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The Willing Prey

Page 3

by Scarlett Sunday

  “Of course, I’ll be there at two. Whom will I ask for?”

  “When you arrive at the office sit in the reception area, and I’ll come out to you. My name’s Jean McGregor.”

  “Mine’s Tanis.” She did not give a last name. It might conflict with her yet unknown identity. Satisfied with her first contact. She entered a large store down the road from the hotel. There she asked the attractive young shop assistant who worked in the women’s section. To show her some outfits. “I want they should be warm, fashionable, show my figure. Most important, easy to slip off.”

  The young assistant studied her for a moment. “I understand Madam. Could you come this way, please?” She took Tanis to a rack full of multi-coloured twin set suits made in the Spanish style. Some with trousers, others with flared riding skirts which came to the knee. “Your height build, and complexion would suit these colours and style Madam.” She picked out two, a maroon skirt with embroidered patterns in black silk thread and a similar one in black. Each outfit complete with a belted midi skirt and tight Spanish style trousers. “These are the latest winter fashions, Madam. We have warm Moroccan leather high-heeled boots to go with them.” The assistant escorted her into one of the changing rooms at the rear. “Change into one of these skirts Madam but leave the jacket off. You can keep your bra on. I’ll be back in a moment with the matching accessories.”

  “I haven’t a bra on, my dear.”

  The assistant blushed. “Don’t worry, stay in the cubicle and I’ll come to you.” She blushed, laughed at her choice of words and her customer’s answer.

  “I can’t wait.”

  When she returned, Tanis was waiting for her wearing the black midi skirt and nothing else. The assistant’s eyes played over her bare breasts for a moment. “What…what bust size do you take Madam?”

  Tanis took a guess, “Thirty-four.”

  “I’ve guessed right then. Put…pardon me, Madam. Put the maroon ‘V’ necked sweater on. While I get you a long warm topcoat, high-heeled calf boots, and high heeled shoes. To match your outfits.” She glanced at Tanis’s feet. “You look a size seven?”

  “I’ll trust you with my sizes then.”

  The assistant blushed again. “In this job, you become a good judge of sizes Madam. You are going to need the topcoat and warm boots when you go out from here. Those sandals just won’t do.”

  She left. When she returned. Tanis had on the tight; but comfortable. Maroon cashmere sweater tucked into the broad belt of her black skirt. She was turning in front of the mirror studying her image. Her firm breasts and large nipples. The nipples hard now in response to the light caress of the soft wool fabric. Brought another blush to the assistant’s face.

  Tanis noticed. “What do you think?”

  “It’s clear you…you have the Wow! Factor in that sweater Madam. If I may say so.”

  Tanis smiled. She turned towards her young helper and teased. “Thank you, you may say so. Well, what do you think?”

  “You are beautiful Madam.” Still a little embarrassed, she stuttered. “Attractive too. I... I think with your looks and figure the men’s glances will tell you all you need to know.”

  “Thank you, for the compliment. Even so, I want to know what you think of me as a well-dressed woman.”

  “I think you are beautiful and good-looking Madam. Put…put the jacket on and let me have another look at you.” The assistant looked Tanis up and down. Her eyes lingering on her breasts for a moment before she left the cubicle. She returned, this time with a black chiffon bandana. She asked Tanis to slip her calf boots on and came up close to her front. She began to remove the price tag from the back of her jacket collar. As she did so, she gazed up into Tanis’s eyes. While she fixed the bandana around her throat in a tight choker style, its knot to the side. Shy, her eyes dropped onto Tanis’s breasts. Her breathing quickened. “You…you have a beautiful long throat and neck Madam, which needs to grab attention. Your ‘V’ necked sweater does that. The chiffon bandanna choker around your throat will heighten the ‘V’s effect.”

  Tanis answered. “Thank you, for your kind compliment.”

  “There, much better. Now, with the right makeup and hairstyle.” The assistant was within Tanis’s space now. She could sense her powerful pheromones, although not conscious of it. Aroused by her strange customer’s charisma, she blushed a deep red. Her body telegraphing her response. “Oh, I’m sorry Madam, please forgive me.”

  “For what.” Their eyes met, and the assistant blushed again before her eyes fell again onto Tanis’s breasts. Her breathing quickened. “There’s nothing to forgive my dear.” Tanis continued with a smile. Her own arousal plain to see through her tight sweater. I must buy some more of these. “With the right hairstyle and makeup, what then?”

  The assistant finished. “People would find it hard to resist you, Madam.”

  The Devil in her eyes, Tanis continued. “Would people, or you find it hard to resist me, my dear?”

  The assistant stared up into her eyes. Her pupils expanded in arousal. “I…I would find it hard to resist you, Madam.”


  “Because with no bra, your tight ‘V’ top sweater. Your lovely long throat with its throbbing veins. You look fantastic to me.” Her hand to her mouth she continued, “Please forgive me, Madam.”

  Tanis’s pheromones had done their work. “Thank you, for being so honest. Will you pack these other things for me? I will wear this outfit now. Tell me where I can have my hair styled, and my face made up?”

  The assistant felt relieved. “You can do it right here in store Madam.” Her composure restored, she took Tanis to the hairdresser’s section and called out. “Andre, could you please do this lady now, then send her to make-up for me?”

  “For you Shannon honey, anything.” Andre looked at Tanis. “Would you please come this way, Madam?” He lisped.

  Her hair and make-up complete, before she left the shop, Tanis took the assistant by the hand. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Shannon. Would you please accept this money for your trouble and my impertinence?” She slipped two fifty-pound notes into the assistant’s hand. “Thank you again, for your kind attention to my dress and your kind compliments.” She squeezed her hand.

  “Thank you, Madam.” Her nose twitched, and she continued. “Even so, I meant what I said. You have a sensual charisma about you, which attracts both men and women, it’s a rare gift for a person to have.”

  “I know Shannon, sometimes I use it with cruel intent. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be Madam. With your gift, I would be using it with cruel intent too.”


  “As an escort girl to the rich and famous. People would pay a high price for the use of your beautiful body.” Shannon looked at Tanis without shyness now. Not realising her strange customer’s powerful pheromones had unlocked her true feelings. “For me, that would be women, as that’s who I am. But, for me, it is only a dream. I’ve neither your beauty nor your charisma.”

  Tanis replied, “Don’t sell yourself short Shannon. You are attractive to me. Plus, you have youth on your side.”

  “Thank you, Madam. I know I should not be saying this. Still, if you have something people want, it would be a waste not to give it to them.” Her gaze fixed on Tanis’s eyes, she moved closer and whispered. “If I were rich, I’d make use of what your beautiful body has on offer if it were on offer. That on a regular basis too.” Shannon’s hand went to her mouth in shock. Committed, she went on. “I apologise for my presumption, Madam. Yet, what I feel for you is the truth.”

  “You can’t help what you feel Shannon. I more than anyone understands your feelings.” Tanis took a store card from the counter and wrote her address on the back. “Your good advice has given me direction in this life, and your candour has helped me more than you know Shannon. I am at this address for tonight only. If you want to sample my goods on offer, be there at eight sharp tonight. For this one night, to you my services are

  Her face radiant with surprised joy, Shannon said. “I promise you, I’ll be there at eight tonight Madam. Nothing…nothing will stop me from coming.”

  “Oh, you’ll come all right Shannon. I will make sure of that. First, I need to have my hands on your body. Believe me, we will both look forward to your coming then. Before I go, could you pick out two sexy negligées, which you like? Something you would buy for yourself. Ones, which turn you on? Also, wear something tonight I can slip you out of with ease.”

  Her face flushed with excitement Shannon answered. “You not only have the looks and the body Madam, but you also have the words. Thank you, for your kindness and your interest in me. I hope you’ll not regret it.”

  “I know I won’t. My name is Tanis. If we are going to be on intimate terms, you better know it. Now call me a taxi.” She left for her appointment with Jean McGregor. Dressed in her black outfit, high-heeled boots, and a tight maroon sweater without bras. Her hair falling onto her shoulders in a shower of inward turning golden rain. She gave Shannon a wave as the taxi pulled away. “I’ll look forward to your coming tonight Shannon?”

  Shannon laughed, blushed, and waved. “As I will Tanis.”


  Tanis arrived a little early at Jean McGregor’s office. So, took a fashion magazine from the table in front of her and sat down to wait. In a short while, a young dark-haired, dark-eyed, beautiful woman came up to her. Dressed in a fashionable dark grey midi skirt and an elegant silk blouse open at the neck. There goes my new identity. Good figure and looks though, which is always a good sign.

  The young woman approached her. “Hello,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’ll guess you’re Tanis?”

  Tanis studied the woman’s face for a moment. What deep, expressive eyes she has, like a fawn? She gazed at them. “Yes, I’m Tanis.”

  The young woman nodded and smiled. “You have a beautiful name, Tanis. It is so pleasing to say it. Will you come to my office? So far you’re the only one who’s answered my ad.”

  “I count myself lucky then.”

  “Thank you. I worded my ad in the way I did on purpose, to attract the right kind of woman. One who needed a job, a live-in situation, and thinks as I do? I hope you understand. You see, in my business, I don’t make any real close friends, only casual acquaintances.”

  “I do understand you, Jean.”

  “Good.” Christ! She is beautiful. Just what I am looking for. About twenty-five, I would say. Golden hair, and those eyes, blue-green like the ocean. It is as though she’s been everywhere and seen everything. I wonder where she comes from. While Jean studied Tanis, Tanis was studying her in the same close manner. She blushed. “I’m sorry for staring Tanis. I never get to see anyone as attractive as you are. You have a special aura about you, which demands attention.” I sense a strong personality. She is so positive too, those tits and long throat…Fuck me, Jean! Get a hold of yourself.

  “Coming from another woman Jean, a beautiful one is a compliment indeed.”

  “Thank you, Tanis. If you follow me, we’ll make a start.”

  She followed Jean into the office her eyes playing on her arse. Nice and tight. Tanis made herself comfortable in a chair opposite the desk. By the time, Jean was in her seat, she had removed her short jacket and hung it on the back of her chair. “I hope you don’t mind Jean. It’s a little warm in here.”

  “Of course not, do make yourself comfortable. I like your outfit. Your tight ‘V’ necked sweater goes well with it.”

  Tanis studied Jean’s face as she spoke. “I like tight ‘V’ neck sweaters, Jean. So, did the young woman who sold me the outfit.”

  Jean’s gaze dropped down onto Tanis’s hard nipples. Which threatened to burst their way out through the lightly ribbed fabric of her sweater? Her tongue moved over her dry lips to moisten them. She bit her lower lip in thought and said. “I’ll bet she did.” She stood there mesmerised as if prey to a snake.

  Tanis watched Jean’s beautiful dark pupils expand to their full size, as her imagination ignited. She is hungry for me. When Jean’s eyes came up to meet her’s. She held her gaze for a moment, then said, as her hypnotised companion looked down on her body. “Well Jean, do I pass inspection?”

  Jean looked up and dropped her gaze once more to Tanis’s breasts in response to her unspoken thoughts. Her gaze lingered for a moment on their succulent promise, before she answered in a husky voice. “Yes, you do. You have a beautiful body Tanis and dress to suit. I cannot help but notice it. Forgive me for being so rude. To stare at you is unforgivable. You see, I prefer the company of women to men when it comes to sex. You…Well, you look out of this world to me.”

  In a voice, which brooked no misunderstanding. With a pleasant warm sensation in her stomach, Tanis said. “I’d be happy to carry out the extra special duties you need of me Jean. In fact, I am looking forward to working in close harmony with you. Only if I have the position of course?”

  “You do Tanis, what’s more I know we’ll get on well together. You make me feel as though I’ve known you all my life and want to see a lot more of you in the future.”

  “Thank you, Jean. When you come back to me after a tiring business trip, I’m going to make you feel as though you’ve come home.”

  Jean blushed. “I’ll have something to look forward to then?”

  “Not something Jean. Everything.”

  “You’re direct Tanis. I like directness in a woman. When do you want to start?”

  “Right now, if you like.”

  Jean caught her meaning and blushed again. “You know I’d love to Tanis. But, as the Americans say, I would like to take a rain check. What a strange interview this is. It is clear what we want from each other. All this verbal fencing is turning me on.” There is a bedroom in the back, and it would not take long, but a quickie now would spoil it for when I do come home to her hungry for her charms?

  Tanis smiled at Jean’s transparent thoughts. “Do you want to do something about it now Jean, or wait until you come home to me?”

  To distract herself from Tanis’s forward remark Jean opened a drawer in her desk and took some money from it. “Take this cash and your keys to the house Tanis. Along with my address and instructions on how to get there. The taxi driver will know where to go when you show him the card.” She hesitated for a moment. “It’s Wednesday today, and I won’t be coming home until next Monday evening, late. You can go down to the house tomorrow and settle in. I’ll look forward to seeing you on Monday evening.” She smiled in thought. “Treat my house as your own, Tanis.”

  “Thank you. Tomorrow will do fine Jean.”

  “Believe me, Tanis. I would give anything to see your CV and continue this interview in my office bedroom right now. Professional ethics forbids it. I have a favoured client waiting to meet me at the airport, and I am already late. Talking with you has turned me on. I am in the right mood for whatever my client has in mind for me. It is a safe bet I’ll be looking forward to coming home to you on Monday night when I’ve finished my weekend with her. To being…”

  “In my arms and drained the next morning? I promise it will be worth the wait Jean. I too, like having sex with women. Although I find men as attractive also.”

  “Bisexuality will work in well with what I have in mind for the business Tanis. When you arrive home, take the first-floor rear bedroom, which will be yours. Something tells me I can trust you. I meet many people in my job, after a while, you develop a feeling for people. Thank you, for coming in for the interview. I will see you on Monday night. If you should want to stay in the office bedroom tonight. You will find it had all the facilities and equipped with all you might need. This is our office now.”

  “Thanks for the offer, Jean. Tonight, I plan to stay in town. I have a date with the young woman who sold me this outfit. I have some shopping to do first though?” She glanced up and smiled. “I’d love to have shown you my CV in the back-room Jean. I too have my rules. This client is sp
ecial to me also.”

  “She’s a lucky young woman then Tanis.”

  “Thank you, Jean. There are things to buy now. My date might have some kinks to iron out tonight.”

  Jean smiled. “We all have those Tanis, she’ll be no different.”

  “I’m glad things have worked out for us Jean.” It was getting late. Tanis stood up and took Jean’s offered hand. “Until Monday night then?”

  “That’s a definite yes. If you should be in bed Tanis, I can let myself in. I’ll bring you a little present back from Paris.”

  “Just bring yourself, Jean, your beautiful body, will be all I’ll hunger for. I will be awake in bed reading. I have the whole weekend to think about things before you come home to me?”

  Jean nodded. “Come I will Tanis. I have a well-stocked library downstairs if you get bored. For the most part, the books are blatant erotica. I can assure you I will not be home until late Monday evening though. The Countess likes her fun on her long weekends.”

  “I’ll look forward to mine on Monday evening Jean. If the light’s off, I want you to look in and say goodnight. In fact, I insist you do.” Tanis took Jean’s hands in both of hers. “I mean it, Jean. By Monday night I’ll be impatient to see you.” She drew Jean’s hands onto her breasts, then looked deep into her eyes.

  Jean weighed them. Her trembling fingers running over their swollen outlines and hard erect nipples, she sighed. “I see what you mean Tanis. You know what you want too. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever meet a beautiful woman like you, or an interview could end like this.” She pinched Tanis on her nipples. “You are a dream come true for me Tanis. I had to pinch your nipples to check I’m not dreaming.”

  With their eyes locked, Tanis felt Jean’s hands pulling on her nipples. She gasped at the intimate contact and whispered. “Are you sure you don’t want to see my CV now Jean. We can make time?”


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