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Scholomance 6: The Devil's Academy

Page 30

by Logan Jacobs

  “Si audierint et observaverint illum sicut animam meam in dominum!” the serpentine witch gasped in a breathy voice as a violent breeze swept throughout the room and nearly killed all the light.

  “Et nos in viam diabolum malum,” I bellowed. “Nos gratias ago vos omnem virum robustum!”

  The blonde witch was slightly trembling as I completed the pact, and even when the air grew warm and still once more, she kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  “Now, open your eyes,” I said. “That’s an order.”

  Circe’s serpentine eyes fluttered open, and she studied me with utter adoration and devotion.

  “Now what, master?” the blonde witch questioned as her eyes trailed down to my erect cock. “May… may I finally taste you?”

  “Only after the others rip that gown off you,” I growled as I regarded the other women. “Tear this off her… she won’t be needing it.”

  Without hesitation, the others began to rip off Circe’s sheer dress from her slim body, and the blonde Wicca gasped as she stood completely naked before me. Again, she licked her lips and studied my form with feral desperation and desire, like she was parched for water after being stranded in the desert for days.

  “Master?” the blonde breathed with glassy eyes. “Now… may I begin?”

  “Slowly,” I grunted before I placed my hand on her head. “Don’t be too greedy… this is our first time together after all. Now… as Circe takes me deep into her lovely mouth, I want you all to watch. Don’t even fucking blink.”

  “Yes, master,” the rest of my coven answered simultaneously.

  Finally, I guided Circe toward my dick, and before she took me deep inside her wanting mouth, she used her forked tongue to swirl along my tip and underside. My entire body shuddered with pleasure, and the serpentine witch smiled before she wrapped her soft lips around my cock and took me in.

  “Fuuuuuck,” I growled as she began to bob her head back and forth in slow motions.

  Circe greedily slurped and hummed as she took me deeper inside her warm mouth, and when she wriggled her head all the way down to my balls, the tip of my cock scraped the back of her throat until she gently gagged.

  “She looks incredible swallowing your cock, master,” Vesta purred as her glassy silver eyes focused on the eager blonde. “Look how deep she’s taking you.”

  “She has been waiting a long time for this, I’m sure,” Akira giggled, and her black eyes shone with lust and impatience. “Look at her. Such a thirsty bitch.”

  “The sight is already making me soaked,” Nyx pouted as her indigo eyes followed Circe’s bobbing head.

  “It’s making her soaked, too,” Faye chuckled as her golden-green eyes flicked down to the floor. “She’s even dripping.”

  Surely enough, when I glanced down to the blood-covered wooden floor, there was a puddle growing beneath the blonde’s pussy. My cock throbbed uncontrollably as she began to move her head in faster motions, and without thinking, I reached over and intertwined my fingers through her golden-blonde locks. As I tightened my hold on her, she moaned with sheer delight, and I guided her along my cock as I bucked my hips forward. Then I thrust deeper into her mouth until she quietly gagged again, and when she stared up at me, her eyes were brimming with tears.

  “Deeper,” I commanded. “I know you can do it… be good, or you won’t get to feel me deep inside your pussy.”

  “Mmmmmmm,” Circe moaned as she ventured deeper and swirled her tongue in expert motions along my length.

  “That’s it,” I breathed heavily. “Keep going… just like that. Take all of me.”

  “She’s a fast learner,” Nyx commented as I guided the blonde witch deeper along my cock and thrust my hips with more fervor.

  When I tossed my head back, I grew lightheaded, and my entire body quivered as I neared my threshold. Then I glanced down at the others, and each woman stared up at me with pure longing and desire. The room echoed with the sound of Circe slurping along my dick, and I shuddered as I went even faster and harder inside her ravenous mouth.

  “I’m almost there,” I grunted. “Now… when I cum… you need to swallow every single last drop. That’s an order.”

  As soon as I uttered the command, my entire body violently quivered before I exploded my seed into her mouth. I quickly gasped for air, and my head was spinning as I continued to spray my hot cream down her throat.

  Circe squealed and whined with delight as she slurped down every single drop as if her life depended on it.

  “Perfect,” I panted. “Swallow every single drop. You’d better not waste any of it… or I won’t be pleased.”

  “Good girl,” Vesta purred as she ran her fingers through Circe’s luminous blonde locks. “Look at her drink your seed, master… it’s like she’s dying of thirst.”

  “Mmmmmm,” Circe hummed as I gently untangled my fingers from her hair and pulled away from her full, wet mouth.

  “You did well.” I smirked before I turned to look at the others. “Now, each of you may take a taste.”

  As each woman got down on her knees and licked my flared tip, I groaned in satisfaction, and my cock slowly hardened once more. The women continued to lick every drop of my cream along my dick, but then Circe bit down on her lip and rocked her hips back and forth.

  “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Circe,” I chuckled. “Ladies… when you’ve finished licking my cock clean… I want you to hold her down on the bed. Spread her wide open for me so she may reap her reward.”

  “Yes, master,” each woman responded before they smiled mischievously up at me.

  I watched with feral pleasure as the women led Circe onto the massive bed, and when her body was pressed down into the red silk sheets, Akira and Vesta held onto her wrists while Faye and Morgana grasped tightly onto her ankles. Penelope and Nyx rested Circe’s head on their laps, and when the serpentine woman was spread open for me, I crept onto the bed and crawled toward her.

  The insides of her thighs were violently trembling, even before I hovered over her and pressed my body against hers. Her nipples were taut and swollen against my skin, and as I locked eyes with her, I reached in between her legs and felt her soaking wet pussy. She was thoroughly drenched, and she gasped loudly as I brushed my thumb along her pulsating clit.

  “Yessssss,” Circe groaned as I pleasured her with my hand. “Please, master… make me yours. Slip inside me and fill me up with your hot cream.”

  “Is that what you want?” I teased as I moved my hand and grasped my cock to bat it along her sopping folds. “Do you want me?”

  “No, I need you!” the serpentine witch gasped as I neared her hungry hole. “Please enter me, master.”

  “She begs so sweetly,” Vesta sighed. “I think she needs you more than anything, master, just as we all do.”

  “Very well,” I grunted before I slipped my tip inside Circe’s warm, wanting tunnel.

  We both cried out in pleasure when our bodies connected, and her pussy was gushing wet and trembling as I slowly thrust deep inside her accepting body. Our grunts echoed in the room as I rocked my body against hers, and her serpentine eyes grew as wide as dinner plates when I ventured deeper inside her. She was so fucking tight and warm, and her walls were like silk as they clamped tightly around my throbbing length.

  “Satan,” I panted as I thrust deeper and harder inside her.

  “Fuuuuuuuuck!” the blonde screamed as she tossed her head from side to side. “I-I’ve never felt anything like this before!”

  “Just be sure you remember to call him your master,” Akira growled. “You must obey his every whim and desire.”

  “And one day, you will bear his children,” Faye added in a soft voice. “He’ll fill your empty womb with his unholy seed.”

  “As long as you remember your loyalty to him,” Morgana reminded the blonde in a stern voice. “For you are his for all eternity.”

  “Oh, yeeeeeees!” Circe screamed with unwavering enthusiasm. “Please, mast
er… make me yours. Fill me up!”

  “She’s close, master,” Penelope cooed. “I can see it in her eyes. She’s begging for release. This first climax will blow her mind.”

  “So close,” Nyx added with a chuckle. “Look, she’s even drawing blood.”

  The blue-skinned witch was right. When I glanced back down at the blonde Wicca, she had bit down so hard on her lip that blood was trickling down her chin. I lowered myself down to her beautiful face and licked her lips, and in response, she pressed her mouth against mine. Our tongues snaked together, and a pleasant shiver ran down my spine as her forked tongue explored the inside of my mouth. Then I pushed and thrust even deeper inside her hot velvety tunnel, and she moaned inside my mouth and wove her fingers through my hair.

  When I finally pulled away for air, the serpentine witch stared up at me with bright eyes and parted lips. Her mouth trembled, her body rocked up and down, her plump breasts moved in motion, and her cheeks burned bright red.

  “I-I-I’m going to cum!” Circe gasped as her snake-eyes bored into mine. “Oh, master… please, can I cum?”

  “Mmmm, since it’s your first time…” I purred. “I’ll allow it.”

  “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” the blonde witch screamed as her entire body trembled, and her tight walls spasmed around my cock. “Oh, Satan… I can see starsssss!”

  My entire body shuddered with desire as I plunged my dick in and out of her hot cunt, and I was going so fast and hard, I could feel myself on the verge of another mind-blowing orgasm. Then my head spun, my joints turned to jelly, and my entire body convulsed as I spurted like a burning hose inside of her spasming tunnel.

  “Oooooh,” Circe moaned as I gushed my load inside her. “Yes, master… pour your seed deep inside my womb. Ohhh… there is so much of it! Yessss!”

  “They’re both soaked,” Faye grunted from behind. “Look at her thighs. She’s dripping so much.”

  “Mmmm,” Vesta purred. “I can’t wait to be filled up to the brim as well… I need your thick, full cock inside me, too, master.”

  “Yeah?” I grunted as I cocked an eyebrow at the beautiful elvish witch and then at Akira. “I want both of you to undress for me and get down on the floor on your knees… I want you to face the bed so I can watch the others while I fuck you both from behind. Understood?”

  “Yes, master,” the women answered as I gently pulled myself out of Circe’s cream-filled tunnel.

  “What should I do, master?” the blonde Wicca asked as she laid beneath me and struggled to breathe.

  “Just lay there while Penelope, Morgana, Faye, and Nyx take their turns licking you clean,” I ordered. “I want them to savor every last drop of my cum inside your pussy.”

  “But of course, master,” Penelope chuckled with a suggestive smile.

  “We’d be more than happy to,” Morgana added as her blue eyes shimmered.

  “It’s important that we don’t waste a single, precious drop of our master’s seed,” Nyx cooed, and she licked her blue lips.

  “Absolutely,” Faye growled like a hungry animal.

  Then Vesta and Akira both sauntered over to the floor, and I watched as they peeled off their lace bras and underwear. When both women were as naked as newborn babes, the blood rushed down to my cock like a ravenous river, and I didn’t dare look away as they both got down on their knees and obediently waited for me.

  Circe’s satisfied groans echoed within the bedroom as each witch took their turn to plunge their tongues into her cream filled cunt, and when I left the bed and turned my attention to the black-haired vixen and the elvish beauty, both of them were waiting for me with their backs arched and asses up.

  “Are you ready for me?” I growled as I got down on my knees and positioned myself behind them.

  “Yes, master,” Akira groaned as she wriggled her ample ass in anticipation. “I want you to fuck me until I’m screaming your name, and everyone hears.”

  “I can’t wait to feel you inside me again, master,” Vesta added as she arched her back even lower. “I’ve been longing for your delicious dick every night.”

  “Well, your wishes are about to come true,” I chuckled as I looked between them.

  Both women gasped with enthusiasm and utter delight as I began to rub the tip of my throbbing cock along each woman’s sopping wet folds. Both of them cast curious glances over their shoulders, and the excited duo waited with anticipation as my eyes darted between the two of them.

  I couldn’t decide which woman to pleasure first, but when my eyes landed on Vesta’s lilac folds and shimmering green hair, I decided not to waste any time choosing between the two.

  Not when I could fuck them at the same time.

  So, without wasting another moment, I plunged my cock deep inside Vesta’s warm, wet tunnel, and when I was balls deep inside her, she rocked her body back and forth. Small, delicious grunts escaped out from her lips as I took her fast and rough, and as I angled my cock to scrape down against the front of her velvety tunnel, she cried out with each determined thrust.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” the elvish witch shrieked. “Master! Pleeeeeeease, don’t stop. I need you more than anything, please keep fucking me…. just like that! Yeeeeeees!”

  I fucked her with all my fervor and intensity until my balls banged against her clit, and I ran my hand across her lavender back before I grabbed her long green locks and gently pulled her back. Then I thrust deeper inside her warm, wet, spasming pussy, and she struggled to breathe and stay upright.

  “She looks like a bitch in heat,” Akira chuckled as she watched us. “It looks like she can barely breathe.”

  I ventured further and further inside Vesta’s velvety tunnel as my cock throbbed with hunger and desire, and I could feel the elvish witch’s walls spasming with each plow as they clenched tighter around my member. Akira was right, too. Vesta struggled to breathe as I sped up my movements and yanked back her hair even harder, and her labored breaths only turned me on more.

  “M-M-Master!” Vesta panted as her entire frame trembled. “I-I-I’m going to cum!”

  “So cum for me,” I growled as she screamed out in delight, and her walls clenched and unclenched around my length. “Let’s cum together.”

  “Cooooooooole!” the elvish beauty cried out as her pussy violently spasmed around my twitching cock.

  As I unloaded my seed deep within her soaking slit, my body shook uncontrollably, and my head spun like I was under a spell. Her hot juices and my cum overflowed from her tunnel and dripped down her thighs, and our heavy, frantic breathing echoed through the room as I gently slipped out of her and then began to tease Akira with my slick, juice covered cock.

  “Do you want to feel me inside you as well, Akira?” I teased as I rubbed my tip around her folds and waited for my cock to harden once more. “I can make you spurt and scream… is that what you want?”

  “Yes, master,” the black-haired witch gasped. “Fill me up, spread me wide open, and fuck me like a wild animal. I need your thick cock deep, deep inside me.”

  “How badly?” I grunted as I looked at the black-haired witch’s soaked pussy lips, then at the panting Vesta, and finally at the women on the bed. “How badly do you need me, Akira?”

  “Ooooh, more than anything,” she growled. “I need your cock to spread me wiiiide open. I promise to scream for you, master. Just please, fuck my brains out!”

  “Alright, then,” I chuckled before I slipped my rock-hard dick inside her gushing folds.

  The ebony-eyed witch gasped and shuddered with pleasure as I slowly slid inside her hungry tunnel.

  “Ohhh! That’s what I love. Yessss…” The dark-haired Wicca squealed with satisfaction and shock as I slapped her ass and thrust deep inside her sopping slit, and each time I plunged my throbbing member deeper inside her, her moans grew louder and more erratic.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. “You are always so tight and wet for me, Akira.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she groaned as I pounded deeper inside
her, and then a feral, resonating groan echoed inside her chest as we rocked our bodies together in perfect motion.

  Her knees almost slipped on the bloody pentagram as I pushed against her hips with more intensity and fervor. Then, as I picked up the pace and plowed deeper inside the ebony-haired witch, she cried out for more and more.

  “I can feel… I’m… cummingggg!” Akira screamed as I thrust deep inside her fast and rough. Her walls clenched violently around my shaft, and I knew she was ready to explode. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!”

  My body quivered as sweat dripped down my forehead, and I could feel my cock twitching right before I filled the ebony-haired beauty up to the brim with my thick, creamy semen. Then we both panted and struggled to breathe, and my head spun in furious circles while Akira struggled to keep herself steady. We remained connected, and my cock twitched while her convulsing pussy greedily squeezed and sucked the last drops of seed I had left. Her pussy was starving for every last bit, and after a minute or two, I gently pulled out, and she gasped in satisfaction.

  “Thank you, master,” Akira groaned with pleasure. “That was fucking fantastic.”

  “It certainly was,” I replied as I smacked her ass one more time, and she jerked forward with a cute little gasp.

  “Now…” I growled as I stared up at the rest of my women, and my eyes landed on the blue-skinned witch. “Nyx, come here. I want you to get undressed, press your body against the wall, and wait for me. Meanwhile, Circe…I want you to crawl down here and lick Akira and Vesta clean. Faye and Morgana… you can keep pleasuring each other, but don’t you dare cum.”

  “Yes, master,” the serpentine witch squealed with delight.

  As the blonde witch rushed toward the two women, I slowly stood up and waited for the blue-horned witch to wait for me against the wall. My eyes never left hers as she smiled coyly in my direction and then leaned against the red, velvet wall. I sauntered toward her, and her deep indigo eyes flashed with desire as I grabbed her roughly by the waist and then nuzzled my mouth in between her neck and collar bone. She gasped with surprise, and I sunk my teeth into the soft spot and sucked on her deep-blue skin.


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