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The Immortality Game

Page 26

by Ted Cross

  “I really think you could.”

  Zoya pulled the pillow down into an embrace. “Can you please leave me alone for a while? I want to think about…‌things.”

  Kostya put a hand lightly on one of her legs. “Of course. Take all the time you need. If you decide you wish it, Javier would like to speak with you. I understand if you don’t want to, though.”

  “I just plug in here…‌I mean if I decide I want to?”

  “There’s no need. Your slot has wireless. You’ll find him in your address book.”

  “This is all going to take getting use to.”

  Kostya nodded and stood up. “I’ll leave you alone now.”



  “Your kindness has been helpful. I’m not ready to thank anyone for what was done to me, but I’m glad you’re here to help.”

  Kostya smiled. “Get some rest. Give a call if you want anything.”

  As the doctor departed, Zoya let her mind wander amongst the cascade of thoughts concerning everything that felt like the recent past to her—her mother most of all—and her new life and uncertain future. Would the new Marcus seem real to her? Despite the odd feelings about her new body, she herself felt truly real. She thought of the date they had told her, twenty-one fifty-six. Incredible. So much must have changed in the world outside. She had been roiling with rage since waking yesterday, but in the past few hours a level of excitement had crept into her internal conversation with herself. She had always enjoyed learning, and now there was so much to learn.

  She forced her body to relax and searched her slot to see if any music was available. All of her favorite songs were there. She smiled and searched for a suitable one to be the very first one she played in her new life. As she scanned the titles, many of them looked both appropriate and wrong at the same time. I need one that is perfect…‌ah!

  She fell asleep to the easy strains of This Wasn’t Supposed to Happen by Army of Anyone.

  The End

  Author’s Note

  I’d like to thank you for reading this book. The publishing industry is changing dramatically since the advent of ebooks. It is now very difficult to get any book noticed, regardless of quality. If you enjoyed this book, you could do some very simple things to help me attract attention. Word of mouth is the number one source of success for novels, so simply telling family and friends about the book is a great start. Here are a few other ways of helping out, if you are so inclined:

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  One or more of those options would be a tremendous help! Again thank you, and I hope you will try out my future publications.

  Ted Cross, November 2014


  Many wonderful people helped me with this book. Bradley Wind helped me with the typography for the cover. Susan Kaye Quinn offered advice on publishing. Ivan Amberlake, Harriet Goodchild, Hart Johnson, Nicholas Kotar, Mary Fan, and many others helped me find mistakes in the manuscript. My wife and sons patiently allowed me the time to hide away in my office and type out this story.

  About the Author

  Ted Cross has spent the past two decades traveling the world as a diplomat, all the time dreaming about writing fantasy and science fiction. He's visited nearly forty countries and lived in seven, including the U.S., Russia, China, Croatia, Iceland, Hungary, and Azerbaijan. He's witnessed coup attempts, mafia and terrorist attacks, played chess with several world champions, and had bit parts in a couple of movies. He currently lives in Baku, Azerbaijan with his lovely wife and two teenage sons.

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  Table of Contents

  Moscow - Saturday, June 7, 2138

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  Moscow - Sunday, June 8, 2138

  Moscow - Sunday, June 8, 2138

  Moscow - Sunday, June 8, 2138

  Salt Lake City, Utah - Sunday, June 8, 2138

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  Moscow - Sunday, June 8, 2138

  Moscow - Monday, June 9, 2138


  Author’s Note


  About the Author



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