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Page 3

by Raymond E. Feist

  Laurie chuckled. ‘There is. My father is entitled to a golden sovereign, a pair of mules, and a farm for your having taken advantage of me.’

  Suddenly Carline giggled, tried to smother it, then laughed aloud. ‘You bastard.’ Tightly hugging him, she rested her head upon his shoulder and sighed. ‘I can never stay angry with you.’

  He cradled her gently in the circle of his arms. ‘I do give you reason upon occasion,’ he said softly.

  ‘Yes, you do.’

  ‘Well, not all that often.’

  ‘Look you well, boyo,’ she said. ‘My brothers are nearing the harbour as we speak, and you stand here arguing. You may dare make free with my person, but the King may take a dim view of things as they stand.’

  ‘So I have feared,’ Laurie said, with obvious concern in his voice.

  Suddenly Carline’s mood softened. Her expression changed to one of reassurance. ‘Lyam will do whatever I ask. He’s never been able to say no to anything I’ve truly wished for since I was tiny. This is not Crydee. He knows things are different here, and that I’m no longer a child.’

  ‘So I have noticed.’

  ‘Rogue. Look, Laurie. You’re no simple farmer or cobbler. You speak more languages than any “educated” noble I have known. You read and write. You have travelled widely, even to the Tsurani world. You have wits and talents. You are much more able to govern than many who are born to it. Besides, if I can have an older brother who was a hunter before becoming a duke, why not a husband who was a singer?’

  ‘Your logic is impeccable. I simply don’t have a good answer. I love you without stint, but the rest –’

  ‘Your problem is you have the ability to govern, but you just don’t want the responsibility. You’re lazy.’

  He laughed. ‘That’s why my father tossed me out of the house when I was thirteen. Said I’d never make a decent farmer.’

  She pushed away from him gently, her voice taking on a serious note. ‘Things change, Laurie. I’ve given this much consideration. I thought I was in love before, twice, but you’re the only man who could get me to forget who I am and act this shamelessly. When I’m with you, nothing makes sense, but that’s all right, because then I don’t care if the way I feel makes sense. But now I must care. You’d better make a choice, and make it soon. I’ll bet my jewels Arutha and Anita will announce they are betrothed before my brothers are in the palace a day. Which means we’ll all be off to Krondor for their wedding.

  ‘When they are wed, I’ll return here with Lyam. It will be up to you to decide if you will be coming back with us, Laurie.’ She locked gazes with him. ‘I have had a wonderful time with you. I’ve feelings I couldn’t imagine possible when I dreamed my girl’s dreams of Pug and then Roland. But you must get ready to choose. You are my first lover, and will always be my dearest love, but when I return here you will be either my husband or a memory.’

  Before he could answer, she walked to the door. ‘In all ways I love you, rogue. But time is short.’ She paused. ‘Now come along and help me greet the King.’

  He came to her side and opened the door for her. They hurried to where carriages were waiting to take the reception committee to the docks. Laurie of Tyr-Sog, troubadour, traveller, and hero of the Riftwar, was acutely aware of the presence of this woman at his side and wondered how it would feel to be denied that presence for good and all. He felt decidedly unhappy at the prospect.

  Rillanon, capital of the Kingdom of the Isles, waited to welcome home her King. The buildings were bedecked in festive bunting and hothouse flowers. Brave pennants flew from the rooftops and bold banners of every colour were strung between the buildings over the streets the King would travel. Called Jewel of the Kingdom, Rillanon rested upon the slopes of many hills, a marvellous place of graceful spires, airy arches, and delicate spans. The late King, Rodric, had embarked upon a restoration of the city, adding lovely marble and quartz stone facing to most of the buildings before the palace, rendering the city a sparkling wonderland in the afternoon sunlight.

  The Royal Eagle approached the King’s dock, where the welcoming party waited. In the distance, upon those buildings and hillside streets affording a clear view of the dock, throngs of citizens were cheering the return of their young King. For many years Rillanon had abided under the black cloud of King Rodric’s madness, and though Lyam was still a stranger to most of the city’s populace, he was adored, for he was young and handsome, his bravery in the Riftwar was widely known, and his generosity had been great. He had lowered taxes.

  With a master’s ease, the harbour pilot guided the King’s ship into its appointed place. It was quickly made secure and the gangway run out.

  Arutha watched as Lyam was the first to descend. As tradition dictated, he dropped to his knees and kissed the soil of his homeland. Arutha’s eyes scanned the crowd, seeking Anita, but in the press of nobles moving forward to greet Lyam he saw no sign of her. A momentary cold stab of doubt struck him.

  Martin nudged Arutha, who, protocol dictated, was expected to be the second to disembark. Arutha hurried down the gangway, with Martin a step behind. Arutha’s attention was caught by the sight of his sister leaving the side of the singer, Laurie, to rush forward and fiercely hug Lyam. While others in the reception committee were not as free with ritual as Carline, there was a spontaneous cheer from the courtiers and guards awaiting the King’s pleasure. Then Arutha had Carline’s arms about his neck as she bestowed a kiss and hug on him. ‘Oh, I’ve missed your sour looks,’ she said happily.

  Arutha had been wearing the dour expression he exhibited when lost in thought. He said, ‘What sour looks?’

  Carline looked up into Arutha’s eyes and, with an innocent smile, said, ‘You look as if you’d swallowed something and it moved.’

  Martin laughed aloud at that, then Carline was hugging him in turn. He stiffened at first, for he was still less comfortable with a sister than with two brothers, then he relaxed and hugged her back. Carline said, ‘I’ve grown bored without you three around.’

  Seeing Laurie a short distance off, Martin shook his head. ‘Not too bored, it seems.’

  Carline playfully said, ‘There’s no law that says only men can indulge themselves. Besides, he’s the best man I’ve met who’s not my brother.’ Martin could only smile at that while Arutha continued looking for Anita.

  Lord Caldric, Duke of Rillanon, First Adviser to the King, and Lyam’s great-uncle, smiled broadly as the King’s huge hand engulfed his own in a vigorous shake. Lyam nearly had to shout over the cheers from those nearby. ‘Uncle, how stands our Kingdom?’

  ‘Well, my King, now that you’ve returned.’

  As Arutha’s expression grew more distressful, Carline said, ‘Put away that long face, Arutha. She’s in the eastern garden, waiting for you.’

  Arutha kissed Carline’s cheek, hurried away from her and a laughing Martin, and as he dashed past Lyam, shouted, ‘With Your Majesty’s permission.’

  Lyam’s expression ran quickly from surprise to mirth, while Caldric and the other courtiers were amazed at the Prince of Krondor’s behaviour. Lyam leaned close to Caldric and said, ‘Anita.’

  Caldric’s old face beamed with a sunny smile as he chuckled in understanding. ‘Then you’ll soon be off again, this time for Krondor and your brother’s wedding?’

  ‘We’d sooner hold it here, but tradition dictates the Prince weds in his own city, and we must bow before tradition. But that won’t be for a few weeks yet. These things take time, and we have a kingdom to govern in the meantime, though it seems you’ve done well enough in our absence.’

  ‘Perhaps, Your Majesty, but now that there is a King again in Rillanon, many matters held in abeyance this last year will be unloosed for your consideration. Those petitions and other documents forwarded to you during your travels were but a tenth part of what you will see.’

  Lyam gave a mock groan. ‘We think we shall have the captain put to sea again at once.’

  Caldric smiled. ‘Com
e, Majesty. Your city wishes to see its King.’

  The eastern garden was empty save for one figure. She moved quietly between well-tended planters of flowers not quite ready to send forth blooms. A few heartier varieties were already beginning to take on the bright green of spring and many of the bordering hedges were evergreen, but the garden still seemed more the barren symbol of winter than the fresh promise of spring, which would manifest itself within a few weeks.

  Anita looked across the vista of Rillanon below. The palace sat atop a hill, once the site of a large keep that still served as its heart. Seven high-arched bridges spanned the river that surrounded the palace with the loops of its meandering course. The afternoon wind was chill, and Anita drew a shawl of fine silken material close about her shoulders.

  Anita smiled in remembrance. Her green eyes misted over slightly as she thought of her late father, Prince Erland, and of all that had occurred in the last year and more: how Guy du Bas-Tyra had arrived in Krondor and attempted to force her into a marriage of state, and how Arutha had come to Krondor incognito. They had hidden together under the protection of the Mockers – the thieves of Krondor – for over a month until their escape to Crydee. At the end of the Riftwar she had travelled to Rillanon to see Lyam crowned. During all those months she had also fallen deeply in love with the King’s younger brother. And now Arutha was returning to Rillanon.

  The tread of boots upon flagstone caused her to turn. Anita expected to see a servant or guard, come to tell of the King’s arrival in the harbour. Instead a weary-looking man in fine but rumpled traveller’s clothing approached across the garden. His dark brown hair was tousled by the breeze and his brown eyes were ringed with dark circles. His near-gaunt face was set in the half-frown which he assumed when he was dwelling upon something serious, and which she found so dear. As he neared, she silently marvelled at the way he walked, lithe, almost catlike in his quickness and economy of movement. As he came up to her, he smiled, tentatively, even shyly. Before she could muster years of court-taught poise, Anita found tears coming to her eyes. Suddenly she was in his arms, clinging tightly to him. ‘Arutha’ was all she said.

  For a time they stood saying nothing, holding each other tight. Then he slowly tilted her head back and kissed her. Without words he spoke of his devotion and longing and without words she answered. He looked down at eyes as green as the sea and a nose delightfully dusted by a small scattering of freckles, a pleasing imperfection upon her otherwise fair skin. With a tired grin he said, ‘I’ve returned.’

  Then he was laughing at the obvious remark. She laughed as well. He felt buoyant to be holding this slender young woman in his arms, smelling the faint scent of her dark red hair, which was caught up in some complex fashion popular at court this season. He rejoiced to be with her again.

  She stepped away but held tightly to his hand. ‘It has been so very long,’ she said softly. ‘It was only to be for a month … then another, then more. You’ve been gone over half a year. I couldn’t bring myself to go to the dock. I knew I’d cry at sight of you.’ Her cheeks were wet from tears. She smiled and wiped them away.

  Arutha squeezed her hand. ‘Lyam kept finding more nobles to visit. The business of the Kingdom,’ he said with a wry note of deprecation. From the day he had met Anita, Arutha had been unable to articulate his feelings for the girl. Strongly attracted to her from the first, he had wrestled with his emotions constantly after their escape from Krondor. He was powerfully drawn to her and yet saw her as little more than a child, only about to come of age. But she had been a calming influence on him, reading his moods like no one else, sensing how to ease his worry, stem his anger, and draw him from his dark introspection. And he had come to love her soft ways.

  He had remained silent until the night before he had departed with Lyam. They had walked in this garden, speaking late into the night, and while little of consequence had been said, Arutha had left feeling as if an understanding had been reached. The light, and occasionally somewhat formal, tone of her letters had caused him worry, fear that he had misread her that night, but now, looking down at her, he knew he had not. Without preamble he said, ‘I have done little but think of you since we left.’

  He saw tears come again to her eyes, and she said, ‘And I of you.’

  ‘I love you, Anita. I would have you always at my side. Will you consent to marry me?’

  She squeezed his hand as she said, ‘Yes,’ then embraced him again. Arutha’s mind reeled under the sheer weight of happiness he felt. Holding her close, he whispered, ‘You are my joy. You are my heart.’

  They stood there for a time, the tall, rangy Prince and the slender Princess, whose head barely reached his chin. They spoke softly and nothing seemed of importance except the other’s presence. Then the self-conscious sound of someone clearing his throat brought them both out of their reverie. They turned to find a palace guardsman standing at the entrance to the garden. He said, ‘His Majesty approaches, Your Highnesses. He will be entering the great hall within a few minutes.’

  Arutha said, ‘We shall go there at once.’ He led Anita by the hand past the guard, who fell in behind them. Had Arutha and Anita looked over their shoulders, they would have seen the experienced palace guardsman fighting hard to overcome a broad grin.

  Arutha gave Anita’s hand a final squeeze, then stationed himself next to the door as Lyam entered the grand throne room of the palace. As the King moved towards the dais upon which his throne rested, courtiers bowed to him, and the Court Master of Ceremonies struck the floor with the iron-shod butt of his ceremonial staff. A herald shouted, ‘Hearken to me! Hearken to me! Let the word go forth: Lyam, first of that name and by the grace of the gods rightwise ruler, is returned to us and again sits upon his throne. Long live the King!’

  ‘Long live the King!’ came the response of those gathered in the great hall.

  When he was seated, his simple gold circlet of office upon his brow and his purple mantle upon his shoulders, Lyam said, ‘We are pleased to be home.’

  The Master of Ceremonies struck the floor again and the herald shouted out Arutha’s name. Arutha entered the hall, Carline and Anita behind him, and Martin behind them, as protocol dictated. Each was announced in order. When all were in place at Lyam’s side, the King motioned to Arutha.

  Arutha came to his side and leaned over. ‘Did you ask her?’ said the king.

  With a lopsided smile Arutha responded, ‘Ask her what?’

  Lyam grinned. ‘To marry, jackanapes. Of course you did, and from that sloppy smile, she said yes,’ he whispered. ‘Go get back in place and I’ll make the announcement in a moment.’ Arutha went back to Anita’s side and Lyam motioned Duke Caldric over. ‘We are weary, my lord Chancellor. We would be pleased to keep the day’s business brief.’

  ‘There are two matters I judge require Your Majesty’s attention this day. The balance may wait.’

  Lyam indicated that Caldric should proceed. ‘First, from the Border Barons and Duke Vandros of Yabon, we have reports of unusual goblin activity in the Western Realm.’

  Arutha’s attention was drawn from Anita at this. The Western Realm was his to govern. Lyam looked over towards him, then Martin, indicating they should attend.

  Martin said, ‘What of Crydee, my lord?’

  Caldric said, ‘No word from the Far Coast, Your Grace. At this time we’ve only reports from the area between Highcastle to the east and the Lake of the Sky to the west – steady sightings of goblin bands moving northward, and occasional raids as they pass villages.’

  ‘Northward?’ Martin glanced at Arutha.

  Arutha said, ‘With Your Majesty’s permission?’ Lyam nodded. ‘Martin, do you think the goblins move to join the Brotherhood of the Dark Path?’

  Martin considered. ‘I would not dismiss such a possibility. The goblins have long served the moredhel. Though I would have thought it more likely the Dark Brothers would be moving south, returning to their homes in the Grey Tower Mountains.’ The dark cousi
ns to the elves had been driven northward from the Grey Towers by the Tsurani invasion during the Riftwar. Martin said to Caldric, ‘My lord, have there been reportings of the Dark Brotherhood?’

  Caldric shook his head. ‘There have been the usual sightings along the foothills of the Teeth of the World, Duke Martin, but nothing extraordinary. Lords North-warden, Ironpass, and Highcastle send their usual reports, nothing more, regarding the Brotherhood.’

  Lyam said, ‘Arutha, we shall leave it to you and Martin to review these reports and determine what may be required in the West.’ He looked at Caldric. ‘What else, my lord?’

  ‘A message from the Empress of Great Kesh, Your Majesty.’

  ‘And what has Kesh to say to Isles?’

  ‘The Empress has ordered her ambassador, one Abdur Rachman Memo Hazara-Khan, to Isles for the purpose of discussing ending whatever contention may exist between Kesh and Isles.’

  Lyam said, ‘That news pleases us, my lord. Overlong has the issue of the Vale of Dreams prevented our Kingdom and Great Kesh from treating fairly with one another in other matters. It would prove doubly beneficial to our two nations if we could settle this matter for all time.’ Lyam stood. ‘But send word that His Excellency will have to attend us in Krondor, for we have a wedding to celebrate.

  ‘My lords and ladies of the court, it is with profound pleasure that we announce the forthcoming wedding of our brother Arutha to the Princess Anita.’ The King turned to Arutha and Anita, taking them each by the hand and presenting them to the assembled court, who applauded the announcement.

  From where she stood next to her brothers, Carline threw Laurie a dark frown, and went to kiss Anita’s cheek. While good cheer reigned in the hall, Lyam said, ‘This day’s business is at an end.’

  • Chapter Two •


  The city slumbered.


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