The Willing Prey

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The Willing Prey Page 7

by Scarlett Sunday

  “Tanis can…can I use this in my next book.” Paul’s eyes caressed his beautiful captor’s moving body in place of his bound hands. “I have a lot to give you Tanis.” He whispered, “Almost a lifetime's worth.”

  “Give it then.” She ordered.

  From her beating throat to the tight bra, which covered her swollen breasts. On down to what Paul could see of her shaft-filled cunt. He watched her back arch in ecstatic sculpture to their lustful union and groaned. “I’m…I’m almost there… Ohh My God Tanissssss! Here I come.”

  With steady hands, Tanis grasped her victim’s thighs as he neared his finish. She could feel his iron length, buried to the hilt within her firm swollen body, start to tremble its desire. She worked his body. Until Paul could feel his frustrated first feeling building into an enormous final explosion. She whispered in a voice filled with passion. “Wait for it. Wait for it, Paul.”

  Paul gasped his pleasure and yelled. “Now Tanis, Ohhh Myyy Godd. Ahhhhh. For fuck’s sake nowowwww!”

  Tanis pulled herself free from her captive’s massive wet erection with a soft sucking plop. In a second, she had Paul’s swollen bubbling cock in her hungry mouth. She turned and with her victim’s head held in a firm grip between her thighs. Tanis found his tight balls with her hands and made ready to squeeze them empty when he detonated. Before she went down on him again to bury his cock deep in her throat, she shouted. “Now Paul! You can give me all your cum now.”

  Paul felt the best flood tide of his life erupt deep into Tanis’s long throat and screamed his release. “Ahhhhh Ohhh, Myyy Goddd Tanissssss!”

  Tanis had to swallow in quick succession to keep up with her prisoner’s massive volume. She could taste her juices mixed with his as his generous hot fluid slipped down her throat, in a surging torrent of unbridled explosive passion. Satisfied she had sucked him dry of her appetiser. Tanis buried her emerging fangs deep into the swollen veins of Paul’s thick cock and struck. As her venom saturated her captive’s emotion-filled bloodstream. It sent him into immediate paralysis.

  Paul, relaxed and immobile, lay dormant with a long sigh frozen on his lips. He tried to suck at the hard button and lips of his captor’s swollen sex but couldn’t. He sensed his body being drained of its blood and vital essence by his beautiful predator. Which promoted her body into her final release? Flooding his unresponsive mouth in her cruel orgasmic feeding.

  Tanis screamed, “Aahhhhh. It’s been so long,” At last…finished. All that remained of her prey was a small pile of red dust drifting with careless abandon, against the soft black pillows, and crimson silk sheets of his ultimate sacrifice.

  Paul’s empty bonds bearing silent witness to the demise of innocence, and the final solution of natural law. For nothing else mattered. Satisfied, her hunger abated, Tanis smiled thinking to herself. Her willing prey, no longer able to hear. Now for your beautiful Helen, Paul. Will she be as easy to capture as you were? You were a man seduced by a beautiful woman. From what I have sensed in your mind, your beautiful Helen will soon be my captive also…?



  Helen, and a matter of conscience?


  The next day dawned much like the one before it. Light misty drizzle mixed with a fresh wind caressed the treetops in a whisper taking with it, as it passed through sodden branches, the last dead leaves of autumn.

  Tanis awoke early. Revitalised after last night’s banquet, she cleaned the house from top to bottom. The young man at The Eight Bells had been just what she needed to please her hunger and her lust, but not her identity. Paul’s body is gone forever. His remaining mind residue left her with the promise of a victim who would prove more useful to her. Giving her a hint on how to seduce Helen. She of her gender and by Paul’s account a virgin, Helen could prove harder to trap. Her seduction will be a challenge. If I dress for her hinted at fantasy, it will be half the battle won. The other half is up to her.

  Tanis held the advantage for a short time. Even so, she had to act with speed. As a male prey’s mind could not survive in her host’s body for long and would disperse when digestion was complete. When they met. Helen would sense in her masculine dress the fantasy she had discussed with Paul in the second person. When she had proofread his novels with him. It would be her undoing.

  Unable to contain her exhilaration at the challenge Helen offered. Tanis felt her body responding to her thoughts. Will I work hard for my new identity tonight? The harder the chase the more enjoyable the hunt. She laughed. If I take care of my dress and approach. Freyja’s natural beauty, my suggested masculinity, my strong sex appeal, and Helen’s secret fantasy. Will win through in the end.

  Tanis felt uncomfortable at what she contemplated, but, dismissed it in an instant from her mind. As a human predator, she could not afford to develop a conscience towards her natural prey. Her survival depended on it. Paul had said he would ring Helen the first thing this morning. If Helen did not receive his expected phone call and could not contact him. Worried, Helen might come up a day earlier. Which means I cannot take the risk of missing her tonight. I do hope she comes tonight. She laughed at the pun. If I were, she, I would be up on the next train. Why it would be a natural reaction to someone in love. A response I am going to exploit.

  She must have Helen’s identity before Jean returned. She could only take Helen’s name if Helen played her game and became a willing sexual partner. Tanis could feel the not unpleasant nausea of a thousand butterfly wings beating in her stomach. With the start of expectancy between her thighs. She searched what remained of Paul’s mind to place herself in Helen’s shoes and smiled.

  Her decision made, Tanis planned her dress. She was about to attempt to seduce a modern young woman into her bed. Who not only believed in the future she would be a wife and mother. But, also, a woman who harboured fantastic secrets towards her own gender. I must try to open Pandora’s Box, or at least get close to what lies within. Would Helen follow through on her thoughts when she met her ideal woman? Paul believed Helen to be a virgin. So, inexperienced in suggestive sexual techniques. Who knows where it might lead. If I were to give Helen a hint of her secret fantasy and fetish in what I wear tonight? She regretted not having bought a pair of tight black leather trousers to go with her tight sexy tops.

  On impulse. Tanis entered Jean’s bedroom and began to search for something suitable. Not to her surprise. She found a complete outfit in motorcycle leathers. Right down to black ankle length stiletto-heeled boots. Mounted with small blunt silver spurs on the heels. Ummm, interesting, I wonder which female client Jean rode with those. Her body reflected her thoughts, and she laughed again. Dressed now except for her zipped short leather jacket. She gazed into her mirror. My mirror, mirror on the wall. Tell me who is the fairest of them all.

  Tight leather trousers, dark boots, and Jean’s, on the tight side, navy-blue ‘V’ necked sweater tucked into her waistband greeted her. She glanced at the short leather jacket draped over the back of a chair. Screen printed on its back a logo of a Red Indian Chief in a full war bonnet astride a motorcycle looked back at her. Surprised to find the tight sweater on the same hanger as the leathers. She realised it must constitute a part of the tight sexy leathers she was wearing. Plainly a fantasy or fetish of one of Jean’s clients. A common one I hope Helen will share.

  Tanis applied a small, discreet American bald eagle transfer tattoo. She had found in Jean’s dressing table across her throat’s throbbing artery and smiled. She piled her golden hair on top of her head to further stress the flying spirit eagle on her throat. Then held her hair under a soft black leather Chicago style peaked cap. Where she could with a deliberate toss of her head, cause its golden drop to cascade onto her broad shoulders in a swirl. Which would send an unmistakable signal to her prey? Her green eyes changed into twin pools of dark desire as she turned around in a circle to study her image with her thoughts afire. Nice bum, there’ll be a few eyes on your buns tonight Tanis, my girl. Nice tits too, just c
overed by my Navy-blue sweater’s ‘V’ to be suggestive enough, without bras to see what’s hidden beneath, should Helen glance at them? Also, those spurs make me feel I want to ride somebody hard tonight. No wonder Jean wore them.

  As a final gesture to seduction, Tanis locked the silver chain Paul had called suggestive in its bondage significance, around her right boot. Then threaded a wide black leather belt through her trouser loops. It's hammered silver buckle. In the form of a large flint arrowhead, pointing downwards towards her velvet and what lay within. She adjusted the cap on her head to a crazy angle, pulled her sweater in tight with her belt, and smiled at her image. Her stunning figure reflecting a female biker from the sixties. One who often filled the stuff of both male and female fantasies? Her eyes and throat showed the fire of her arousal, and her skin-tight constrained body, the promise of her sexuality. She felt ready for Helen’s hinted at fantasy and was confident of her prey’s sure capture. On a whim, she added the black bandanna choker Shannon had found so attractive. To highlight her beautiful long neck and throat.

  When her prey sensed her pheromones. They would trigger a fatal response to her. If Helen’s a closet lesbian, I can always save her embarrassment and promise her privacy. I can do no more, and it’s up to her now to take my bait. I hope I’ve given her what I sense she yearns for.

  As the last stimulus to her appearance. Tanis highlighted her eyes to stress her femininity. To finish she applied a Celtic band from Jean’s tattoo transfer box around her right bicep. To emphasise her masculinity further. In case she had to shed her jacket and sweater as a final gesture to expressive maleness when she had Helen at home a prisoner in her bedroom.

  Tanis studied her image again. If I were to meet a woman like her in a bar, I wouldn’t be able to resist her, but then, I’m Tanis. She felt uneasy at what she was about to do. But, dismissed it from her mind. Helen is the natural prey of my species, which will never change. What matter, who they are in life, a lioness can feast on a King and a Vampire like me on her human prey?

  For the first time in her long life, Tanis felt uncomfortable. My survival must prevail at any cost. As a reminder of her calling, she hung two ruby blood-drops from her earlobes. Not forgetting to slip a stylish silver skull ring onto the middle finger of her right hand. Its eyeteeth prominent, its eye sockets studded with two blood rubies. Then whispered, “Now I am ready to hunt my natural prey.”

  As Tanis walked with lethal purpose down the thin concrete path through the woods to the lane. Which ran behind ‘The Eight Bells’ pub, she glanced over towards the station. Paul’s hire car had gone. The drizzle had stopped. The eerie glow of the full Moon still cast its pale bluish hue over the landscape, and the ground still showed signs of slippery wetness. The air suggested there was more rain to come. She entered the empty pub with a shiver, which was not all due to the cold, and found the alcove table vacant. She sat and ordered an orange drink. She’ll come tonight, I can sense it. She smiled at her positive turn of phrase. With eager assurance, she glanced towards the front door. Took a deep breath, and like a hungry human Vampire should settle down to wait for her expected prey to arrive.


  When Helen Napier alighted from the train that night. She picked her way with care around the puddles on the open platform’s surface. What an awful night, she thought as she brushed her short golden hair back from her attractive face. Worried, she had come up to Hatton a day earlier to see why Paul had not contacted her.

  Looking forward to the house hunting with Paul, Helen hoped nothing had happened to change it. With no close relatives, she was alone in the world except for a maiden aunt who lived somewhere in Australia. When she met Paul, she felt the need of a someone special in her life, so falling for him had solved her problem. Yet, she could not shake off the persistent feeling something was wrong. It’s not like Paul to break a promise. One of his good points is his reliability.

  Helen approached the stationmaster’s office and knocked on his little window. “Excuse me. Are there any bed and breakfast places in the village please?”

  The stationmaster pointed to the public-house across the road. “You could try the pub, Miss.”

  Helen thanked him and proceeded across the road. Straight into Tanis’s web of deception, as Paul had done. As she entered the tavern, she made a mental note of its name and wondered if Paul had called in the night before. Maybe the landlord can tell me something. Entering. She asked the landlord, if any rooms were available and whether he’d seen a young stranger of about twenty-five in his bar. the night before. She gave him Paul’s description.

  He nodded at someone behind her. “The lady over there might know where he is.”

  Helen turned and looked straight into Tanis’s compelling eyes. She ordered a drink and a light meal and moved towards Tanis’s table. Standing before her, she studied Tanis for a moment. Christ! She’s beautiful. I can see why Paul talked to her. “Excuse me, please. The landlord told me you spoke to my fiancé last night?” Despite herself, she felt her heart quicken for all the wrong reasons. The woman looked up and answered her in an attractive husky voice with a slight foreign accent.

  “Yes. I did speak to a young man here last night.”

  The attractive young woman’s eyes were of an unusual blue-green and darker than hers. It could be the highlighting and her enlarged captivating pupils. Her hair. Golden like hers. was longer and pinned up under a cap. Done, as it was, it showed the woman’s long neck and flawless throat off to perfection. By her eyes and her throat’s swollen vein, she seems excited. She said, “Do you know where Paul is. He didn’t come home last night?”

  “I can’t help you there?”

  Helen’s heart quickened at the sight of the flying eagle tattooed across the young woman’s pulsing vein on her throat, and the tight bandanna below it. How regal she looks. She reminds me of someone from the past. Why the eagle’s flight seems to match her heart beat? Surprised at her reaction, Helen’s gaze wandered lower and came to rest on two firm unfettered breasts pressing hard against the woman’s tight navy-blue ‘V’ necked sweater. ‘Oh, my God!’ She glanced up into two deep pools of want and blushed. Unsettled, she whispered. “Forgive me. I’m so sorry for staring.”

  Biting her lower lip in thought, her eyes on the young woman in front of her, Tanis answered. “I don’t mind. I’m used to being stared at by attractive women.” Holy Shit! She’s aroused already.

  Helen held Tanis’s stare. Forced to lower her eyes onto Tanis’s breasts and surprised by her feelings, she drew nearer. Tanis’s pheromones kicked in. “Can I sit down, please?”

  “Of course, you can.”

  Helen could see she was looking at a desirable woman. A woman of Paul’s type and…and mine too. Determined to find out more. She wondered why a small village would attract such a beautiful woman. Unless of course, she had a job here. She might be passing through and in need of a friend. “Thank you.”

  Tanis smiled and stood up. “Please sit here.” She pointed to the seat next to hers. “I could do with some attractive young company tonight. My name’s Tanis McGregor.” Her jacket open, Tanis bent forward to show her allure, then moved aside. “I’m pleased to meet you. Sometimes this place can be so quiet.”

  Helen moved past Tanis and made to sit down. “I’m Helen Napier.”

  Tanis could feel Helen’s eyes on her body and suggested. “Why not take your coat off, Helen? Here let me help you with it.” Helen turned to let Tanis pull her coat down over her shoulders and arms. Holding her helpless in its sleeves for a moment. Tanis could feel the firm contours of Helen’s small breasts, and the steadily rising beat of her heart through the thin material of her blouse and soft bra. As she released Helen, she smiled and looked into her eyes. Her covered breasts brushed Helen’s face when she stretched over to hang Helen’s coat on the peg behind her. She looked down at her shy companion and said, “I’m sorry.” Helen was looking up at her with a worried frown and something else on her face. “I thin
k I’ll take my jacket off also, Helen, it’s becoming quite warm in here.”

  Embarrassed Helen said. “Your leathers are attractive Tanis. The tight outfit you have on beneath is quite striking too. Its colour suits your figure to perfection. Her eyes, unable to hold Tanis’s any longer, moved over her breasts, then down to the silver buckle of her belt, now level with her eyes. She followed the buckle’s arrowhead design to the zip of Tanis’s tight leather trousers. Her tongue, hungry to taste what lay within, she licked her lips. Her imagination alight, her fingers twitching to her thoughts, she knew why she had said what she had. Helen looked up into Tanis’s eyes and continued. “I’m sorry Tanis, I don’t know what’s got into me tonight. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You remind me of someone attractive I knew of once, a long time ago.”

  Tanis laughed. Nothing’s got into you yet Helen. Something is going to later, or my name’s not Tanis. “We must stop apologising to each other Helen.” She hung her jacket beside Helen’s coat and watched her prey’s eyes follow her tightly constrained body back down into her seat. Helen’s eyes glued to her swollen nipples.

  “Yes, Tanis we must!” With abruptness, Helen changed the subject. “What can you tell me about Paul, Tanis? I am worried about him.”

  “Paul sat in the seat opposite to where you are sitting now. He told me about you, also why he was here. We had a quiet drink together.” Tanis placed her hand on Helen’s arm, it was trembling. “He was looking for a room for the night. So, instead of sending him up the road to the local B & B in the pouring rain. I told him I had a spare room at my house if he wanted it. I asked him to sit with me for a while and talk to me about London. Me being a lesbian, I offered him one of my rooms because I felt I could trust him not to come onto me.”


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