.”

  Josh knew better than to question Randy when he’d come to a conclusion. Randy didn’t speculate. He never spoke until he was sure.

  “Tell me,” Josh asked quietly, not sure he wanted to hear.

  Randy turned to head deeper into the woods. Josh walked at his side, listening as he explained. “I found footprints in the dirt outside the front window the night of the break-in. I found the same size tracks near the bay window last night, and this morning near the kill zone for the fox. They appear to be hunting boots. Big shoes, size thirteen, broad too. This is a big man, six foot three to six foot five. They lead off into the woods. This is someone who is not concerned about walking through the mountains at night.”

  Josh asked, “Why Elizabeth? What could she have done to rate this? If it’s a fan, how did he find her?”

  Randy explained, “Stalkers are sociopaths. They’re very resourceful and devious. A couple of minor comments during a public appearance or on a Facebook post can lead a sociopath right to you. There’s a service road back up behind her property. It leads to the preserve’s Injured Bird House. I want to check for tire tracks. The ranger’s station confirmed there are no animals in the Bird House right now, so that road should not show any use.”


  Elizabeth parked next to Amy at the Sheriff’s office. Randy and Josh pulled up in the Sheriff’s truck as they got out of their cars. The sun sparkled in the clear blue afternoon sky reflecting off Amy’s shiny new SUV. Randy and Josh climbed out of the truck and went directly to Amy’s car. Amy opened the doors and popped the hood so they could have full access. Gleefully, Amy listed all the extras and demonstrated the built in NAV system. Afterward, both men gave her their stamp of approval.

  Randy unlocked the office door after he gave Amy a quick kiss. He said, “Congratulations on the car Amy, it’s a beauty.”

  “I haven’t told you the best part yet,” Amy announced as they walked inside out of the summer heat. “The truck is a bonus for my cover work on the If Life Were a Garden series!”

  Elizabeth came up beside her and said, “She deserves it. Not only have I found a killer editor in Amy, but her flare for artistic book covers is also unmatched. They are fantastic. Three large distributors have nominated us for the cover of the year. I’m so lucky to have Amy as a partner.”

  Amy giggled and hugged Elizabeth then said, “That’s what I love about you, Beth. You treat me like an equal, not an employee, and it means the world to me.”

  Elizabeth hugged her back and said, “When this weekend is over we need to sit down and start working on promoting your artwork. This nomination is only the beginning for you.”

  Randy stepped behind his desk and said, “Why don’t you contact the Salt Lake City Art Museum about setting up a display during the annual art festival? They are really great about helping out local artists.”

  “That sounds awesome!” Amy jumped at the thought.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” Elizabeth smiled.

  Randy added, “We’ve got my truck loaded with enough supplies for a few days. We were hoping you both would be willing to extend the weekend a few days.”

  Josh wrapped his arms around Elizabeth and added, “We checked the cabin, and everything’s fine. So, if Charlie is doing well there’s no reason to head back tomorrow.”

  Elizabeth kissed him quickly and said, “She’s awake and responding. The Vet said we could bring her home today if we can keep her quiet.”

  Josh glanced at Randy and asked, “Why don’t we take her up to the lake with us? It’s quiet and calm. She could rest just as well there as at home, maybe better given the circumstances. We have to run by my house and pick up Kilo. I can take the huge dog bed that Kilo refuses to use. We can follow Randy and Amy up so Charlie can lie down in the back.”


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