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The Willing Prey

Page 15

by Scarlett Sunday

  “You don’t have to Tanis,” said Jean with a laugh. “I can tell you in exact detail what Welland’s thinking.”

  Welland had hoped Tanis and Jean hadn’t noticed where his eyes had been and apologised. “I’m sorry Tanis. It’s rare I have such a feast of beauty come into my club all wrapped up in two attractive packages of womanhood. Being a man, I can’t help but keep my eyes on the places they shouldn’t be. Anyway, my thoughts are worth more than a penny to you, and they don’t concern Jean.”

  Tanis laughed. “Welland does have a cheek, Jean. Why shouldn’t you look Welland? It’s as natural for a man to look at a woman’s breasts and buns as it is for a woman to look at his bulge and bum. I noticed yours when I came in.” She changed tack catching him by surprise. “You should know by now Jean, and I are lovers.” She winked at Jean. “If we don’t have any clients tonight, I’ll be looking forward to being Jean’s prisoner again. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable Welland. But, on this night of nights, anything goes within reason, right? I like what she does to me when she ties me up before she fucks me. So, why not indulge. We both enjoy bondage, and we prove it to each other by achieving great climaxes. You want to try it sometime Welland. As my hogtied prisoner, if you like?”

  Jean nodded. “Yes, Welland, when I have her hogtied and helpless over the bed end with my huge dildo buried in her cunt or bum. Because she likes it in both places, as I do. We can’t help but come.”

  “Go on, turn the screw you two. You know me too well.” With his hard-on threatening to burst out of his trousers at their candour, Welland continued. “Tanis, I like your honesty, and from what you’ve said, there’s hope for me yet. I’d like to get into Jean’s pants. But she’s not interested in men. Every time I look at her, I envy the woman who has her as a lover, in whatever situation. She could have the best of both worlds but prefers only one. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to fuck an attractive man. I’ve not fancied any yet. Even so, I can understand both your feelings. Tanis, I envy you for being bisexual. You enjoy the best of both worlds.”

  Tanis laughed, “All I can say Welland, try it and see. There’s a whole new world of pleasure out there.”

  Jean laughed. “There’s hope for you yet Welland Taggart. I love you for what you have just said.”

  Tanis could not believe her luck in walking into Welland’s nightclub. He as the owner and now her friend could give her access to all sorts of useful contacts. When I’m hungry. I can seduce someone suitable into a cubicle on the pretence of wanting their kinky custom. Then move on from there.

  She still harboured painful memories of Paul and Helen. Here, I can draw on a good cross-section of rogues and villains who would be hard to trace. They are the perfect candidates for my stasis chambers or my consumption. So long as I don’t touch Welland’s employees and keep my predatory ways for those who deserve them. I’ll be safe from suspicion.

  She needed to have sex with Welland, and soon. The way he looks at me, it’s clear he wants me for sex. She could feel moisture between her legs and impatient thoughts in her mind. It would be as if having my Viking Welland in my bed again. If this Welland’s bulge is anything to go by. With Jean there too, it would be like old times. With me being the meat in their fucking sandwich.

  It pleased her Viking Welland’s genes had survived. His love of rape and pillage had spread his exceptional genes over most of the European continent and beyond. There could be a male or a female version of him anywhere. Viking Welland had liked his slave girls and prisoners when she was busy on her own or with Freyja. Modern Welland, would like his fun too.

  Tanis remembered her words when she had given Viking Welland a slave for breeding. ‘Welland, Freyja nor I can conceive of you, and you need strong, healthy sons to succeed you. So, Gunhilde, my fertile Germanium slave, is my love gift to you.’

  Viking Welland had sired four healthy children from Gunhilde’s loins, and Gunhilde had never stopped loving him until the day she died giving birth to Welland the younger. Whose direct descendant now sat opposite ogling her. She smiled at the memory of her Viking lover, not conscious of her tears.

  Welland’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Tanis, you have tears in your eyes. Forgive me if I have upset you.”

  “It’s not you Welland.”

  “Why the tears then?”

  “Old memories of old lovers.”

  Welland continued his hopes high again. “I’d like to take you out to dinner one night if I may Tanis. In preference, to my apartment upstairs.”

  Jean laughed. “He’s a cheeky sod, Tanis. That’s not going out Welland, it’s staying in.”

  Tanis smiled at his boldness. “I would like dinner with you Welland.”

  “Where do you work Tanis?” Welland asked with genuine interest, feeling the bulge in his trousers starting to recede. Boy! She knows how to get a man going. I can’t keep my eyes off her tits.

  “I’ll be working with Jean from our office in town, and if you don’t mind, from out of your nightclub here?”

  “I don’t mind. I’ll get to see you here more often. Can I hire you for your body now and again, or is it considered taboo between best friends?”

  Tanis laughed with Jean and studied Welland’s face. He means it and if he’s anything like his distant ancestor. I know what I’ll be in for. “Welland, we could be sexual friends, as I am with Jean. I wouldn’t charge you. I might even go as far to come in here and make you my captive lover, whenever I feel the need to take a male prisoner.”

  Jesus! She has the words too. His cock wide-awake again, Welland said. “I take it I’m on a promise then, Tanis Napier?”

  “Yes. You only have to say the word, Welland Taggart.”

  Welland’s face turned a bright scarlet and his cock hardened into full erection. Jean, sitting next to him, smiled at his stiff discomfiture. “Behave yourself, you big ape. You asked for that Welland.”

  “Holy Shit!” It was clear there was an intense physical relationship between the two women. It made Welland more determined. Tanis had already admitted her sexuality to him, which served to excite him. The erotic sensations, which ran through his body. At the thought of Jean fucking Tanis’s bound body over her bed end. Almost brought him to climax.

  Tanis glanced at him. “You look uncomfortable Welland.”

  He brazened it out. “Tanis, if I told you my thoughts, you wouldn’t believe me.”

  “Oh! I think I would. It’s the same as before. You’re wondering what goes on between Jean and me when we’re having sex. You would like to be the fly on the wall with a hard-on watching us at it. Or better still, while you are shagging me, I’m shagging Jean. Or me shagging you with a dildo while I have you tied up and helpless, with Jean up my arse, and me up yours? Jean and I like sexual sandwiches sometimes, which always takes three.”

  Welland laughed at his thoughts, “Fuck me, Tanis! You know me too well?”

  “Men always wonder about such things. When they see two women holding hands together in a nightclub. It fascinates them.”

  Welland glanced at Jean, his hand on her arm. “I’m sorry Jean, I shouldn’t be prying into your private world with Tanis.”

  “Tanis is right Welland. We have no restraints on our sex unless we use ones made of rope.”

  Welland looked back at Tanis. Her independence and her active mind turn me on. I must see more of her... The phone on the table rang. Welland looked at it mesmerised. “Damn! It’s got to be for one of you. I was enjoying this little tête-à-tête.”

  Jean picked up the phone, listened for a moment. Then looked across the room at an attractive middle-aged blonde woman. Who, dressed in a tight leather catsuit, carried a rope lasso. Which she was twirling with suggestive vigour in her right hand.

  Jean laughed and waved. “I have to go Tanis.” She put her hand on Tanis’s arm and said. “Don’t worry, it’s one of my many prisoners, an old client. You can find your way home from here. I’ll leave the car in Welland’s private ca
r park. If you don’t want to drive home tonight, most of the taxi drivers know where we live. We can continue where we left off when I come home.”

  “Okay, Jean. Don’t worry about me either. I’ll be all right.”

  “I won’t be going yet, Tanis. Helga always wants a little drink and a chat first. She’s a masseuse and owns a health farm out of town. She’s into submissive bondage like you, and it’s always fun for me to tie her up and fuck her.”

  “You be careful Jean. I’ve good cause to know what ropes and other things can do to a willing body. You have a good time. I’ll see you when you come home. Phone me and let me know you’re safe.”

  Jean squeezed Tanis’s arm. “I will.” She winked at Tanis and stood up. “It seems I have a new captive to take tonight, Welland.”

  Welland said. “Fuck me, Tanis! What do you two girls get up to?”

  “All sorts of things. Jean’s the best captor-lover I’ve ever had.”

  “I’ll bet she is. I must leave you now Tanis. But only after I have cooled down some. You two talking has done things to my body. As much as I would like to stay and chat, I can’t.”

  “We do understand Welland.”

  When Welland’s massive erection had subsided somewhat, he felt secure enough to stand. He said. “I’ll be back later if I see you’re still alone Tanis. You are bound to get a call though now I’m leaving.”

  “If I don’t Welland, I’d like to make you my prisoner tonight.”

  “I can only live in hope Tanis…” Suddenly there was a loud crash, and the mirror behind the bar disintegrated. Welland shouted. “Holy Fucking Shit! Not tonight of all nights… Please, not tonight.”



  The Battle


  About to thank Welland for his hospitality. Tanis looked up in time. To see a second chair, bounce off the barman’s head. Then crash into what remained of the large ornate mirror behind the bar. Without a sound, the barman slumped down out of sight. She felt a surge of anger and excitement course through her body. Discarding her jacket, she glanced across at Welland to see how he would react. With a roar of rage, which reminded her of his Viking ancestor. He stood up and advanced towards the four ape-like men dressed in Batman suits. Who had just entered the club? Tanis took a quick glance at the door. Two of Welland’s doormen were dead. Both lay on the carpet in pools of blood, their throats slit from ear to ear.

  “Holy Shit!” Welland shouted. “The bastards must have taken them from behind to kill them so quickly.”

  Tanis watched him move towards the costumed superheroes and started to rise. He’s a berserker dressed in cavalry twill and a blazer. I can’t let him face them alone. Even for him, they are too many.

  Alone, or so he thought, Welland faced the armed thugs in front of him. They didn’t come much better than he when it came to a street fight or a barroom brawl. He knew all the tricks for he had learnt to fight in the roughest, toughest school in the business. In his left trouser pocket, he carried two small tea bags filled with cayenne pepper. He thrust his hands into his pockets and looked at the four thugs.

  With an angry growl in his throat, he said. “You know you bastards are going to pay, don’t you?” His kind blue eyes were bloodshot now, and his mouth drooled madness, a sure sign of berserk rage. In a low, menacing voice, he continued. “I don’t know who sent you boys or where you came from. But you just made the biggest mistake of your short lives when you decided to fuck with Welland Taggart.”

  The noise in the club had died to a whisper. Someone had already called for an ambulance and the police. One of the customers, a chubby bald doctor. Had taken his giant nappy off and was trying to staunch the blood flow, from a doorman’s horrendous wound with it. His face in shock. He’d borrowed a long black SS General’s leather greatcoat to cover his nakedness. He looked like an enormous black beetle with an Iron Cross devouring a corpse. Welland had freed himself from his blazer and moved towards the intruders. Ready for the battle.

  Tanis could see he intended to kill them before the police arrived. She moved to join him. If I don’t help him, they will kill him.

  “I’m ready for you, you bastards. Come to Poppa. You’ll not sneak up on me as you did on my doormen. For what you’ve done to them, you are going to pay big time!”

  Welland meant to kill them, and they knew it. He looked like he was going to enjoy doing it.

  “Shut it Shitface!” The leader screamed at him. “We warned you, you big Scottish turd. When we’ve finished with you, Taggart. You’ll be little cubes of meat all over your beautiful new red carpet.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for arseholes? Here I am. If you bastards think you can walk over Welland Taggart and take over without a fight think again.” With a ‘Berserker’ rage, Welland moved towards them with menace. He heard something rip. Turned, and saw two blouse sleeves and the remains of Tanis’s skirt on the carpet behind him. “Tanis?”

  Tanis joined him and stood shoulder to shoulder with him in silence. She had kicked her shoes off, leaving her in only her panties, and what remained of her blouse. Her muscular arms and legs free. She, Shani, and Freyja were ready to do battle. Her eyes far away and bloodshot. Yet, with controlled anger in them, matched Welland’s insane rage. She answered, “Welland?”

  “What the fuck’s the Sheila doing Taggart? Is she fighting your battles now? We’ll fuck her over the bar when we’ve finished with you. One up the arse, one up the cunt, and one in the mouth. Poofter Jimmy here can have you any which way but loose.”

  Welland didn’t hear them, his eyes were on Tanis. He didn’t recognise her or the words she uttered. Although they sounded familiar.

  “Welland my love, it’s as it should be, and I call on you as always to help silence these swine.”

  “Tanis! What the fuck are you rambling on about? This is not your fight, so keep out of it. I can deal with this scum. I’m used to it. They will kill you, or worse.”

  “This is more my fight than you think my Welland. I too am used to it.”

  The strange light in Tanis’s eyes, and the quiet, confident way in which she stood beside him, silenced him. I’ll deal with it so they won't hurt her.

  From across the room, Jean shouted. “Tanis! Please sit down. You don’t know these people...” One look from Tanis shut her up. She watched helplessly as Tanis and Welland moved together towards the thugs. She could not help thinking. What a pair they make. It’s as though they’ve done this all before. Oh My God! Tanis’s eyes have the fire of amber and a glint of green in them. Her hair is changing colour too...Like in the cellar but copper red?

  Neither Jean nor the other customers could move a muscle as they watched the drama unfold. All except for one who made himself comfortable in his chair? Smiled at the young Japanese girl who sat opposite him, and prepared to watch the drama unfold, with keen interest. His name. Tanaka Yamoto self-styled Japanese Samurai warrior, Yakuza, and dangerous psychopath.

  Not realising his danger, the Aussie leader called out with a sneer. “Fuck the Sheila off Taggart.” All armed with long filleting knives his bravado soared. “Warned you were, now take the bloody consequences, and I do mean bloody.” He glanced at Tanis and smiled. “We’re going to fillet you and her like fish. I’m going to cut her tits off and suck them dry in front of her as she dies.”

  “Stop shooting your mouth off and make a move you Aussi bastard. I have a club to run and my men to look out for.”

  The four thugs closed and prepared to charge. Tanis’s voice stopped them in their tracks. Her use of archaic English from a long-gone age carried around the room. “You cowards have dared to enter the hall of my friend without invitation and kill two of his people. For doing so, you will die. You have dared to come against us with your puny weapons, and we stand unarmed. For that too, you will die. Your weapons will make no difference for you will die just the same. I, Tanis of Delphi have judged you, and I Tanis of Delphi will carry out your executions.”
  “What the fuck’s the Sheila blabbing about Taggart?”

  “Prepare to die scum.” Before Welland could move, Tanis gave a battle cry, which froze his blood, and leapt for the nearest thug. She took him in complete surprise. Holding the thug’s knife hand by the wrist. She turned it with ease and drove its long thin blade upwards under his chin into his brain. When she tasted his blood on her lips, it forced a second blood-curdling battle cry from her. “Ooodinnn!”

  The other three thugs distracted gave her the time to bring her knee up into the groin of one of them. The thug bent forward with a scream of pain and clutched his balls. She cut his yell short by placing one hand on the back of his neck and driving two fingers of the other into his eye sockets. Turning him, so he knelt before her and faced the stunned crowd. She tore the knife from his hand and ran it across his upturned throat. He dropped to the floor with a strangled gurgle. His blood pumping into the carpet. His hands clutching in desperation at his throat. Trying to hold his severed arteries together.

  The other two thugs came at her from each side. Tanis seized the nearest by the wrist and forced him down and around. Circling his throat with her hands from behind. She brought a knee up between his shoulder blades and forced his head back onto her thigh. Snapping his spine at the neck. The loud sickening crackle as it broke, carrying across the crowded room. She dropped him and turned for the fourth with the knife of the thug she had just killed in her hand.

  Welland had him by the throat. Tanis caught him by his Batman cape and pulled him from Welland’s grasp. As a fifth thug from the crowd ran at Welland’s back. She shouted. “Behind you my Welland!” She pushed her thug to the floor in front of her. Sitting astride his back, she pulled his head back onto her stomach by his eye sockets. With another blood-curdling yell to Odin, she cut his throat too.

  The bloodlust bright in amber-green eyes she leapt to help Welland with the fifth. But he had already dealt with him. The thug lay lifeless at Welland’s feet, his back broken, his head at a crazy angle.


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