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The Willing Prey

Page 5

by Scarlett Sunday

  “You’ve given me something also Shannon. I must apologise to you. I have a strong sexual drive once I become aroused. Sometimes I’m carried away by the moment.”

  “You don’t have to convince me of that Tanis. I was on the receiving end remember. Those giant dildos of yours went right in to the hilt. My cunt, my arse, and my mouth are so sore from coming, screaming, and feeding. I doubt if I could stand up. Thank you again for a most memorable night. One I will never forget.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Tanis smiled, bent over her shagged-out lover. And injected a small amount of venom through a well-sucked vein. Feeling it harden under her teeth. “You’ll feel better when you wake up and see my present Shannon. The ruby is genuine so treasure it. Sleep now and dream again of your special night with Tanis. Thank you again, for a glorious night. One I will always remember.”

  Shannon gave a deep sigh of contentment. “I’ll remember you for as long as I live Tanis...”

  “Of that I’m certain. Goodbye Shannon.” Words she knew not heard, except by Shannon’s subconscious. “My gift to you will keep you and your children free from pestilence. You and they will be strong and live long happy lives, should I not return to make you mine forever.”

  Tanis returned to reception where her taxi waited. After another shopping trip. She had the taxi driver take her to Hatton. Then from there to the General’s house where she thanked the driver with a generous tip for his patience. I will move Zana to Hatton tonight. To pass the time she glanced again through the contact magazine. Coming to the male on male section. She could see from the erotic dialogue displayed. How easy it would be for a man of her species to capture his willing prey. She wondered. Are there any survivors. From Mantis in this world. Or have they found another home out there somewhere? Am I the last? Is this where it will end for my people. Is there a future for us here?

  Tanis brought her mind back. In this enlightened age. With the foremost thought in every human brain on sex. It seemed the pursuance of sexual pleasure was paramount. Sex seemed endemic in the young. The adverts on the boards and in the magazines oozed sensual suggestion. Which was widespread everywhere. To her, it meant food. The beauty of her hosts would make it easy for her to exploit every fatal weakness in her prey.

  Soon after, Tanis found herself in the old hollow oak tree at the General’s estate. Sure, no one had seen her. She asked Zana to open the airlock and stepped through into the tube. Which rose before her like an erect penis, then entered the Starship. Taking off. She located Jean’s house on the scanner and brought Zana down into a silent hover over the small wooded area. Which surrounded the house. Zana found her spot. Then glided towards the ground to burn herself deep into the soft clay beneath a thick bramble patch. She decided to stay with Zana and inspect her new home in the morning.

  Happy with what she had done so far, Tanis climbed into her pilot’s chair. Her mind drifted back to young Shannon as she gave her body into Zana’s keeping. Tanis’s imagination responded to Zana’s spirit fingers on and in her body, and she climaxed. Satisfied, she slept until morning. When she awoke, hunger assailed her. I must feed, and soon.


  Shannon woke refreshed into the same dawn. On the table beside her, a gold ruby ring lay alongside her gold locked chain. She felt the marks on her throat and sighed. They reminded her of her night spent with a beautiful sexy older woman had not been a dream, but a delightful reality. She sighed again and slipped the solid gold ring onto the middle finger of her left hand. Locking the chain around her left ankle. She caressed her throat and whispered. ‘Thank you again, Tanis, for a glorious night. And a bright sexual future. I will look forward to meeting you again. Laying her head on her pillow, her hand between her legs. She found time to dream again of last night’s strange companion… But, not of her narrow escape.



  Destiny’s Child


  The next morning. Tanis entered Jean’s house with two heavy suitcases containing her recent purchases. The house built at the time of the Tudors. Stood back from the road in its own clearing amidst a small stand of oak and birch. Perfect, she thought, as she entered its porch. She assumed Jean had bought the house for the privacy it offered her and her individual clients. Customers, who needed an ideal place to act out their sexual fantasies. Regulars who paid well for her services. She was hungry, so began to plan for a seductive evening out. The unrelenting Shannon had taken a lot out of her host’s body before she’d at last exhausted her. The nearest source of prey was in Hatton, so to Hatton, she would go.

  Dressed, but for her jacket and jewellery. Tanis glanced at her image in the full-length mirror and smiled. Dressed to kill. Her image reflected the black midi length split riding skirt. Embroidered with black silk. Which Shannon had picked out for her. On top of this. She had pulled on her maroon tight fitting fine-knit, long sleeved ‘V’ necked sweater. A tight narrow-banded bandanna to emphasise her beautiful long throat and hidden cleavage. Which Shannon had found so appealing. Her underwear consisted of a lacy scarlet bra, matching panties, and a scarlet suspender belt. Which held up sheer nylon stockings. Over her feet, black Moroccan leather low-calf length high-heeled boots. She looked and felt like a rich Pampas cowgirl with long golden hair. She wondered if her dress would look out of place in a small village like Hatton. They will take me as an American tourist passing through. She smiled and tightened her plain silver-buckled, black leather belt, to bring her sweater in. She reached for her jewellery chest and took from it two matching red diamond studs for her earlobes.

  Tanis sighed at distant memories. Erin Connor. Her Elizabethan host. Had taken the studs from the succulent earlobes of a young Duchess in the sixteenth century after she had killed her husband in a duel. Erin had courted then seduced his distraught young wife into her bed where she had taken her as prey. The Duchess’s throat and sensitive earlobes, and inner ear had proved to be her downfall. Maybe tonight my victim will feel the same when I have my teeth and lips working at their throat. She had always had a soft spot for long attractive throats and pulsing veins. With her hungry mouth. Erin had persisted with the Duchess’s throat. Until she could not help but give in to Erin’s sexual demands.

  Tanis’s heart pounded as she ran her fingers down the vein in Freyja’s throat. Then down the neckline of her sweater. She could feel her heart throbbing under her sensitive fingertips as she cupped one breast then pinched its nipple. She studied her dress through half-closed eyes. Black and red. The colour of the black widow spider. How appropriate.

  Her outfit, calculated to direct her intended victim’s first glance onto the hills and valleys of her upper body, up onto her long beautiful throat, then on up into her striking eyes, she whispered. “I am indeed dressed to kill.”

  Satisfied, Tanis smiled as she fashioned her long golden hair into a wild natural style where with a shake of her beautiful head. It would fly then fall back onto her broad shoulders in an attractive windblown swirl. Her pupils dilated. As her thoughts filled with emotion. I could almost eat myself. Not quite finished. She touched up her blue-green eyes with a soft hint of shadow. Which reflected the red fire of her arousal from expanded pupils. Eyes, which promised much to whoever should gaze into their deep dark depths. If her victim came close enough to sense her mood. Her lethal pheromones, then her hypnotic gaze would seal their fate.

  Tanis laughed aloud. “I’ve no need of any perfume except what Nature has already given me.” To conclude, she slipped on her short black silver clasped jacket. Leaving it open to show her figure under her tight sweater. She turned to check her boots and stocking seams. Not quite satisfied she wound a thick chain of silver. Its inference clear, twice around the ankle of her right boot, then locked it into place. Her host’s body and what she adorned it with were the tools of her predatory trade. Ego never entered a hunt. Her victims’ own imaginations sprang her trap. She would take her cues from their body language and speech patterns. Whatever fantasy the
y harboured, she would gratify. Then, while the blood pounded in their veins in anticipation, she would move in for the kill.

  Tanis loved the seductive element of the chase more than the actual capture. Tonight, she was hunting. Her silken web set for any unwary and attractive human victim who might care to walk into it. Like the predatory black-widow spider she imitated. She would wait for her unsuspecting prey, then trap them in her cunning web of deceit. She threw her beautiful head back and laughed aloud. “How can I fail when my victims do all the work to ensnare themselves?”


  Tanis arrived at the ‘Eight Bells’ early to be sure of a private table. She found one in a quiet alcove next to the bar. Here I will spin my web. The table commanded a full view of the lounge and of any unfortunate fly which might enter. It is perfect and precise in what I want. She needed to keep to herself. If Hatton was to be her new home, she must not arouse local suspicion about why she was here. She glanced at the clock over the bar. Eight-o-clock it is early yet. She ordered a small orange juice and a light meal of rare beef, from the circulating waitress. Her host body could assimilate what meagre energy quotient there was from the tasteless half-cooked meat. In the end, it would need something alive and in orgasm to satisfy her hunger. Something human with the blood pounding through veins aflame with passion.

  Her body tense and aroused with the expectancy of a successful hunt. Tanis began to extrude the attractive, irresistible aroma of her species. It signalled to any human within range, a woman in sexual heat was available for sex. Her stomach, nauseous with anticipation. Her sexual spaces wet with excitement. Like the attractive Vampire, she was. Tanis waited with patient certainty for her unwary prey to enter, man or woman.


  It was a cold night in late October, which had turned to a dark stage. The rain swept through the village of Hatton in a continuous heavy downpour. Which reminded the lone man in the car winter was not far off. He looked up through the misty windscreen at the full Moon. Which every now and then cast its baleful stare over the sodden landscape, like a marauding Cyclops, and shivered. He wondered if he was doing the right thing moving down here from London. He disliked the busy, frantic life of the city. As the continual noise of the traffic distracted him. I will be much better off in this peaceful little hamlet away from all the mayhem. Would Helen like it though?

  How could he know he was destiny’s child and Tanis his fate to be? With quiet optimism, she waited in the shadow of the alcove for nature to provide. She did not care what people had accomplished in their lives or who they were. Always the predator. She was only interested in the sustenance their attractive bodies could provide for her. Humans were the only prey of her species, nothing else mattered.

  Paul James was a successful writer of erotic novels with a great future. He did not need to be in London. The world was no longer a place of distance. The quiet solitude of the countryside would be ideal for his work. If he wished, he need never leave his front door. At the touch of a button, his manuscript could be in his publisher’s office in an instant.

  Paul smiled to himself. I wish I had the foresight to book a room though. With confidence, he thought the local pub would provide. As he approached Hatton a cold wind from the North had blown up. He sensed the cold outside and pulled the collar of his jacket tighter. He had come to Hatton Hatch to look around. The research he did tonight and tomorrow could help him to buy a small house for Helen and himself in the right location. He pulled the car into the forecourt of the railway station. Opposite stood a public house picked out by its old sign creaking in the wind above a wide Tudor door. Mmm, The Eight Bells. One of the old sailors must have bought it with his prize money as a retirement option he mused as he unlocked the boot and took from it a small overnight bag and a laptop. Locking the car. He gave the key to the stationmaster. With instructions to give it to the rental company person who would call for it in the morning from Dunton. Crossing the road. He walked in all innocence into Tanis’s lethal web, then glanced around. The lounge bar of the small hostelry looked comfortable.

  Paul walked up to the bar ordered a double brandy and a hot meal. “What a filthy night landlord. Have you any rooms available for a poor perished soul?”

  The landlord smiled at him and shrugged. “I’m sorry sir, we’re full. You might like to try up the road though.”

  “Okay, thanks. I will have something to eat first. Afterwards, I’ll see.” The plan was to stay in the village until Helen arrived on the noon train on the second day.

  Paul reproached himself for not booking in advance. I do not feel like walking around in the fucking rain, not tonight. He needed another drink and ordered another brandy. Its warm bite mellowed his mood as he cast his eyes around him. In the far corner. He spotted an alcove table with an attractive woman of about twenty-five sitting alone. She was looking at him. Her friendly face drew his attention. As she was the only other customer in the bar, he thought. What the Hell! He approached her table. Christ! She is beautiful and much like Helen to look at, only more muscular in the body. He felt a little guilty. In an instant. He brushed his guilt aside. I can glance at an attractive woman and talk to them without commitment. I am a red-blooded virile man after all. I do write erotic books, and by her appearance, she’s been around. He smiled at his culpability and continued toward her table. It would only be for research anyhow… Holy Shit! What enchanting eyes she has. Drawn to them Paul could sense a deep longing coupled with loneliness, which seemed timeless. The woman’s long golden hair shimmered in the firelight. It caught every flicker in a cascade of chaotic delight as she moved her beautiful head to study him. Her skin, the colour of polished alabaster, had not a blemish on it. She reminded him of a Viking warrior woman, though a woman, a Viking of strength. She has an aura of command about her, which only adds to her savage beauty.

  Paul sighed as he drew in a deep breath. His eyes dropped onto her superb half-hidden figure. She seems excited too. What is she doing in a small village like Hatton I wonder? Unable to take his eyes from her beautiful body he studied the woman with deliberate interest. He felt a stirring in his trousers. He looked up and realised she was gazing back at him with the same warm interest in her eyes. She looks like a Goddess. She is a woman who has lived her young life to the full, with never a dull moment. I could learn something here.

  Paul came back to reality at the sound of her voice. “I feel like I am under a microscope. Mr…?”

  Paul’s eyes settled on the woman’s stunning eyes. He apologised. “I’m sorry for staring Miss. It is rare I see such beauty before me. Those big dark pupils of yours surrounded by green fire are like deep pools of want. Can I join you, please? There does not seem to be much company in here tonight. Never have I seen such an attractive woman.”

  Tanis’s eyes fixed on her prey. She smiled up at him and waved him to a seat opposite her. “You sound like a writer Mr Err...?”

  Paul could detect a slight Irish-Scandinavian tone in the timbre of the woman’s low-pitched voice. “Paul James, I’m a writer of sorts. It’s nice to have some good-looking company for a change, and all to myself.”

  Tanis smiled. “Please sit Paul. My name’s Tanis McGregor.” Conscious his eyes had wandered onto her breasts, she said. “I’ll bet you write love stories, Paul James.” Amused she continued, “Sexy love stories.”

  Paul laughed. “You are perceptive Tanis McGregor.”

  “No, just experienced. Do stay and keep me company for a while, Paul. We do not have many strangers in here. I am the housekeeper-companion in a house outside the village. About five minutes’ walk from here. The owner lives and works in London most of the time. She comes home for weekends only. Sometimes I feel alone, so I come to the pub to eat for the company. What brings you here?”

  Paul glanced up into Tanis’s eyes. You, Tanis, are the most beautiful housekeeper I have ever seen. One who has a knack for a sexy dress. Distracted by her breasts under the ‘V’ of her tight sweater, he stuttered, “Your
…your dress sense is superb and sexy Tanis McGregor.”

  “Thank you, Paul? You are handsome too.” Tanis teased.

  “You noticed my glance Tanis, I’m sorry for staring?” Paul surprised himself by blushing with shyness. Christ! She is a minx too.

  Tanis laughed at his shyness. “I didn’t mean to be so rude, forgive me, Paul. I could not resist it. You looked so flustered and like a nervous little boy then. I apologise too.”

  “Well, you are a beautiful woman Tanis. Any man can see that.”

  Tanis’s eyes took on a faraway look. I have not felt a man’s hard cock slipping into me for two centuries. Bound over a sacrificial stone and my captive, he was helpless to my every advance. She sighed at the memory. Tonight. It will be Paul’s cock, or my name’s not Tanis. The delicious taste and feel of a live cock pumping its cum into her mouth always heightened her orgasm. Tonight, I will take my pleasure from his willing body and make it last before I make him my captive. The thought of her victim’s bound body and his erect cock cumming into her hungry mouth proved too much for her and brought the blush of a silent orgasm to her face.

  Which generated Paul’s concerned comment. “Are you all right Tanis? You look flushed. It’s not too hot in here?”

  Tanis laughed. “No, I was thinking. I thought I was going to choke there for a moment though. You were saying?”

  “I am a writer of erotica Tanis. I have come up from London, and I am here for at least two more days. I hope to buy a small house in the village for my future wife Helen and me. She will be arriving the day after tomorrow. Now. I need lodgings for at least two days and nights. From what the landlord has told me, there are no rooms available at the inn.”


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