The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 6

by Scarlett Sunday

  When Tanis answered him, it took him by surprise? “Erotica, how interesting, we must talk some more Paul. I read erotica a lot. Not the obvious kind. I like to read the kind, which is intense, with seduction in mind. The Anais Nin kind, which feeds the imagination and plays on fantasy and passion. Filled with subtle hints, innuendo, and beautiful prose. Before I indulge in having sex with my lover.”

  “I’m afraid I write the obvious kind, Tanis.” Why am I revealing myself to her?

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about a room tonight Paul. There’s room at the inn after all. I would be glad to put you up at my place for the two days you are here. Mind, I am not supposed to take guests. Besides, my employer ignores it. She is understanding and knows I get a feeling of isolation when she is not there. I am not suggesting we sleep together or anything like that. You will have your own room. Let this be our little secret, Paul. When your fiancée arrives, you can go on from there.” Tanis leaned back in a stretch and watched Paul’s reaction through hooded eyes. His glance dropped onto her hidden breasts and firm flat stomach making him gasp. She yawned, then drew in a deep breath. “I could do with some male company tonight though?”

  “Thank you, Tanis, I accept your offer.” His lodgings for the night settled. Paul talked about his work, in which Tanis seemed interested.

  “How do you research your books, Paul. You must have to ask some leading questions sometimes?”

  “I advertise for interviews with high-class call girls, rent boys, and brothel madams. They are always open and helpful to my inquiries. They like to tell me how fantastic and diverse their clients’ sexual lives are. I never ask for or use names and always meet them on their own ground.”

  Tanis studied Paul’s eyes and smiled. “I can believe it. Do you ever experience any physical research from them?”

  He laughed. “No, never.”

  “Why not Paul, you hold a great attraction for women.”

  Paul blushed. “Thank you, Tanis. I’ve had some narrow escapes though.” He told her how much he loved Helen and how she reminded him of her.

  Tanis’s heart began to race. Helen could be my new identity. What luck, I wonder if I can seduce her. The fun would be in the trying. If I send the right signals, Helen, like all the others, will surrender to my charms. She is the type of woman who attracts Paul, and I remind him of her. This is too good an opportunity to miss.

  Tanis took her jacket off and hung it on the peg behind her with the pretence it was becoming hot in the bar. Stretching upward to reach the hook, she studied his eyes again through half-closed lashes. They followed her every provocative move. She thrust her breasts out against her tight sweater to turn the screw. Conscious of his almost silent indrawn sigh. At first, he will fight it with his misguided loyalty. When I have him home, he will surrender to me. I can always use the dream sequence to be sure. Almost sure of her prey now she said, “What is the matter, Paul? You look embarrassed, and you should not be. I’m only an acquaintance.”

  Paul looked up into two oceans of black obsidian ringed with blue-green fire. “I’m…I’m not though Tanis. Do you think it is a good idea my coming home with you? I am a man who writes erotica after all, and you a beautiful woman are attractive to me?”

  Tanis laughed. “You do think me attractive Paul?” She teased. “Am I more beautiful than your Helen?”

  “Yes. I am ashamed to say, Tanis… You are more beautiful than my Helen.”

  Sure, of her victim now. Her trap sprung, Tanis said, “Come, Paul, let us finish here and go home before things get out of our hands, or into them. I am starting to feel as uncomfortable as you are, and I know we mustn’t think so. You see, I’m in love with my employer, we are lovers.” She rose to put her jacket and topcoat on and asked him to wait for about five minutes while she freshened up. “I’ll join you in the small lane at the rear the pub Paul. The house is not far from here, less than half a mile in fact.” As she left for the restroom, she could sense Paul’s eyes on her bum and legs. She smiled her pleasure at so easy a capture.

  The rain had stopped. Paul’s excitement contained, he paid the bill and exited the Eight Bells by the front door. He walked down the narrow side alley to the rear and found Tanis waiting for him in the moonlit shadows. “Ahh, there you are Paul.”

  Tanis took his hand. “You’re trembling Paul, are you cold?” On the way up to the house, his hand still in hers. She said, “These high heeled boots are not the best for walking in, are they?”

  “No. Even so, Tanis. They are exciting to a man with my erotic knowledge. With the heavy silver chain around your right ankle, it conjures up all sorts of thoughts.” His hand tightened to steady her. He could not remember having felt so at ease with anyone as he did with Tanis.

  “Bondage thoughts Paul?”

  “Yes. There are other thoughts also. You have hidden strengths, Tanis.”

  Tanis noticed Paul’s blush and smiled as she warned him the house was haunted by a beautiful Viking warrior woman in armour which could scare him. “Viking warrior women like to take prisoners for ransom Paul. They were known to rape their attractive male prisoners, then when finished with them sacrifice them to their pagan Gods.”

  Paul laughed it off and told her he did not believe in such things. “You’re the only beautiful Viking woman in my life tonight Tanis.”

  Tanis squeezed his hand. “I do have a lot of Viking blood in me, Irish blood too. Thank you, for the compliment. Yet, there are things in this universe we know nothing about, Paul?”

  “That’s as maybe Tanis. I do not believe in ghosts or aliens. Nor beautiful Viking warrior woman ghosts in armour looking to take male prisoners for sacrifice.” He glanced at her and laughed. “I only believe in the natural things of life. The things I can touch, see, and feel Tanis.”

  “Aliens are natural to the universe. Visionary ghosts too Paul.”

  He laughed, then shook his head. “There’s no proof they exist and no arguing with a beautiful woman. Is there Tanis?”

  “No.” When they arrived at the house, Tanis said. “Do you want a drink before I show you up to your room Paul?”

  “No, thanks.” He yawned. “If you do not mind Tanis, I’ll go straight to bed. It’s been a wonderful lucky night meeting you.”

  “Please yourself, Paul. It could get luckier.”

  “I’m a fool I know Tanis. Even so, I must decline your offer.”

  Tanis shrugged, smiled, then led Paul upstairs. Where she ushered him into a large room at the back of the house. It is the dream sequence then. Jesus! His Helen must be something special if I remind him of her?

  They entered the bedroom, and Paul gasped in surprise. Situated in the centre of the room. Opposite a large mullioned window. Stood a huge four-poster bed with intricate carvings in all four posts. The bed furnished with crimson velvet drapes all around. The drapes held to each upright by black silk curtain cords. Reminded him of some of the classier brothels he had researched. Even to the huge bevelled mirror mounted above the bed canopy on the ceiling. Silk crimson sheets stretched tight on a luxuriously soft, mattress matched the drapes. At the bedhead lay soft black silken pillows covered by a thick red and black quilt embroidered with blood-red roses. It was Tanis’s bedroom and the heart of her web. But Paul was not to know that. It invited him to sleep and to dream.

  Tanis said, “This is your room, Paul.”

  “Holy Cow Tanis!” He looked at the bed and wanted to bury his naked body in its soft tempting heart. He turned towards her and waved his hand toward the bed. “I could use that in one of my stories. Thank you again for everything. I don’t think the local B&B could ever match this.” Tanis stood next to him, her sexual odour assailing his nostrils. Paul sensed her arousal. His eyes, drawn to her exquisite body, left him speechless with wonder. He managed to stammer. “I…I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done to…for me Tanis. I mean it. You’ve been so kind to me a perfect stranger.”

  Tanis considered her victim’s eyes wit
h a smile on her face. “Hardly a perfect stranger Paul. You’re Paul James, the erotic story writer.” “You have already thanked me by just being here Paul.” Her mouth brushed his throat in a goodnight kiss. Her lips, moist with venom, lingered on his pulsing vein, her teeth playing around it. Her eyes, their pupils enlarged and reflecting the crimson hue of the sheets, had taken on their rich red colour. When she turned to go, her aroused nipples, under their soft woollen cover, brushed in a light touch against her victim’s arm. Tanis could feel Paul’s heart quicken and smiled. “There Paul, for you a good night kiss.” She whispered. “I’ll look forward to seeing you in the morning for breakfast. Sleep well.” As if in afterthought she finished. “Sweet dreams…”

  When Tanis had left the room, Paul shed his clothes and took a cold shower. He played the water on his erect cock until it subsided. Something stopped him from masturbation. Naked, he dropped into the luxurious depths of the soft, welcoming bed. I am a fool I know, I could have had Tanis beside me now. But, what would I have felt like in the morning? When I come to make love to Helen, she will know I have been unfaithful. He drifted into sleep and entered his dream…


  Paul found himself in the role of a casual observer to the events, which unfolded before him. He floated above the ground over what looked to be a small secluded inlet with a soft sandy shore. A dense cold mist began to roll in from off the sea. It surprised him he could feel the damp coldness of the fog on his skin. What sea. What coast? He had no idea.

  Something stirred within the mist. Paul watched in breathless excitement as he made out the bows and square sail of a Viking dragonhead long-ship, easing in through the gloom. It headed in silence toward the beach followed by another, then another. The ships were four in all, one larger than the others to carry the Viking hoard. With a soft grating of sand, they beached themselves alongside each other. Ghost-like figures leapt ashore and steadied the bows, as others followed on behind them. Are these the ghosts Tanis spoke of? He asked himself.

  The Viking Chieftain strode to the front. She was a woman and a beautiful one too. Dressed in a magnificent suit of black-scaled armour topped by a silver crested helm. In her right hand, she held a short black bladed sword of Romanic design. It's twin still in its scabbard at her right hip. Paul could make out the hilt of a massive broadsword slung over her broad shoulders in its long sheath. The woman warrior pointed up toward a sleeping village and monastery on the crest of a hill. In single file, her band of fierce warriors followed her as she proceeded up the beach, towards their unsuspecting quarry.

  Paul knew he was witnessing a dreaded Viking raid and with surprise. Quoted a remembered line of ancient text to himself. ‘O Lord protect us from the fury of the Norsemen.’ His eyes swept over the band and picked out another woman who seemed familiar to him. She, dressed in bronze armour much like her chief, reminded him of Helen. She too was of exceptional beauty. She carried a heavy strung war bow in her left hand with its quiver full of arrows at her right hip. On her back, like her chief, she also had a sword slung over broad shoulder blades. In shock, Paul realised he was looking at Tanis or somebody who could have been her twin.

  Between the two women. Strode a golden-haired giant of a man dressed in a chain-mail coat which hid his manhood. Armed with an enormous double-bladed battle-axe, and unusual for a Viking, he was clean-shaven. His long hair fell onto his powerful shoulders in two thick greased plaits. Matched by two shorter battle plaits, which hung down at his temples. All kept in place by a spectacled cone-shaped iron helmet. Which gave his shadowed eyes a murderous glint. By the scowl on his handsome face, it was clear he looked forward to the killing and rapine which lay ahead. The band moved with stealth toward the sleeping village and its monastery. Spread out in line abreast as if to surround their unwary prey.

  Paul knew Viking raids had taken place on a regular basis. Along the coasts of Britain, Ireland, and everywhere else, on the European seaboard. Some into the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. These fierce warriors had spread like a plague across the land pillaging, raping, and killing with ruthless efficiency, all those who stood in their path. Those who would not pay their ransom died. Human sacrifice to their fierce warrior god Odin common. If enough payment was forthcoming, they left without a fight and continued to their next target. Why my own ancestor had been a Viking from Normandy?

  Paul watched with renewed interest, still surprised at his conscious thought. His eyes focused on the tall golden-haired woman who stood beside her chief. In both her movements and demeanour, she was Tanis. She is about the same age too. Both women were taller than average and muscular with it. In a robust feminine way. He had heard it was common for Viking women to fight alongside their men, and when in battle, proved themselves to be as fierce and cruel as their male counterparts. Taking attractive male prisoners to use as their men did their women captives. Before cutting their throats on sacrificial altars to their pagan Gods. Yet, he had never heard of a woman chieftain. She must indeed be a remarkable woman. For the wild, unpredictable Vikings to have voted her their leader.

  Paul studied the chief with more interest. She was standing near the brow of the hill out of sight of the main gate to the village. Covered in her scaled armour, her high silver winged spectacled helmet. With her two short swords in her hands, and her copper-gold greasy plaits resting on her chest. She generated the thought. She is indeed a magnificent specimen of warrior womanhood.

  While Paul studied her, the chieftain turned her head towards him and laughed. She seemed to be laughing at him. Her handsome face framed by her long plaits smiled up at him. Her eyes, unusual and bright, were the colour of amber and rare in a human. Cold, flat cruel eyes, eyes without pity. The eyes of a ruthless predator. He sensed she would be a formidable opponent in battle. He found himself thinking about what she would be like in the bedroom. As intimidating and domineering in the act, as she would be in battle no doubt. He could feel his cock swelling in his thoughts. His hand clasped its vertical shaft and moved with a quiet passion up and down. She would be a good subject for my next book. I know men who would give anything to be a sexual prisoner in her hands…including me.

  Paul’s hand worked faster, he became conscious of the pain of his giant blood engorged erection as he watched the movements of the golden-haired archer who reminded him of his Helen, and now Tanis. His fingers could feel the oily trickle of moisture seeping from the little lips at the tip of his cock’s shiny head. He sighed in regret as his mind skipped from Helen to Tanis.

  It was then the young golden-haired woman warrior sensed someone looking at her and glanced up. She smiled and strode toward him. Paul looked at her, and his hand moved faster. His fantasy took over. He wished himself a prisoner of the beautiful golden-haired one. As she came towards him. Her armour fell away, and she strode towards him in scarlet bra, no panties, and a suspender belt. Holding up sheer black silk stockings. On her right ankle, she wore the heavy silver chain Tanis had worn around her right boot. Paul could see the large vein pulsing in her throat, and her swollen nipples thrusting against the flimsy material of her bra. His eyes took in the dew-soaked blond velvet of her swollen sex. With its cherry sized clit, peeping through its hood at the apex.

  It was Tanis. Christ! By the size of her clit, she is hot! His hand worked harder, he could feel his cum boiling, almost there, he groaned in ecstasy. His balls tight with the juice of his desire, he stroked towards his inevitable explosion. I hope I do not stain Tanis’s sexy sheets.

  Before Paul could detonate, a steady hand gripped his swollen balls and squeezed down hard onto the lower half of his cock. To cut off the flood-tide of his emotion. A husky voice whispered. “Not yet Paul, let me do the pulling. What you have in your balls belongs to me now.” Tanis yanked the quilt off him and sat on the bed beside him. While one hand stroked his giant erection, the other forced his hot cum back down into his aching body. “I don’t want you to come yet. Not just yet.”

  Paul sighed and looked up. His c
limax nipped in the bud he said. “It’s you, Tanis, how did you know I wanted you so much?”

  “Let us say I study people Paul. Your body language and your eyes betrayed you last night. You could not hold out for your Helen. I cannot hold out for my Jean either. No man or woman can when an attractive person wants them for their body. You haven’t fucked Helen, yet have you?”

  “No, I wanted our marriage to mean something. I have thought about it though. Now, look at me in your beautiful hands Tanis, a…a bloody weakling?”

  “I am looking Paul. It is rare to see a cock so hard and pumped so full of blood too. Does it hurt?”

  “It feels as though it’s about to explode.”

  “So, it will when I pull the pin.” Tanis continued to work her unsuspecting victim’s tight foreskin on and off his shaft’s swollen head with short gentle strokes. While she studied him in silence, she kept a tight hold on his balls. Hunger long denied her made her lower her lips onto his aching cock. Feeling the pounding blood there she slipped her feeding tube between the small open lips at the top. As she tasted him, she reached over for one of the drape ropes. Feeling his body respond to what she was about to do, she ordered him to turn over. With surprising strength, she bound his wrists behind him high on his back with the cord. Rolling him over, she took another rope and tied his ankles together. When she had finished, Tanis looked down at him, hogtied and helpless. “There Paul, you wanted to be my prisoner, now you are, and you haven’t come yet.”

  Paul wondered why. In the ceiling mirror above the bed, his erection stood hard and rampant from his trembling body. Where Tanis had forced it upright with her hand. It was harder than he could ever remember. He said. “ did you know I wanted to be your prisoner Tanis?”

  “Let’s say I know my men Paul.” Tanis sat astride Paul’s hips now and looked down at him. Her hunger for his body clear, she mounted him. When their sexual juices had merged, she began to ride him into a frenzy of movement. “Tell me when you’re near to finishing Paul. I want you to come into my mouth and not my body. I love the taste and feel of a man’s warm cum as it spurts down my throat. I cannot resist a cock, which is full of blood and hard as yours. You must have a lot to give me?”


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