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Mine to Save

Page 3

by Jayda Marx

  “Roll him towards you and I’ll check for his wallet.” Even if it was purely innocent, I didn’t want Rowan’s hands near my mate’s ass. Rowan carefully pulled him onto one hip and I slid a thin black leather wallet from his pocket. My hands shook as I opened it, desperate to know anything about him I could. “His name is Rory Williams,” I read aloud. Speaking his name made my lips tingle.

  I took the opportunity to look at his ID photo. He was more handsome than anyone I’d ever seen, smiling widely at the camera with pearly white teeth and sparkling eyes. I read the rest of the information on the card to myself, learning my mate was twenty two, five foot seven, 138 pounds and that he lived in an apartment downtown. I slipped his wallet back into his pocket and Rowan rolled him back onto his spine. I immediately returned to rubbing his torso to warm him.

  “Rory,” Rowan repeated with a smile on his face. “I like it. I’ve never known anyone with that name.”

  “Me neither.” My mate was one of a kind.

  Just then, a whistle from overhead caught our attention. Stone was looking over the edge of the cliff. “Heads up; I’m lowering the rope! Make sure he’s tied up securely. Tell me when you’re ready and I’ll pull him up.”

  A long, thick white rope cascaded over the rocks and fell with a thud beside me. Rowan and I worked together to quickly secure Rory with the cord. We tied strong bowline knots around his ankles, midsection and shoulders, creating a sling to cradle his body.

  “I’ll go halfway up the hill to watch for any issues while Stone pulls him up,” Rowan offered. Stone was plenty strong enough to hoist my small mate up the cliffside by himself.

  “Good idea. I’ll stay down here to catch him in case he falls.” Our knots were sturdy, but I wasn’t taking any chances. Rowan shifted and ran about halfway up the incline, steadying himself in the dirt. “Okay, Stone!”

  I watched with bated breath as Rory rose a few inches from the ground as Stone pulled the rope. My mate rose swiftly and steadily, only rocking side to side a little as he ascended. As soon as his body disappeared over the top of the cliff, I shifted and darted up the hillside after Rowan.

  I made it to Rory’s side just as Stone untied the last knot. I shifted back into human form and scooped his limp body into my arms and held him close. Since he was unable to hold onto me, I positioned him in my hold bridal style. He was heaven in my arms. My two friends took off in wolf form toward our cabins. I knew they’d prepare my home for my arrival with my mate.

  I dashed back down the trail as fast as I could without jostling Rory. Rocks and twigs along the path cut my feet as I ran, but each nick healed quickly. I didn’t stop to collect the clothes I shed earlier. I’d get them tomorrow, or never. I really didn’t care. The most important thing was getting my mate to my cabin and getting him warm and comfortable.

  My breath caught when my mate’s eyes opened. He moaned and scrunched up his brow in pain. “It’s okay, Rory. I’ve got you,” I soothed, quickening my pace. “We’re almost home.”

  He only mumbled “Pretty eyes,” before closing his again, but it was enough to make my heart race. He’d noticed me, even if only briefly, and liked what he saw. Though his instincts wouldn’t be as strong as mine as a shifter, he would still feel a draw to me. His attraction would grow until his blood burned and an animalistic heat took over his body until our bond was complete. It was Fate’s way of ensuring a quick and solid match. I knew it would cause poor Rory confusion because of his relationship with another man, but I could never let him go. He was my one and only love for my eternal life. Once bonded as my mate, Rory would receive immortality as well, as I could never live without him.

  I ran faster when my cabin came into view. I leapt onto the porch, where my friends waited, dressed in low-slung sweatpants. They’d covered themselves in case my mate woke on our journey, but unfortunately, he was unconscious again. I entered my home and my heart swelled at the sight of a roaring fire in my fireplace. When I entered my bedroom, I noticed that my bed was piled high with every blanket from not only my own house, but also every one from my friends’.

  “Thank you,” I told them both seriously as I cradled Rory closer to my chest. Stone just nodded his head, and Rowan gave me a wide smile.

  “Of course. We’ll leave you now to tend to your mate.” Since he’d recommended skin-to-skin contact, they were leaving so they wouldn’t see Rory undressed. I wouldn’t be able to handle other men being around my mate when his body wasn’t covered. Shifters were extremely territorial, and I’d never want to hurt my friends. “Call for us if you need anything,” he added once they reached the door. Stone waved over his head and closed the door behind them as they left my cabin.

  I pulled down the mountain of blankets and gently laid Rory onto my mattress. I removed each of his shoes and socks, revealing his cute little feet. Not that they were tiny, but they were small compared to my size thirteens. I took a deep breath and unbuttoned his jeans. I averted my eyes from the soft lump in his briefs as I pulled the denim down his legs. I didn’t want to take advantage of my mate’s injury.

  I took his glasses from his face, noticing the frames were bent from his fall. I manipulated them in my hands until they were straight again and folded them on my nightstand. The last thing I removed was Rory’s shirt. I was extra gentle so that I didn’t disturb his rib injuries. Once he was only in a pair of gray briefs, I went to my dresser and pulled on a pair of boxers. It would be startling enough for my mate when he woke up in a strange bed next to me; I wouldn’t allow myself to be completely naked with him.

  I laid down beside him in bed and covered us up with the quilts, making sure they were tucked closely around Rory. I covered every inch of his body all the way up to his chin before nestling in close to him. I folded my arm across his stomach and tangled my legs around his, touching as much of my skin to his as possible and ignoring how wonderful he felt against me. This wasn’t the time to relish his soft skin and breathe in his intoxicating scent; it was the time to provide him comfort and care.

  It was like a furnace beneath all of the blankets plus the heat from the fire. I immediately began to sweat, but I didn’t care. I’d do anything to help my mate. I held him close to me, whispering words of love and comfort into his ear, praying he woke up soon.

  Chapter Four


  I slowly awoke and cringed at the pain in my head and shooting down my side. Why am I hurting like this? I searched my scrambled brain for clues and remembered my fall. Okay, well, I guess I didn’t die; that’s good. And I wasn’t eaten; even better. I tried to hoist myself up into a sitting position, but cried out at the pain in my ribs.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” a voice crooned beside me. “Just relax, I’ve got you.” The voice soothed something deep inside me. I settled back down onto what I realized was a pillow beneath my head, nestling into the soft mattress below me. “There you go, Rory. I’m right here.” An arm tightened its hold around me and I snuggled against the warm body that lay beside me, ready to go back to sleep.

  My eyes popped open. An arm is around me. A body is next to me. I don’t know that voice. I’m in a bed that’s not mine. Fear pulled me from my relaxed state and I jumped from the bed onto the floor. Pain burst through my head and I yelled out, falling to my knees; my bare knees. Where are my clothes?

  My stomach twisted and churned as I swayed on the spot. I looked around and found a small trash can in the corner of the room. I was luckily able to reach it just in time to vomit into it. As I heaved, the pain in my side intensified and tears poured down my face.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” the man soothed as he too emerged from the bed. He stepped behind me and squatted down to place his large hand on my back as I threw up. I still hadn’t seen him. His voice and actions spoke comfort, but I was still scared out of my mind to wake up like this with a stranger.

  “Please don’t touch me,” I begged when I had nothing left to vomit up. I curled my arms around the trash can and folded m
y body in, fighting against my pain as I tried to make myself smaller.

  “I’m sorry, Rory; am I hurting you?”

  “I don’t know you!” I yelled too loudly, causing a burst of discomfort in my head. “I don’t know what’s going on! I woke up in a random man’s bed in my underwear. What did you do to me?” The man made a noise that sounded like a wounded puppy. My heart clenched and my dumb self nearly apologized until I remembered my predicament.

  The man stood up behind me and I heard him take a few heavy steps away. The mattress squeaked as he sat down on it. I was thankful for the distance but missed his presence at the same time.

  “I didn’t do anything to you, I swear it,” he replied softly, still sounding hurt. “I found you at the bottom of the cliff after seeing the broken guardrail. My friends and I rescued you and I brought you home with me. I live within the state forest, so my cabin was close. You have a concussion and bruised ribs, and you were also going into hypothermia from being in the cold weather so long. My friend has medical training and suggested skin-to-skin contact to bring your body temperature up. I undressed you to your underwear so that my skin could touch yours, but I promise I did not touch any of your private areas. I was only trying to help. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

  Shit. The man saved me from certain death and the first thing I do is accuse him of something terrible. “No, I’m sorry,” I replied in a whisper, drying my eyes. “I shouldn’t have said that; I was just frightened.”

  “I understand. You had a bad fall and woke up in a strange place with a strange man. Please don’t apologize, Rory.”

  “How do you know my name?” As I asked, I pushed the trash can away from me. The smell of my vomit was making me sick again.

  “I checked your ID.”

  Makes sense. “And what’s your name?”

  “My name is Phoenix and you’re in my cabin. We’re near the Pine Ridge Trail of the state forest. It’s about four miles from where you fell.”

  “Thank you.” I appreciated the information; it was helping me get my bearings and piece together what happened.

  I gripped the edge of the nightstand to support myself as I stood, and my fingers brushed against the frames of my glasses. I put them on, stood on shaky legs, and turned to face Phoenix. When my gaze landed on him for the first time, my jaw dropped. He was stunning. Even though he was sitting down, I could tell he was tall. His body was smooth, toned and muscular. On his chest was a sexy tribal tattoo of a wolf howling. His sharp jaw was covered in brown scruff that matched his short, messy hair, and he had the most mesmerizing emerald eyes I’d ever seen. Wait, I’ve seen them before. “Pretty eyes,” I whispered, and Phoenix grinned from ear to ear. “I remember them.”

  “You woke up briefly when I was carrying you here.”

  “You carried me for four miles?” I asked, dumbfounded. I doubted I could even walk four miles without needing an oxygen tank.

  “Of course,” he shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “You needed help.”

  “Wow.” I shook my head, but hissed at the pain it caused.

  “Please sit down,” he requested, jumping from the bed. He propped a few pillows on top of each other against the headboard and folded down the many blankets on his bed. “You need to rest.” I sat on the mattress and leaned against the pillows, and Phoenix was quick to tuck the blankets around my body. “Are you warm enough?”

  “Yes, thank you.” I looked into his sparkling eyes and gave the best smile I could muster with the pain I felt. “And thank you for saving me. I would’ve been a goner without you.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” He reached his hand out to stroke my cheek, but stopped within an inch of touching me.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered, and he smiled before trailing the backs of his fingers along my smooth skin. His touch was soothing. I’d known this man for mere minutes but something about having him close to me made me feel complete. Maybe I was still suffering from a brain injury, but I was comfortable around him. Hell, if he wanted to hurt me, he’d have done it when I was unconscious. Plus, having an insanely hot man tending to me wasn’t the worst fate in the world.

  “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  “Do you have any Tylenol? I could really use something for this pain.”

  Phoenix’s face scrunched up. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have any medicine here.” It seemed odd to not even have Tylenol, but also, he looked like a really healthy guy. A really fit guy. A really hot guy. I blinked away the thoughts; Phoenix was being so kind to take care of me. The last thing he needed was a scrawny nerd ogling him and making him uncomfortable. “But I’ll call my friend Rowan; he’ll have something to help.”

  “Is he the doctor?” He mentioned one of his friends had medical training.

  Phoenix bounced his head left to right. “Of sorts.” Well that’s reassuring. I wondered what kind of back alley pills I was about to ingest. Hell, I didn’t care. I’d swallow them and be thankful without asking questions. Anything to help this pain. Phoenix crossed the room and picked up a phone from its receiver. He dialed a number and soon spoke to a person on the other line.

  “He’s awake. Would you mind coming over to check him out again? He threw up a while ago.” Phoenix was silent as his friend spoke. “Also, he’s in a lot of pain. Do you have anything to help him?” More silence. “Great. Thank you, Rowan. I’ll see you soon.”

  Phoenix hung up and walked back over to the bed. He pointed to the mattress and raised his brows in question. I scooted my legs over so he could sit down next to me. He patted my knee and I nearly sighed at the contact. “Rowan will be here shortly. He said nausea and vomiting are side effects of the concussion, but he’ll bring you something for that and the pain. He lives next door, so it will be only a few minutes.”

  “That’s amazing, thank you.” I let out a long breath of relief, knowing help was on the way.

  “Maybe we should get your clothes back on,” Phoenix suggested, already bending down to pick up my pants from the floor.

  “Doesn’t he want to check my ribs? It’ll be easier if I stay like this. I don’t mind; all the important bits are covered.”

  Phoenix’s jaw clenched as he swallowed. “Yes, I suppose it will be easier.” It sounded like he had to choke out the words. I was sure I was imagining things, but it was almost like he was jealous over me; like he didn’t want his friend to see me. That was crazy, though. I was nothing special, and certainly nothing to be jealous over.

  Talking about Phoenix’s friend brought a thought to the forefront of my mind and worry bolted through me. “Oh god, what time is it?”

  Phoenix looked at the nightstand and back at me. “A little after ten.”

  “At night?”

  “No, the morning. You slept for at least twelve hours. I didn’t want to wake you; you needed the rest.”

  “Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit.”

  Phoenix’s pretty eyes grew wide. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

  “Dax is going to kill me. He’s probably worried sick. I promised I’d call him when I got home yesterday evening but then, you know, tried to die. Is my phone here? Did it survive?” I sat up and was again hit with a shot of blinding pain. I moaned and grabbed my forehead.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” Phoenix soothed, his voice sounding distant and sad. “Yes, your phone is fine; it was in your front pocket and didn’t hit the ground. But you won’t get reception here. You can use my landline to call Dax. You relax and I’ll grab it for you.” He stood and crossed the room with slumped shoulders. He retrieved the phone and handed it to me with a sad smile. “Is Dax your boyfriend or your…” he swallowed hard before asking, “Husband?” I narrowed my eyes in confusion. “You were in and out of it last night; you said you wished you could tell Dax you loved him.”

  Either I was nuts or Phoenix sounded upset that I was with someone. Either way, I wanted to console him. I didn’t understand it, but the sight of him upset hurt almost as badly as my
scrambled brain. “No, nothing like that. Dax has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I love him like a brother; he’s my family.”

  “Oh.” A huge smile took over his pouty lips. “I’m really glad to hear that.”

  He is? Okay, maybe I’m not so nuts after all. He’s gotta be, though. There’s no logical reason he should be this happy. Oh god; maybe he is nuts. Maybe he’s some crazed mountain man who hasn’t had contact with another person in years. I mentally shrugged. Eh, nobody’s perfect. Besides, apart from Dax, this is the most attention a man has given me in...ever!

  “So, I take it that means you’re single, then?” he asked hopefully.

  “I am.” Somehow his grin widened. I looked down at the phone in my hands and asked quietly, “Are you?”

  “Yes,” he replied quickly. I looked back up at him and gave him a shy smile. He said nothing as his eyes flitted excitedly over my face. Then he forcefully shook his head. “Sorry. I um, I’ll leave you to your phone call.” He started to stand, but I touched my hand to his arm. His whole body flinched and his head whipped to face me.

  “You can stay...if you want.” I really didn’t want him to leave the room. I told myself it was because I was worried I’d get sick again or pass out or something, and needed someone to look out for me, but honestly, I just didn’t want Phoenix to go. The thought of him leaving my side caused physical pain in my chest. I’d never experienced anything like this before; I’d had crushes, but this was something different.

  “Are you sure?” At my slight nod, Phoenix sat back down on the bed and held out his hand. After actually almost passing out because I was just that smooth when it came to men, I slowly placed mine on top, linking our fingers together and marvelling at how much larger his warm, strong palm was than mine. He ran his thumb over the back of my knuckles and gave me a beautiful smile.

  Before I did something stupid like kick off my underwear and offer my ass to him, I turned my attention back to the phone in my hand and dialed Dax’s number.


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