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Mine to Save

Page 6

by Jayda Marx

  “I’ll be going too,” Stone announced as he stood. “Don’t worry about anything; just take care of your mate and I’ll keep an eye open for any other trouble.”

  “Thanks, Stone.” He rose from the recliner and shook my hand in a tight grip.

  “You got it. And in case I haven’t said it, I really am happy for you, Alpha.” I gave him a smile and nod in thanks, and he too left my home.


  It’d been five hours since Rory fell back asleep. Rowan delivered the items he bought in town, and I had a meal prepared for my mate in the fridge. I sat in my recliner, waiting and listening for the first sign of Rory waking.

  I jumped from my chair when I heard Rory’s breathing change and his weight shifting against the mattress. I grabbed a tray of food from the refrigerator and tucked another full thermos of Rowan’s tea under my arm.

  I stepped into my bedroom and smiled at the sight of Rory rubbing his eyes with one hand and feeling the nightstand for his glasses with the other.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” I said quietly so I wouldn’t startle him. “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore, but a little better,” he replied as he settled his glasses on his face and sat up against the headboard.

  “I’m happy to hear it.” If Rory and I were mated, he would have inherited my increased healing speed and would be feeling great by now. But, I didn’t think he was quite ready for me to spill my seed inside him and bite my claiming mark into his neck. Humans could be tricky about such things. “Is it okay if I turn the light on?”

  “Sure.” Rory shielded his eyes as I illuminated the room. He blinked hard as his eyes acclimated to the light. “What’s all that?” he asked as he looked at the tray in my hands.

  “I brought you something to eat. Are you hungry?”

  “Starving,” he smiled.

  A pang of guilt shot through my gut. “Rory, I’m sorry. I should have woken you to bring you food. My god, you probably haven’t eaten in twenty four hours. I was trying to let you get the rest you needed, but-”

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he interrupted, raising a hand to stop my babbling. “I did need rest. Food was the last thing on my mind, especially when I was feeling sick. I don’t think I could have eaten before now anyway.”

  My mate was infallibly sweet; he had to feel like shit, but he was trying to comfort me. “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling up to eating now.” I sat beside him on the bed and held out the tray, which held strawberries, orange and apple slices, broccoli stalks, carrot sticks and ranch dip. “Is this okay? I’d be happy to make you something else.”

  “It looks amazing.” His stomach agreed as it let out a long growl. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I placed the dish on his knees and gave him a wide smile as he took the mug from my hand. “I was thinking maybe you’d want to take a bath after you eat. I had Rowan pick up some of the salt he suggested and some bath oil. Also, I bought you some clothes in your size which you may be more comfortable in.”

  Rory blinked hard. “You did all of that for me?”

  “Of course. I promised to take care of you.” He stared at me for a moment before wincing and rubbing his chest. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head and looked away. “Nothing.” He rubbed his chest again. Something was bothering him and I wanted to do anything I could to make it better.

  “Sweetheart, you can tell me. What is it?”

  A pretty blush took over his cheeks. “It’s just that everything you’re doing for me is so wonderful. I...I wanted to kiss you, but I was worried you wouldn’t want me to. When I didn’t, my chest started hurting.”

  Sweet Rory was feeling the effects of the mate pull. Our bodies were calling out to one another. If he didn’t answer the call, it would cause him physical pain or illness.

  “You never have to worry that I don’t want to kiss you.”

  Rory’s eyes widened as they landed on me. “Really?”

  I gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from his forehead. “Really.” His gaze flicked between my eyes and his breath quickened. His tongue trailed along his bottom lip, making his pink skin glisten. Rory slowly leaned in toward me and I copied his actions as his pretty brown eyes slid closed.

  My pulse raced as our lips touched. His flesh was soft and moist against mine. I gently sucked his plump bottom lip between my own and Rory whimpered the most beautiful sound. I pecked his lips tenderly and lovingly until he pulled back, his eyes still closed and his mouth slightly open.

  “Wow,” he whispered. His eyes slowly opened and he swallowed thickly. “Was...was that okay?”

  “It was perfect.” I cupped his cheek in my hand and caressed his smooth cheek with my thumb. “Was it okay for you?”

  “It was incredible,” he replied quickly. “I was just checking to see if I did it right.” A blush returned to his cheeks. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”

  My heart nearly burst from my chest. Being the first and only man he ever kissed was a gift I’d treasure for eternity. “Really?”

  Rory gave a slight nod. “Like I told you, I grew up in a very conservative town, and being gay was looked down upon. Ever since I moved to the city, I’ve been busy with work and spending all of my free time I can with Dax, so I never met anyone I liked.” He swallowed thickly. “I...I really like you, Phoenix. I know we haven’t known each other long, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, but-”

  “Rory,” I interrupted, caressing his heated cheek again, “I really like you too.” I felt so much more for him than that; I loved him now and always, but my poor mate seemed overwhelmed and I didn’t want to put too much on him. “You’re sweet and beautiful and funny; I hate how we met, but I’ll be forever grateful that we did. I want to be with you, if that’s what you want too.”

  Rory’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “Be with me? a boyfriend? a lover?” He whispered the last question like it was a dirty secret. Blood pooled in my groin and my dick thickened at the suggestion.

  “Both,” I whispered back, and Rory gasped. “But like I said, only if it’s what you want too.” I’d never force my mate into anything, but his rejection would send me spiraling into a life of pain and depression. Again, probably too much to tell him right now.

  “It is,” he answered, and my heart fluttered. “I don’t know if I’ll be very good at it, but the thought of not being with you gives me that pain in my chest again. That’s got to be a sign, right?”

  “Definitely a sign,” I smiled. “And don’t worry about if you will be good at it or not; your body knows what to do. When we’re making love, just let go and allow your instincts to take over. Besides that, it we be impossible for me not to enjoy being with you. I care for you so deeply and find your body so delectable, our lovemaking will be a wondrous, earth-moving experience, I’m sure.”

  A quiet whimper left Rory’s lips and he shifted his legs against the mattress. “Oh, I, um…” his cheeks burned red and he cleared his throat. “I meant I didn’t know if I’d be very good at being a boyfriend. I’ll try to be the very best boyfriend I can to you, but I don’t have any experience. I may make mistakes, but I promise to learn from them and do everything I can to make you happy.” His gaze trailed away from me as he added, “That’s good to know about the...other stuff too. I won’t lie; I’m still a little nervous for when the time comes, but what you said does make me feel better.”

  Oops. I’d been so focused on wanting to get my hands on Rory’s perfect body, I’d misunderstood his concerns. “I know you’ll be the best boyfriend,” I told him with a smile, and got a shy grin in return. “And when the time comes for more, you don’t have to be nervous. I promise I’ll take good care of you.” His cheeks stained pink once more as he nodded. “But for now, I just want you to focus on eating.”

  “Oh, right; I almost forgot.” Rory turned his attention to the food I brought for him. He drained the tea from his mug and placed it on the nights
tand before attacking the fruits and vegetables. He made short work of the broccoli and carrots. I was pleased he had such a good appetite; his body was on the mend.

  My pleasure turned to pain when Rory ate the fruit on his tray. He made sweet little hums and moans that had my dick as hard as a rock in my jeans. I couldn’t turn my eyes from the way the tip of his tongue peeked out between his lips to collect the juice that dripped down his chin as he bit into the luscious berries. He wasn’t trying to tease me; he was just enjoying his lunch, but I was about five seconds from passing out or jizzing my pants and honestly, I was okay with either one since both options would give me relief.

  “I’m sorry, I’m being rude,” Rory offered after sucking his finger clean of orange juice and nearly killing me. “Would you like some?” He picked up a plump strawberry by the leaves and offered me the red berry. I wasn’t hungry, but I sure as hell wasn’t turning down this opportunity.

  I wrapped my lips around the fruit and bit down into the juicy flesh. A trail of sweet juice trickled down my chin and Rory was quick to wipe it away with his thumb. I released the strawberry from my mouth and took my mate’s thumb between my lips, gently sucking it clean. Rory’s gaze darkened and his mouth parted as he stared at my mouth.

  I swallowed the berry and sucked on his thumb harder until his entire digit was in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around his flesh, tasting the sweetness that clung to it. Rory whimpered as I bobbed my head back and forth, sucking his thumb the way I longed to suck his cock. I slowly pulled back until his wet thumb popped free from my lips. We were both panting and gazing into one another’s eyes.

  “I really want to kiss you again,” Rory admitted before trailing his tongue along his bottom lip. It was too much. I crashed my mouth to his. This was not the gentle, tender kiss from before. This was giving into my - our desires to taste. I pressed my tongue to the seam of his plump, delicious lips and Rory opened readily for me.

  My tongue slid against his and I sighed at my first taste of my mate’s sweet flavor. I licked every inch of his mouth, sampling each surface of his cheeks. I ran my tongue over every ridge on the roof of Rory’s mouth, making him shudder against me.

  My sweet Rory was timid when it came to his turn to taste. He slowly pressed his tongue into my mouth and licked against my own slick appendage, feeling each bump of my taste buds. He gently studied the surface of the roof of my mouth and drew circular designs on the flesh of my cheeks. I sucked each of his sweet breaths into my own lungs as he steadily and methodically took his fill of my flavor.

  When his tongue retreated from my mouth, my restraint snapped. I cupped both of his smooth cheeks in my big hands and shoved my own tongue between his lips. I desperately licked against him as Rory moaned wantonly, throwing fuel on my fire. I gingerly guided his head back toward his pillow.

  He ripped his lips from mine and I was worried I’d gone too far. “Oops, I’m so sorry,” Rory said, looking down at the blankets. I followed his gaze to find the tray tipped over and a few orange peels spread over the covers.

  “My fault, sweetheart.” I was the one who shifted his position and knocked the tray over. Besides that, I didn’t give two shits about the blankets right now. I piled the fruit on the plate and reached across Rory’s beautiful body to place it on the nightstand. Then I gripped the blankets in my fist and shoved them off of the bed. I couldn’t stand them being between us any longer.

  “Shit, that’s hot,” Rory breathed. His eyes widened and his cheeks pinked, making me believe he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. I gave him a wicked smile and eased him the rest of the way back until his head was cradled against his pillow and his body was flat against the mattress. I lay on my side, nuzzled against him.

  “You know what I think is hot?” Rory gave a little shake of his head. I placed my palm on his stomach and stroked him in smooth, gentle circles. “The sight of your beautiful little body in my clothes.” I leaned over him and pecked his lips. “Having you here in my bed with me.” I trailed my lips to his ear and nibbled lightly on its lobe. “Everything about you.”

  “Phoenix, please.” I pulled back to stare into his eyes, which were wide and desperate. His breathing was ragged and his bottom lip was trapped between his teeth.

  “What do you need, Rory?” I wanted to give him everything he desired. “Anything, sweetheart; just tell me.”

  “I don’t know,” he whispered, and his cheeks flushed. “I just know I need you. My pulse is racing and my body feels like it’s burning from the inside. I need your touch.”

  My dick throbbed in my jeans. “Oh, Rory, I feel the same way.” I leaned in and took his lips with mine, kissing him fiercely and deeply. “Can I touch you?” I asked when I released him. I wanted to double check and get his permission; this was all new to him and I’d never want to push too far.

  “Please.” At Rory’s plea, I trailed my fingers to the hem of my sweatshirt he was wearing and slipped them under the fabric. I caressed the smooth skin of his stomach and eased the shirt up his chest until it was tucked under his chin.

  “Look at you,” I whispered, rubbing my hand over his trunk, careful not to touch where his ribs were injured. “Your body is beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “You don’t think I’m too skinny?”

  “I think you’re absolutely perfect.” Rory’s lips curled up into a pretty smile and I couldn’t help but to kiss them. “Is it okay if I take this off?” I asked, tugging on the hem of the sweatshirt. Rory nodded and I eased his arms out of the sleeves before lifting the shirt free of his head. I tossed the fabric to the floor and went back to gently caressing his stomach and chest.

  “Can I take yours off too?” Rory asked quietly. My blood burned and I couldn’t nod fast enough. My mate reached out to remove my shirt and flinched when he stretched his right arm.

  “Here, I’ll get it,” I offered. I didn’t want him hurting himself worse. I gripped the bottom of my Henley top in my hand and pulled it from my body in one smooth movement.

  Rory swallowed thickly as his eyes roved over my chest. “I love your body, Phoenix.” He touched his fingers to my abdomen and felt along the dips and ridges of my muscles. “You’re so strong and sexy.” His hand thoroughly explored my stomach and chest before sliding up my neck and cupping my cheek. “I love your beard. And you have the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m with someone so handsome.”

  I puffed up with pride and pecked his lips. “I feel the same way.” Rory’s jaw dropped and I took the opportunity to attack his lips again. I sank my tongue into his mouth and swallowed up his sweet whimpers.

  I kissed a line across his jaw and down his neck. Rory moaned as I sucked a pretty purple bruise onto his throat. “That feels so good,” he panted as he clutched my side. I placed my hand on his chest and caressed down the smooth skin of his stomach until my fingers bumped against the waistband of his pants.

  “Rory, can I take-”

  “Yes,” he interrupted before I could finish my question. I slipped my hand under the fabric easily, as it gaped from his slim body. I pushed the pants down, the wispy hairs on his legs tickling my fingers as I went. I’d seen him in only his briefs before, but hadn’t let myself fully enjoy the breathtaking sight. Now I soaked up every detail as my gaze studied his body.

  My breath caught when my eyes landed on the thick lump in his underwear. I could make out the slim length of his dick as it pressed against the fabric, along with the circular wet spot over his cut tip. Rory squirmed under my gaze and I didn’t want him to feel as if he was being examined or on display. I popped the button of my jeans and lowered their zipper. When I raised my eyes to Rory’s, I found they were wide and hungry. I shimmied the denim down my legs and my mate gasped at the sight of my hard cock tenting the fabric of my boxers.

  Rory’s fists pumped open and closed and his tongue wet his lips as he stared at my bulge. “You can touch, sweetheart,” I whispered before placing a gentle kiss
to his cheek. “It’s yours.”

  He didn’t look up as his hand slowly inched toward me. His fingers spread and gently brushed along my length. I hummed when I felt the subtle tingle that came from contact with my mate even through my boxers. Rory pet my dick in unsure movements like he was greeting an unfamiliar dog. I smiled at the thought; in a way, he actually was.

  “Don’t be shy,” I told him, once again peppering his face with kisses. “Everything you do feels so good.” Rory gulped and wrapped his fingers around my base. He stroked along my length and I hissed at the feel of the soft cotton rubbing against my heated flesh. “Just like that, sweetheart.” He gripped harder and moved his wrist faster, seemingly more confident in his actions. His touch felt amazing, but I wasn’t satisfied. I needed to feel him. “Can I touch you too?”

  Rory’s hand stopped and his eyes snapped to mine. “Okay.”

  “Sweetheart, if we’re moving too fast, let’s stop.”

  “I don’t want to stop,” he countered, once again rubbing his chest. “It’s just...Well, I haven’t seen you, but I’ve felt you.” He gave my dick a gentle squeeze and I couldn’t help but moan. “And I’ve felt myself…” Rory blushed and I grinned at my naughty mate. “And we’re definitely not the same. I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  “Oh, sweet Rory, I could never be disappointed when it comes to you. If that’s your only concern, push it away. You’re absolutely perfect in my eyes.” I sealed my promise with a tender kiss to his lips.

  He blew out a long breath. “Okay.” Rory nodded determinedly. “Please touch me, baby.” He flinched and his brows folded in with worry. “Is that okay?”

  “So much better than okay.” I attacked his mouth again, overwhelmed by the sound of the endearment on my mate’s lips. This time, Rory gave as good as he got, boldly licking against my tongue and moaning as our flavors mixed. I slid my hand along his stomach until I cupped his hard dick in my palm. I stroked him through the thin material of his briefs and felt warmth on my fingers as pre-cum leaked from him.


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